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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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I started shaving around 13. I had a full beard at 15.


I be one hairy mother****er.




Yay! I've spammed up the whole forum... and a couple of other ones I passed on the way here while I was at it. Now I feel like it was a full day, and can go to bed.

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Yeah, well... true as that might possibly be... I have had a miserable enough time in my life so far just attempting to keep my face shaved.


It will be a snowy day in Hades before I ever brandish a razor towards any other parts on my body.


I guess I'll just have to suffer the consequences, what ever they may or may not be, of my inaction.



All that being said... this is pretty damn funny, though. Be sure to seek out the music video on the site... Heh heh heheheh...




I wonder if we can break the 300 post-count number in this thread today... that would truly kick some serious boo-tay. It's been a busy month either way...

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work was a drag yesterday....


got home and played knights of old republic II....turning dark side is so gratifying. mwahaha....


After my sister got off the computer I got on Galaxies and was on til 3am...my mark was in a private structure getting free gcw points...pretty lame, so i was like 'know what i'm gonna call in support....' so we got together like 8 imperials and went and hit the place...they had an imperial placing bases so they could bust them for gcw points (which must be obtained to get ranks and ability to purchase stuff from recruiters), we did 3 attack runs on it, and failed to get rid of them all. So we headed to Restuss PVP zone and dominated there til 3am...it was fun. i woke up at 9:30 this morning and i'm just getting ready to set out to kill some damn squirrels. Might post pictures later!

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Did you have a particularly traumatic experience with squirrels when you were younger 15? (I know I did... details to follow.) Or is it that they are just easy, plentiful targets in lieu of a profound lack of womprats here on planet Earth?


My particular squirrel-induced trauma happened when I was 9- or 10-ish. I was sitting at a picnic table in a parking lot, eating peanuts when this cute, grey, bushy-tailed fella scampered over to where I was and climbed up on the other end of the table and started regarding me with it's giant round eyes. "Oh how cute!" everyone around me proclaimed. "He wants a peanut!"

So I proceeded to take one out of the jar, and was starting to reach out to drop it down towards the other end of the table when the thing LUNGED across the table at me and chomped down hard on my thumb, ignoring the nut completely.

"Aaahhh!" I said, and started to wave my arm around for several long seconds in a highly comical fashion, squirrel still quite firmly attached to my digit. It was like something out of a ****in' Tom & Jerry cartoon.

I finally smacked it against the edge of the table and it let go and scurried off. It had bitten pretty deeply through the end of my thumb, right through the nail.


Fortunately for me, the parking lot I was in was to a hospital emergency room.

I wandered in, got bandaged up,.. got a tetanus shot (the day just kept getting better.)

My mother asked the doctor if I had to worry about rabies. "No, I don't think so..." "Why not?" "Because you're the 5th person to get bitten out there this month."




This leads me to 2 possible conclusions:

1.) This animal had developed a ghoulish taste for human flesh and blood... possibly by raiding the hospital dumpsters and consuming medical waste it found there...


2.) Was part of a litter of squirrels trained to attack by a mad doctor or hospital administrator and released on hospital grounds in order to stir up more lucrative emergency room walk-in visits.


Either one is a frightening scenario for the future of human/ rodentia relations...




Seriously though... it sucked.


Another thought just occurred to me... It's probably a very good thing that co-worker o' mine who has the links to our location has never (to my personal knowledge, anyway...) clicked on them.


She's a devout vegan, and a very serious animal-rights/ PETA-type person,.. and I can only imagine the horror she would go through reading most of 15's posts to date.

For that matter, Cracken's too... as she regards McDonalds as the Evil Empire, and has often stopped people on the way back to their office with a fast-food lunch to write "McMurder" on the bag and to give a serious scolding.

So between Crack's employment at the world's worst animal exploiting corporation, and 15's blasting away at anything with 4 legs and a pulse, and the rest of us quietly complicit in these crimes... I don't imagine she would find much to like with the group of us.


She is a pretty knowledgeable fellow Star Wars geek(-ette?), though... so that does help score some points there...



Consequently... when I said that I often ranted about work in my journal entries, the first question out of her mouth was "Oh,.. did you ever say you have a crazy co-worker that goes around writing "McMurder" on everybody's lunch?"


At the time the answer was, truthfully: "No"...


Now, in case she ever really does show up, I'm covered... :dozey:


Probably not gonna be real happy with the contents of this particular post, though... aw hell.

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I think of someone at my office did that to me I would write McBitch on something of theirs, or just file a harrasment complaint for the hell of it.


Sadly Ed I have shaved my chest, used Nair Men too, it doesnt work that well, last maybe a bit longer than a shave, but takes way more time. The gf hates the chest hair, but likes the tummy hair, I dont ask, I just comply since its of no consequence to me.



Nute: I keep my hair pretty short, so I theoretically need a haircut eveyr 3 weeks because of how mangy it gets quickly, the short hair is nice for the whole wearing a helmet and riding my bike to work thing.........


good thing I do it myself and don't suck at it, saves me a solid 20 bucks a month

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well i got a shot off at a squirrel and it escaped or was wounded and went in a hole to die, looked over the area about 20 minutes trying to find any traces, i may have missed...I saw a few other squirrels but they were running too fast for me to bother wasting ammo...i only shoot when i think i can make a hit, only fired one round. I did see some deer while I was out there, 3 and i'm pretty sure they were all doe. before I headed back, I spotted movement 150 meters out, i think it was a deer, i took some pictures just gotta upload them. I was out there for about 90 minutes, when the wind chill started I decided to leave, I already have a cold...I don't want pnemonia or bronchitis.

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I think of someone at my office did that to me I would write McBitch on something of theirs, or just file a harrasment complaint for the hell of it.



I don't think she's ever actually done it to me, personally. I usually sneak by that office pretty quickly most of the time... especially so when I have lunch.


She's generally a pretty cool person otherwise.


I try not to do things that strain the working relationships between offices in the building any more than they already can be. I'm typically a pretty tolerant person when it comes to stuff like that too. Who really cares what someone else says or thinks? I just naturally assume nobody gives much of a damn what I say or think... they should just learn to expect the same in return from me about their pet opinions.


Besides... I'm normally wrapped up in my own dark, gloomy private universe to ever really notice anyone else much.


Ink on a bag really doesn't hurt or change anything, anyhow. I'll just go and eat my lunch anyways...

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1.) This animal had developed a ghoulish taste for human flesh and blood... possibly by raiding the hospital dumpsters and consuming medical waste it found there...


A little known fact about squirrels is they are omnivorous and will predatate on smaller things like mice.

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We do NOT exploit animals. The fish, chickens, pigs and cows BEGGED us to be eaten.


We mearly provide an outlet for thier desire. Yup, that's it. No corperate greed here, move along.... >.>


OK OK, fine, we're a bunch of greedy, monetaristic whores who want nothing more than your hard earned dollar. It's just like the federal government, only we feed you. :D

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You know nothing about greed until the second time you do cocaine. Dude.


Or until your wife has left you and takes the 7 cars, the 7 houses, the 7 horses, the 7 planes, the 7 jupiter moons, the 7 islands, the 7 moneys - but not the 7 kids. Dude.


Or if you've just had a very, very short-timed coitus interruptus. Dude.


Or until you're on 4 Viagras at a table dance bar. Dude.


Hey maybe even until you happen not to be Ray Jones.



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Maybe there's a way to incorporate all the issues above into one neat, tidy solution...


I know! I've got it... have the new McSquirrel sandwich. And Squirrel McNuggets. Squirrel-flavored shakes? OK... not so much that one.


And then go home and shoot up a Viagra and cocaine cocktail. Then go to Best Buy. And shoot things.


Or not.


It's early again. I'm up again. I'm tired again.



Adult Swim managed to set my city into a huge panic and pretty much shut the entire place down during the height of rush hour last night. Cartoon character inspired anarchy...

There are some days it's good to be alive. :) Sit back and observe... enjoy watching the chaos. These are the moments I live for.


Last night's concert was a serious pain in my ass, though. Crappy way to start the semester. A bad omen for the rest of the concert season.


The first band to play was actually fine. Easy to work with. Sounded good. Started and ended on time.


The other band, however...


Too loud. Too long. Too high-maintenance.

Violin player running through a ton of guitar pedals who wants to play at Metallica-like volume levels... but NOT playing a solid instrument. Wanted to slap him. Guitar player was way too loud too. "I have to get my tone!"

Well I just can't make the violin any louder, chief! It's already all feedback as it is... not telling you what to do,.. but if you actually want folks to enjoy the concert or something... just sayin'... if you do leave it at that volume, then do me a favor, and point it at the other wall or something, and not right at my face so I have somewhat of a chance to hear anything else... (To his credit, he turned down after the last comment...)


Fun night.

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Generally I mic the amps... just in case they have half a clue and keep the volume reasonable and I can mix and balance them with the rest of the band. Plus, there might be need to put some guitar in the monitors for the drummer way in the back or behind Plexiglas.


If they get too loud, like he started last night, I just turn the mic off. Since he's the loudest thing on stage, I am forced to balance everything else to his level.


Couldn't be done last night with the acoustic violin though.


I now have the channels to mic everything on stage. Don't always use them all, but I generally set them up.

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Ink on a bag really doesn't hurt or change anything, anyhow. I'll just go and eat my lunch anyways...



I would be more so annyoed that she a) wasted my time and assumed I care about her opinion on a topic that obviously doenst interest me since i am EATING mcdonalds, and b) did I mention wasting my time?


As far as the aqua teen stuff, I'm sorry but thats ****ing stupid. there a handful of minor instances in the other 15 cities, but nothing newsworthy, mostly becuase they flick off people and some people dont like that, thats it.


Its bull crap that they are trying to prosecute the guy as a freakin terrorist wannabe trying to insite chaos and fear.


'it had wires and a battery'. well if it has a battery it HAS TO HAVE WIRES.



people are hiding behind this 'post 9/11 world' crap as a reason to be ultra paranoid and stupid.


of all things, hes just an employee, its not his responsibility to ensure the permits are in place and boston knows they are going up, thats the ad agencies job. They should get ahefty fine for lack of permits, and it should go away

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So this guy I work with (who is an obvious ATHF fan, since his AIM buddy icon is the same picture as the one on the devices) comes up to me today as says: "So... I guess my roommates caused a little bit of havoc yesterday..."

Ah. Holy crap.

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Then again. Err, what? Y'all seem to have a life outside of LF. Boah.

Slim to nil?


Sure: it's a life.


But then, technically, so is the all slimy stuff growing between the tiles in my bathroom. :dozey: Not really all that high a standard there.

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That's hilarious Ed, they are hero's in my eyes.

I'll pass it along. ;)


Another kinda slowish day at work. There was an event going on, but I wasn't really working it. Helped in the set-up though. Fixed an errant lighting instrument. Put a couple of mics back into service. Got our new stage covering delivered. And our new piano mic system...


Other than that, really the only other highlight was just the revelation that I work with a guy who lives under the same roof with Boston's current public enemies, numbers 1 and 2.

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