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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Never tell me the odds! I'll take that bet! :D


I'm just sitting here at work waiting for the stage crew to show up at 4:00 so we can set up the stage for tonight's concert.


Should be a total piece of cake tonight,.. but I've thought that before... about a 7% chance of going seamlessly and being totally painless, I'd say... Maybe less now that I think about it...

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That gives you more time to um.... absorb the info Zarg.


So you pass the class, right?


yeah...... insomnia beating my ass in. I was up for 23:30 minutes straight. Used caffinee pills to survive work. Not happy fun times.


Came home, got maybe 3 hours, not solid hours either. Will try to sleep tonight, but odds are looking pretty bad.

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I go through that once in a while. Bites the bag. So to speak.


Hasn't been as bad since I did the full flush of caffeine out of my system though. Been sleeping pretty good for the most part lately.


Oops... gotta go start the show! Yeowch!

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well i let my sister know of my plans to reenlist in army. she wanted to know why, my reasoning is i am not getting anywhere in my current job, being pushed to part-time for no reason of my own is pretty lame, and I don't have the desire to go look for other jobs...nobody likes hiring 23 year old guys and paying above $8 an hour with hours i like. i guess my job i'm getting tired of it. everybody says to me wow you're so smart, etc. and it's like yeah i am but look what i'm doing...I feel bad, as if i am actually supporting the al qaeda terrorists by not doing my part (aside from paying taxes to support the fight against those that wish to terrorize us) and serving my country. it's the feeling of an echoing guilt that i can't shake, it makes me think that I would find my place in the world if i was back in the army, and i end up hating everything and thinking i'm just wasting my time where i'm at, which in turn makes me angry...

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The Army is dangerous business. War is not fun. It takes more than killing them to stop this kind of enemy.


In fact, I'm in the belief that killing and refusing to acknowledge some of our mistakes is keeping them going. These are fanatics we're dealing with, Not Nazi's or the Japanese or the British or an invading nation bent on some sort of global reorganization into a single perfect human species. This is ideological, a war of intellect. Our way, our religion and lifestyle versus theres.


There's nothing that will stop them. Killing them makes them martyers against the West. Appeasing them will embolden them. Bowing to them will make us seem weak, and furthur embolden them to get new followers.


Joining up and enlisting is noble, I have no doubt. To train and proliferate the art of war is a hard life, a hard business, for this, I have the respect for our soldiers aboard and at home. But to fight this war takes more than bullets 15, it takes something that probably nobody has thought about as a legitimate tactic.


Leave them alone.


Remember 15, you will be engaging them in thier home, in thier territory, among them. They have been invaded and oppresed by western powers as far back as the Crusades. This is just an extension of that Crusade.


So why continue fighting? For revenge? Revenge begets revenge. For the safety of the nation? We're opening up our guns and weapons on people who have the mentality that any attack should be responded to in kind. For glory? Wars do not make one great. For stability? Nothing is far less stable than a combat zone. For your future? You put more on the line out there than here.


I'm not saying don't go, I'm trying to get you to think this through, my friend. Why go? Why fight? It is worth it? Will all your efforts and sacrafice be for nothing?


This war, this war on terror, on Islamic fanaticism is not a war to be won by force, but by ideals. It is a fight unending. I cannot change the way people think, like I can't change the colour of the sky, the position of the stars, or who I am. By fighting, do you think we will change thier mind and make them submit? Honestly, can you change the way your parents think? The way your siblings, or friends think?


You can't. And we can't change what these people think of us unless we take a stand and tell our leaders we don't want to continue the bloodshed. I'm no pacifist, but I can see we're losing this war.


Because for every terrorist we capture, for every fighter we kill, for every time we make one gain, they set us back two. They are so ingrained with that fanatical ideal, that there may be nothing to be done, and we've lost before we've even tried.


This war, 15, the war you want to fight. It's not there. This is not a war for freedom, for the safety of the free world, for democracy, for peace. This is a war of ideals, and ideals, beliefs, you cannot change.


Well, you can. But it results in genocide.

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... about a 7% chance of going seamlessly and being totally painless, I'd say... Maybe less now that I think about it...

You were correct, sir!


Seamless and painless were not on tonight's agenda. Joy oh joy oh joy oh joy oh :joy:


Time for sleep... to sleep, perchance to dream...


Aye, there's the rub! (But not what you're thinking, Ray!) ;P



... Been sleeping pretty good for the most part lately.

Heyyyy! Way to speak too ****in' soon, idiot! :rolleyes:


Let's see: Went to bed around 12:30... woke back up around 4:00 am. Tossed and turned until 6:00 when I just got too damn fed up to stay there any longer.

Yeah,.. excellent.


Got the feeling it's gonna be a great day today. Glad I'm not working tonight.

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good points, cracken. I also don't think we can change their minds about anything. So why fight them? If we don't continue to fight them and push them, they win and if we give in, we won't just lose Iraq, we will lose our freedom. I'm still deciding though, maybe i'll end up in the air force like my friend. only thing about that, it's more difficult to get the job you want.



ok recap of what i did yesterday..


Got up, washed dishes and went to get drinks picked up milk, orange juice, nesquick, and water...trying to give up soda. Got home and made a turkey sandwhich, then had my landlord come up to take a look at the radiators, as they were leaking...sink is also leaking....he accidentally tightened the nut on the radiator in the kitchen too much and gonna need to replace the nut on that...as for the radiator in the bathroom, we thought we fixed that one, but guess it created a leak somewhere else as his wife's side of the bed got soaked with water. So we're like wtf.....and can't find anyplace it could be leaking from. The sink is gonna need a different kind of washer as that is still leaking. I can't shower today as it might spring a leak...took one last night and afterwards is when i got the phone call about a leak. so that sucks...


I played a bit of galaxies as well last night, i'm trying to start a guild with my alt that will be at guild war with my main's guild....sick of mass pvp (way too much lag) in restuss and want to get battle events set up for guild war....

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The Army is dangerous business. War is not fun. It takes more than killing them to stop this kind of enemy.


In fact, I'm in the belief that killing and refusing to acknowledge some of our mistakes is keeping them going. These are fanatics we're dealing with, Not Nazi's or the Japanese or the British or an invading nation bent on some sort of global reorganization into a single perfect human species. This is ideological, a war of intellect. Our way, our religion and lifestyle versus theres.


There's nothing that will stop them. Killing them makes them martyers against the West. Appeasing them will embolden them. Bowing to them will make us seem weak, and furthur embolden them to get new followers.


Joining up and enlisting is noble, I have no doubt. To train and proliferate the art of war is a hard life, a hard business, for this, I have the respect for our soldiers aboard and at home. But to fight this war takes more than bullets 15, it takes something that probably nobody has thought about as a legitimate tactic.


Leave them alone.


Remember 15, you will be engaging them in thier home, in thier territory, among them. They have been invaded and oppresed by western powers as far back as the Crusades. This is just an extension of that Crusade.


So why continue fighting? For revenge? Revenge begets revenge. For the safety of the nation? We're opening up our guns and weapons on people who have the mentality that any attack should be responded to in kind. For glory? Wars do not make one great. For stability? Nothing is far less stable than a combat zone. For your future? You put more on the line out there than here.


I'm not saying don't go, I'm trying to get you to think this through, my friend. Why go? Why fight? It is worth it? Will all your efforts and sacrafice be for nothing?


This war, this war on terror, on Islamic fanaticism is not a war to be won by force, but by ideals. It is a fight unending. I cannot change the way people think, like I can't change the colour of the sky, the position of the stars, or who I am. By fighting, do you think we will change thier mind and make them submit? Honestly, can you change the way your parents think? The way your siblings, or friends think?


You can't. And we can't change what these people think of us unless we take a stand and tell our leaders we don't want to continue the bloodshed. I'm no pacifist, but I can see we're losing this war.


Because for every terrorist we capture, for every fighter we kill, for every time we make one gain, they set us back two. They are so ingrained with that fanatical ideal, that there may be nothing to be done, and we've lost before we've even tried.


This war, 15, the war you want to fight. It's not there. This is not a war for freedom, for the safety of the free world, for democracy, for peace. This is a war of ideals, and ideals, beliefs, you cannot change.


Well, you can. But it results in genocide.


I really don't want to get into it Cracken, but 'leaving them alone' got us nowhere just as fast as occupying iraq, they were blowing up embassys, attacking us naval vessels and bases all though the 90's. Our death rate climbs slightly faster than it was before, but theirs is exponentially higher.


Of course, it would be a much better situation if we were just in Afghanistan right now and not both.....

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That gives you more time to um.... absorb the info Zarg.


So you pass the class, right?


yeah...... insomnia beating my ass in. I was up for 23:30 minutes straight. Used caffinee pills to survive work. Not happy fun times.


Came home, got maybe 3 hours, not solid hours either. Will try to sleep tonight, but odds are looking pretty bad.



97% in the class right now.........I think thats good enough for now.


I am dealing with minor sleep issues at the moment, mostly due to the fact that my sleep schedule shifts by a few hours on weekends cuz the gf likes to stay up way later than me, and then I sleep later, and its always easier to shift everything later than earlier.

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so K./cracken you think it was a good idea for me to be in the navy right now?


i mean sure i havent gone over to that area yet thus far, but its inevitable that i will. its going to happen. nothing i can do about it with out embarrassing myself in the process and screw my life over it :D


me personally i dont want to see any of my friends of family going over there. my OWN BROTHER came back from there after being there for 18 months in one piece, but theres still having to deal with coming back with the same mind from oncce he left with.


same with a buddy of mine that i've known since kindergarden, i went into the navy a couple of months he joined the marines. he did he time in the marines, and came back. and he's incredibly not the same. tho im glad he's doing well now.



15, if i were you i'd join the navy too. not to try and push anything, but the air force is prolly looking like the next one in the chopping block for troops in iraw due to the recruitment rate drop offs with the marines and the army.

dont go over there, at least in the navy you will have less chance to get killed (or at least it seems)

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It took a week longer than anticipated, but I finally got a car.




She's mine tomorrow! We just had to wait overnight for my insurance to kick in, but it's a done deal... 2000 Impala, with 128,000km for $6800 (Canadian $). Not the best deal, but still better than average, considering the thing's in amazing shape for a 7 year old car.


First upgrade: CD player...

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Got home around 6:30 and fell asleep almost immediately. Just woke up to pee, drink a little water, and shut the PC down.


Hopefully I can get back to sleep before I wake up too much. There's a departmental meeting I supposed to be at in the a.m.,.. but I might just blow it off if I can get some more sleep. It's gonna be a late night tomorrow, and a seriously headache-inducing show at that.


If I can manage to sleep in, I'm gonna have to take it...


'Night, all.

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The chinese man says: "Sleep is like a bird, try to catch him and he will fly away."


Or was it "Sleep with a bird, why catch a fly anyway?" No, it was "The sheep and the bird are like a cat on it's way."



No, no, no. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


Ah, now I know: "I pry cheese from my shirt every night and also day!"


These chinese people are pretty strange, huh?

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Well, I did manage to sleep from 6:30 p.m. last evening to quarter-of-9 a.m. this morning, with only about an hour or 2 in there where I woke up.


A pretty good night's sleep as such things go, I guess. I must have needed it or something...


Never gonna make that meeting now, even if I truly wanted to, however. Aw, shucks! ;)

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i woke up to my alarm...kept hitting snooze til i woke up. :D at like 7:30......


My cold is almost gone. so happy it only lasted a week. started with a stomach ache which i suspect was caused from Arby's...then turned into a sore throat, then stuffy nose, etc. could have been the flu, but i'm over it. cough drops didn't help this time, it was the dayquil. I'm glad i didn't develop a cough...maybe cough drops prevented that. who knows.


my galaxies subscription is almost up.....not sure if i will resub or go back on world of warcraft....it seems all i do when i'm not working is go on video games, and usually i'm just as bored, it's mostly an escape from being lonely all the time.


I'm not looking forward to the new dresscode for work. i don't really care but it's just another hassle of having to go out and buy more clothes that i have no closet space or dresser space for. -_-

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our small snowblower has a crack on the nozzle for the gas line on the gas tank, so its worthless for now.


the large one wouldnt start, and the roads didnt close to driveable till after I had shoveled the whole thing out. For the heck of it I went and got some starting fluid anyways, and it started right up, I guess 0F is a bit cold for carbs to cold start in. pretty anooying that we have 2 blowers and I had to spend 3 hours shoveling

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Ed: What show? :D
You already know. The one I warned you about...


9 bands (Oh wait... 10! They added one last minute!)... all way too loud. None alike.

Can finally head home. Ears ringing. Head aching. Neck cramping. Fun stuff...


Did get a 1-gig flash drive this year though. Had to kinda fight to get it, however. :rolleyes: Of all the people who worked tonight who deserve one...


At least I know that I have a whole year to recoup before it comes around again. Will probably take that long... Yay. :dozey:

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