edlib Posted February 16, 2007 Share Posted February 16, 2007 Well... I did fall asleep nice and early last night. I also woke back up nice and early last night too. Been awake since about 2:30. This will be a good day. On the plus side: My computer with the dicey, touchy hard-drive started right up this morning, and is reporting all normal. Go figure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zargon Posted February 16, 2007 Share Posted February 16, 2007 isn't she au natural? I seem to remember seeing her on SNL yeras ago with really hairy armpits I got nothing done last night, I watched scrubs ugly betty and 30 rock go tno hw done, and went to bed at 9, basicaly slept solid till 6:30 and rolled over and woke up to my alarm at 7:15 I cleared some people driveways after work wednesday and didnt get home till almost 10, and slept like crap, so I had that coming, I was exhausted all day yesterday Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wildstar Posted February 16, 2007 Share Posted February 16, 2007 edlib said: On the plus side: My computer with the dicey, touchy hard-drive started right up this morning, and is reporting all normal. Go figure. I was experiencing a similar problem last year, and eventually the drive was failing to spin up quickly enough to boot. I'd still have the drive replaced before you start having more frequent problems with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue15 Posted February 16, 2007 Share Posted February 16, 2007 well my item did not arrive, so i'm leaving some negative feedback. piss me off. or i could just say item never came after 2 weeks and get a full refund.....man that pisses me off, going out in frostbitten temperatures and all i get in mail is the damn cable bill. perhaps the post office is holding out on me, maybe i should call and see? god now im just pissed off. then again, i ordered it the 12th, it was shipped the 14th...so should will be here tomorrow. unless the person decided to hit up the post office after hours, which is probably the case! now i'll be bored half the day. yay. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zargon Posted February 16, 2007 Share Posted February 16, 2007 good luck. I have 2 packes I ordered not sowing up right now, a fender for my bike, its been 2 weeks, the guy is checking for a tracking #, and some carbs, the guy sent me the wrong item after I had file da paypal claim after a month of no contact from him Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted February 16, 2007 Share Posted February 16, 2007 Zargon said: isn't she au natural? I seem to remember seeing her on SNL yeras ago with really hairy armpits Couldn't tell you. Long sleeves. Keyboard player is cute and friendly though. @Wildstar: It's been like that for almost 2 years now. Still seems to run fine once booted. I was told that it's a pretty common issue with Dells of my vintage. There's really nothing wrong with the drive, it just reports a failure, but works fine. However, I do already have a big, almost new drive to go in. I just need the couple of days to make sure I'm fully backed up, and to install the drive and the software environment again. So far that hasn't happened lately. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue15 Posted February 17, 2007 Share Posted February 17, 2007 drove my dad into town today for his stress test....we missed the place by a couple miles...got to test out my car's speed too....it's fast let's leave it at that. got home and opened up my cable bill to discover that i completely forgot to pay last month. oops! guess the uh...car insurance bill got in the way there! I'd pay it now, however...the money I would have payed it with was given to Kost Tire because the power converter on my car.....so i almost freaked out, about snapped my desk in half, then decided to get something to eat and then realized that I my income tax SHOULD be available next week, so i'll just use that. Hopefully I don't exceed the 5 days and suffer disconnection and extra $22.50 service fee, and whatever else they'd tack on for breaching a one-year contract...got like 4 bills next week then....insurance, rent, and TWO cable bills. resubscribed to galaxies out of boredom...why I did that, I don't know. -_- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted February 17, 2007 Share Posted February 17, 2007 Having a bitch of a time staying awake. Nothing for me to do during the show, so I'm just sitting at my desk importing CDs into iTunes. I've only recognized one song of her's so far... the cowboy one... I guess I'm just not a fan. Her band is really good... but it just not doing it for me, I'm afraid. Gonna be a real fun ride home. I can already see myself nodding... Crank the tunes and open the windows time. Long weekend for me though... if I do somehow manage to make it home alive without falling asleep at the wheel. I plan on sleeping all of tomorrow away. EDIT: I'm home. I'm still alive. I think. However: If I don't get some rest soon that might not be the case for much longer... Been up about 23 hours straight. By the time I'm in bed and actually asleep I'll be able to call it a day. Literally. That sucks. But in the mood I'm currently in everything sucks. Sure as hell didn't like the show much... but I can't tell how much is exhaustion related, and how much was actual dislike for the concert. I'm leaning less on exhaustion... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cmdr. Cracken Posted February 17, 2007 Share Posted February 17, 2007 Bad concerts and little sleep are always bad, it makes the bad concert worse. I, luckley, have not been to a bad concert. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kuuki Posted February 17, 2007 Share Posted February 17, 2007 edlib said: Been up about 23 hours straight. By the time I'm in bed and actually asleep I'll be able to call it a day. Literally. 23? meh. there was this time when i was underway that we'd have so much going on that i'd be stuck having to be awake for nearly two days straight Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted February 17, 2007 Share Posted February 17, 2007 Oh, I've done much, much longer, trust me. When I was in college I did one stretch where I got less than 4 hours sleep from Thursday night into Friday, got up at 6am on Fri., left my house about 8, then stayed up going to classes, working, and doing recording sessions all day and night Fri, Sat, Sun,... until about 4am on Sunday (well, technically Monday) night, when I finally got home for the first time that weekend, grabbed a shower, changed my clothes, and slept until late Tuesday. And that was just before midterm exams too... But that was my choice. Plus I was a lot younger... and probably in a little better shape. Her band was really, really good last night. I would have loved to hear them in any other situation. I think I figured out what was bugging me: 2.) Her voice; and: 1.) Her lyrics. I realized last night that I just really don't like her singing voice. And most of her songs have those "Tori Amos"-ish true-confessional, therapy-couch type of lyrics that always make me squirm listening to them. It was the lyrics more than anything, I think... I may not have minded her singing other type of material so much... But what can anyone truly expect from a old-school metal-head/ prog-rocker/ jazz-fusion-noodlehead at a singer-songwriter-chick-rock concert anyway... I'm listening to Sabbath (War Pigs) at this very moment... feels good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue15 Posted February 17, 2007 Share Posted February 17, 2007 well my game still hasn't arrived in the mail. so much for positive feedback, and post office is closed monday. i ordered on the 12th, confirmed shipping on the 14th, if i'm correct and he shipped it after post office stops sending mail that day, well it won't be here til tuesday. o well i'm just pissed off about it. on a brighter note, i recieve an 'official tax bill' in the mail for $5.....i owe $5....and it's per capita. So i'm gonna have a nice chat w/my tax collector about why it's that low compared to before, or i'll just be an ass and send in the $5 to the one i owe $90+ on. i don't know where they're gonna get that money out of me. I'm part-time status, supporting 50 kids, and am starving to death, what more do they want?? /sarcasm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted February 18, 2007 Share Posted February 18, 2007 Holy crap! The forum is reporting that there are 21 guests reading through the XWA Community Center Page at the moment! That simply can't be right! The most I've ever seen is maybe 4 or 5 at a time. Wow! I wonder what they are all finding to look at that's so interesting... Good evening, lurkers!!! I've had a day of near narcolepsy again. No caffeine. More withdrawal. So far the day has gone like this: Get up. Go to bathroom. Have cup of decaf tea. Check messages at computer. Go back to bed. Get up. Go to bathroom. Eat. Check messages at computer. Go back to bed. Repeat... The only other thing I attempted today was to sign up for a Myspace account... (yeah, I know what I said... ) but somehow I had a brain-fart and typed out a wrong e-mail address. (For some unknown reason I typed ".com" instead of ".net." Twice... I'm an idiot...) It wasn't the wisest idea I've ever come up with... especially to attempt something like that when my brain is in such a mushy state. Yes, if ever you needed conformation: I am indeed a dumbass. Now I can't do anything to the account... not even delete it and start again, since in order to delete it they send the conformation code to the existing e-mail address... same thing if you try to change the address. Swell. I guess I could just start from scratch and just sign up for an all new one and just abandon that one... fill it full of false info that doesn't reflect me at all. I guess I'll see if their support staff is any help. Otherwise I'll just give up on the whole idea. It was probably a serious mistake to begin with anyway... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cmdr. Cracken Posted February 18, 2007 Share Posted February 18, 2007 had an overnighter walk. NOT HAPPY. Termed him immediatly before i left, and i'm going back at 2:30am to help the manager, who, might i add, has NOT DONE AN OVERNIGHT ALONE. Wonderful. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kuuki Posted February 18, 2007 Share Posted February 18, 2007 that sucks ass K. refuse to give him references! That'll show em! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue15 Posted February 18, 2007 Share Posted February 18, 2007 why did he walk? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted February 18, 2007 Share Posted February 18, 2007 Yes... I have joined the Dark Side. Darker Side... A Myspace page I now have. Egads, the system has finally reached critical mass and imploded... Add me, you weasels. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kuuki Posted February 18, 2007 Share Posted February 18, 2007 bah, myspace what a waste... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue15 Posted February 18, 2007 Share Posted February 18, 2007 myspace.....i remember when it was xanga and livejournal. woke up today at around 8:30, was at my parents' place babysitting the dog and cats and got all my laundry done while i was there...came home and played some star wars galaxies, respec'd my expertise again...this time i actually stand a fair chance against jedi, but i still lose. After playing that for an hour, I got angry since the bounty hunter mission terminal bugged and it wouldn't allow me to accept another mission, and so dropped myself and did 30 perfect push ups...so i figured i'd throw in one of my tae bo tapes, the ab builder one, now i'm gonna have a tummy ache. I only have to "work" 4 hours tonight...so i'm just sitting around..I may put my laundry away sometime and lift some weights before work. the good thing about being dropped to part-time is i have more time to work out...just wish it wasn't icy on the roads so i could go jogging. So tomorrow is Presidents Day. Well HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY to all the Presidents that may be visiting this small corner of the internet. Right now I'm listening to some trancey stuff off of http://www.di.fm i miss having those Unreal Tournament GOTY frenzies where i'd blare that and go on a killing spree. good times.... Almost 2 weeks until March.....I'll probably visit or call a u.s. army recruiter and see what's up if things don't turn around for me by then... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cmdr. Cracken Posted February 18, 2007 Share Posted February 18, 2007 He walked because he's lazy and stupid. He has a kid, and just is... lazy. FIne, I don't need that around. And Ed, You're Emo. Emo kids have myspace pages... J/k. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue15 Posted February 18, 2007 Share Posted February 18, 2007 good, then he so deserved it. irresponsible kids piss me off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted February 18, 2007 Share Posted February 18, 2007 **** you all. Yeah, I know. A week ago I probably would have said the same thing. In fact, in one of my recent posts to this thread I'm pretty sure I did say that very thing. I don't know exactly what possessed me recently to take this step... but I just hope it can be exorcised... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted February 19, 2007 Share Posted February 19, 2007 So, yesterday... yesterday, I, uh... I spent practically every waking moment sitting in front of the PC, getting my page set up, and tracking down people I may know. Except for eating, showering, and bathroom breaks... that was pretty much it. Thrilling, no? Well, that's it... I have to finally admit it to myself: I am officially an Internet addict. No point in denying it now. Yeah, the first big benefit of being a Myspace member that I can see is that it solves the big problem I had in that there were a couple minutes a day that I wasn't already sitting at the computer. This should truly correct that deficiency. So, where the hell are all my LF peeps?!?? I've got Cracken, Nitro, and Wildstar... but I know there must be more than that out there. Don't make me come after you... won't be pleasant for either of us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zargon Posted February 19, 2007 Share Posted February 19, 2007 I'm on there, I'll add you when I get home...I never set up the direct URL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted February 19, 2007 Share Posted February 19, 2007 Roger! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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