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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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I had all of my wisdom teeth out... probably 2 or 3 years later than they should have been. One of them was totally impacted... growing in sideways. I used to get the nastiest headaches for a while there. The rest of them just drove me nuts, feeling them starting to poke through.


It was the only medical procedure I've ever had that I actually looked forward to.


geez man why don't you just draw dotted lines on his wrists and hand him a knife, its just mean!

Actually,.. I just meant that he always has us as an organ-replacement farm, as well as a back-up food source to feed his family. Y'know... if times get rough.

Hey! I know where we stand...




Last night's show was more of the same... really should have been easier, but whatever.

Ran long, by about 10 or 15 min.


Still crazy cold out. I don't even want to leave my house.


I'm exhausted already. Feels like it's gonna be a short day at work, and an early night.

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slept on futon last night, got about 10 hours of sleep....10:30-8:30...guess to make up for waking up at 4am yesterday...? I'm starving. oatmeal isn't enough, i need whole wheat bread. -_- i want to do the cardio video...


gotta go take my dad to hospital at 1 today. hope my car can make it there. :p i dont have much gas...

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Zargon, .. welcome to the - tum tum tuuummmm!!!! - female reality.


I might add that you're in no way allowed to behave the same way in a exact vice versa situation, nor is there any chance of making her actually understand that it is.


On the other hand why is it the ex-bf? Did she dig on you or something? :)


yeah, the female reality is so far skewed sometimes its scary. Shes mostly over it now........but prolly never really will be.


She and her quit talking when the friend moved in with a girl my gf hates. They both quit really trying to hang out and instead of ever doing something about it all my gf did was complain and get mad.


Shes sorta over it now because DUM DUM DUM...


the girl called her last night and asked her to be a bridesmaid.


She thinks I should have said "I need to think about it" :rolleye1:


and seems to think my buddy would just be like "ok" and not ask why, and thinks if he did I should just lie about it to cover her ass while making myself look bad.....


thanks dear :smash:


Actually,.. I just meant that he always has us as an organ-replacement farm, as well as a back-up food source to feed his family. Y'know... if times get rough.

Hey! I know where we stand...



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Potential threats? Is you paranoid? :p


Nute, couldn't you just iTune them yourself?


the girl called her last night and asked her to be a bridesmaid.
XD Yes, of course she did. It has to be like this, so you got to go through all this trouble for exactly rien!, nada!, nothing! else but making you feel that you are, to put it simple, a mean and selfish asshat. But what women don't know, this is all part of the big masterplan. In fact this all is (A) just the normal drama a woman needs to have from time to time and expresses how much meaning she puts into this, (B) to make herself feel that she has a "bad boy" as boyfriend, so she can feel excited (err, and horny) about it, and © to test you. Yes, to test you and whether you'd stand by your friend or by her and, now that the ex-bf-wedding-situation is pretty much win for her and the action is proven to be nonsense from the begin with, how do you react to such behaviour. My advice (as trustful complete internet stranger who could also be easily your gf), be "cooperative", but don't give in, show her that such things are unacceptable. Use the fact that all has turned out well and the stress was more than unnecessary. Do it right, and she will do some things for ye. :)


She thinks I should have said "I need to think about it"


Seriously, if you'd said this, it would be like "why would you need to think about it" and she'd expected you to say "maybe" or something.


More seriously, you should have said "That's cool buddy, I'd love to come, but not not without Svenia, so I have to talk to her first. You know what, I'd love to see her as bridesmaid. Why don't you go and ask Astrid?" (Hell, do I know the name of your and your friend's girls? I know a Svenia and Astrid and they're damn hawt, so stop complaining already, you and your friend! :p)



Haha, I know you knew and did this already, but hey, this thread needs posts.

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It does????


Oh well... I must comply then. ;)


Nothing much to report about yesterday. It came and went without making much impact on the universal timeline. If there's ever a day that could be spared to be struck from history... as far as I'm concerned, yesterday would be tops on that list.


I'm going to try to get in to attend a morning committee meeting today.


Recent history doesn't give me much hope on actually arriving at work at a reasonable hour after leaving home, however. So my hopes aren't high in that regard.


Still, I'm gonna make the attempt... wish me luck. As long as the circumstances that keep me from getting to work this morning aren't totally catastrophic, it will be a good day, I think... Well,.. perhaps not. It's still way too to early to tell.


An update on the continuing saga of my co-worker that has been unfortunately informed about the existence of the "year" threads (well,... to be perfectly honest with myself; it's truly only a saga in my own mind... but I'm going to let you all in on it anyway, since I have nothing else of any importance or interest to post at the moment...):

It has recently been revealed that she has a computer at home now.


I do believe my doom is imminent. Well, it was nice knowing you boys.

I wonder what Hell is like at this time of year...




She stated that she doesn't have an internet connection yet however. For the time being she is merely "borrowing" a connection from "someone."

(Huh. Funny,.. I never took her for being a petty bandwidth criminal. I'm actually somewhat impressed.)


There's no evidence to think she has gotten curious and followed the links yet... or that she ever will. But I suspect it's only a matter of time.


I wonder if I have enough time before that occurs to go back through all the threads and erase all my tracks... send all my previous posts down an Orwellian "Memory Hole"


Remember me to future generations... won't you, please?



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heh i got my myspace account nearly up to date, added some of my friends from work on it, and i added pictures.


ummm this morning i got my paycheck, got all the groceries which will last me 2 weeks (spent under $40 too, which is good because that is what i planned to spend) payed the rest of my rent to my landlords, and well now i gotta go pay teh insurance..i think i'll be a day late with the next bill...because i want sssssssome spending money, mainly for gas as i wanna go out and take some pics.


I've also got some other billz coming up....cable bill, rent....and DUN DUN DUN vehicle inspection!!!! remember last year, i spent $100 because they sabotaged my car to make it so i had to pay them to fix it (thats what i think happened) and well 2 months later, i had to get a new car. so not looking forward to inspection, because i believe my car is in good running order, aside from the transmission leak (was completely empty yesterday!!)


my head hurts...think it's due to the wisdom tooth. wish i could pull a castaway and smash it.


still gotta go get my laundry taken care of. dont feel like it. -_-


may drag my sister to go bowling this afternoon, get out of the house for a bit anyways. i haven't been bowling in a quite a few months.


i'm still stuck on graw...night missions suck.

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Potential threats? Is you paranoid? :p


Nute, couldn't you just iTune them yourself?


XD Yes, of course she did. It has to be like this, so you got to go through all this trouble for exactly rien!, nada!, nothing! else but making you feel that you are, to put it simple, a mean and selfish asshat. But what women don't know, this is all part of the big masterplan. In fact this all is (A) just the normal drama a woman needs to have from time to time and expresses how much meaning she puts into this, (B) to make herself feel that she has a "bad boy" as boyfriend, so she can feel excited (err, and horny) about it, and © to test you. Yes, to test you and whether you'd stand by your friend or by her and, now that the ex-bf-wedding-situation is pretty much win for her and the action is proven to be nonsense from the begin with, how do you react to such behaviour. My advice (as trustful complete internet stranger who could also be easily your gf), be "cooperative", but don't give in, show her that such things are unacceptable. Use the fact that all has turned out well and the stress was more than unnecessary. Do it right, and she will do some things for ye. :)




Seriously, if you'd said this, it would be like "why would you need to think about it" and she'd expected you to say "maybe" or something.


More seriously, you should have said "That's cool buddy, I'd love to come, but not not without Svenia, so I have to talk to her first. You know what, I'd love to see her as bridesmaid. Why don't you go and ask Astrid?" (Hell, do I know the name of your and your friend's girls? I know a Svenia and Astrid and they're damn hawt, so stop complaining already, you and your friend! :p)



Haha, I know you knew and did this already, but hey, this thread needs posts.


well yes, however I feel that B never really will come up as an issue, I have mostly taken care of that for the most part having tattoos, accidentally getting arrested 2 years ago on a misdemeanor(I actually had to get bailed out...it was.....really wierd) which landed me court supervision, I have a sportbike, and have a small amount of cash saved for my first handgun.


If I don't come to across as a badboy to a girl from the hell of upscale boring suburbia I can't imagine what I would have to do to get there



that being said.....that conversation about it last night was interesting, as I had to attempt to explain my thoughts and interpretation of her motives....which of course any girl hearing mention of them possibly not being correct, the shields were raised, all further hails were ignored and the bitchiness effect was turned up quite highly. I managed to talk her down(thanks psychology degree) while amusing myself at toying with her current high strung emotional state.


so all in all, it was educational, fun, and got some things accomplished :smash:



I do believe my doom is imminent. Well, it was nice knowing you boys.

I wonder what Hell is like at this time of year...



I hear its quite warm in late winter..........not exactly tropical though......send me a post card would ya

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Hold on, I have to do this the World of Warcraft Forums way.....




Ok, now with that out of the way...


Have an interview with Burger King for a salaried position. Going to go in prepared, and ready.


Wish me luck, I need the money.

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Still alive... for now,.. but I do believe my minutes are counted. ;)


Another breathless thriller at work. :rolleyes: Can't think of a single standout moment.

Didn't get held up as much on my commute in as I may have imagined... but still didn't make the meeting. Mornings are not my bag, baby!


Probably going to take tomorrow off so I can get a number of things done before working all this weekend, straight into the next one.


Might get my hair trimmed before it gets too long. Definitely need to get some laundry out of the way before it piles up again. Some dry cleaning dropped off... since one of the shifts next weekend is a dressier affair than my usual.


And sleep, if I can manage it... since not much of that is in the cards for the next 10 days.

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So, there's this cute Bulgarian coworker at my workplace. She and I started on the same day and we usually have lunch together. She's pretty new to the country, having only been here 4-5 months, so she doesn't really know what the good ol' US of A is about. She's smart and has this great smile.


What do I do?

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So, there's this cute Bulgarian coworker at my workplace. She and I started on the same day and we usually have lunch together. She's pretty new to the country, having only been here 4-5 months, so she doesn't really know what the good ol' US of A is about. She's smart and has this great smile.


What do I do?



ask her out to dinner.....if she seems worried it may be a date say it snot, just as friends, and work on the date stuff later, after adding wine with dinner into the mix :D

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How I spent the day:


Slept late.

Did laundry.

Took nap.

Did more laundry.

Cooked and ate dinner.

Watched PBS political "Week in review" show lineup.

Customised MySpace page (a bit...)


Didn't get out of the house to get my hair trimmed. That'll have to wait until some night after work next week. Same goes for dry-cleaning.

Laundry wasn't nearly as bad as my usual. Nice.


Not completely happy with the page... but at least it's not the stock anymore. Not nearly as obnoxious as some peoples, though. I do believe I managed to retain readability, if nothing else.

Tried to stay tasteful... if industrial.


Maybe I'll work on it more in the morning. Now that I have all the raw code entered, I can probably just change individual HTML settings, and not bother with the editor anymore.


I've been using my first, botched, abandoned page as a test-bed for all these tweaks, before applying them to my public page. After all, if they aren't going to bother to delete it, I might as well put it to some good use.


Customised my URL finally too. Not exactly what I wanted... but it works.

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Go ed! :D Where'd the link in your sig go?


Anyway, got a new bow in World of Warcraft for my hunter, and am gonna hit 46 tonight if it kills me. I have to do the overnight the DAY BEFORE MY VACATION. >.< so sleep is nonissue.


Also, see blog for random babbling, and some random emo crap. SOrry, it just sneaks in there. ;_;

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Go ed! :D Where'd the link in your sig go?

I thought it had served it's purpose. Made the initial announcement. Those that wish to find me should have been able to in the week or so it was up.


The link is still in my profile though.


Maybe I'll put it back at some point...




The following L.F.'ers have MySpace accounts that I have found:




Rogue Nine




Rogue 15

Chase Windu








Yes. Laugh at us all.

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Worked yesterday until midnight. (Pretty simple. Ute Lemper. Weird German cabaret music.) Got home. Reset the clocks. Went to bed. Got 4 hours sleep. Now I'm back up getting ready for work. Irish music this morning. (Tony Kenny.)


Life is too much fun for words some days. But this is really nothing compared to the sleep deprivation that I'll be suffering next weekend.


But it's all extra money... above and beyond my salary. So I shouldn't complain too hard. But I'll still complain...

(Actually, right now it's the US Gov't that's pissing me off more than anything with this Daylight Savings fiasco. Please... Just leave well enough alone, willya?!??)


I guess I'll sleep when I'm dead. (Which, if I keep up a schedule like this for an extended period, won't be that long a wait...) :dozey:

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Got through the day with a minimum of fuss... and sleep.


Got home around 6:30. (Well,.. 5:30, according to a few of the clocks around here. Guess I should get on that...) Went straight to bed. (Did not pass go. Did not collect $200...)


Just got back up a short while ago.


Good thing I'm working tomorrow night, and can sleep in the a.m., or I would be ****ed.


Well... time for something lite to eat, take my vitamins, and probably right back to bed.


I'll sort the clock situation out in the morning. :dozey:

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