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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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the peanuts are to help you if your ears are bothered and pop....until i went on a plane i used to be terrified of popping ears and people saying chew gum, etc. they were all full of ****, plane rides rock!!!!


work was lame today....so lame we only did 10 rolls of film, i sold 1 camera, the second i walked into my department! i got all my maintenance done for the month, as well as all my weekly maintenance done, so tomorrow im just gonna slack!!!


i think i ate too much candy...maybe i'll walk it off tomorrow, looks like it is going to be a nice day....40 degrees, tho i work 12-9. i have tuesday and thursday off.


i'm still looking more into MOSs in the army, so far i like the information tech specialist, intelligence analyst, military police, and cavalry scout. cavalry scout sounds pretty cool...i think that was one of my drill sgt's MOS'.


I did 46 pushups today...31 pushups are getting easier and easier to do. my goal is still 60-75.


i dont want to work at walmart tomorrow. :( ugh.

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Zargon: It kicks royal ass. the gameplay is great, the FMV's are high def DVD qual movies. with that said, the casting for those movies is really awsome.


high def, hmm, interesting how well one can see every pore on a guy's face, esp when its Lando's (yes Billy Dee Williams is in it, as well as Michael Ironside)



as for the navy, meh. got about 20 or so months left of this enlistment... ill tell ya if i plan on it about 9 months out :)

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I was totally exhausted when I got home last night. All I wanted to do during my extended drive home from the relatives last night was to doze off.


So what happened last night as soon as I laid down?


Couldn't be more WIDE-F'ING-AWAKE if I had injected coffee laced with cocaine straight into my brain stem. :rolleyes:


Thank God... because if I had managed to get something close to a normal amount of rest, my life might actually go easily today. And clearly, that is simply not allowed in the cosmic scheme of things. :dozey:




Just what the hell happened to Gwen Stefani? When exactly did she turn from the "Just A Girl" cutie to this current hip-hop skank persona? When my back was turned? Nobody ever asked me how I felt about it...

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Dentist appointment didn't take long... and actually got back home at a reasonable time. I thought: "Hey! I have time before work... I think I'll take a nap!"


So I laid down... less than 10 minutes later, just as I was starting to doze off, the guys showed up to start working on my neighbor's lawn. 2 or 3 gas-powered leaf blowers and several trimmers all going at the same time, just outside my window.


No,.. my life isn't cursed... why do you ask? :rolleyes:


Opening day at Fenway tomorrow afternoon. Oh, goodie. :dozey:




I don't have a random thought right now.


(Well,.. at least not one that the auto-censor wouldn't render completely useless, anyways.) :dozey:

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Zargon: It kicks royal ass. the gameplay is great, the FMV's are high def DVD qual movies. with that said, the casting for those movies is really awsome.


high def, hmm, interesting how well one can see every pore on a guy's face, esp when its Lando's (yes Billy Dee Williams is in it, as well as Michael Ironside)



as for the navy, meh. got about 20 or so months left of this enlistment... ill tell ya if i plan on it about 9 months out :)



don't forget Sharon and Number Six from BSG and Dr. Cameron from House


I'm seemingly finishing up the GDI campaign then jumping into teh NOD campaign

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Less than 2 hours to check 16 different bands with completely different players and instrumentation and give everybody a custom mix in the house and the monitors.


Oh yeah... my life is happening.






(See... what did I say about the auto-censor?) :dozey:

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Survived show.


One of these days I suspect that will not be the case. They'll find my lifeless carcass draped over the console after house lights come back up. If they even notice. A couple of days might go by before anyone suspects anything's wrong. And only then because of the rot... :dozey:




Remember how excited you could get seeing a firetruck when you were a kid? Kids love firetrucks.


How come adults don't get that excited over them? Why exactly does that wear off? Still the same firetruck, after all...


Next time you are with people and happen to see a firetruck, do me a favor and point and jump up and down and say "Wow!"

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One post away from toppling last year's thread! Who wants to do the honors?


Going in early to try to beat the opening day crowds on the subway (if even possible... damn afternoon games! :rolleyes: )



(This is an actual thought that crossed my mind while laying in bed last night before I fell asleep. Actually shocked me awake in it's bizarreness. Should give you a real indication on how my mind actually works... or in this particular case, doesn't...):


I wonder what Ernest Hemingway would have made of "Dance Dance Revolution"? It's too bad he didn't live to see it.

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overslept.....it looks to be a nice day, however the temperature is 32...i may go for my run, it only takes around an hour and its good for me...lol


rented Road to Guantanamo, that's a pretty good movie. also rented the hunted, it was a free rental so i picked it up even tho i saw it before, the knife fight is cool.


so today i have off and there's nothing to do to keep from being lonely.


my one friend at work said his mom or someone has a jeep and they're looking to sell it, tho i'd be making payments of like $230 a month....i can actually afford that, so i might do that....i dunno. wonder if it's automatic or manual transmission...jeeps are cool..


i dunno if i'm gonna pay that stupid per capita tax i got last year...i payed the one for this year and it's $85 LESS, so i think they ****ed up....my only concern is will it go against my credit if i fail to pay it? the one that i did pay, they didn't send me anything saying 'thank you' or whatever, any acknowledgment that they actually got it...that irks me. i got in a fight w/that collector over the phone and don't want to call her again. pisses me off that it is so much, otherwise i would have payed it..i can't just send in $90...that is a lot of money for nothing.




walked/ran my 4 miles....almost ran a full mile, hate when i run out of breath and get a dry mouth....at least i'm running more than 2 minutes at a time though...gotta remember to do intervals instead of trying to run it all at once.

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Sleepwalked through work today. Trip in wasn't super horrible. I think I left early enough to avoid the worst of the stupidity. Trip home was kinda nasty.


Bed early tonight. Whoopie!




My life is the most boring thing ever.


R.T. #2:



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just watched 'The Hunted' good movie, about a special forces person gone rogue after kosovo.


well think ill go to bed early....i have stupid hours tomorrow....10-7. o well at least i won't have to close....and i have wednesday off, so that's all good. not sure what i'll do on wednesday though! probably same thing i did today...i really gotta kick my running/walking up a notch...in a week or so think i'll strap on a backpack weighing 80 pounds and walk 8 miles under the cover of darkness. (so i dont get people purposefully trying to run me over for looking stupid)

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Hmmm... are me and 15 really the only ones participating in this thread these days?


C'mon kids... something must be happening in your lives right now. Especially if it's keeping you busy enough to not post here. ;)

Let us know what it is!!! Let those of us with absolutely no life of our own live vicariously through your experiences!!! Take pity on us!!! :ball:


Seriously though... stop lurking for a post and say something. Let us all know you are still alive out there.




It's a real good thing I don't have the Force, because I'm sure I would be Sith and not Jedi. Not that I would become power-mad or use it to kill people (at least not at first...) but I'm positive that I would still abuse the hell out of those powers.


Imagine the practical jokes you could play. Imagine getting your own way all the time just by holding your thumb and fore-finger together in front of people. And don't even get me started on the "Jedi Mind-Trick" and all the possibilities for it when bargain-hunting... or especially on the dating scene!



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yeah they must all be having plenty of fun. :\


I gotta work 10-7 today, that is going to suck...i just woke up and gotta eat breakfast. At least i get to use my sister's car today. i was gonna wake up early and go on a bike ride but i kinda slept in instead. my heels are sore from yesterday's running. i would hate to overdo it and get a stress fracture. :(


I need to get my fishing license sometime....though i might hold off til next week cause it's supposed to snow by the end of the week. -_- the only place where spring is actually nice is in Florida. Any farther north and it's raining/snowing and cold.

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Well, you know my life is pretty boring, so I tend to only post when something exciting happens...


...like yesterday. Forgot to tell everyone that my brother won a supplemental ticket lottery and bought tickets for Opening Day @ Fenway. I joined him for the afternoon, and had a great time. To show how high expectations for him are here in Boston, Daisuke Matsuzaka, the newly-acquired Japanese star pitcher, got nearly as big an ovation from the crowd during the pre-game ceremony as Curt Schilling, David Ortiz, and Jonathan Papelbon, all established stars, did. Game was a blowout win for the Red Sox, but there was almost a brawl in the 8th inning when the Mariners' Jose Guillen advanced toward the mound and Red Sox reliever Brendan Donnelly after he struck out. Guillen was restrained by a few players and never did get close to Donnelly, but the benches and bullpens emptied. Donnelly then hit Mariners catcher Kenji Johjima with a pitch and got himself tossed from the game. I left to catch a train home right after the ejection.


Seems I've been going to these blowout wins, as the Patriots game I attended last year was also a blowout win for the locals. Maybe I should attend more games. :D

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It's cool that you got to see the game on opening day! The fighter jet flyover went right over our office. That was also very cool.


We were listening to the game in my office. We left for home shortly after the events you described, and before the game ended, as well.


We walked down to the Symphony Hall stop (right past the R2-D2 mailbox, I may add :)...) to beat the crowds on the Green Line. Nothing could help us much once we were on the Red Line though. Packed wall to wall.




I am the lizard king.

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the dental school 2 miles from me that initially rejected me has now made me an alternate for this year.


thats good!



I got the ring yesterday, ordered flowers this morning. Its going down tonight unless I completely puss out, which isn't going to happen!



I was at a funeral yesterday so proposing today seems a bit wierd, but oh well.


One of my good friends fathers was killed in a traffic accident Friday morning, by 2 guys running from the cops in a stolen truck. :(


he was an absolutely wonder person, great guy, raised 2 wonderful boys. Could do about anything with any tool he put his hands on and was always open to helping just about anybody. He will be sorely missed, taken at the youthful age of 46, and he seemed way younger. :(


that and being too busy all weekend to check online, is where I have been.

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Good Luck, Zarg! Best wishes! :)


Sorry to hear about your friend's dad. That's a serious bummer. :(


And ditto the best wishes on the good news, Ike! :)

(Although it was hardly a surprise for me, as I read your Myspace blog this morning. I'm a subscriber. :D)


Spent the day re-arranging and updating computers around the building after my boss got his new laptop this morning... which freed up some newer machines to replace an old clunker we have been using down at the board.




"Bake" is a fun word, isn't it?

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go zargon! :)


Work today was boring as ever...but it's better to be boring than overwhelmed with pissed fireants in their pants customers. :) did some grocery shopping before coming home, i'm gonna attempt to make a tuna macaroni thing, and get some serious cooking xp from it if i succeed! dammit i miss prenge galaxies. :(

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