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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Zero of interest to report on yesterday's activities.


If the Great Time Lords ever choose to strike that particular 24-hour period from the eternal cosmic chronology... it will have no affect on my life whatsoever...


Well,.. I did get my work computer back from repair. That's something. New hard drive. A bigger one. Everything is all ****ed up at the moment though. It will take a few weeks to get back to having all my settings and software exactly the way I like.

I did lose all the music I had on the drive too... crap.


That was at least a hundred CDs worth of mp3s ripped onto the comp. It's gonna take a while to bring all those disks back in and get the collection back to where it was. *Sigh*

Oh well... it should give me something to do on slow days...


Took a short walk last night after work, too. Trying to break in some new sneakers. Hopefully these won't be as blisterfying... for what I paid they sure as hell better not be. Seem pretty comfortable to me at the moment.


Going in for budget and requisition software training this morning. Oh, goody.


Ah, well... it's time outside of the office, I guess. It's not like there's a whole bunch else going on at the moment...

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Is that VectorWorks training?

Noooo... Nothing that interesting.

Some truly horrible, hopelessly outdated database type program called Colleague. It's wretched.


I've been "volunteered" to start doing requisitions and purchasing for my department. Oh happiness...


Got a couple more hours training tomorrow.


Pray for my soul...

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Starting a new post... just cuz...


Survived the training.


I don't look forward to working with the software... but that's mainly because I'm not really a "desk-job, dealing w/ figures" kind of guy, not because the software looks hard. (Just arcane... like some bizarre-looking prehistoric creature, long thought millions of years extinct, that unexpectedly surfaces, caught in a fishing net trawl off the coast of Tasmania...)


I have more training to do tomorrow: dealing with the money aspect of it. That's the part that frightens me most. I am notoriously bad with money... I have no mind for it.


After class, we finally got around to wiring in the 12th monitor mix. Took all afternoon too. Should have been a lot easier... but that's just how it goes sometimes.


Tried to walk the beach for a while after work... but quickly gave up. Way too windy, damp, raw, and cold. Did about halfway and back before I just thought: "Well...****! **** this!" Packed it in, grabbed some fish and chips at one of the seaside Clam Shack places, and just headed home.


Feels like another early night, tonight. A good night for sleeping. So I guess maybe I will... Or at least I'll try. I hope I can get some real sleep for a change.

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i got a surprise in my paycheck today.....i got over $100 from profit sharing i guess....was like 'OMG WTFBBQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!' i never got a paycheck THIS big before. EVER. this all included regular pay, a few minutes overtime, sunday premium, 8 hours (for holiday pay), and the profit sharing. LIEK WOW. So i gave my mom half of what i owe her yet for the truck/gas/bills, and the rest i put in the bank, payed my cable bill...next on list is insurance, and then i'll have enough left over for gas and other stuff.


i got some hair gel today as well...it feels kinda weird i haven't used that since 2 years ago.


SWG addiction.....i played like 10 hours yesterday. i'm lovin it. look at my sig, i'm lovin it.


going to go fishing w/my landlords today and then gonna play some SWG, and tonight going to my parents' for hotdogs and mac & cheese, and watch Fantastic 4 cause i haven't seen it yet!!!! i wanna see silver surfer it looks pretty cool. FF4 is my favorite comic. :) tho batman is my favorite cartoon...never read the comics of batman.


uhm...i made a squirrel jump about 13 feet yesterday...i'll post a pic later. little bastard is eating all the birdy food!!!

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ah that would explain it. i lent my .22 to my landlord so he can pick them off. so far he's managed a chipmunk and a big gray squirrel....


oh i hit a bunny on the way to my parents'. :( damned thing got in front of me (obviously) but wouldn't make a decision left or right so he went left and i went left to avoid hitting him w/a tire, guess the bumper knocked him down. i looked in rear view mirror and he was walking then he falls over on his left side. damn it.


ghost rider was good! probably going to watch FF4 later tonight or some other day...right now i feel like playing swg.

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Spent the morning waiting on the plumber to come disconnect the gas line from the dryer.

Even when he did get here, it seemed to take way too long for the job it was.


And I even couldn't get ready for work until he was gone... (I don't know about you, but I sure as hell can't shower with a total stranger walking around the house. Well... certain total strangers, anyway. :naughty: )


Walked to the station after he was gone and I had bathed. Didn't walk at the other end... as it would have made me late for training, most likely. Didn't walk back that way either. Did take the long way home from the local subway station, though.... and now my feet are totally hating me for it. Trying to break in a new pair of sneakers. Haven't succeeded yet.


I have noticed 2 small benefits of all this physical activity so far however:

1.) I have gone down a couple of belt holes; And:

2.) I don't get nearly as winded taking a flight of stairs as I did a couple of months ago. Now I can run up them 2 at-a-time without feeling on the verge of a major cardiac event when I get to the top.


It's not much, yet... but it's something. Makes me feel that I haven't wasted my time and suffered sore feet and sunburns for nothing, anyway.


Still have a long, long way to go until I feel happy with the results, though.


Went down stairs and prepared the cellar for the guys showing up tomorrow. Tried to move everything that might be in thier way, and cover the most valuable stuff from the inevitable dust that a couple of hours of jackhammering will no doubt create.


I haven't really bothered to clean down there, or anywhere in the house lately for that matter. What's the point? It's going to be a total disaster by the time they are done. Clean properly and thoughougly once they are gone. Maybe... ;)


The 2nd part of the training wasn't too bad. Data entry just doesn't look the slightest bit thrilling to me... I'm sorry. It's hardly the most glamorous job I can think of... but I guess it has to get done. I just wish it didn't have to be by me. Alas... such is life.


I guess that if it were fun, they wouldn't pay you for it...


Feel sleepy tonight. I hope I can get to sleep early. They might be here at 7:30 am. Yikes!


I doubt I'll get any kind of a nap tomorrow, either...




I warned you all about those man-eating squirrels in an earlier post, didn't I?


Hate to be the one who says: "I told you so!"... but...



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yes i remember that, and thank you for sharing that otherwise i would probably be posting pictures of teeth marks from a squirrel. -_-



Watched FF4. it was very good actually!!! Pretty accurate from what I remember from the few comics that I read when I was in grade school. :) Can't wait to see the Rise of the Silver Surfer!


Going bowling tomorrow/tonight after work is over!!!! :)

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I'm in for a busy weekend. My best friend's getting married tomorrow, and the rehearsal's tonight (I'm one of the ushers, so I pretty much have to be @ the rehearsal). My brother will be over for the biweekly food shopping thing on Sunday (after changing it from Wednesday), but I don't know what we'll be doing after that, as I don't know if he has plans w/ our dad or if he's going to take up a cousin's invite for something for our uncle. My initial guess is he has something planned w/ our dad.


I won't be online much this weekend, in any event, but I will try to get on mornings to catch up.

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Cellar guys were here for almost 12 hours. A lot of noise... but surprisingly little dust. (It helps to hire professionals... they brought rolls of plastic they surrounded all the work areas with.)


Got out for a short walk. (Burnt the back of my neck in almost the exact spot that just healed. It was so unfair: As I was walking facing the sun, the cloud cover was thick enough to keep it from burning. The SECOND I turned around and started back the other way the cloud cover broke up, and the full force of the naked sun was bearing down upon my neck. It was as if some capricious solar deity was out to get me today. "Ha ha! Your neck is burned! I'll make sure it stays that way too!!!")


Other than that, not much to report. Other than: For the first time since I have lived here I REALLY want several days of heavy rain!


I need to know if this system is really going to do it completely... before I spend a lot of time and money redecorating the cellar.


Eh... it's been a long day... off to bed.

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damn lucasforums for not conforming to the daylight saving time, it was 3 am when i posted that!!!!


had a double coke and rum last night, called in late for work today after got home after going to dennys got 4 hours sleep, woke up at 7 went out w/parents and caught like 3 fishies!!! all sunnys tho o well least i caught something.


going in to work 5-10 instead of my scheduled 1-10. it's 3:15 right now! there's enough coverage until 5pm that's why i'm just gonna wait til the last minute...probably get hell for it on monday, or on my next schedule... o well, i'm not perfect!


im gonna be so tired....i dont know when. lol

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more than likely...


well it appears my dept manager is talking behind my back. -_- time to hunt for a new, better, higher paying...j. o. b. maybe. i wrote her a long essay kinda on why i did what i did...but i think she's just gonna be a bitch and write me up anyway. really though, you would think they would LOOK ON THE COMPUTERS AND SEE THAT I REQUESTED OFF AND INSTEAD OF FINALIZED IT, REJECT IT!!! OR AT LEAST REMEMBER. then again im probaly going to be coached for yesterday's act of uhm punching in early (20 minutes) for lunch and out early (20 minutes) to go home....


damn those exception reports!!! damn them to hades!!! :mad:


and im going to flat out tell her that if she wants me gone/out of her department, to just ****ing tell me to my face. or i could go to upper mgmt and taddle on her about stuff

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Slept in late today. Spent the day lounging. Doodling. Playing guit-fiddle. Reading


Took a 6 mile walk late... after the sun started to set a bit. Easier on the flesh.

Saw some sights... oof. Not so easy on the flesh... or the psyche, for that matter.


I'll leave details to your imaginations... But,.. Wow! Just wow!


Did some grocery shopping on the way home. Bought a bunch of fresh fruit. Ate about half of it as soon as I got home.


I know I'll be payin' for that before too long...


Watched "Star Wars Tech" on the History Channel. Pretty good. Makes me want to watch all the DVDs again sometime soon...


Next couple of rainy days...


Starting to fade... bed soon...

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All I'll say was that my best friend's wedding was great. I got a surprise, too, as an old high school chum, who is a neighbor of the bride's mother, was invited, and I was talking quite a bit with him when I wasn't busy w/ bridal party stuff.


There were also a couple of dating possibilities at the wedding, one in the party (bridesmaid) and one of the guests (a friend of the bride, I'm assuming). My best friend wants to get some of us together for a Brockton Rox baseball game next month, so we'll see what develops. ;)

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