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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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The full version of Pro-Tools is only track-limited by your hardware, I believe.


Pro-Tools is great if you have to sync to video... since it's an offshoot of AVID. I used P.T. extensively when doing video post production.


Probably not my first choice for album production though. I'd lean towards Logic or Nuendo most likely.


Pro-Tools still has the best choices in plug-ins, however. Which is why a lot of people use it. Plus, it's fairly universal: Every studio in the world has access to a Pro-Tools rig.

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The full version of Pro-Tools is only track-limited by your hardware, I believe.


Possibly, but that's like $10,000 at the very least, and you have to have a place to put those PCI cards with the DSP chips on them - not a very portable solution.


Pro-Tools still has the best choices in plug-ins, however. Which is why a lot of people use it. Plus, it's fairly universal: Every studio in the world has access to a Pro-Tools rig.


Yeah, too bad the plug-ins are expensive as hell and don't work with anything except Pro Tools. On the other hand, it is the top name, and that counts for a lot. And I know something about that...AutoCAD can suck now and still blow VectorWorks out of the water, because everyone knows it and uses it.

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Hot. Very, very hot.


Won't be spending a lot of time at this computer this evening.


Work was boring... except for the parts that were pure, unrestrained chaos. Those just sucked.


I think I'll put in air-conditioners... but not tonight. First thing in the morning more likely.


Gonna go see what it's like in the cellar right about now...

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True, this is.


Slept surprisingly well, despite incredibly oppressive heat and humidity.


Still... I do believe the A.C. units are going in this morning before work. Come home to a nice, chilly bedroom. :D




Well, A.C. units are in. Always a fuuuuun job. :dozey:


Only crunched my left-hand thumb this time,.. so went smoother than is normal.


Being able to sleep comfortably tonight will be worth all the pain and blood though.

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Air conditioners made a big difference last night. Slept pretty good. Just wish I had more time to sleep. These 9:00 a.m. call-times have got to end... at least on mornings after nights when I don't get home until after 11.


Work was fairly easy. Will Calhoun, the drummer of Living Colour, did a solo drum clinic. Nice guy.


Birthday was a screaming yawn-fest. I spent all day at work. How could it be all that "happy" after all? Not that I'll allow anyone to make any kind of big deal about it, anyway, as long as I have any real say in the matter. In fact: I'd much rather that nobody acknowledge it in any way,.. but there's no way I could ever be that fortunate.

Creeping steadily and inexorably towards 40. Yuck.


And the word "Creeping" doesn't really seem all that appropriate, either... more like "already going flat-out and still somehow accelerating." Scary how short years are now. And bound to only get shorter with each passing one.






However: All day long yesterday all I could think about was that it would have been an very interesting day for me to die.


My gravestone would have read:


6/27/70 - 6/27/07


Not that I really plan on having a marker of any sort, that is... When I die (depending on just how messy it is, of course... see below...) the plan is to quickly rip me apart to harvest what's usable, and then just toss the rest unceremoniously on the fire, until cooked to char-broiled perfection. (Serves 10-12...)


On the other hand, my ideal death would involve a team of about 30 forensics experts clad head-to-toe in Hazmat suits, scouring several miles of open countryside, picking nearly microscopic pieces of me out of the bushes and trees with tweezers and bundling what they find into a couple dozen trash-bags.


I want to go out in the absolutely most inconvenient way for the maximum number of people as is possible.



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went to bed 330, woke up 830 went in for my check....and i actually have vacation time!!! 43 hours, so probably going to use that for hunting trip this fall. :D


gotta pay my insurance.....my cable bill is gonna be late cause i want to use the rest of my check that doesn't go towards rent for dorney park, going with a few people from work and my sister is going as well, it should be fun. :)


it's very hot outside....humid as anything, my landlord's wife wants to go fishing so i dunno..looks like it's going to T-storm, yesterdays storm was pretty nice, reminded me of the storms down in florida. lots of lightning, not used to seeing it that close, it's been a while...


I sat down and watched The Phantom Menace last night. I love that movie...it's funny to think that movie is 8 years old already....

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Another too-long day at work, defined by long periods of brain-melting, spirit-crushing boredom, interspersed with short bursts of frustration-inducing chaos and confusion.


No highlights to speak of... other than dragging my exhausted, sorry carcass home at the end of it all.


Meant to try to force myself out for exercise once home... but weather didn't co-operate. So yet another day in a row without any real physical activity to speak of... setting me back even further.


So I unpacked the battery-operated, hands-free, automatic-lid-opening kitchen trash bin I got off of Amazon last week. Nifty.


Another late night tomorrow, followed by an early morning Sat. So nothing there, either.


Sunday I have to finish laundry. No choice in the matter now. Still need to get a haircut too. Reaching critical stage at this point. So, from this distance, the weekend appears totally shot.


Only blessing: Short, mostly relaxed week at work next week due to national holiday that falls in the middle of it. Hopefully I can get some more 'living' in then. Maybe. For now: sheer existence will have to suffice.

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picked up my check this morning and looked at it and suddenly vacation hours appeared.....and i have a weeks vacation!!!!!!! wooohoo!!!!!!!!!!


played too much SWG.....started off bad and ended O.K.....oh how i wish the imperial players would come out and help me fight. -_- so instead i'm stuck raising an army by myself basically........kinda fun!


...how i have fallen.....

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work was very hellish tonight. i almost cursed at customers it was that bad. people just don't understand, when the printer jams up....IT IS NOT MY FAULT. I tried for 90 minutes checking each rack and getting all the paper i could find out of it, and well i go run it again, jams. do it again and it jams, and i try like 2 more times, same thing...by that time i say screw it and close it down. 2 people were furious at me....the one person the printer jams EVERY single time she comes....i'll just pin the blame on her...she gave me the look of death, and this other lady was pissed and said 'I LIVE ALL THE WAY IN NARROWSBURG (like 3 miles from me, so she is onyl like 15 miles away from walmart) and i was like FINE YOU WILL GET THEM AT NO CHARGE. just to get her out. next time she comes in i'll be ready....not cialis ready either.


oh the only good thing today was someone put through a full frontal nude pic, and i got to tell her that she couldnt have it. it was funny as hell. guess i payed for seeing that....or her hotness just made the printer **** itself.


i like my job don't get me wrong, it's the customers that get angry for no reason of my own...wish i could just use the dark side sometimes.

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Glimpses of free nudity at work is never a bad thing. Remind me to tell you kids about the fashion shows I've worked sometime... :)


Work today and tonight was decidedly less pleasant or interesting. Percussion festival week finale. Dozens of people on stage hitting things with sticks, loudly.


I didn't mix it though. I had a couple of the student work study of mine chomping-at-the-bit to get time on the big mixing board. So I let them have it today. They were happy, and it didn't hurt my feelings one bit.


Richard Thompson tomorrow. Should be great. Just an early start that I'm not looking forward to.

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Wow! Loud show!


Really good... but really loud.


Spent the morning/ afternoon interfacing a giant analog mixing console into our hall. Had to pull 3 rows of seats out of the floor in order to place this beast.


Long day so far. And it sucks that it was totally PERFECT outside. :mad: I suspect it will be the same tomorrow too... when I have to stay in and get laundry done. Or... I could push it a couple more days, and do it on the holiday. I probably won't go far from home into crazy holiday crowds... so maybe doing it on the 4th is a better idea... Yeah. That's it. That's the way to justify it.... :dozey:


Man! I am wayyyy too damn good at doing that for it to be heathy.


I guess I'll just have to see what it's like tomorrow, and how I feel. I could split it up between the 2 days too, I guess.

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ed, why do you take forever to do your laundry? do the way i do, little at a time, for instance, throw a few pairs of pants in the washer before you go to work, then when you get home, throw them in the dryer? and just keep rotating like that...or would that make your utlity bill go up? (i wouldn't know i use my parents' washer and dryer, in fact i'm at their place right now baby sitting the dog and their 2 cats)

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Well... mainly because:


A.) I truly despise doing it...




B.) My crazy stupid schedule makes it difficult. I'm less-than-useless in the morning... it takes me FOREVER to wake up... and usually by the time I am fully awake, at that point I'm rushing to get out of the door on time.


When I get home, it's usually like this: about 10 of 1 a.m.

Not going to feel like going down there right now to do anything.

Or it's early,.. but I'm so tired I just pass out on the couch, and wake up hours later, just to crawl upstairs to go to bed for real.


It also doesn't help that the washer and dryer are down in the cellar. So it just feels weird bringing down "a few things" to wash if you are making the trip up and down. If I'm headed down there, then it has to be at least a full basket to make it worth my time.


Back in the last apartment I lived in, I never had laundry build up. But the washer/ dryer were on the same floor, just off the kitchen. I would put a load in while cooking and eating dinner.


Now that there's a flight of stairs involved, it just doesn't seem as easy or convenient. It could be all physiological (in fact, it probably is...) but there we are.

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two words: laundry chute.


i bet it wouldn't cost a whole bunch to install one.




Probably not... But wouldn't help get them folded and back up to my room on the 2nd floor once washed, however.


Which is always the worst and slowest part of the process for me.


The actual washing/ drying is the easiest part of the process.


It's the 'pre-wash sorting'; the 'folding'; the 'carrying back upstairs'; and finally, the 'hanging-up or putting into drawers' steps where things seem to bog down for me the most.


Half the time I skip those steps altogether,.. and just pull the clean clothes out of one basket, and throw the dirty ones in another.


Of course... that method can make it difficult to move around in the limited space I have,.. with baskets covering all the floor space in every room...


Buy 367 days worth of clothes, then simply burn all but one set of clothes every year and start anew. You'll always have up to date clothes!

I'm probably not all that far off from that now...


But there is one downside to that:


I absolutely HATE clothes shopping even more than I hate doing laundry...

So it all falls apart, you see...

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I'm 37.

Don't talk to me about feeling old, sonny boy! :p


Oh, the things I could (and would) do if I were your age again, but knowing all the things I know now!


And there's the unfortunate and cruel irony in life...


So... happy birthday, or something?

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Went ten-pin bowling yesterday for the first time in about 7 years. I remember the last time I went, I was still in the recovery process from my heel fractures, so my legs were still quite weak and I'd end up rolling the ball into the left gutter. Yesterday, the exact opposite actually happened and I was rolling it into the right channel (I'm right-handed, BTW). To me, this was good news, as that meant I had the leg push necessary to get the ball down the lane and only needed to correct my line, which I eventually did to some extent. My legs will probably need to be stronger down the line, but I think now, with practice and newer equipment, I could be competitive again in a league setting, something from my youth which I miss.


BTW, I almost beat my non-bowler brother in the second game (we only went two games)...went into the 10th frame needing a spare and 8 count to tie (9 count to win); got the spare, but only knocked down 5 pins w/ the bonus ball b/c of a bad shot, and lost by 3 (101-98).

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Did a couple of loads of laundry in the morning. Enough to get by a couple of days. Since the 4th is supposed to be a rainy washout around these parts... and I'm sure I'll probably not leave the house anyway that day,.. I saved the rest for then.


12 mile walk in the afternoon. No blisters this time (went through about 3 changes of socks though...) but my legs are aching.


Fell asleep right after eating dinner. Just woke up to get a drink of water. Headed back to bed soon.


@ Wildstar:


Noticed the change in insignia in your sig. Wedge Antillies was Red Two in the Battle of Yavin in ANH, was he not?


Seems you're in good company then... :)

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Ah, right...


Gotta remember to check the board more often... and not just come straight to this thread every time.


I also notice a Moderator badge under your status, as well as at the bottom of our boards. That's also new too, is it not?




It's been a long time since we've had a mod that actually logged in every day.


I guess we'll all have to watch ourselves from now on... eep!



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