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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Well... considering the AWOL nature of the rest of our mod staff for the last 5 years, seems like you would pretty be hard-pressed to do less. ;)


Plus, we seem like a pretty easy group to keep in check... being the old, crusty fogeys of the Lucasforums Network.


Give us our Geritol mixed into our applesauce once a day, and the occasional outing to the park to feed the ducks in the pond... and we are happy.


I'm working right now... but not mixing. One of the other managers in our department who rarely works in here wanted to get some time on the big board, and he had nothing else going on tonight,.. so I turned over the reins.


Kind of an obnoxious show, so I'm not too disappointed to have to not listen to it. I will stick around to put out any fires and answer any wild questions, however.

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work was just great.....i go in and well we shut down and this girl whose name i won't say cause in case she somehow finds her way onto here decides she is going to put the part to the printer together, and well she takes like entirely too damn long.....her and the old guy were trying for like about 3 hours to get the part screwed on, and well they didn't get it tight enough so the printer kept jamming after they left....i finally decided to pull the ps rack out (the one they were fixing) and the screws weren't even close to being tight!!! like WTF! i even offered to help and the girl said 'NO.' what a dumb ass. -_-


ok so before i came home i went and got $25 worth of groceries....milk, orange juice, cereal, bread, lunch meat, cheese, eggs, soda, ketchup, and mustard. dont think i'll have enough for gas.....i might but i dont know.


got home and played SWG for a long time....went to base busting event for gcw points so i can get rank, then went and did the droid factory mission on mustafar with about 6 other people, and then did the HK-47 instance, all very fun...then we crashed at the cantina and got into a debate of Boba Fett's fate in ROTJ. personally, i say he lives, and won't argue with someone if they think he died. i'm more of an EU fan than a movie/canon fan anyway.

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Posting from the Macbook now. It's pretty sweet, although Apple really needs to admit its one button policy is a failure. A two-button trackpad would be nice, although I am just going to use a mouse once I pick one up tomorrow.

Everybody in my office on a Mac has a 2-button USB optical wheel mouse attached. All the stock mice are coiled up at the bottom of a drawer somewhere.


Makes things a lot simpler.


And there's always a lot less spittle-flecks on the screens as we all scream froth-mouthed in frustration and animalistic-fury at Steve Jobs' stubborn insistence to just simply ignore any non-Apple-conceived innovation.


You gonna set up for dual-boot?

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Everybody in my office on a Mac has a 2-button USB optical wheel mouse attached. All the stock mice are coiled up at the bottom of a drawer somewhere.


Makes things a lot simpler.


And there's always a lot less spittle-flecks on the screens as we all scream froth-mouthed in frustration and animalistic-fury at Steve Jobs' stubborn insistence to just simply ignore any non-Apple-conceived innovation.


Yeah, I actually use the regular mouse with my G5 at work, because I like to make sure the stuff I put in VectorWorks isn't too inconvenient with it. But then, everything is inconvenient with it, so...


You gonna set up for dual-boot?


First thing I did. I am only going to use OS X when I absolutely have to.

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I see. :D


Well,.. I'd say as long as you have OSX around, to look into Logic at some point for music production,.. except I'm not sure if it's Intel compatible yet... and if it wasn't so very, very damn expensive.

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Plus, we seem like a pretty easy group to keep in check... being the old, crusty fogeys of the Lucasforums Network.


Give us our Geritol mixed into our applesauce once a day, and the occasional outing to the park to feed the ducks in the pond... and we are happy.

Yeah, I meant to announce Wildstar as the new XWA mod, but I forgot to take my Alzheimer's meds. :x But yes, Wild is the man with the plan for all things XWA-related, so give him the props he deserves!


Now, I have to go track down those young whippersnappers who've made off with my Boniva...

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Naw,.. I'm not super familiar with it... but the people who use it swear their life by it. It's a much better sequencing program than ProTools... and the audio files are totally compatible back and forth with PT as well, I believe.


It's a much nicer interface. Probably the Ferrari of the sequencer/ audio-recording software out there at the moment.




There's also a scaled-down version of it too...



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I'll look at the demo. Pro Tools and Cubase were really the only leading contenders, so I'll check this one out too. I'm honestly not sure it matters that much for what I do - I don't need a lot of fancy stuff, I just want it to sound good and to have it in a format that is as universal and sharable as possible. And, of course, be easy to use.

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somebody ordered a Conrow E6320 today :D


and a 8600GTS


and 2 gigs of ram


and everything else i need to go with it!


and r15:


I'm ashamed of you, some girl printed a full nude picture, that you didnt let her have, and it hasnt been scanned and posted on here?????


for shame :(

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Well... he might have been able to sneak that one by last week... but now there's a new sheriff in town.


Slow day at work. Tired all day. Kept feeling like I was going to doze off at my desk.


Just about the worst commute I have ever seen on the subway coming home tonight. Horror show. Crowded beyond description, and running slow. I wanted to scream the whole trip home.


Got to the beach for a walk... but I was so late by the time I got home it was a ludicrously brief time before the sun set and I was so hungry I had to quit.


Hopefully I'll be able to get out tomorrow for a while before the weather truly turns bad. The days off I'm taking this week look to be dismal, weather-wise. Oh well... I just might get the laundry and all those other chores I was so willing to blow off done.


Early bed tonight. I'm wiped. And this really is a day better off behind me...





Random Thought (Yes, I am still going to try to do these occasionally... Sorry.):


I once, in my teen years, attended an indoor monster-truck rally and tractor-pull. It is simply the most redneck thing I have ever done.


The next closest is a far 2nd: Spending 10 days in an unheated cabin deep in the mountains of upper-state New York, in October.


While, granted, not particularly redneck in it's own right, it did afford me first-hand experience on several occasions towards understanding the origins of the phrase: "Steaming pile of ****."

Something I had never personally encountered in my entire cushy suburban and city life to that date.


It was a milestone for me for understanding the wider world.

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Woke up, went and saw Transformers with my landlord and his son, very good movie, tho i've never read the comics or watched the cartoon (except for the beast wars transformers) really impressed with the graphics. :)


Afterwards we went to his mother's house and went swimming in their pool, then came back home played halo 2 coop for a bit, then went back into town to see the fireworks. pretty impressive display, i haven't seen fireworks since i've moved up here (had to work every ****ing day they had them, which is why i requested off the 3rd, 4th, and 5th of this july. :)




and r15:


I'm ashamed of you, some girl printed a full nude picture, that you didnt let her have, and it hasnt been scanned and posted on here?????


for shame :(


Child pornography is illegal.

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I don't imagine that's a movie I'm going to run out to see any time soon. I wouldn't mind seeing the new Pixar one... but that's probably going to wait for DVD anyway.

It just seems like an enormous effort to drag myself to the theater these days. It has to be an "Event" film on the scale of a new Star Wars or Lord Of The Rings to even spark my interest.


The next Jason Bourne film? Maybe. The new Indy Jones? Definitely.


Got a little walking in this morning. Did some grocery shopping. Took a nap.


Thinking about putting a load of laundry in the wash, and seeing if there's anything on TV tonight worth watching. Otherwise I'll probably just read, or re-watch a movie I have on DVD or tape.

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*gasp* you dare blasphemy against the one and only Megatron? How DARE YOU! :D


Personally, I liked how the flick didn't try to take itself to seriously, at the same time it tried to be "Ya know, this COULD happen...".


That, and seeing Megatron yell at Starscream on the big screen was really awesome.

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