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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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finally get 2 days off in a row again. Was on SWG a while last night, I earned enough Galactic Civil War points for my promotion to Major on thursday at 3pm est. :joy: They really did good on that upgrade to bounty hunter. I'm hoping the devs ignore the whiny babies and leave it Bounty Hunter as it is, it's nice actually standing my ground now, people were so used to killing us bounty hunters, or always coming out on top, that now we seem like the best profession in the game or something.


Going out to the Zoo today and fishing as well with my parents. I'll take some pictures. :)



By the way, who from here did I just recruit to my guild on SWG?

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Maybe your missing my point. Jason bourne seems to only have 2 emotions from what I have seen. Anger and Stoic. I find it really hard to empathize with his character and I have never liked a movie based solely on action scenes that are sped up to super human speeds. If I cannot follow the action, it isn't an action scene.


I have fought, judged, and watched some high caliber sparring matches in martial arts. I know what is possible. cinematic fighting has its place, when it is looked on as a form of dance or art "Hero" and "Crouching tiger" are good examples of how Cinimatics should be used. Realistic fighting requires more action/reaction and it is obvious when things are sped up to make it look more powerful... people fall at certain rates, step certain ways, it is obvious when you know to look for it


Well... I guess that none of that bothers me. I like the movies. And the books.


I'm just not seeing the flaws that you do.




Just noticed:


This thread has become the top of the list in in this forum for both number of posts and number of views... making it the #1 most popular thread in XWA Community Center history!!!!


... Well, at least since the merge and the new server software keeping track of such things, anyways. But still...


Way to go, us! We rock!



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EDIT #2:

Man, it's boring around here. But at least it's a dry boring.



Almost missed you there in my haste to reply to Kinnison.


I'm not letting you off the hook that easily, my friend!


So, what's new in the world of home recording on the Macbook?

Any new insights into home studio digital recording software? Try anything new and exciting lately, or sticking with what you've got?


I only ask because I do believe I am getting near the point of purchasing a brand new home PC, and I hope to make digital recording a big part of what I do in the future... and I'm a bit torn at the moment between getting one of your standard Mircrosoft Wintel machine, or an Intel Macintosh.


And honestly... most of my knowledge of multitrack recording software is strictly academic these days... from reading articles and reviews in trade magazines, and word-of-mouth from the people around me.

I almost never work with the stuff myself anymore.


So I'm curious about all your experiences so far...



Well, that... plus I'm a whore who will do anything to keep conversation in this thread going! ;)



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I keep forgetting to post about my bowling progress, so I'll do it now...


I ordered new bowling shoes in the last couple of weeks and had a couple of chances to test them out over the weekend. Bowled 2 games w/ my brother on Saturday, and 3 w/ a group that included my best friend on Sunday...averaged 140 for the 5 games and showed steady improvement through the weekend, scoring in the 160s in the middle and last games on Sunday.


But then again, had you known about and been reading my new blog, you would've already known. Sorry for not posting that sooner.



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EDIT #2:

So I'm curious about all your experiences so far...


Well, I'm using Cubase 4, and I really like it. I tried them all, but Cubase won out. The only other real choice was Pro Tools, but your choices of hardware are just too limited, and you have to have it connected ALL THE TIME, to run Pro Tools. That is way too inconvenient. So I'm liking Cubase 4.


The MacBook Pro is a nice machine, and it runs Mac OS and Windows XP with no problems. One thing I have noticed is that some things won't work perfectly in Boot Camp, though. The recording interface I am using is the M-Audio 1814, and it's great, but it's not fully supported using Boot Camp. It actually works completely fine, but I can only record at sample rates of 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz. So if I want 96 kHz or higher, I have to do it on the Mac side. That's OK, but I prefer Windows, mostly.


Which leads me to my next conclusion - I cannot tell the difference between sample rates. At all. Anything 44.1 kHz or higher sounds perfect to me. So I don't even bother with the higher sample rates. If I were doing it for a video, I would use 48 kHz, because that seems to be the standard there, but I see no reason to ever use anything higher than that. On the other hand 24-bit audio as opposed to 16-bit does seem to make some difference, so I do use that.


Mostly I am concentrating on learning the ins and outs of the software right now, as opposed to doing any real projects, but once I have it down, I'll post something I've done.

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Cool. Good to know... :)


Work went well tonight. No major, nasty surprises. Always good.


Gotta get home in post-game traffic, though. Yuck! Never good. At all...



2 days off!!! :D


Well... not really. More like: 2 days away from the job!!! :dozey: And that's not really the same...


I suspect that I'll probably be busier doing running around and that sort of stuff in the next couple of days than if I had gone to work...


All my experiences taking care of ill people have been some of the most frantic moments of my life to date. It's always lot of work being there for someone who's not feeling well.


Hopefully I'll be able to find some time to chill, though...

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Ahhh! Lookout! It's a STRANGER!!!!


Kill it!




Ah... mortgage payments... the gift to oneself that just keeps on taking. :dozey:


Still... what the hell, Ryan? Are you becoming a grown-up on us or something?



That's just not right...




P.S. - Happy Spirit Journey Formation Anniversary!

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Still... what the hell, Ryan? Are you becoming a grown-up on us or something?

Work for a bank and everything. :p Which is nice, since employee rates means the mortgage doesn't take *quite* as much.


But I've got tons of space for a woodpile and accessories now, which is good since the fiance plays too. Along the wall behind me are two Ibanez electrics, a Les Paul, a Strat, my old POS Peavey P-Bass knockoff, a locally handcrafted classical acoustic, a Seagull acoustic, a Yorkville BM400, a Fender Twin-Reverb, and 3 apartment amps that I need to get around to selling now that I don't have to worry about neighbors and paper-thin walls. They're also being joined by an Ibanez Soundgear bass early next week (God bless sales on discontinued items!).

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Heh heh heh... I can't imagine a family case of G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome.)


It's usually bad enough when only one person has it... with 2 people I can foresee how it could get seriously out of hand. :D


Start planning on that home-improvement loan for those additions now!





Congrats on everything!

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I wouldn't know anything about that. :dozey:


My dad had close to 50 guitars at one point... and probably as much tonnage in amps and assorted recording and PA gear.


I haven't gotten to that point,.. yet. But this place felt a bit cramped the day I moved in. Probably about the only thing keeping me from blowing the remains of each paycheck on more equipment.


Well,.. I'm happy to hear that you've been using your time during your long absence ( ;P ) productively.


A career in High-Finance, new residence, impending nuptials, gear up the wazoo, and another year older... So, uh... what else is new?



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Uhhh... I quit smoking, my tent collapsed in a windstorm and destroyed both main poles, and I may soon be playing bass for a local band. They're kind of a cross between AC/DC and the Stones, and they're in need of a bassist.


Promises to be a fun experience if I do.

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Hey nitro. Glad to hear the good news.


I also have been given some good news... of sorts.


Today I received an E-mail with a request, for me to be the chair for a league night at my Curling club. in charge of 13 teams. More responsibilities, volunteer only. Have to think about it. In October I will be starting my 3rd year at the Madison Curling club.

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Well... a full day, to say the least.


We have seen the return of Nitro, and learned the tales of the fortunes which have befallen him in the intervening months of our separation...


My mom got her surgery. Getting there was a serious pain in the ass, however.


Someone thought it was a good idea to choose today to completely tear up the only road to the medical facility directly in front of it... and also in roughly 2 miles in each direction. :mad:


What should have been a 15 minute drive took closer to an hour, and I barely got her there on time... we were left with whole seconds to spare! :rolleyes:


While she was there, I wandered off, braving the horrors of the construction zone, yet again... and got some breakfast.


Had a cute waitress that kept calling me "Hon!" the whole time.

I thought that only happened in the movies...

Worked, too: She got a pretty damn good tip out of me, now that I think about it...


After that, I still had a bit of time before needing to return, so I took myself over to the nearby warehouse club, and wandered aimlessly around there for a while.

Ended up only making one purchase, though: The "new" book of Tolkien's. It was fairly cheap... so even if it's not great, (and I do have some doubts,..) I really won't be out that much.


Got back, picked her up, got mom home and settled.


Went back out and did some grocery shopping. Took a nap. Took a walk. (Both brief, since I need to make sure she keeps on the 2-hour eye-drop schedule,.. and she seems to have issues putting them in herself.)


Ordered a bunch of Chinese food for us. Enough for microwavable leftovers for the entire weekend.


Finished the book I was reading (The first book in the new Thomas Covenant series...) so the Tolkien book might come in handy.


I have to determine if I tackle the last 2 Harry Potter books first, though. I already have book 6, but haven't cracked it yet. And almost grabbed book 7 when I saw it today... but resisted.

Historically, I have gotten through the last Potter books fairly quickly... a couple of days at most. I think that's the way I'll go this time... and then on to Tolkien. (Although his works are the much better and more important, and I think I would rather go there first... so I dunno...)


Goofed around on Myspace a long time too. Found some family and friends I wasn't aware of. And a new band that has become my favorite, forcing me to change my profile song in the process. Hee hee hee...


I'm pretty sure I know the guys behind it,.. though they wisely chose to remain safely anonymous.


Worked on learning a new song ("More Fool Me" by Genesis. I hope to be able to sing and play it at the same time... something I've been working a lot on lately. I've never been able to do it before...)


So like I said: A full day! Well... for me, that was a lot to get through, anyway.



So then: How come I can still feel so bored and unfulfilled with life? :(

That sure as Hell doesn't seem fair...


I'll see it at some point. But you know the guy they talk about: "If you only see ONE movie this year..."?

Well,.. that's me. I'm that guy.

After long and careful deliberation and consideration, I have determined that the next movie I see in my local thater complex will not be:


Bourne Ultimatum


The Simpsons

Harry Potter


... or any other major feature film so far yet mentioned and discussed here.



I have decided that the single movie that I am saving my pennies and possibly sole trip into a multiplex for this year is going to be:


Bratz: The Movie.


I have my reasons...


And don't you dare judge me!



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I have decided that the single movie that I am saving my pennies and possibly sole trip into a multiplex for this year is going to be:


Bratz: The Movie.


I have my reasons...


And don't you dare judge me!




insanity has claimed one of our own... Woe to him and to all involved.

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"I know you're only 12 years old, but you are still so fine!

Wanna come to your birthday party! Wanna make you mine!"


Heh heh... I'm gonna end up in jail, aren't I?

These last 2 posts of mine just put me on every internet sexual predator watch list known.


Oh dear...


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