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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Yeah... I think so. A couple of them anyway...


Wow... there's a lot of teeth in this pic.


You are lookin' at he next generation of Hollywood drug-rehab clientele in the makings, fellas... Make room and step aside, Lohan!




But can you even imagine the reaction I would get as a close-to-40-something guy, showing up alone in that audience... and NOT there as a film critic?




I do believe I would be swiftly escorted out a side door into an awaiting police cruiser...




Just saw this review on Rotten Tomatoes:

"Wow, is this movie mind-numblingly vapid and shrill."

Awesome! Can't wait now!!!


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No... but combining them into an inbred, retarded offspring can only lead to horrors the likes of which the world has never known before.


Actually, I've never seen either of the movies you described... but I can only imagine that this movie, which, since it is little more than a overblown, feature-length, big-budget commercial for a line of toys (although, for that matter, I guess so is Transformers... so maybe not such a great example...) it's probably not going to be the "Citizen Kane" or "Doctor Zhivago" of our generation, let's say.

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Hey. Thanks.



Today was far less productive than yesterday. I think it had something to do with all the brain-melting heat. Even inside the air-conditioning I found it it occasionally sweaty and uncomfortable. At one point, driving around, my car's external thermometer registered over 100 (F). Oof... No walk today...


Took mom back to her post-op checkup. Then did some more shopping.


That's about it. Too nasty for much else. Parked myself in front of the TV for a while (since it was one way of keeping still) and watched a couple things I TIVO'ed: An all shark episode of Mythbusters (heh... cool! Plus: Kari in a wet suit and bikini top!!! Rawr! :naughty: ) and a History Channel called "Dogfights" that is pretty much exactly what it's name implies: Dissecting aviation battles. Oh... and it has become my new favorite show on TV...


After that, a documentary on the history of Vegas...


Now this.


So... all-in-all; not quite the full day I had prior.


Oh well... I guess they can't all be winners...




A couple of random thoughts crossed my boredom-infused mind today. I thought I'd share...


I wonder if by the time we are retirement age, if somebody will "remake" the Star Wars saga. (Mom was watching "Meet Joe Black" today, and she mentioned that the story seemed familiar. I told her it was a remake of an old film, and it all clicked into place. "Well, that's kind of cheating..." she said. I had trouble disagreeing...)


If they do remake it, I wonder if they will stick to the family-friendly PG-ness of the whole thing, or whether someone will feel the need to make it 'edgy.' A strong R rating, maybe...


Instead of the quick, fairly chaste kiss between Han and Leia on the Falcon after some silly "dirty hands..." dialog in EST,.. we could be treated to an extended scene where he works over her alluvial dampers and reverse power flux coupling with his hydrospanner... if you know what I mean.




Second random thought:


Where the hell is Zoomie?!??


I'm actually finding myself pissed off at him for being gone so long this time!



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Yesterday was alright....went for a bike ride first thing, right before it got hot outside. Went to work, only had 1 pissed off customer (copyrighted pictures.......) i had to get my manager, and well the lady screamed and yelled at her, made a big scene. other than that, the day went alright. I got my promotion to major in galaxies. :) watched 300 when i got home, i love that movie. my sister rented pathfinder so maybe i'll watch that tonight after i go bowling.

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a History Channel called "Dogfights" that is pretty much exactly what it's name implies: Dissecting aviation battles. Oh... and it has become my new favorite show on TV...


I wouldn't call Dogfights "new;" its in its second season. There's also been a pair of episodes about naval surface engagements, which was...a little weird but ok (Taffy 3's stand at Samar during the fighting in Leyte Gulf and the sinking of the Bismarck). There's some episodes in season 2 I'm looking forwards to, mainly the Falklands Islands War and WWII's Operation Bodenplatte. Dogfights makes me wish there was a fighter sim that had the sense of speed and urgency that comes across in their animations.


For as much as Europe and its lapdog Canada like to belittle the US in WWII (either "way to join late guys" or "the soviets could have done it alone"), the Luftwaffe was numerically and technologically superior during Bodenplatte than during the Battle of Britain and the US got more than its fair share of fighting in. During Bodenplatte, the Germans used 1035 aircraft (everything they had, literally, on the Western Front) in an attempt to destroy the Allied Air Force on the ground. They killed over 400 Allied aircraft, almost entirely on the ground, but lost 304 of their own aircraft. Which effectively broke the back of the Luftwaffe once and for all. It was the largest single day loss for the Luftwaffe and the 238 dead, missing, or captured pilots was simply unacceptable. I think after that, the only thing the Luftwaffe did was sporadic bomber defense. German even that late could replace the aircraft but losing 20% of your pilots? ****, that's just the end of it. At the absolute best, you're going to need six months or so to get a pilot operational and by the time Bodenplatte was over, the war in Europe only had four months left in it.


And I'm shocked that Taffy 3 isn't more widely known, since its one of the coolest moments in American military history. I mean the Samuel B Roberts, a light destroyer, got so close to a heavy cruiser that the Chokai (the cruiser) couldn't depress its heavy guns enough to fire back. And the Roberts chewed away at the cruiser with its anti-aircraft guns. That's balls right there. Three destroyers went well above and beyond to keep some carriers from being sunk. The first destroyer that turned into the path of the cruisers was sunk along with three others and the captain of that one that started it all got the Medal of Honor.


Of course the greatest battle in American history is the Battle of Manila Bay in 1898. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Manila_Bay_%281898%29 I mean look how one sided that is. Arguably the second most one sided naval battle in history (the most one sided was the HMS Conqueror's sinking of the General Belgrano in 1982).

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SOme of my favorite battles are:


Navy: Battle of Trafalger

Air to ground: Operation Chastise (Dambusters)

Runner up: Operation Jericho (WWII precision bombing)

Land: Battle of Agincourt.

AIr to Air.... not really any specific one but I allways liked Pappy Boyington and Richard Bong

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If I had to pick favorites:


Naval: Battle of Jutland (Runner-up: Battle of Lake Erie, for the unusual demands placed on Perry and the obstacles he had overcome before the battle itself)

Air to Ground: Operation Opera, the Israeli raid on the Osirak reactor. (Operation Focus, the IAF catches the entire Egyptian Air Force on the ground and inflicts something like 95% losses on the EAF in three hours)

Land: Battle of Trenton/Washington crossing the Delaware (Battle of Tours)

Air to Air: Battle of the Philippine Sea aka Marianas Turkey Shoot (probably the running battle in MiG Alley. There aren't a lot of air to air battles of note)

Special Operations: Operation Entebbe, the rescue of Air France 139 hostages in Ugadnda by Israeli commandos. (Operation Rooster-53, the capture of an Egyptian radar array during the 69-70 War of Attrition)

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I wouldn't call Dogfights "new;" its in its second season.

OK... fair enough. Call it: "New for me." Never seen it before. Then, I don't seem to land on the History Channel very often. I also don't watch much TV these days either... on the order of a couple of hours a week, on a good week. I know people who admit to watching more TV a in day than I often watch all week.


But it varies. This week I had a lot of time home, I was on my mom's beck and call, and it was too damn hot for any kind of strenuous activities... so laying in front of the TV didn't bother me too much. Most weeks it feels like a waste of my life, however.


Not that the amount of time I spend plopped in front of the PC is probably all that much more uplifting... but it feels different to me. At least I have some outlet for all the crap cluttering my brain that way.


Spent the day at work attending a seminar. Given by the Meyer Sound guys in our hall. Nice to get paid and attend a class you would probably attend on my own time anyway.


A lot of it was stuff I already knew... but it was a good refresher, and presented well. A lot of stuff that was brand new, or stuff I never really thought about before.


Afterwards, they took my boss and me out to dinner. Oof! I have never eaten so much Italian food in my life. I'll never eat again!


Felt kind of lousy all day. Woke up with a sore scratchy throat and kind of achy. Don't think it's a cold, though. Probably something I'm allergic to going into pollen. A lot of people there were coughing and sniffling too. I wasn't alone.


More class tomorrow. More hands-on stuff than today, so that should be good.


Need to get some sleep though. Early start. Night!

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Holy crap it's hot outside.


I was going to take a bath, but seeing as how I'm swimming in my own SWEAT, I think I'm ok. >.<


Tell Summer to go screw off, and never to come back.


well then do you want to join me and blowing up a 1mi square piece of antartica and let it drift into the ocean currents?

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Bought a pair of home studio monitors today - M-Audio BX8a's. My setup is nearly complete. Now I just have to write some songs, I guess. Hmm...
just don't write something like "Chocolate Rain."



do a google search. watch the youtube video. I'm not looking up the link.

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But it might be fun...


Well... started yesterday feeling OK... got though the seminar. But by the time I got back home I was like death warmed over.


Got home, had some soup, and straight off to bed. That was about 8 or 8:30.


Woke up this morning around 10. Yikes!


Still feel ****ty. Gotta take it easy today, though. Long days tomorrow and Wednesday, and nobody to cover me... so I probably can't take them off no matter how lousy I feel. And that sucks...

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Spent most of the day in bed... sleeping (or trying to.)


How fun is that?


Looks like long days for me Mon, Tues, and Wed now. Yay.


Wake on Thurs, funeral on Fri. :dozey:


Trust me: with the way I feel right now... that's nowhere soon enough.

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i feel like crap. probably from working too hard on the stupid machines at work, got all my weekly maintenance and all but a few things on monthly maintenance finished...in 2 days. I wish i could just figure out what i really want to do for the rest of my life............/rant...........

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