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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Took it easy today, trying to get my mind and body back into some semblance of health before attempting to tackle all the nonsense that needs to get done this weekend.


That basically sums it up. Trying to eat right, and taking naps.


Thrilling. :dozey:

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watched flash gordon tonight. It is a start. Tho I certainly hope they spend more time in Eternia/Mongo. I was highly amused with the fight scene in the Kitchen "NO not the blender, my mom would kill me" and Flash defending himself with a frying pan deflecting laser blasts like it was a lightsaber.


Liked the homage to Queen in the teaser at the end.


Tho I was kinda miffed that my local channel showing the Football (American) game lost it's signal

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call me disgusting.


I was on the way home for lunch today and spotted a dead fox on the road. I thought 'hey i have a truck why not make some good use of it' turned around and picked it up, think i'm just gonna take the tail and chuck the rest of it cause it stinks pretty bad. gonna go to blockbuster and pick up a movie or 2, then going to head over to my dad's and probably go fishing tomorrow and then go see bourne ultimatum. I can't wait to see that!!!! :D


Wondering what movie i should go rent...*checks blockbuster.com*

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Got a few things accomplished today... though not nearly as much as I would have liked (as usual... :rolleyes: )

Forgot we have a "Tax-Free" weekend going on across the state. That kept me from going anywhere near a large retail store today. Made due with the limited and dwindling supplies I have.


Got out for a walk... though nowhere near the distance I would have liked. Only about 6 miles before the blistering on my feet got bad enough to force me to quit. That's about half of what I was doing a few weeks ago, before I got busy, and then ill... Will take me weeks, if not months to get back to that point again, it seems.


Oh well... I'll just have to try tomorrow...


Been feeling kinda down-in-the-dumps today for some reason. I don't know why. Just depressed for no good reason, and I can't explain it.


For some reason I'm just feeling really lonely and isolated today... and, truthfully: I am... but no more than my usual daily existence... and that typically doesn't bother me at all. Hell, I rarely even notice it anymore. Nothing special about today that way...


(In fact, kind of the opposite: An old college friend who I'm in touch with on Myspace occasionally, asked offhand earlier if I wanted to hang out and see some band play tonight.

I begged-off,.. mainly because trekking into Boston (well, technically Cambridge in this case...) at about 8 pm on a Saturday night, to hang around in a bar to hear a live band was simply about the last thing I can ever imagine myself doing on a night off.

I appreciated the offer, though. Seems like nobody ever invites me out anywhere for anything, ever.)


Just some random chemical imbalance, I guess. I'll just try to ignore it until it sorts itself out...


(Unless, the simple fact that it may have unconsciously occurred to me what an incredibly rare event that my being asked to share in somebody else's time is, is what tipped me over the edge today... Hmmm...)


I was just thinking that I might go see "Ultimatum" tomorrow too. See how far I get with laundry in the morning...

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I spent most of my day driving to and from another city with the wife so she could pick up a linoleated parakeet from a breeder... Amazing how sitting on your ass and turning a wheel for 8 hours can leave you completely exhausted.


In music related stuff:

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Got most of my laundry done this morning... at least enough to get through the week. It's a slow week for me too... I should be able to finish the rest at night after work a couple of evenings during the week.


Got a bit of a walk in after that. Didn't push it too far, as my feet were already raw from yesterday. About 4 miles, I guess...


Went and saw Ultimatum. And, oh yes... it did kick ass.



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I liked ultimatum, but jesus h christ, why do people still use that handicam all over the place film style for fight scenes, I like to actaully SEE what is going on!


and you cannot hotwire cars anymore like he did, period. but thats probably a time update to make it a current day movie issue......



any of you guys know much about video production?


I am temporarily 'in charge' of the Public Television station here in Urbana, and sorting through loads of equipment, alot that doesnt work or never gets used.....


wtf do sync generators do? we never turn them on..............can I ebay them? will I f(*&(*&ed if I get rid of themn? I had to bypass one of the cameras from it altogether cuz the patch cable it used to get there went bad and I dont have a spare BNC cable laying around......



I rewatched Live Free or Die Hard after and realized that while it was a flimsier plot, it was plain a better movie, mostly due to cinematography differences



note: past 1700 posts......this thread is movin good still!

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Dear God... Sync is a HUUUUUGE issue.


Simple answer: A Sync Generator is typically used as a master clock to all the cameras and recording equipment, to make sure that if you record audio and video on separate machines, that you can lock them back up after the fact. Same with separate cameras and vid tape decks.


Basically, it sends a common pulse to all the machines in the chain to lock them on a current time reference.


The long answer: is a serious pain in the ass!

I won't get into SMPTE timecode and frame rates. Take too long,... and I'm not really all that sure I fully understand it all myself...


Not as big an issue in the days of in-the-computer editing... but I wouldn't ditch them totally...



The handycam work didn't bother me too much. It's become the visual style of these films.


I did notice and go "Hmmmm...." about the hot-wiring thing though. But it didn't take me away too much from the film.




Sat for 8 hours in a class about sexual-harassment and cultural-diversity issues in the workplace.


So, yeah...


Wasn't as bad as it may seem on the surface. But one thing kept coming to me all afternoon: Why is sitting in one place merely listening and thinking often far more tiring than actually moving around all day?


I don't get it...


Early night tonight.

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the spastic hand camera work for some movies and TV shows gives me motion sickness. I really wish I could figure out who is doing this in the film industry, thinks this is a good idea, and PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE


It is like the same person who thinks taking pictures of people from above is artistic. DUDE ,I AM LOOKING DOWN HER TOP, not at her face

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It's like anything: once the technology exists (in this particular case: high-def digital handheld cameras) it will be over-used (and a bit abused) as people experiment with it,.. until it becomes such a cliche no one will touch it, or the next new thing comes out.

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Okay, so I finished moving into a superb flat and everything went fine. Especially since this moving company did the carrying for me, which is really a reason why I will never ever do a move without one of those again. The bad thing is, the Telekom, an international company, seems to be unable to provide me with a simple analogue telephone line into a house where everyone else already has one. Without this I cannot get DSL, which is ****ing bull****, really. I also decided to switch over from cable to DVB-T, what basically cut me off from MTV, Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon. To switch back to cable would mean I'd have to install a cable from the bedroom to the living room since this is THE ONLY place in my flat where the DID NOT put a cable socket (which was also a reason to use DVB-T).


However, I don't mind that too much since besides that this flat is really the r0x0r5, and it also features one of the best sunsets of Berlin.

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Dear God... Sync is a HUUUUUGE issue.


Simple answer: A Sync Generator is typically used as a master clock to all the cameras and recording equipment, to make sure that if you record audio and video on separate machines, that you can lock them back up after the fact. Same with separate cameras and vid tape decks.


Basically, it sends a common pulse to all the machines in the chain to lock them on a current time reference.


The long answer: is a serious pain in the ass!

I won't get into SMPTE timecode and frame rates. Take too long,... and I'm not really all that sure I fully understand it all myself...


Not as big an issue in the days of in-the-computer editing... but I wouldn't ditch them totally...



ok. I take it they dont do jack when they aren't turned on though right?

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Uh... right...

ok. I take it they dont do jack when they aren't turned on though right?

I guess not. Your cameras are all said to be "Freewheeling". Each running on it's own internal clock.


May never be an issue if everything shot goes live out on the air, and you are just switching from camera to camera on broadcast, or the tape is made from the live switching.


Becomes an issue if you try to edit a single take from footage shot on 2 or more cameras, and you go to cut away from camera 1 at 5 minutes in, to go to camera 3... only to find out the tape transport attached to camera 3 was running 2% faster, and at that point the footage from camera 3 is actually at more like 5 1/2 minutes into the shoot. And maybe camera 2 is running slightly slower... so at that point you are actually at 4:45...


Becomes an issue. Makes it a bitch to edit.




Nice, relaxing, slow day at work. Did some file maintenance at the board, backing up old recall scenes, then deleting them to make room. Checked the wireless EQ network settings that got changed last week. Long lunch.


S'bout it for my work day.


Did a few errands on the way home from work,.. then turned right back around and walked until it got to dark to stay on the beach any longer.


Preparing dinner now. Posting here...


S'bout it for my post-work day.

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