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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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work was boring today...i managed to catch a sore throat as well....I may as well call off so i don't get told 'say that again?' a hundred times by people with dead batteries in their hearing aids. -_- if i do call off tomorrow, i'm going to have 2 days off in a row, because i also get thursday off....however, my bowling friend opens and by calling off i risk her being pissed off at me.

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I guess not. Your cameras are all said to be "Freewheeling". Each running on it's own internal clock.


May never be an issue if everything shot goes live out on the air, and you are just switching from camera to camera on broadcast, or the tape is made from the live switching.


Becomes an issue if you try to edit a single take from footage shot on 2 or more cameras, and you go to cut away from camera 1 at 5 minutes in, to go to camera 3... only to find out the tape transport attached to camera 3 was running 2% faster, and at that point the footage from camera 3 is actually at more like 5 1/2 minutes into the shoot. And maybe camera 2 is running slightly slower... so at that point you are actually at 4:45...


Becomes an issue. Makes it a bitch to edit.




yeah, we broadcase live, and the 'tape' recorded to the HD is of whatever we braodcast, we dont save them all and compile them. to make a meeting tape.


I guess I should keep them for other purposes, since technically we are a studio for shows too.............not that any shows do anything that would really need em....

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Woke up this morning and discovered I can't move my neck without agonizing pain, and my back isn't much better... The neck pain I've chalked up to just sleeping on it wrong, but my back's been slowly worsening for over a year now, so I finally decided to get it looked at, considering it's keeping me home from work today. Off to the doc tomorrow morning.

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I get neck/ upper back pain a couple of times a year... ever since I pulled my shoulder out of the socket. Messed a lot of stuff around there up big-time... most likely for the rest of my life.


I never seem to have issues with my lower back (knock on wood...)

but I know it's nothing to mess around with. My former boss had all kinds of problems... and all kinds of surgeries.

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That's not good...


Well, show just ended. Not too bad tonight. Band was under control, which allowed me to actually mix (what a concept!!!) and they were all serious players, so I could actually make them sound good.




The rest of the week should be slow. Crazy week next week though... so maybe I should plan on taking this Friday off again to get myself prepared.


Heading home. I'm starving.

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Any back pain is not fun.


Truuust me.


tell that to my bro who's got 7 bad discs, no thanks to the army.

and just to make sure i'm not 100% dissing the military.



...go navy. :dozey:


ps. i'd like to move on. it'll be late Nov when i get to say 'yay i only have three hundred and sixty five days left'

and then get told to get back to work. :dozey:


sunday is my 22nd b-day. sucsk to me cus i was looking forward to buying a nice guitar for myself. but it seems that my plan on paying my credit card wasnt working so when i found out that i was like a hundred over my limit. i quickly arranged to pay have of the bill.

and cursing at myself cus i wont be able to get myself anything this year. :sob:

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Yeah, my lower back has been the main problem for a long time, but over the last 3-4 months I've started noticing pain up around my shoulder blades too.

My advice is get something harder to sleep on. Back pain is often caused by too soft mattresses. And neck pain is often a result of back pain.


Alternatively you could stop sleeping.




Not until I have a full study of the sunset as seen from every other part of Berlin to make a complete comparison.


I can hardly just take your word for it now, can I?


Okay. No problem, man. For instance, this is the sunset over Berlin seen from inside my butt: o

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I wish I had some turrets...




Another slow-ish day at work. Awesome.


Gonna go in tomorrow after all... and hopefully take a longer stretch of time off later in the month. A bunch of days off in a row is really what I need right now in order to get really get anything done. So I'll save the little amount of days I have until the week after next,.. and hopefully I'll be able to get 5 days in a stretch.


Didn't get a walk tonight. Got home too late... and I woke up this morning with a sore ankle. Must have twisted it bad yesterday without realizing it. Doesn't feel too bad right now... but better to not take the chance.

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Went to the doc, who sent me for x-rays, the results of which won't be known for 10 days, which are required before he'll make any type of prognosis, leaving me popping Robax Platinum like a toddler in a factory of things toddlers shouldn't eat.


However, all of you who were ashamed to be seen reading Harry Potter have been saved!



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Mmmmm... muscle relaxants...


I liked them soooo much when I was first prescribed that I had to put them away very, very quickly. Before my family history of addictive personalities awoke within me for the worse.


Now I just deal with the pain and discomfort straight up... no chems in the bloodstream at all.


I'll tell ya'... your body does learn to adapt. I am developing a tolerance for little aches and pains. I barely notice the little ones anymore. The big ones (like when my neck locks in spasm...) I can cope with. They aren't as bad, and don't last as long.


I'm a bit cranky for a couple of days when it happens... but since the only other alternative for me seems to be a very, very quick slide into prescript-junkiehood, it's really something I think I can make myself live with.

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I am STILL sick. I had yesterday off, thought I would've recovered by this morning...NOPE! it only got worse, I believe it has turned into upper respiratory infection...could also be influenza...i don't really know. anyway i called in sick.

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I'm still coughing and wheezing, too. Either there's a nasty summer cold going around... or it's just a really bad year for certain pollens.


Seeing as my condition seems to change on a day-by-day basis, I'm leaning towards the latter.

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Oh, I've gotten used to the regular pain, but for the last few days it's been particularly bad. Had trouble sleeping last night because of it.


But I agree about the medication thing... The last time I saw someone about this (a little over a year ago) the guy (different doc) wrote me a script for some fantastic little orange pills that left me too stoned to do my job. The idea was that the pills would keep everything down there relaxed for a few weeks so my body could fix whatever damage was done. Fantastic job it did. Sure, I wasn't in pain for those 6 weeks, but it didn't fix anything either.


The doc I saw yesterday mentioned physiotherapy, which is what I was *really* hoping he'd say, but didn't want to refer me to anyone until he'd seen the x-rays. He's slightly concerned that the pain in my lower back could actually be my kidneys and not just my back, though I have no idea how an x-ray would tell him anything about that.


Anyway, here's hoping for some kind of physical remedy... I've got a fantastic medical benefits package from work that covers pretty much anything a doc can throw at me.

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