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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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I keep forgetting to mention my b-day, which was a week ago this past Wednesday. We actually celebrated with dinner @ my sister's that Thursday night. I had asked for a new printer...that didn't come, but my sister's family did give me a $50 Westgate Lanes gift card. The odds are good that I know what to do with that! :lol: I may still get my printer, as my brother-in-law has an old multifunction printer that he offered me...may get that on Sunday when we meet for lunch for my brother's b-day.


Speaking of which, my brother gave me an actual b-day gift, even though he was considering Opening Day @ Fenway Park my b-day present. edlib will like this...2 CDs: Van Halen's first album, and Ozzy Osbourne's Randy Rhoads tribute.



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The late young metal guitar genius who played on Ozzy's first couple of solo albums. Was killed in a freak airplane crash.


Delivery came later than expected. The chair is nice though. Not crazy about the color now that it's in the house... but I think that it's something I can get used to. Or throw a slip cover over.


Got a few more little tasks done (some laundry... before even running out!) while waiting. Mostly just sat and played around online, though.


Once the truck was gone, my day was shot as far as tackling a really big project.


So I went out and got some exercise. Almost 4 hours worth. I guess that's good too... Perfect day for it. Not too warm. Low humidity. Slightly overcast. I wish I had started earlier now... but I seriously doubt my feet and legs would have withstood much more than I did anyway.


Stopped and grabbed a salad to have with dinner on the way home.


Did a little reading... watched a little TV: All in the new chair! :D

Now I'm thinking about bed. I'm beat. Hopefully I can get some more ass-busting done around here tomorrow.


And if the weather holds out: Perhaps some more physical activity too. That would be nice.

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I gave linux a shot today via dual-booting. It's not bad...I like the fact that everything is legally free and easy to find via a built in interface. I also liked the fact that I could browse every partition with a file on my HD effortlessly. Installation was pretty easy...shame it fails to properly support my video and sound card. 1024x768@61Mhz and no sound sucks.


It's also lacking in decent IRC clients... Why hasn't someone make an mIRC copy already?

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Ubuntu by any chance?


I need to give that one a chance. I tried Mandrake (or whatever the hell they are calling it these days...) but I wasn't super happy with it.


It wasn't bad... but still not quite as "people-friendly" (I.E. - non ubergeek) as I would have liked.

I hear Ubuntu is better that way...

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Yeah... but I've been dragging my ass about getting a new one.


Those monthly bills (mortgage; car-payment;.. and all the various regularly-occurring, large expenses that come attached to both...) haven't helped much either.


And perhaps it's only my imagination... but it seems like every time I get enough money in one place where I can say: "Now I can get exactly the computer I want with no compromises, and still pay cash for it!" something unexpected comes up to deplete that fund, yet again.


It's a vicious cycle.

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I gave linux a shot today via dual-booting. It's not bad...I like the fact that everything is legally free and easy to find via a built in interface. I also liked the fact that I could browse every partition with a file on my HD effortlessly. Installation was pretty easy...shame it fails to properly support my video and sound card. 1024x768@61Mhz and no sound sucks.


It's also lacking in decent IRC clients... Why hasn't someone make an mIRC copy already?


Have you tried X-Chat?

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Have you tried X-Chat?


Yes, yes I did, and Gaim, and Konversation. Didn't try Kopete's IRC function though...


I mean, they WORK...but they're lacking in different areas where the other prevails... I like Konversation's interface, but I can't be on two different IRC servers to my knowledge...which is a real killer. I dislike X-Chat's interface, but it can run two servers. Gaim is a lesser Linux variant of Trillian...which I refuse to use for IRC.


I could just run mIRC through Wine couldn't I? I don't really plan to make a massive use of the 14GB partition that Ubuntu's on in any case. It's more of something to do and something to use if Windows craps out again.

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Dude... My newest computer is now over 7 years old!


I really don't see it being a problem. :dozey:



My computer is now over 4 years old, with components that are nearing 10 years old. Athlon XP 2000+ with 512 MB RAM isn't cutting it anymore and I'm upgrading, slowly but surely.


All the latest pr0n games require a more robust computer ;)

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Ah... good to know. ;)



Spent the morning/ early afternoon puttering. No giant projects tackled... but I feel like some things did manage to get accomplished anyway.


Specifically: The dining room, and especially the dining-room table (which has never been used for it's intended and stated purpose with one exception shortly after I moved in here...) has become the dumping-ground for storage of all sorts of items that I simply couldn't be bothered to look for other places to locate them.

I can actually see the top of it now. Which wasn't true this morning. Wonder of wonders! I can also move around it (well most of the way...) which also wasn't the case this morning either.


The other thing was the kitchen cabinets under the sink. I piled a bunch of stuff under there the day I moved in, just to get it out of the way just then.

Today was probably the first time I have looked at some of those things since...


"I have a waffle iron? I didn't know I had a waffle iron! Wait... Have I ever made waffles? Yeeeeaaaaahhhh... now I remember... that was, let's see... 15 years ago. Huh."


Got out for a walk. Shorter than yesterday (over 2 hours...) but still nothing to sneeze at. Blisters (and, truth be told, bladder...) kept me from doing any more.


Watched a tiny bit of TV... but got frustrated trying to find something that: wasn't an insipid game show; a truly unconscionable reality show; some show that if you haven't been watching and taking notes from the very first second it aired, you'll never be able catch up and keep track; or something that I actually like that I haven't already seen four hundred thousand times already, at least! :rolleyes:


Tried to read... but that really wasn't happening for me either.


Ended up goofing on the web, yet again... :dozey:


I really need to find a new hobby.


Soooooo... Ike... these games you speak of...



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I just finished the Dune series. ALL the books. The Original Frank Herbert Series, both of the KJA/Brian Herbert trilogies. and the final duology with Sandworms of Dune.


The series is done... ended.. finished.. no more. FINALLY


When I first read the Synopsis of the 2nd to last book "Hunters of Dune" I read about all the clones of old Dune characters being brought back and realized how Cliche it was. But it is nice to have everything explained and have closure.


Now I need to wait to finish KJA saga of the Seven suns series. Metal storm is out soon.


Tim Zahn has a children series "DragonBack" I am reading.. been having a hard time finding the books.


Need to find another Futuristic Sci-Fi Series to get into

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Spent most of the daylight hours today outside, detailing my car, inside and out.


Still need to take it somewhere professional, though...


I did get most of the stuck-on sap from that tree of my neighbors that hands over the driveway off all the glass, however.

And the overwhelming majority of the thick, black brake-dust stuck to the rims, too. They haven't been this shiny since the day I drove it off the lot.


The sap stuck to the finish was much, much harder... and I didn't make all that noticeable of a dent. Looks better... but I'm going to have to take it to somebody for a few days of restoration.


That's really about all I accomplished today. I stopped working when it started to get dark... otherwise I'd probably still be out there now.

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One thing I get tired of in Sci-Fi these days are Body snatcher types or Alien mind control. In the Dune series you have the Face Dancers that can perfectly mimic any human to the point not even the Bene Gesserit could tell the difference. It relies on protagonists being ignorant and arrogent to pass it off.


If I were ever writing Sci-Fi and had a Body snatcher type antagonist the Protagonist would find out then have to figure out what he should do with the information and prove it to other. A great twist that I enjoyed in the movie "Freejack" is the protagonist fakes being body snatched and one of the antagonists (played by Mick Jagger) ends up helping him to perfect his role.


Doctor WHo is a great example on how to deal with Body snatchers. He KNOWS they are body snatchers and often he has to figure out how to escape their clutches without letting them know that he knows


Terminator 2 is another great example. Something very simple reveals the deception and yet the Protagonist falls for the switch at first, and has to have someone help him who knows how the body snatcher works.

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