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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Decided what I'm gonna do with my big paycheck on thursday.....


gonna get eyes examined and order some contacts, and gonna get part of my computer upgraded, think i'll be ordering another gigabyte of ram, might look into upgrading PSU and video card as well..

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Well I'm home on leave. my brother is going to deploy soon. then shortly after me. so i got a few days

unfortunately now that i finally got to a computer, tomarrow morning ill be back in VA.


the weekend was okay. considering that basically it was compiled with mainly staying my my 'rents camp site down in dansville. so when i had to do anything i had to drive about an hour in each direction.


first i went home. and hoped i got my car back from my brother. but... he wasnt home MEH

it was only after a few hours that when he did come, he told me that he hadnt gotten my car inspected yet.

so on saturday i had to drive yet another hour to henretta to get it done at the mall.

so that took me yet another hour of waiting. so when i gto my car back i desided to go get the beer that i liked, but i had to buy it at a special store.


...how else can one get as lost as i did within a 4mi radius???

btw: that ate nearly an hour and a half of my day looking for the place.

i called cracken during that time :D

you bastard. FIND MORE TIME IN YOUR LIFE! i'm in the military and im not supposed to have time, and yet i got more then you!!! XD


so i bought a case and ahlf of the stuff, thinking im not going to be the only one drinking it.


i still got about 15 of these suckers and im driving in the morning XD

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heh had an adventure just a few minutes ago my truck decides to run outta gas on the way home 3/4 the way...hope i didn't ruin the engine by restarting, putting pedal down all the way, get me so far only had to do that twice...sucks having a damn gas gauge that just reads at E all the time, thought i'd get at LEAST another 10 miles but guess i didn't...stopped at gas station and put $20 in...damn electric going out. damn it...! ok...dunno why the lights dimmed like that. -_- probably microwave.


printer is constantly jamming at the photo lab, thought we all fixed it yesterday but it just acts all lame today and some bitchy customer had like 550+ prints that she was screaming about not getting a reduced price, it's all her fault...


Anyway, i'm alive and i don't have work tomorrow! All is good, very gooooood!

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Today at work: *Yawn*


What a truly sucky waste of a holiday... one with perfectly good weather outside, as well.


Managed to get a few more CDs ripped to iTunes at work. I really need to get my hands on an iPod now. More than half of my personal CD collection is on my hard drive at work. Will make it spectacularly easy to upload everything into the player when (if) I get one.


I just don't actually want to pay for one. Therein lies the problem.


Well... my time off was dull, boring, and unexciting.


I feel like a few things got accomplished... but would have preferred an exciting adventure-filled few days off.


I guess you can't have it both ways. I can't even seem to have it just one... Hmmm...


Back to the grind tomorrow. Straight thru to Christmas now... for the most part.


I have a few choice words to describe how I feel about that... but I think I'll give the auto-censor the night off and just skip it. :dozey:



Didn't notice earlier, but we've broken 1,900.


Still kickin' ass, boyz!


Makes me a touch worried to think how we will possibly be able to top it next year, though...

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You will end up with both... and then some. Mark my words!


Pretty slow day at work. Took apart the lighting console to replace the broken floppy-disk drive. Had to do it twice, since the first one we put in was also a dud. (Glad I had a couple floating around here.)


A longish lunch while the building was being used for testing.


Tired all day. 5 days off feels like a start. Don't want to be back at work with no end in sight. I was in kind of a downcast, grumbly mood all day. Sure it was loads of fun to be around. (Actually, truth be told, I still am... but there's no one here to suffer it.)


Hellish commute back home. Oh yeah, that's right: Summer is over. ****!


Got home and fell asleep immediately. Just woke back up. I'm glad I didn't sleep too long though, because that always messes up any hope of getting a real night's sleep afterwards... and I have one of those infamous departmental morning meetings I'm always on about. I'll need a full night's sleep to face that.


Either way, I'm sure I'll fall short of "all smiles"... but hopefully I'll manage to find a way to be in a slightly better mood that I am right now... which would be far closer to the "disgruntled worker with a vest of high explosives strapped to his chest" end of the spectrum. :dozey:

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The busy season has pretty much officially started at work. working 50 hours a week, and it won't stop til December.


I finally figured out why there are now about 60 Mallard ducks and now 7 Canadian geese grazing between my apartment building and the shore.



THere are two large oak trees and they are eating the acorns that fall. That is certainly a lot of fiber

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See, *this* is why it reads 'Nutter' in your sig, ed. :rolleyes:


Still, a valid point, nonetheless. But when you go the cheap route, don't hesitate, add manly semen to the list.


Hey! Crap, puke, and semen. What else can one want for a real mannerly birthday?


Have a nice one! :)

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Sounds like a regular ol' Thursday night at home for me... :D


I didn't even mention the fact that the gen-u-wine article is all natural and organic... which is all the rage where I am right now.

Hey! Crap, puke, and semen.

I seem to remember lyric to a song called "Prison Sex" that went an awful lot like that... maybe substitute "blood" for "puke" though.


Was that Tool? I'll have to Google that. Gonna drive me nuts now...


Yeah... it was.

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well holy crap, my best friend snagged tickets at a way reduced price, so I AM going, to see some of the greatest soccer on the face of the earth.


Both squads retooled rosters last week and are bringing their World Cup Qualifying rosters, as WCQ starts in a month...they both want their new WC squads to get time playing together before qualifying.


I get to see Ronaldinho, Kaka, Clint Dempsey, Onyewu, Wolfe, Eddie Johnson and Tim Howard.


Hopefully Ronaldo and Roberto Carlos show up too, I'm so stoked!

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well it will be a happy birthday then Zargon, wish you many more


Me on the other hand, I just go done working a grinding 11+ hour shift with only a 30 minute lunch break


Just downed a container of chocolate kiss Ice cream poppers... oh my god that is so good... after a vodka martini it will be time to crash

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I have tomorrow off, my parents are taking me to 'The Alpine' a german restaurant for supper.


My plans for tomorrow are biking another 9 miles, I skipped out on biking the 9 miles yesterday cause wanted to just stay home and chill on swg forever lol. I got myself a watch to time myself, and this morning it took me exactly 1 hour to go around my little trail. think i'll go explore another trail that goes into a dirt road, bringing me back by a farm, this is if i don't get a rush of energy and decide to see how long it would take to get into town.

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Got a huuuuuuuge paycheck today. I've got enough to get the Xbox 360 and GRAW 2 and have enough left over for gas and electric bill, gas and food. I'll be getting holiday pay next paycheck...now to see what other games i could get on xbox 360...


edit: bought it. now to hook it all up. my 10% off employee discount took $40 off the cost of xbox 360 and graw 2.

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well it will be a happy birthday then Zargon, wish you many more


Me on the other hand, I just go done working a grinding 11+ hour shift with only a 30 minute lunch break


Just downed a container of chocolate kiss Ice cream poppers... oh my god that is so good... after a vodka martini it will be time to crash


thanks K_K, should be a good weekend altogether I hope, maybe I can even sneak in some MOH Airborne if I can pick it up........ :)

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Got a huuuuuuuge paycheck today. I've got enough to get the Xbox 360 and GRAW 2 and have enough left over for gas and electric bill, gas and food. I'll be getting holiday pay next paycheck...now to see what other games i could get on xbox 360...


edit: bought it. now to hook it all up. my 10% off employee discount took $40 off the cost of xbox 360 and graw 2.


you have to play gears of war, but get halo3 first since its almost out

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Needs more cowbell.


anyway. I'm having a few slow days. nothing much, our "cert's" have been done, all i got is a couple of things the ship's got scheduled before I can 'actually' go home for my 'Leave before you deploy"

a lovely 14days at that.

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