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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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when i get depressed, i think of how good i got it, i am living in an apartment and not with my parents, i got family that care about me, my landlords are cool, i kinda like my job, i am not in any debt or any serious debt. i'm doing fairly well for someone my age i would have to say. :joy:


and then again i think about my truck and it gets me down....o well i'll just play the 'how long til they notice my sticker has expired' game. can't wait to get that all fixed up and then get my cd player installed. :) tooth is still hurting a little...it will fix itself, probably just the sinuses bothering it.

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I am going to be asking a girl out saturday for dinner and I KNOW she won't be able to say no.


It is a long story, and I am asking for everyone to use whatever methods you use to create divine intervention to aid me in this matter of importance.


This is the third year I have curled, all along I have had my eye on this girl and I think things are coming to a head. It started with me playing a pick-up game with her on my team, and catching her as she slipped on the ice as she congratulated me on a good game (the games all start with a tradition of shaking hands and saying "good curling" to start and "good game" at the end.) I think she was more embarrassed then anything.


Then last year she came by to the table I was at and made a comment to another person, with me in earshot about having trouble dating with curlers, non curlers, and not sure what she was going to do next.


At the end of last year she put me on as a Skip of a team for a league since she was the league chair for that event


At the beginning of this year she nominated me to Chair the same event since she was going to have difficulty doing it this year. and while we were talking via E-mails she asked me to join her team for a bonspeil (Curling Tournament)


Tonight was our first game together and the first time we had a chance to talk to eachother over drinks after a game. and I made SURE she had a seat next to me on my left and one of her friends was to my right so they would have to include me in the conversations.


Since I am fairly good at reading body language I think I got some signals that she is interested in me. We are the same age, she just finished collage and has her own house. She is single (I don't think there are any serious BFs) no kids, professional, cute. and from some of the earlier examples she thinks highly of me


The biggest tell i had was when we were about to say goodbye for the night, she let out a contented sigh after seeing me ready to head out wearing my nice new leather jacket.


THis is the first time I have been really confidant she will say yes, and I plan on asking her out after our last game of the spiel to a nice dinner for just the two of us.


Wish me luck everyone

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I guess I should add at this point I've been half thinking about doing the same thing as of late... but am far, FAR less certain of my chances in this case than you seem to be, so I keep finding excuses to put it off.


Probably another reason I've been in a funk, as well.



EDIT #2:


But on the bright side: we have broken 2,200 in this thread, and that makes edlib happy.



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why is customer service so hard to come by? I love MSI products (mobos especially), but lately I have been dealing with their tech support. While the tech himself has been very helpful, I've found that other people at that office seem to be inconvenienced and unwilling to take extra steps to make the customer happy.


I needed a new BIOS chip to be shipped to me to make my mobo work with my new processor, and the tech eagerly offered me this solution plus others. I paid for priority overnight shipping, and then realized that it may not ship until today, which means that i wouldn't get it until monday. Not exactly overnight. So I called back and ended up speaking to someone in sales who answered the phone "hello?" as if he was lounging on a couch, and seemed just too put out to seek some sort of resolution to the issue of either getting the chip here faster or cheaper. I asked for his supervisor and he claimed he was it. I asked for a superior and he said there were none "that would talk to me". WTF? Eventually I got someone in customer service who seemed a bit better but no guarantees.


I have come to expect that companies from whom I have been a loyal customer would bend over backwards to make me happy. I don't know how their company operates, but I do know what I want and what would make me a happy customer, and it probably wouldn't take that much extra effort on their part to comply with my wishes. I don't care if the order has been placed or shipped, I want it cheaper than priority overnight if I'm going to get it on monday! Make me happy or I will take my next computer purchase to Gigabyte or ASUS, and do my best to let everyone know your service stinks.


Is it too much to ask??

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yeah the rain about killed my truck. -_- kept sputtering on the way home. i'm in a mad/depressed mood right now, probably going to call off tomorrow, beings that everybody is there and it'll be overstaffed plus it's raining, meaning people will be bitchy and i'll get pulled to a register.

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wow I am soooo drunk.


The girl and I probly worked on 2/3rds of a bottle of Black label Johnny walker 12 year scotch after our game which started at 7 and got done by 9. I didn't leave til a little while ago.


**** that stuff reall hits ya hard. We had a really good time tho. But I decided to leave early since she seemed to be trying to keep her sdistance from me. I think we were both trying to lpay it safe so we wouldn't regeet it.


I got a lot of "mirror" type signals from her so things are looking good. These are the signals in body language where we try to mirror what the other is doing in order to communicate our receptablitiy. I lead a couple of times and she followed,. and she lead a gew times and I followed.


The biggest thin is I think she is worried where this might lead, as in too quick, i cut out early since she seemed to be trying to keep her distance and didn't want to commit to something when she was so drunlk.. and we both were. SO hammered from the scotch


I had to close one eye to focus on things since i was expericancing double vision... it has been a while since i have been so drunk


Woooo... I love curling... 2 hours of game play and 3 hours of heavy drinking! best sports ever!

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Yeah, it will be an experience.


I just hope she's OK to work with, and not a diva bitch-on-wheels that some comedians can be. I have doubts,.. but we'll see.


Reading the last couple of posts, something just struck me: It's been almost 10 years since I have touched a drop of alcohol. Hmmm...

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K, you better not have driven home like that.


I did... but only had a mile and a half to drive, and I stayed on the back roads. No traffic at all to deal with. Tho to be quite honest, I probly shouldn't have... but then I would have been even later getting home.


This is onlt the 3rd time in my life that I have had to deal wit a hangover... but being athletic I am fairly good at keeping myself hydrated

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don't drive like that again, K. too much risk, regardless of how safe you think you are being.



good news is that they refunded the difference between shipping rates. Since the company is in SoCal, I should get the package by monday via Ground anyway, so I got 20 bucks back. yay me!

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just a couple pics of rust damage on a car i may be getting a new transmission installed into, the right side of the fender (?) has a hole (that i just recently made testing its durability) that i'm not sure can be fixed at a low price...hmm maybe a block of wood and some duct tape will do the trick?





car3.jpg (not too bad in the front, just minor rust)


car1.jpg (taken prior to me poking a hole in it..not sure if i shoulda done that =\ )


anyway i may be getting new transmission put on it, front tires, new battery, and hopefully it will pass an inspection without needing anything else.

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things were a no go with the girl I talked about earlier. I didn't even bother asking


Thinking back, I think I was mirroring her, and not vis versa. Also I think she more liked me as a friend and a drinking buddy then anything more.


The sad part for me is I am a real good reader of body language and sometimes ignorance could be bliss. She never talked to ME, asked me any questions, and when a someone else would ask about my work, she would lose interest or leave.


always in my life there is unrequited love.


I am not giving up just yet, just need to create some distance and try to ask around to her friends and see if they can help me.

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Hardly the inspiration I was looking for there, K.

Sorry to hear it dude...


But I know the feeling all too well. Been down that path far too many times than I would ever wish to relate here. And I KNOW I'm really, REALLY terrible at reading other people,.. as well as convincing myself that I'm seeing things I wish were there, but aren't truly. Which is why I tend to be so gun-shy these days.


Whenever I find myself thinking somebody might possibly be interested, red flags go up, and I double guess myself until it's usually far too late,.. even if I eventually realize that my initial impressions were actually correct...



Joan Rivers: Fairly easy. Pretty funny. Really raunchy.


Pretty easy day, for the most part. No real problems to report.


Got a LOT of things to take care of tomorrow. It's gonna be a busy day. I might take part or all of Monday off now, though. I have a guy who actually wants to cover the shift for me.


Far be it for me to argue...

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man that sucks, k. =\


myself, i've never had a girlfriend. just friends that are girls. it's cool but it can be pretty ****ing depressing...


getting annoyed at work....this transfer lady they got in, was annoying the hell out of me. she almost ALWAYS comes back from her 15 minute breaks, 10 minutes or more later. She complains about the way we do things, and doesn't make any noticeable effort to show that she knows how to do anything unless I actually TELL her to do something. And then she's complaining about the dept mgr giving her a ****ty review and jumped the store's chain of command to complain about it, i think she would've got a better review if she'd get out the technical books when dept manager was around and at least PRETEND to LEARN. lol i dont have anything against her personally, it's just that she is a crappy coworker and when i look at the schedule and see i'm closing with her, i am like 'dammit if i wanted to babysit, i would just apply at a ****ing day care'


I'm off work tomorrow.....yipee! I work monday, then i'm off again on tuesday, so that kicks ass, tomorrow i must get the apartment cleaned up, balance out my checkbook, clean up the vehicles, take some pictures.


Hey ed, thanks for that link i'll definitely have to check that stuff out...

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things were a no go with the girl I talked about earlier. I didn't even bother asking


Thinking back, I think I was mirroring her, and not vis versa. Also I think she more liked me as a friend and a drinking buddy then anything more.


The sad part for me is I am a real good reader of body language and sometimes ignorance could be bliss. She never talked to ME, asked me any questions, and when a someone else would ask about my work, she would lose interest or leave.


always in my life there is unrequited love.


I am not giving up just yet, just need to create some distance and try to ask around to her friends and see if they can help me.


No, forget about that B.S. and just ask her on a date.

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Srsly K, just do it. You never know unless you do it.


Started my new job. I remember why I dislike new jobs. The whole 3-4 days of crap and training, which is rather redundant and I could tell my orientation dude was NOT talking to me about half the policies Best Buy has because I was a manager and half of it was repetition. I've heard it before, and have had to enforce it as a manager before.


Other wise... my supervisor, who controls my hours, gave me 40. I simply said "I'm hired as Occasional/Seasonal, but put me down for full time and treat me as such."


He want... "F**K YEAH!" and gave me Monday through Friday 9:30A-6PM. 45 minute lunch breaks. Company Policy. I will not argue this.


So... it goes. I guess.


Ed, you ever find those songs? I'm not home now (though on my aim it appears that I am, I'm posting from a friend's house, whom I'm house sitting for) but tomorrow I will be. At some point. Probably in the evening.

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