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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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It had been since like...early 2003 the last I talked to her apparently, judging from the last stuff she remembered.


Anyhow, she is currently employed as an educational assistant working with disabled kids and teaches guitar and piano part time. Last October, she got married. That's about it, I guess. Its not anything Earth shattering, but that's what she's been up to since...whenever it was she vanished.

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work was boring again. yay.


got home, played some galaxies, hunted someone on dantooine and won...then i hunted 2 jedi, the first one killed me, then i somehow got his mission again which pissed me off and i didn't want to drop it, and i got him down to a sliver before my fn action ran out and i died, i would've won had i stopped at a pvp base to pick up action healing stim... o well. then i go and fight another jedi at mos eisley and get killed he ran outside the cantina and i followed, lagged and was ultimately killed so i said **** that **** and logged off. the trader expertise/revamp will make or break the game. pvp right now consists of rebels ganking imperials. not just ganking, 10-1 ganking. it's the lamest crap too, like i'll be going into a pvp zone, and see 1 guy, and well he's alone and so am i, i'll fight him, then outta nowhere 3-5 rebels come in, COME ON. when that happens it just totally ruins the game for me, especially when the rebel i am fighting isn't even at half health yet, what is the use of 2-3 more people? i quit restuss pvp battlezone a few months ago, back in november, after 1/4 of the imperial players decided to freaking defect because they were getting '0wnzr3d'. :rolleyes:


either way i don't plan on being here after march. i want to ****ing enlist. who cares if they're increasing troops into iraq, it's not like i have a wife/girlfriend to miss. :p besides, if i do say, 20 years of service, i'll be retired at around age of 43 and have a ****load of money and anything i want, or if i just do 1 term of enlistment, more doors of opportunity would be open. now...my plan is to get at least 2 hours of exercise in a day...gonna wake up 6am tomorrow morning and go on 1-2 mile run. gotta drink 2 bottles of water a night in order for me to be well hydrated for it. after i walk/run i may go out and hunt for an hour or 2. it's supposed to be decent weather tomorrow anyway.

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Yeah, us grown men still living in a pre-2003 world.

The hell with that! I'm still living in a pre-1988 (the year I graduated high-school) world.


It's like existing in a fantasy land, I know... but it's really all I can do to keep from drawing a nice hot bath and opening my wrists with a butcher knife somedays. :dozey:

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i woke up to 2 alarms at 6:00, the watch alarm and my radio alarm. got out of bed, took a shower, ate some food, went out for my walk at around 7:20, i did the full 4 miles, the last 2 miles i jogged for a minute or two then walked for a minute or two, kept doing that, took me about 22 minutes to go the 2 miles, i got back at around 8:30. i can improve that if ice stays off the road for another week...didn't go out hunting, too late in the day for that, knowing me i'd lose track of the time and end up being late for "work".


Loaded up Galaxies, decided to restart my expertise skills, and reallocated points from power assisted sprint and melee defense (which only works with assault armor equipped, which is only decent if you have the whole assault armor required skills) and put those points into the carbine line, so i could get the skill 'relentless onslaught' which reduces action cost by 75%...so combine that with the rifles tree and my bounty hunter is pretty brutal. I killed a spy for 32,000 credits, then I went up against a Jedi, who ended up killing me, ended up getting his bounty again, and i killed him for 132,000 credits. So i think this template will work out, i just gotta get used to carbines again.

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Dusting of snow this morning. Not enough to be a serious problem... just mildly annoying.


Swapped out a sick dimmer pack for a good one we don't use very often in the lighting system at work. Was pretty easy. Good to know. I have to see about ordering replacements so we can have some spares.


We've got a couple of bum faders on our lighting board though. I'm gonna have to open it up tomorrow to see if it's possible to swap them out with ones from our old board that's been sitting in storage for about 5 years now.


Or maybe we put our old board back into service... I always liked that one much better than the one we are using now.

We have a budget request for next fiscal year to get a new one anyway. If this one dies that will probably make it a priority.


Might bump our request for a new monitor desk back though if it does. That would be sad. Our current monitor board was a dog the day we got it... and now it's old, which isn't helping matters at all. Our new one will be all digital and sexy. Behold the sexiness! :D


Might listen to the S.O.T.U. speech tonight... don't have big hopes on hearing anything that will restore my shattered faith in this administration, though.



Dick Cheney looks even grumpier than normal. He doesn't seem any too pleased to have to sit next to Nancy Pelosi.


Bet he wishes he had his shotgun now... :dozey:

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Nobody else posting these days? Hmm...


Another kinda slow day, workwise. Finishing the project list. Not much to report... nothing anybody would find interesting anyway.


So... in order to waste forum server bandwidth, here's the first part of a list of my favorite quotes from the various "One Year Threads" I'm in the process of compiling. Taken out of context... (and false humility forces me to leave out any quotes from yours truly.)


All taken from the first half of the "One Year Thread: Redux"

See if you can spot where they are all from, won't you?


Your optimism will be your downfall.


Get it out agayun, Cletus. We gon' hafta kill us some Morpug playerz.

...if I had a dollar (tax-free, of course) for every time I've nailed myself with a soldering iron, I could probably buy a palatial Hollywood estate, and still have enough leftover to hire Ron Jeremy to be my butler for a few years.


I pitched a tent in my living room today.


This is my most nerdly moment thus far this year.


I think it says "Ooh, look at me! I have a stick and a hat and can control the controls with my pulsator!" Or something...


Hey, resources should be wasted.


I'm on spring break and its going to be 22 outside tomorrow. And that's real 22, not that Godless hippie pinko commie metric 22 either.


In the six years I've been reading this here message board internet forum, you're the first person to...allude...to that...particular...function...?


Tasha Yar - Was a man.


It's probably just as well, considering I tend to kill and eat people I meet from the Web


And soldering is exactly like coloring exept that instead working with colorful wax, you're working with blistering hot liquid metal. You do the math.


When this forum hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious ****.


Rogue...When in doubt, just grab'em in the biscuits...


I beat the crush. **** you cupid.
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woke up at 6am this morning, made some french toast for breakfast and checked forums, listened to music, washed the dishes, then at around 8:20 i went out for a 4 mile bike ride.


walmart is finally kicking me out the door. next month, february, is home office scheduling implementation, our own managers aren't allowed to touch the schedule or anything. So guess who's on part-time status? :D mememememememmee...no. ME! and according to mgr, i can't be put onto full-time status in my dept unless one of the 2 people that's on full-time decides they want part time. well, neither of them want part time. part-timers are only allowed 32 hours MAX. so i am ****ed, and kinda happy as it provides a door of opportunity to leave to join the army and get out on my own for real. but eh i guess i be careful what i wish for. walmart isn't all bad, it's just little **** like that is what screws people over is what i don't understand.

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the real nail in the coffin though, is that i will be enforced to work mornings, walmart isn't worth waking up for, i hate not seeing daylight, which is why i prefer 2-11 there, 12-9 is ok at least i can hunt/fish/walk and be pretty much awake when i go in (6 hours of being awake is perfect, been forcing myself to wake up at 6am every day this week) , so it's not so bad. I've never been interested in supervisor/management position, money never has been an issue w/me because 30 hours every ONCE IN A WHILE isn't so bad, but below that and i suffer trying to keep gas in the car thanks to biweekly pay.


i try not to be mad while i'm there, i try to have a good time, but by the end of the day i feel that nothing of any importance has been done.

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Feh... I don't listen to her. Didn't even know she also had a song called "Maneater" until you inspired me to Google it. Not a fan...


For the record: Listening to Mark Knopfler and Dire Straits at this very moment...


More tweaking at work. Thrilling stuff. Let me spare you the details to protect you from becoming too overexcited...


Might have just let myself be pressured into signing up for a IM service at work today though... I just have to find a Mac-Compatible Trillian like client though, so I can use one of my existing throwaway MSN or Yahoo accounts. I refuse, on pain of death if necessary, to ever let AOL know I even exist... and the .Mac account thing just seems lame. I downloaded something called "Heat" or "Burn" or "Fire" or something that's supposed to be pretty much the same thing... but haven't installed it yet


So I might finally break down and join the 20th century and be online to any of you contact instantly. Won't that be fun? As if you don't get more than enough of me here as it is... Just don't expect instant responses. As previously reported, my typing skillz are such as to negate the purpose of instant communication.


Then again, I might just scrap the whole thing...

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Most of us use Aol IM. I do.


I don't use anything else though...


Work was slow. Very boring, didn't do much in sales. ;_;


Blood Elves are hot. That is all.


Side Note: I finally changed my avatar and title for the first time in years.


It has nothing to do with World of Warcraft..... at all.... I swear.....:rolleyes:

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woke up, went for my 4 mile walk/run even though it was like 20 degrees out and snowing/flurries.


When I got back I changed and went into walmart to pick up my check, then to bank to deposit it, on the way out i was nearly in an accident. people need to pay attention, seriously. some lady was trying to cut me off, even though i got out of bank first..didn't allow it to happen, and person was trying to cut across from other side of road, didn't allow that to happen either. got home, then headed back to work at around noon, got there worked...slow day again, slight increase in customers, big deal. umm...then tonight i bought Saw III.....bone crunching good movie...


made a new character on another server on galaxies named him 'Epinephrine' Wareag...he's an Ithorian Medic...gonna be funny playing as an ithorian..

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Most of us use Aol IM. I do.

I don't use anything else though...

Well, yeah... but that's the point of Trillian and the like: you can contact anybody on any IM system from any IM system. So if I'm on MSN I can still get you on AIM, I believe... I could be wrong. I probably am... But I'll play around with them and see how far I get. This is all a new world for me.


But all that aside: I just really don't want to have to keep track of a new Internet account, though. I've already got way too many as it is.


However: In theory, the second I signed up with MSN and Yahoo I got IM IDs from them, same as the e-mail address and password I use with them. It's just a matter of activating the clients. But everybody at work uses the iChat (work is almost completely Mac based) which works with AIM or a .Mac account.


I think I should just be able to set up Trillian or this "Fire" I downloaded to use one of my current accounts, and then just grab a buddy list from whatever protocols everybody else is currently using.


I think that's how they are supposed to work, anyway... again, I could be mistaken. I might need to sign up with a new account in the end anyway.


So, if worse really does come to worse, I'll sign up for a new account with *shudder* AOL, or the .Mac... I can't imagine I'll be able to get anything resembling a sign-in name I might actually like at this point, though...


God... the system is imploding here! I mean, how long is it before I actually have a Myspace page too? :rolleyes:



Well, reading the Trillian FAQ it seems that I do have to sign up for an account for whatever protocol I want to communicate with. Aw, damn s***-f***! Well, that might just be a deal-breaker for me.


We'll see how I feel about once I'm at work...

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