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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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rofl how true



and yeah K dont be so um.....yeah they hit that nail on the head already


and how do you know hes shallow? because he looks well bred? doesnt that assumption make YOU shallow?




but if its because he spoke and is a moron, more power to your annoyance


but really, looks matter quite a bit

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Hmm, I don't know. Here in Germany we don't celebrate that first date and dinner thing that much. I mean we go out of course, but usually you "accidentally" meet a girl at several occasions or so and go out later. It's much more relaxed when you get in contact without that it is an "all deciding date". :)


Well, they're not going to have full-on kitchens and stuff for food preparation on most airliners (unless you're flying on that new Airbus A380, which is enormous), so you'll have to make do with the little microwave dinner things. And to be honest, all the ones I've had weren't all that bad. Maybe I'm just so used to college that any food tastes good. xD
Indeed, a small cup of tomatoe juice and greasy wiener schnitzel from the microwave oven is sometimes just what I need and feels like god making crap on my tongue, too XD
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Lisa Lampanelli at work today. Not sure if anyone here is a fan... but I just didn't find her all that funny. A couple of chuckles... but really not my style of humor.


Oh... and I have a cat now. Mom picked her up for me. Seems nice. Friendly. Really filthy. Needs a bath, a grooming, and a flea dip.


Working again tomorrow. Mom might have to do this for me as well. But since this was all her idea, and I haven't been exactly on board with the whole thing, she probably will...

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my tooth hurts again. -_-


went out bowling w/my work friends, it was alright...i didn't do that great....they had the stupid 'no lofting bowling balls down the lane' sign up...so spent the first game trying to find a new groove, looking at those arrows kinda helped but only got 1 strike. sucked. o well it was fun.


walmart fails me again though...got my hours ****ing cut down to 32. it sucks, i need a vehicle....plus i need $$$$$$$$$$ **** it. -_- watch, the week i'm taking my vacation, my hours will get cut so i end up only making what i'd make working 20 hours that week. i like my job, i also like 40 hours a week, otherwise it's just a hassle going in and working for nothing. -_-

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w00t w00t edlib's got pussy hairs all over his place again w00t w00t

w00t w00t edlib's got pussy hairs all over his place again w00t w00t

w00t w00t edlib's got pussy hairs all over his place again w00t w00t

w00t w00t edlib's got pussy hairs all over his place again w00t w00t

w00t w00t edlib's got pussy hairs all over his place again w00t w00t


*taps his shoulder and turns around three times*



*the fairy appears*


eh fairy bring us the beer now gogogo



it's magic ain't it :D

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Scratch Fury, Destroyer of Worlds.


Like, seriously. Do it.


Started to pack up my stuff to move back home. Monday I have an interview with ADT, but I might not take it because I will be going back to school over the summer and into the fall.


Apparently, there's about 500-800 Precision Machining jobs in Rochester. Fiber optics stuff.


...... Ok. :D

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True. Anything different interests me at this point. I like to hear things I've never heard before... even if I'm not crazy about the music.


It wasn't too loud, and I was told that the mix was really, really good... but hey! it's me! Of course it was great! :D


Cat has taken to sleeping in the middle of the desk in my bedroom. Not sure what that is about... but whatever. It's behaving itself otherwise.

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Soooo... If everything tastes just like chicken... why not just eat chicken?


Except, of course, for humans... they taste more like pork.

(Little gamy. Not bad though, once you get used to it.)


Slow day. Kinda blah.

Went out for breakfast. Did some shopping (mostly pet supplies...)

Got home. Took a nap. (It was a nice day out, and I really wanted to go for a walk... but this time sleep won out. I guess I needed it more...)

Ate dinner. Watched Simpsons & Family Guy.


Thinking about more sleep right now.


Another long week ahead of me. Starting tomorrow.

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had a nice dream saturday night. Dreamed that a girl had a "Love at first sight" with me. She was curling on another team during my friday night mixed league, she was 17, nice looking, named Ariel, asian desent with long black hair. I was making sure I wouldn't upset her father and taking it slow while enjoying her flirtations


I woke up, smiled, and had that warm fuzzy feeling, then said "Aw, CRAP" in frustration as i realized it was a dream

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Dreams tell you things. Usually involve things about your internal workings of the mind, and helps you realize things you need to do. Like stop worrying over if you're gonna screw up with that girl and just be yourself and ask her out.


Other dreams usually tell you things that you DIDN'T want to know about your inner mind. Like how to accomplish the wholesale destruction of mankind in the span of 6 hours with nothing more than a bobby pin, an empty Mt. Dew can, a pretzel, and a squirrel.


Don't ask.



So in the immortal words of Christopher Titus, K.... "Quit bein' a WUSSIE!" :D

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...and then the blades came out...


had a boring day at work, i was so tired don't know why...i got plenty of sleep. it could have been due to lack of caffeine. i've cut back and get the v8 stuff instead.


started lifting weights again on my bench. i bench sets of 10 with 100 pound, 80 pound, 60 pound, then 30 pound, then back up to 100.


It's funny to see that it's almost midnight. think a few things i gotta do tomorrow...


going to call the one place to get the one car hauled away, gonna call insurance company to get car removed from policy, gonna wash and put away dishes, clean up the living room, put clothes away, vacuum living room floor, mail out a check for my lame citation, i'll watch movies and play xbox til my dad gets off work, then i may go out squirrel hunting or go look at some cars. looks like it will be a nice day.


all my xbox live friends went to bed. -_- guess i'll do the same...sucks falling asleep at 12 and waking up at 10 and still being tired. why do i feel that way?

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well, scratch the having the car towed away....called the insurance company and they said i would have to turn in the tags, which would cost me $$$...so i'm gonna just get another car and transfer the tags instead. that sucks. -_-


the dishes got flies and **** all over them, think i'll clean up the kitchen and living room for now...then go outside for a walk to the post office. gotta get rid of trash as well...it SUCKS not having a truck....so much easier to haul it all.


coming down with a cold, got the stuffy nose and nearly sore throat. ugh.

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