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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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In other music related news, I picked up the new Queen Rock Monstreal DVD and CD over the weekend. Great show. This is actually the third release of the show on DVD, but the first one by Queen Productions, as some other company owned the rights to it before. The video quality of this concert is amazing, and I am glad to finally have it on CD as well.

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I have the Beatles' Blue album (1967-70 collection). It's pretty good, and while I like some of the songs better than others, it's easy to listen to it all the way though (if I've got enough time, that is...). Let's just say I like the Beatles being the main influence on music. No Beach Boys for me, please. :p


Picked up Live's Birds of Pray album. I know it's been quite a while since its release, but I'm hoping I like it as much as I do The Distance To Here or Throwing Copper.

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Haha, excellent. You know, we are a very *exclusive* club down here, Sam. We like booze and girls, and some even write the names of the other forumites in bold letters. But most of all, we have knifes, all kinds of swords, and stabbing weapons.




So, uuuh, come closer??

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weird slow/fast day at work today. not really many customers, but the day went by fast. got my friend a card and ds game for her birthday and gave them to her at the end of her shift. i haven't got anyone besides anyone in my family a birthday present since...like forever, so it was kind of cool.


I gotta work tomorrow....going to be a drag cause annoying coworker is gonna be there. -_-


i got a headache...not sure why, started at around 8:00, maybe i'm coming down with a cold. -_- probably, i haven't been drinking any V8 or vitamin c stuff in a week...


My sister is hogging xbox 360 for guitar hero III. sucks, i kinda want to play graw 2 or oblivion. o well, whatever. i need to rest.

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Meh, I'm not really interested in the current generation of consoles. Maybe I'll get a Wii at some point, because Mario Galaxy looks pretty fun. These days I've been playing some X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter. I never really gave that one a fair chance, because the single player was so crappy compared to the other games, but it's not too bad.

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Looks like I'll be getting a 360 at some point, simply because a lot of the guys I work with either have one, or will be getting one in the very near future.


Not much to say about today at work, other than it happened, and it's now in the past.


I have had ELO's "Mr. Blue Sky" stuck in my head on infinite repeat all day,.. driving me nuts.

I finally downloaded it, and have just been learning it on guitar and singing it.


Hopefully that gets it out of the system...

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