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Revenge of the Bounty Hunter....


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I'll be back on Galaxies in a few weeks...Going to save up for an external hard drive so I don't have to uninstall whenever I want to play WoW. I'll be on Starsider, and I may start a character on Chimarea or whatever it's called as long as y'all are in the Imperial Army. :)




Just taking a nice 'leave time' from the game to get some fresh air.

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I'll be back on Galaxies in a few weeks...Going to save up for an external hard drive so I don't have to uninstall whenever I want to play WoW. I'll be on Starsider, and I may start a character on Chimarea or whatever it's called as long as y'all are in the Imperial Army. :)




Just taking a nice 'leave time' from the game to get some fresh air.


Great! :D join Chimaera and our DOS guild! its members are very mature and fun to play with! and its a very good guild!

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I want in a pvp guild that is always special forces, busting bases, and doing stuff in space.


Thats our speciality! we are still kind of new clan but we have around 30members! and its fun to build it up and we have alot of projects in the clan fr the future! as an exaple we are building our own militia and navy for PvPs! im a member of the militia and its called the "Black Guard" the militia is for defending the guild city,guard meetings and offcourse atack Rebel bases!

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well, add Kioet to the list of friends, i may be on there sometime, might make an alt on there as well, not sure what profession though. starsider was strangely quiet tonight, guess everybody's at restuss. or studying for school. -_-


time for bed. will probably be on WoW a bit tomorrow trying to get to level 10.

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I'll be back on Galaxies in a few weeks...Going to save up for an external hard drive so I don't have to uninstall whenever I want to play WoW. I'll be on Starsider, and I may start a character on Chimarea or whatever it's called as long as y'all are in the Imperial Army. :)




Just taking a nice 'leave time' from the game to get some fresh air.


Great both of my best friends joining the same guild and server as i want too. Woohoo! The Terrific three! Igor, Kioet and Aida!

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Hey hey hey, I'm not ignorant, I just hate WoW with passion.

haha why'll ive stoped playing mmorpgs (cant stand paying 900 bucks or so for 5 years of pay!) i have too say star wars galaxies was far better then WoW in my opinion, better people, better graphics, better gameplay, and more enjoyable.


I use to play on starsider as well (even if it was only a lvl 40 officer) i have to say about 2-3 months after i stoped playing they made a huge update that made me so mad!!!


(none of you play as jedi right.... right.. RIGHT!!!)

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the trader expertise will either make or break this game. that's for sure.


I avoid restuss and major pvp, as those that participate in major pvp are usually annoying people that i can't tolerate. And on thursday, i was in one of those ridiculous 'GCW base grind' things, and omg, you as much as touch that rebel player and you get 3/4 of your faction tell helling you, because the rebel is dropping bases for your faction to blow up to get gcw points, which is so very wrong, and doesn't feel at all like something that would happen in star wars. At least the developers are aware of that bull**** and are gonna fix it in chapter 5. Sure, all that gcw points is great, but come on! I hope they remove /find rebel and /find imperial so we'll have to search for bases or get someone from the rebel side telling us which ones are vulnerable.


It's going to look so stupid in a few weeks with half the server being generals, especially when they haven't truly earned that rank.

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From what I understand, it's getting to the point where unless you're a general, you really can't compete in pvp.


I agree there should be a reward/bonus' for getting that high in rank - you should be able to kick some butt. What I question is...the methods in which some individuals use to get to that point. Problem is, SOE will never be able to keep track of it all.....so the exploiters move up fast....what a shock :rolleyes:

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yeah, i never bother in restuss anymore, as i'm just bait there as a bounty hunter...marks are more difficult to defeat, as some of them are officers and have those annoying retaliation buffs (where if you damage them, you recieve some of the damage. LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111 that is a special bounty hunters have, that is wasted expertise points to even get it if you could just go and get the buff now!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok i made a character but don't have time to play tonight.....add (don't laugh) 'Epinephrine' to your friends list. apostrophes included, as it's more of a nickname for my Ithorian Medic. :p


(figures that the server would be down...just my luck i suppose)

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ok i made a character but don't have time to play tonight.....add (don't laugh) 'Epinephrine' to your friends list. apostrophes included, as it's more of a nickname for my Ithorian Medic. :p


(figures that the server would be down...just my luck i suppose)



hehe i will

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Rouge, my starsider char is tee-ess are (a rodian smuggler, of course), so add tee-ess to your friends. i'm going to join chimeria, and probably join this guild y'all on about, but do you need any specific class other than entertainer or trader? tell me and i'll be it. But i'm going to have to be a rodian, of course :p

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