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[WIP] Be all that you can be!


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Karath looks great!


And sorry for the misunderstanding--I didn't mean to remodel the women's uniforms, but to retexture them so they don't look so tight. I don't recall if the original Sith uniforms were that tight in the crotch or not, but it would be nice if it was blended out so the pants don't look so uncomfortable. I don't know how easy it would be to do that though.

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Prime -- or anyone else who may know -- is there any way possible to make the female Sith officer model so that she isn't constantly putting her two fingers on her hip when she's simply standing still. That always annoyed the heck out of me whenever I've done anything with that model. Is there anything that could be done for that or would that be too much trouble?

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is there any way possible to make the female Sith officer model so that she isn't constantly putting her two fingers on her hip when she's simply standing still. That always annoyed the heck out of me whenever I've done anything with that model. Is there anything that could be done for that or would that be too much trouble?
I think you edit a column in the appearance.2da file to change that.
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]Just trying to be consistent. :)


The typical insignia for an admiral might not be the most accurate one in that case. :)


Various statements in the game say that Saul is the "commander of the entire Sith fleet", which would most likely place him at a rank above just 'admiral'. He's probably a fleet admiral, a grand admiral or some other high rank (even in the U.S. Navy, admiral is not the highest one). NPCs probably just call him that because it's shorter.


But to the point, his rank in the Sith Armada is probably the equivalent of a grand admiral in the Imperial Fleet instead of a regular one. As a high a rank as the regular one is, it's not enough to warrant command of a galaxy-spanning fleet. :)


An excellent job on the skins, by the way. The Sith officers look much more distinguished. (I thought their original uniforms looked like hand-me-downs)

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Karath looks great!


And sorry for the misunderstanding--I didn't mean to remodel the women's uniforms, but to retexture them so they don't look so tight. I don't recall if the original Sith uniforms were that tight in the crotch or not, but it would be nice if it was blended out so the pants don't look so uncomfortable. I don't know how easy it would be to do that though.
To me they look as tight, but you will have to decide for yourself. I'm not sure how I can really rectify that. :( I never really gave it much thought before...


The typical insignia for an admiral might not be the most accurate one in that case.


Various statements in the game say that Saul is the "commander of the entire Sith fleet", which would most likely place him at a rank above just 'admiral'. He's probably a fleet admiral, a grand admiral or some other high rank (even in the U.S. Navy, admiral is not the highest one). NPCs probably just call him that because it's shorter.


But to the point, his rank in the Sith Armada is probably the equivalent of a grand admiral in the Imperial Fleet instead of a regular one. As a high a rank as the regular one is, it's not enough to warrant command of a galaxy-spanning fleet.

Touche. :)


When I say consistent I was refering to the film characters, which is what I personally tend to give precedence to over the EU. But point taken. So a grand admiral version might be an idea. I'll see if I still have the energy at the end. :D


An excellent job on the skins, by the way. The Sith officers look much more distinguished. (I thought their original uniforms looked like hand-me-downs)
That's what I always thought. They just didn't look intimidating enough. I guess I much prefer stuffy British guys as Imperials. :)


Whoops! Sorry Prime!
No problemo! I figured also that it is an interesting enough question to warrant its own thread.
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Touche. :)


I'm a nitpicker for these kinds of details. :p


So a grand admiral version might be an idea. I'll see if I still have the energy at the end. :D


Chances are I'll modify it for my own use if you don't, anyway. :p


I'd still change his rank insignia, though. :)


That's what I always thought. They just didn't look intimidating enough. I guess I much prefer stuffy British guys as Imperials. :)


Not just intimidating, but also prim and standardized-looking. In the movies all the Imperial officers had spotless, proper, simple uniforms (akin the stormtroopers). In KotOR they looked less tidy, and a bit more worn down. Didn't seem to fit the personalities of the Sith officers very well. :)

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