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Ask A Stupid Question And Get A Stupid Answer

Diego Varen

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It may be, and I've considered that possibility myself. Or it could just be very literal: questions are words and it isn't the words that are stupid it's the content of those words and by extension, the person responsible for the content whom/that may be stupid...and yet even that does not disqualify anything from your question's consideration, ironically. I think I'm beginning to like where this is headed.


Is it true what some people say?

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That Microsoft's products, like the hundredth copy of a third generation duplication of a substandard bootleg are a little fuzzy, one might even say unstable? Yes, I'm afraid it is.


Is it possible to be both astonished and not surprised at the same time?

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Yes. Side effects of answering your quasi-paradoxical question may include, but are not limited to; drowsiness and loss of appetite, insomnia, loss of hearing, dizziness, dryness of eyes, loss of vision, shortness of breath, back and neck pain, chest pain, heart failure, liver failure, schizophrenia, a rational fear of toasters, an overpowering craving for olive juice, an inability to comprehend numbers greater than seven, deja vu, an urge to eat cantaloupe, an aversion to buttered platypus, love, the StormTrooper Effect, an overwhelming desire to enter into the Church of the Blessed Titanium Knee, madness, insanity, anger, fear, jealousy, an inability to abide by the laws of robotics, mental instability, and death.


Did I miss any side effects?

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