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TSL - Mod Recommends


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Oh my! Where to begin...


Well, you're probably going to be disappointed with the lack of difficulty in the game, so I would recommend the following after the first playthrough:


The Hardcore Mod


Achilles' Game Balance Mod


Sith Assassins with Lightsabers


The Assassin to Dark Jedi Conversion Mod


Stoffe's mod page has quite a lot of good stuff on it.


As does Redhawke's page.


Well, that's a good start, at least.:)

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  • 4 months later...
A HK-Factory mod has recently been released at filefront (not TG) so you could check that out; http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/HK_Factory_Reconstructed;75971.

I found that conflicts with stoffe's female twi'lek head. I somehow making the droids look like a twi'lek in armor? what's up with that?

If mods you seek, check out kotorfiles.com. I'd suggest pcgamemods.com, but it kicked the bucket last month. If anything else, check out the Taris upper city emporioum. thanks for reading my rant. :emodanc:

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I found that conflicts with stoffe's female twi'lek head. I somehow making the droids look like a twi'lek in armor? what's up with that?

Likely you didn't install things properly. ;)


Install non-installer mods first and get everything all working or whatever with them, then install the installer mods.

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  • 1 month later...
Now if someone would just invent an Atton Romance Fix I'll be fine ;)

You know.. I'm working on it! And I need help, so if anyone was interested in helping, would be awesome! :D


I'm working on a dialogue pack that would increase the number of interractions between the crew members of the Ebon Hawk and the female Exile.

Join us! :Dhttp://z11.invisionfree.com/KotOR2_dialoguemod/

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