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A journey of a thousand parsecs...

Pattern Spider

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I'm pretty sure Atton was contacted by Coorta and crew to help with removal of the Exile to Nar Shadda. Transport, cover, and he has experience with these kinds of things.


Atris had one of her handmaidens steal the Exile's ship to lure him there. Remember on citadel station, that dodgy girl in the white robes?

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See, that's possible, but the inferrence is that the Hawk is the only ship on the station and Atton's been in the cell for days (long enough that HK-50 likely isn't aware of him), which as Telos seems to be at least a day or so out from Peragus presents timing difficulties.


As for the Exile, I was referring to the reason why she was given passage on the Harbringer (a Republic Warship) in the first place. Atris specifically mentions that she engineered the Exile's return to Republic space in order to draw out the Sith.

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See, that's possible, but the inferrence is that the Hawk is the only ship on the station and Atton's been in the cell for days (long enough that HK-50 likely isn't aware of him), which as Telos seems to be at least a day or so out from Peragus presents timing difficulties.


Well, Coorta mentions, "I got this one guy who can handle smuggling." HK-50 (disgusing as the techincan) said he knows that he has been talking to this "guy" and wants him to continue talking.


So, it is implied that "this one guy" is Mr. Atton. No wonder he's suprised when he find out that you are the Jedi that everyone is talking about...and not suprised of the rumors that the Jedi is actually on board.


As for the Exile, I was referring to the reason why she was given passage on the Harbringer (a Republic Warship) in the first place. Atris specifically mentions that she engineered the Exile's return to Republic space in order to draw out the Sith.


Eh. You decide. Exile probraly was recalled to "learn something really...REALLY important!" Maybe a bounty hunting mission for a DSer, or maybe to find some way to do penance for a LSer. Atris really doesn't care, she just hoped that Sion would have murdered you.

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OK, my take on what happened. Your Exile May Vary:


Exile was going to Telos for work, and the Harbinger obstensibly was transporting workers to Telos, but the true cargo was him as the Jedi are needed by the Republic (as more a symbol than anything), so an ex-Jedi general of the Mandalorian Wars that didn't go Sith would serve the purpose of being a good figurehead.


Of course, Sion and Kreia got wind of his existance and the race was on. Sion ambushes the Hawk and sneaks aboard a ton of his stealth-belt spies and himself after leaving Kreia for dead.


Of course, Goto (remember, he's a Republic "patriot," and would agree with the idea of a figurehead being a good idea - he's got experience in the matter) throws a curveball by having HK-50 spies from here to Malachor, including the protocol droid the Harbinger captain used. So, HK-50 ambushes Exile, stuffs him in the cargo bay. Kreia turns out to be playing possum, and while Sion's making shashimi out of the Harbinger crew, she grabs Exile and hauls ***. Smuggling boat it is, the Hawk is hard to track. Sion fires on it, but it manages to reach the vicinity of Peragus before the hyperdrive fries. Unfortunately, HK-50 also got aboard, and wants to get Exile to Goto.


So, they get aboard, Kreia continues to play possum in the morgue. HK-50 passes itself off as a Jedi's protocol droid, flushing out Coorta and sowing enough chaos to get Exile off the station while disposing of any witnesses. Coorta contacted his Jedi-hating smuggler buddy, who was promptly busted and put in jail upon arrival. this ended up saving said Jedi-hating smuggler's life.


Unfortunately, Kreia throws HK-50 a monkey wrench by waking up Exile prematurely, and Sion managed to find Kreia using the Force.

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Well, Coorta mentions, "I got this one guy who can handle smuggling." HK-50 (disgusing as the techincan) said he knows that he has been talking to this "guy" and wants him to continue talking.


So, it is implied that "this one guy" is Mr. Atton. No wonder he's suprised when he find out that you are the Jedi that everyone is talking about...and not suprised of the rumors that the Jedi is actually on board.


I disagree. Yes, it's possible that Atton is the person Coorta hired for this job, but I can't see that it's implied in any way. Given how quickly things happened on Peragus after the exile turned up, it seems very strange that Atton should have arrived later. After all, if he did, then where is his ship?


But you're right that we can't rule out the possibility. I don't see how it's implied in any way, though.


Eh. You decide. Exile probraly was recalled to "learn something really...REALLY important!" Maybe a bounty hunting mission for a DSer, or maybe to find some way to do penance for a LSer. Atris really doesn't care, she just hoped that Sion would have murdered you.


Actually, Atris did arrange the exile's return in an attempt to lure out the sith using the exile as bait.


HK-47: "Statement: Master, there is mention of you specifically in the coreward databases, even in public terminals on Coruscant. Observation: I was led to believe that this information concerning Jedi was not for public consumption, yet somehow it has been made known to them.Conclusion: Someone wants everyone to know that you exist, master. And that you are back in Republic space. If I did not know better, which is computationally impossible, I believe that someone wants to make you a target, and they are succeeding admirably. Answer: Master, my feeling would be the Exchange. But that doesn't seem to be enough to answer the question, however. Rhetorical: Why wouldn't they have simply kept the information to themselves? Such an answer does not address the central question. And that is, why someone would choose to broadcast your location all over the known galaxy. Theory: My suspicion is that someone is using you as bait for a larger target, who is unknown at this time."


Atris: "Yes, from the destruction of Katarr, a vision emerged - it is the last act the Jedi were able to perform before the planet was destroyed.So that is why I arranged for you to return to the Republic, so that I might draw the Sith out and end them."


Exile was going to Telos for work, and the Harbinger obstensibly was transporting workers to Telos, but the true cargo was him as the Jedi are needed by the Republic (as more a symbol than anything), so an ex-Jedi general of the Mandalorian Wars that didn't go Sith would serve the purpose of being a good figurehead.


Actually, the Harbinger was supposed to travel to Onderon according to its captain...


Captain: "As ordered, we've picked up the passengers from the Outer Rim, and have made quarters for them. Once aboard, we plotted a course for Telos.."


Captain: "We expect to arrive within ten standard days, provided there's no mishaps. I've been ordered to give the passenger no special treatment, nor make any indication of his identity."


Captain: "I have some reservations about turning the Harbinger into a passenger liner, but the orders were clear.Whoever this passenger is, he's got diplomatic-level priority, whether he knows it or not."[static.] "...we've been diverted from Onderon to the Outer Rim. There's not enough ships out there, and we're already hard-pressed to keep patrolling the regions under our jurisdiction."

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Actually, the Harbinger was supposed to travel to Onderon according to its captain...


Captain: "As ordered, we've picked up the passengers from the Outer Rim, and have made quarters for them. Once aboard, we plotted a course for Telos.."


Captain: "We expect to arrive within ten standard days, provided there's no mishaps. I've been ordered to give the passenger no special treatment, nor make any indication of his identity."


Captain: "I have some reservations about turning the Harbinger into a passenger liner, but the orders were clear.Whoever this passenger is, he's got diplomatic-level priority, whether he knows it or not."[static.] "...we've been diverted from Onderon to the Outer Rim. There's not enough ships out there, and we're already hard-pressed to keep patrolling the regions under our jurisdiction."



Hmm, yes, these were the captain's orders, still, Admiral Carth (or Cede), had his own orders, that he made sure to NOT inform the captain of the Harbinger.


Still, it's seems a very poor explanation the WHY he was there. Allronix said he was just a symbol, as Jedi Knights (wheter Exiled or not, especially since no one would know that) had a potential of boosting the morale of the people working on the Restoration Program on Telos. My guess is that his reason was more than that, though I can't say what.

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How TSL begins has always been a spotty area at best with some obvious questions that are never answered. The top three would seem to be:


1. Why is the exile returning to the republic? Yes, I know Atris staged the return, but that just explains how it is done. It does not tell me why the exile has chosen to return.


2. Where the heck did Kreia come from? Was she on the Harbinger? There is no mention of her having ever been there. Was she on the Sith warship? Possible, but unlikely given her status with Sion and Nihilus at that point. Was she on the Ebon Hawk? Given that she didn't go with Revan and doesn't know where he went, this also seems unlike, as T3 appears to have returned directly from the unknown regions - that's why the navicomputer is locked... So where the heck did she come from? Yes, I realise she lies on the floor of the Ebon Hawk in the prologue, apparently dead, but that is after the escape from the Harbinger and Sion's sith.


3. What is Atton doing on Peragus and how did he get there? There is no indication of which ship he arrived on anywhere...


These questions are never answered, and particularly the first two are annoying. The first one really is the worst, though, because it interferes with ability to identify with the character I'm supposed to be role-playing :mad:

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Visas isn't effected by Nihilus because they share a force bond. Draining her would be like draining himself. Ouch. It's no wonder why the game wants you to take Exile, Visas, Mandalore...Exile, obvious reasons, powerful, and a wound in the force. Mandalore, he and his soldiers are there to cripple the ship and he has no stealable force energy, and visas is a force bond to Nihilus, thus incapable of being drained.


As for Jediphile -

1. I have absooutely no idea.

2.T3-M4 found Kreia I believe, she took the Ebon Hawk, and T3 led her to the Exile. I don't think this is right, the entire beginning of the game is sketchy at best.

3. I still maintain he was the one contacted by Coorta, but we have no way to know for sure.


Most of what happens before the game is pure speculation, every fact seems to contradict another.

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At some point in the game you have a conversation with T3 and he basically says he was programed to come back if anything went wrong, and was sent back to look for Jedi to aid Revan; and Kreia was the first he came into contact with, and then they went looking for others. - Don't quote me on that though it is ages since I last played TSL all the way through. Some questions may be answered by the chronicles at http://www.kotor2.com. As for why Atton is there I had never put any thought into it really... but like most hard to explain things in SW it was down to the Force ;) (or Obsidian dev's placing him there) take which ever explanation you want :p


Personally I don't think he would be there for Coorta though, but thats my 2 cents.

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My theory on how Kreia go the Hawk and T3 is that she got it from Revan when Revan made the return trip to Trayus. Now, my pet theory is that Revan got bushwacked and Kreia pretty much stole the ship (She does say it's HER voice locking the navcomputer when you mention leaving her to rot on Peragus).


Why does Exile come back to Republic space? Your guess is as good as mine, but again...pet theory says the Harbinger was directed from Onderon to pick up *passengers* (emphasis mine) - one of which was Exile. The true mission was to fetch the Exile and get him/her Telos. But on paper, it was a trip to pick up workers for the Restoration project and Citadel. This could also be a Republic attempt to throw off whoever was killing the Jedi, like transporting diamonds in a shipment of lumber.

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No, the order was to pick up a single passenger who has diplomatic level status. Given where the meeting is taking place (Telos) and his role in directing events, I suspect that the Exile may have known Carth during the Mandalorian Wars. Similarly to the way Kreia manipulates Canderous with promises of Revan's location, I suspect Atris pulled something similar with Carth, persuading him that the Exile would be the person most likely to know where Revan went. At the same time, I suspect Atris also managed to locate the exile through her Echini contacts and organised for her to encounter mention of Revan's return and Carth's involvement with that. As a result, the two re-establish contact and arrange to meet on Telos, at which point Atris compromises the Exile's location.


G0T0 however has been monitoring this scheme from the beginning - he's had at least one HK-50 monitoring Atris' hidden base in case it becomes necessary to "recruit" her. The moment it becomes obvious Carth will end up redirecting one of his battle ships, G0T0 seeds his asassin droids on board as many as he can, either thanks to a corrupt quartermaster at asupply depot or perhaps more pervasively using forged documentation to award them to ship captains as a morale/performance bonus.

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Now, my pet theory is that Revan got bushwacked and Kreia pretty much stole the ship (She does say it's HER voice locking the navcomputer when you mention leaving her to rot on Peragus).


In cut content, you can get T3-M4 to squeal that Revan really did lock the Navicomputer, to prevent anyone from following him.


And also, judging from the fact that Kreia is a liar, you can not trust her for actually saying she really did lock the navicomputer. Doesn't put into doubt the possiblity Kreia betrayed Revan...judging from the fact that she is the Lord of Betrayal, it would fit her character well.

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Kreia didn’t lock the navicomputer. She was just saying that so the Exile has a reason not to kill or ditch her.


@Jediphile’s questions.


1. No one bothered to ask the Exile, so I guess that’s why we don’t know.


2. We’re never told where Kreia came from. My theory is that Revan had a plan to use the Exile’s special abilities in the UR civil war against the True Sith, so he/she orders T3-M4 to find Kreia and get her to find the Exile and help him/her regain his/her connection to the force. Kreia agrees to this (since she’s a Revan fanboy) and also sees this as an opportunity to defeat her enemies (the Jedi Masters and the Sith Lords) and achieve her main goal (to destroy the will of the force, which would require the force to be destroyed). So T3 picks Kreia up in the Ebon Hawk.


3. While most of TSL’s ambiguity was done in a good way, this was one of those things that needed to be known!


@Ctrl_Alt_Del, Visas must be tied to Nihilus somehow. Why else did he spare her? Why else didn’t his attack on Katarr kill her? Why else would her sacrifice weaken him?

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1) Read Comic on Visas.

2) ???

3) Profit?


And for things about T3 (especially) I think those iformation are deliberately made uncertain, for whatever it is going to happen in k3. It is linda like what happened in R2, I mean if there are recordings on Padme and what not what else is inside?

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As for why Atton is there I had never put any thought into it really... but like most hard to explain things in SW it was down to the Force ;) (or Obsidian dev's placing him there) take which ever explanation you want :p


Personally I don't think he would be there for Coorta though, but thats my 2 cents.

Maybe this will help:



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At some point in the game you have a conversation with T3 and he basically says he was programed to come back if anything went wrong, and was sent back to look for Jedi to aid Revan; and Kreia was the first he came into contact with, and then they went looking for others. - Don't quote me on that though it is ages since I last played TSL all the way through.


The conversation you refer to is the holographic message T3 has recorded of Bastila. There is no mention of Kreia in it, though.


Bastila, T3 hologram-projection: "{Soft, quiet, good Bastilla}T3, you have been with us since Taris. Without you, we would never have escaped that place... and for that, I thank you. I'm leaving this message inside you because I have seen glimpses of the future... and the bond that he and I share does not allow him to hide everything from me.More of his memories have returned - and they trouble him. He has remembered something, something on the edge of the galaxy, and he believes that he must go there to end it. But I'm afraid for him... afraid that he may not return. I need you to be the beacon, T3. If he is lost out there, on the edge of the galaxy, if he finds whatever terrible thing he has seen, then he may not survive. If he doesn't make it back, then I need you to return to the Republic, find help. If you cannot find me, then seek out other Jedi, the Republic... I can't lose him, even if he believes he is protecting me."


So Bastila did charge T3 with finding jedi, yes, but Kreia again eludes us. Indeed, if T3 had found Kreia, we might wonder why he would need to find the exile? Kreia is quite a powerful force-user already, and T3 knows that having apparently been with Revan and HK-47 on Malachor V before the Ebon Hawk went into the unknown regions.

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So Bastila did charge T3 with finding jedi, yes, but Kreia again eludes us. Indeed, if T3 had found Kreia, we might wonder why he would need to find the exile? Kreia is quite a powerful force-user already, and T3 knows that having apparently been with Revan and HK-47 on Malachor V before the Ebon Hawk went into the unknown regions.


When you finally defeat Kreia, and she squeals about the True Sith:


Exile: Why did you not follow Revan?

Kreia: Because I do not know where he have gone. If he had asked, would I have gone? I do not know. But he will need warriors, Sith or Jedi, any who could follow him, or any who know the way.


The boled part is pretty suspicious for a Revan fan-girl. Why would she not follow her favorite pupil to smash True Sith?


But I guess she decided to follow in the path of Revan, pre-K1. Why battle the True Sith when the galaxy is already so weak? She wanted to resurrected the Sith/Jedi Order (using Exile), and then having The Exile use the Sith/Jedi Order to produce trainees that can then be used to fight off the True Sith. Similar to Revan's conquering the galaxy to make it stronger.

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When you finally defeat Kreia, and she squeals about the True Sith:


Exile: Why did you not follow Revan?

Kreia: Because I do not know where he have gone. If he had asked, would I have gone? I do not know. But he will need warriors, Sith or Jedi, any who could follow him, or any who know the way.


The boled part is pretty suspicious for a Revan fan-girl. Why would she not follow her favorite pupil to smash True Sith?


And that quote is exactly why I don't see Kreia being on the Ebon Hawk. Revan went to her to learn about the true Sith, but he did not take her with him, and he did not tell her where he had gone. She seems quite honest here, when she says she cannot say if she would have followed Revan or not. It implies that she would certainly have considered it, only she never had the chance. What Revan's motives were for leaving her behind are uncertain, but it seems he took only HK and T3 to the unknown regions, and he sabotaged HK to prevent him from following him, then ordered T3 back to the Republic. When that happened T3 began following Bastila's instructions to seek out jedi. Where Kreia enters the Ebon Hawk is the tricky part...


But I guess she decided to follow in the path of Revan, pre-K1.


We know that the jedi masters thought her dead in Mandalorian Wars, which always suggested to me that she fought in it, presumably under Revan's leadership.

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