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Humans everywhere

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I'm guessing everyone here has already noticed this, but I just want to hear your opinions. Did my best to find a similar topic with no success, by the way.


It's well-known that the human race has a distinctive weight in the SW universe. Maybe there are lots of aliens out there, but the plot always revolves around humans and aliens don't make much presence. It's been the same in the movies, and it's the same in KotOR games as well.


Actually, perhaps even worse. Almost all the refugees on Nar Shaddaa were human. On Dxun, you don't see anyone but Mandalorians (whom I consider human, ethnically). Things aren't much different on Onderon, either. Nor on Dantooine, nor on Telos. Korriban is dominated by human beings. If it's not human, it's a terantatek. Taris I don't even wanna get into. Mercs, the militia, the TSF... all human.


All of the Sith Lords seem to be human. And the Jedi Council? Well, in KotOR two of them were aliens, at least. But in TSL? All five are human. And interestingly, Caucasian. Hm, maybe Vash looks a little Asian, but still.



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Eh. It's a problem with all Star Wars games. Be glad that at least our party in TSL has 5 non-humans (HK, T3, Goto, Bao-Dur, Hanharr).



(Humans are spreading like the plague! Too many humans taking away our resources and treating us like dirt! Join the Diversty Alliance and wipe this scum off the earth!)


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I'm guessing everyone here has already noticed this, but I just want to hear your opinions. Did my best to find a similar topic with no success, by the way.


It's well-known that the human race has a distinctive weight in the SW universe. Maybe there are lots of aliens out there, but the plot always revolves around humans and aliens don't make much presence. It's been the same in the movies, and it's the same in KotOR games as well.


Probably because all (most?) players are human, and as such have an easier time associating with human characters in the games. Which is probably why most sentient starwars aliens appear to be humanoid (bipedal, has two or more arms, a head etc) as well. From a game design perspective it's usually easier to create a diversity of different looking NPCs as well. Most players would likely have an easier time spotting the difference of two human faces than, say, two Trandoshan or Hutt faces.


That, or humans are more fond of breeding and moving about that the majority of other species in the Star Wars universe. I get the feeling that the majority of the population of aliens usually tend to stick to their home system and not spread out much. Humans don't seem to have any home world in SW, and are probably more nomadic and colonizing in nature, and as such more omnipresent.

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Are you sure tendency to breeding can explain the question? Well, maybe you're right. I mean, look at the gizka... even they seem to have made their way to everywhere in the Outer Rim. :D


Actually, at first I found it strange when Bioware came up with a RPG where you could select no race other than human, and I still think there is something wrong with it even after seeing Jade Empire. Perhaps it's all about the context. Or perhaps it's about catering to Lucas'...wishes.

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Actually' date=' perhaps even worse. Almost all the refugees on Nar Shaddaa were human.[/quote']


Because putting non-humans as slaves would have been seen as racist...


On Dxun' date=' you don't see anyone but Mandalorians (whom I consider human, ethnically). Things aren't much different on Onderon, either.[/quote']


If you know anything about the history of Dxun and/or Onderon, this is scarcely surprising. Indeed, given Onderon's xenophobic nature and Dxun's hostile environment, it's surprising to see any aliens there at all.


Nor on Dantooine' date=' nor on Telos.[/quote']


Both worlds populated by humans at the time.


And the Jedi Council? Well' date=' in KotOR two of them were aliens, at least. But in TSL? All five are human. And interestingly, Caucasian. Hm, maybe Vash looks a little Asian, but still.[/quote']


That's because the masters are wrong about almost everything in TSL. They aren't the bad guys, but they sure aren't the good guys either. And if you place aliens as bad guys or even non-caucasian humans, then you have people crying foul and racist subtext immediately...

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That's because the masters are wrong about almost everything in TSL. They aren't the bad guys, but they sure aren't the good guys either. And if you place aliens as bad guys or even non-caucasian humans, then you have people crying foul and racist subtext immediately...


I'd disagree. They are arroagnt, but arrogantly wise. They know what is going on, and they are very, very smart people.


And, placing aliens as the bad guys or as slaves would actually make humans look like racists (and evil themselves), if they play it up correctly. Why else were the The Empire (in EU) considered very racist againts aliens? And why else did the Diversty Alliance got formed? And some racism is tolerated in Star Wars: (Having non-Caucausian people be the bad guys would be very wrong, but saying all Hutts are evil crime lords...doesn't cause any sort of problems. Hutts are evil crime lords. That's how their culture works.)

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I've always been interested if anybody really noticed how widespread the Human race is in the Star Wars series, and I think It can be best described by Agent Smith to Morpheus from the first Matrix movie:


"I'd like to share a revelation that I've had... during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species... and I realized... that you're not actually mammals.


Every mammal on this planet... instinctively develops an equilibrium with the surrounding environment. But you Humans do not. You move to an area, and you multiply... and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive... is to spread to another area.


There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A Virus. Human beings are a disease. A cancer of this planet. You are a plague. And we... are the cure."


We like to laugh and joke about Bunny Rabbits and their breeding habits, but to be honest Human beings are rather the same. We multiply and multiply because nature let us mass multiply because we are a weak species compared to most animals. 50 years ago the total number of people was around 2 billion and that is from the beginning of the human race. We reached 6 Billion a few years ago and it just keeps rising.


Humans are everywhere in Star Wars for that reason, and a few through history. Humans created sleeper ships from an unknown planet of origin around 200,000 BBY and crashed landed on different planets over time. It is also thought that the Rakata Infinite Empire used Humans quite heavily for slave labor, spreading the species around the Galaxy to do their bidding. Over time, Human inbred with native species and created new species, and some humans just took over planets and mass multiplied themselves.


As for Humans being the majority of Jedi and Sith... not surprising. Humans could possibly be said to be the largest species in the Galaxy, so in the 1 in a billion people that are born to become Jedi... Humans being that 1 is far from slim. There are other species as Jedi and Sith, but they aren't nearly as huge as the Human species so they simply cannot produce children faster than Humans to keep up in Jedi production. The Jedi council is primarily Human because Humans are the majority of the Jedi.


As for Sith, same reasons as Jedi. When the original Dark Humans left the Jedi, they inbred with the Sith species and made their own humanoid race out of it. Humans may just be weaker to the pull of the Dark Side, but that is just theory.


It's not a racial thing, more of a species thing. Not the Humans fault they can't keep it in their pants :p


I'd disagree. They are arrogant, but arrogantly wise. They know what is going on, and they are very, very smart people

I would disagree with that. Ell even says that the Jedi were arrogant and mistrusting, so much so that he left the order. They fell due to their own inability to see past their own "righteous" knowledge that the Light Side is the absolute and their wisdom final. That is why they fell, and why they will continue to fall.

Vrook Lamar is a fine fine example of his. That man believed with every fiber of his arrogant, simply minded being that he was correct, that Revan/Exile and anybody who MIGHT be close to the Dark Side was never to be trusted... even though if you use Force Sight his Light Side alignment is slowly slipping away to the Dark Side. Atris fell to the Dark Side in her own Righteous beliefs. That council was doomed to die or turn sooner or later.

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Good points, Jediphile. I want to comment on one, especially:

That's because the masters are wrong about almost everything in TSL. They aren't the bad guys, but they sure aren't the good guys either. And if you place aliens as bad guys or even non-caucasian humans, then you have people crying foul and racist subtext immediately...
You'll understand that this concern doesn't have a global quality. People would cry foul in...States, maybe. But not in most other countries. I myself didn't even think about that until you brought it up. Of course the developers will think the big slice of their market will consist of U.S., however.


And yeah, I don't think masters were right about everything. Arrogance and self-righteousness may have clouded their judgment. Their priorities changed. They seem to have concerned only with survival, and trying to cut the Exile off from the Force in order to "remove a threat to all Jedi" simply shows how pathetic they became. But that's another topic.

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Mandalorians can actually be any race, mostly because of slaves like Mira becoming Mandalorians. But the only ones we've seen the faces of have been human - that is wierd. Mandalore the Ultimate in the Mandalorian Wars was a Taung, and yet we haven't seen any actually in KotOR. People think of them as being human because of the Fetts though I guess...

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One of the doubts I always had was that considering the way most cool-looking armour designed in the SW universe, such as that of the stormtroopers, Sith troopers, Mandos etc., it cannot fit most other alien species, like say Bith, Twi'Leks, Zabraks, Trandoshans and so on. Also, I've never seen an alien soldier in the Republic army. Now, I understand that humans are real populous, but aliens can't be hiding in cantinas and spice depots all the time.


It's Racism, I say!

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Eh. It's a problem with all Star Wars games. Be glad that at least our party in TSL has 5 non-humans (HK, T3, Goto, Bao-Dur, Hanharr).


And also Visas, as Jedi Phille said. But you're forgettign Handmaiden, she's an Echani! :p


But I think that most (I am an Echani and I play the game) of the players are humans. Humans like Humans. Thus, there must be humans. A lot of humans.

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I'm not to sure...May have to check my sources on this.

But the creator of Star Wars himself...George Lucas was it? Is supposedly a Human.

^.^ Eh...and I'm preettty sure...every single game developer...that's ever worked on Star Wars...was maybe...a Human.

> . > And that all the players that play Star Wars games...were...all...human....



I have to admit though...

:p Obsidian didn't show much diversity in its races. ^.^ OR at least that's what I remember. I haven't played TSL in awhile...but yha...


Nar Shadda...



Where as BioWare had...




and even Taris...(The vast majority of aliens were in Lower City, due to the fact that most were illegal in Upper City.)

and then there is also the Unkown Planet...

All planets had a well mix of population, if not completely alien entirely...

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I found that Obisidian did just as good a job as Bioware is the diversity of aliens department.


In TSL we have Visas who's a miraluka and Bao-Dur who's a zabrak. But also devaronians, twi'leks, rodians, chadra fans, hutts, duros, biths, ithorians, weequays, gands, ubese, a wookie, auqalish (sp?), quarren, and if echani aren't human then Handmaiden.


In KotOR we have Juhani who's a Cathar, Mission who's a twi'lek (and dozens of other twi'leks), Big Z a wookiee, duros, biths, ithorians, rodians, hutts, auqalish, one quarren, selkath, and whatever those one aliens were that were part of the street gangs on Taris.


Also the planets you go to you're looking for the masters which are human. It makes sense that they would hide on planets that were dominated by humans as a culture. ;)

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