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[RP] The Adventures of Shindalar

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One of the people croweded round was talking to a man with medicine. He took the medicine and gave it to Torsh who then gave it to Natalia. It seemed almost instantly that the body was recovering but still Ferc was fighting on with her father.


Torsh stepped up to the man.


"Thank you so much. I am Torsh, what's your name? Would you like to join us on our quest to the Palace?"

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"You're pretty straight forward, aren't you Torsh?" said Nero,stepping out of the crowd. "do you even know who he is? do you give your trust to anybody you meet?"


Then he turned to face the newcomer, "Who are you? and why did you help us? do you want anything in return?" he said," sorry, but we're short on cash"

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Audrey threw herself in Torsh's arms. "Oh, Torsh! It's... it's awful. That horrible father of hers killed my friend and his own daughter!!" Tears fell down from her eyes. She sobbed in Torsh's chest, hoping that Natalia would feel better again. "What are we gonna do? She was like a sister to me."

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Torsh suddenly had Audrey sobbing into his chest.


"Oh, Torsh! It's... it's awful. That horrible father of hers killed my friend and his own daughter!!"


"Audrey" he sighed. "He's an evi lman there's no doubt about it. But looks, she's not dead this medicine is healing her... um i think" he said now sounding a little less confident as he looked at the body. He gulped.


"She'll be fine" he said now tears coming in his eyes.


He then turned to the new man.


"He's over there" he pointed. "He's fighting Ferc and to be honest I think Ferc is going to lose by the look of things."

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((OOC: did Ferc and Natalia died?))


Nero felt insulted when Torsh threw him money, "I didn't meant that I needed cash!" he said, anger and embarrassment in his voice, "I have all the funds I need right here!" and showed Torsh his checking account, which had a LOT of zeros in it

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(OCC: Can't have done. DBalatro didn't say his character did))


"I said give the cash to him dummy! Bet you feel real stupid now don't ya know?" he said with a joking voice. He looked over to Ferc battling and couldn't stand it.


"I don't know about you Nero but I'm gonna teach this Father A LESSON!" Torsh came running back into action Long Sword at the ready.

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"Torsh is it? Please stop, before you fall into his trap."


Jason pointed to a tree near the fighting. Jason threw a shuriken, which triggered an arrow to be fired.




Jason moved, and fast. Within seconds he as next to Torsh.


"I'll handle him, to prove me trust. Is that acceptable?"

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Nero just watched, because he thought those two could handle the enemy by themselves

and went to help Audrey take care of Natalia, who seemed as if she was dying


"We need to stabilize the wound" he told Audrey," we also have to get out of here, theres too many people, and we have to save her quickly, he led Audrey away to the tent, carrying Natalia's body as he went

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((OOC: Sorry; Had to help my brother.))


Ferc ran Natalia's murderer to the borders of the lake. Ferc saw him jump onto a nearby cliff that overlooked the lake. Careful. If I take a wrong step, she will not be avenged. This man was pushing Ferc towards the edge of the cliff. Ferc started to turn the tables on Natalia's murderer.


Just then, he saw a bright light ov'rlooking him. It gave him strength. He thought he heard Natalia's voice from above in the heavens. "You alone can deal with him." Newly inspired, he took his last move: he threw his hidden dagger at her murderer. To ensure this death, Ferc tossed and drowned Natalia's murderer. Afterwards, Ferc fell off the cliff. Then, Ferc's body started to float downstream to where Natalia's body lay. Ferc was unconscious.

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"Torsh, use that medicine I gave you. It will work."


With that, Jason ran off to the fighting. The two were engaged deeply into fighting. Jason stood, spectating the fight, analyzing their moves. Jason soon saw their repetive moves; strike, block, dive, repeat. Jason gripped his katana, and withdrew it. With one lunge, Jason struck the father, wounding him. The other man looked, amazed. Jason returned his sword, and stood over the man.


"You lose."

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Torsh was starting to feel sick from all the commotion so he popped his head out of the tent for a breath and saw a body floating in the water.


"Oh crap, who's that!" He ran out and found the father of Natalia dead on the cliff and Ferc floating down the stream!

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Nero placed Natalia down and examined the wound, "it's deep" he said plainly, and opened up his small sack, his shoulder wound still bothered him, but he had other priorities first


"Okay, I'll do my best", he told Torsh, who had followed them inside the tent, "but she hjas lost a lot of blood and her pulse is weak", as he explained the situation, he took out bandages and some medicine Torsh had given him, along some that he had made


"Hold her down" he said to the other two, "if she wakes up, this is going to hurt"

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((OOC: No; that directed towards Daft.))


While still unconscious floating down stream, Ferc heard his uncle's voice: "Help is on the way."


Ferc's clothes were still getting extremely soaked. His body continued to go downstream in the lake.

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(OOC:Edited But lets get on with the RP))


As Torsh saw everyone now happy and alive he started to cry.


"It's all my fualt" he said falling onto his knees. "It's my fault for letting Reskhi die! Then he would have gone to the Palace before the reign of darkness and I knew he could of saved us! Now everyone is comign with me and so many timest hey have been close to death!"


Torsh carried on crying. Then he stoped and made a weak smile.

"It's over though" he laughed tears chocking him.


"We are safe, no more battles until we get to, we get to the Dwarve Lands. I want to avenge the one Dwarve who killed Rehski."

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Ferc woke seeing Natalia's smiling face. He stared in unbelief. "How? This is inconceivable; I heard you from the heav'ns. How...How is this done?" He asked. "But, you were dead. Yet, you are alive."


He still couldn't believe his eyes. Yet, proof of her existence was Natalia kissing him.

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{ at Reclaimer , I was dead , in fact with no head but I forgot to put that in. Was reading and saw noone saving Ferc. So I thought some divine intervention was needed.}


" My love you killed my father.My tormentor.My killer. This makes me queen. Will you be my king, dear Ferc, Will you marry me?" Natalia asked Ferc. She looked at him for an answer.

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