kingofbladeslv Posted July 17, 2007 Share Posted July 17, 2007 *BEWARE: VIEWS ON THE U.S. PRESIDENT AND THE WAR IN IRAQ AHEAD* George Lucas' concept of "The Force" is perhaps the most original in our generation. His accomplishments in creating massive battles and formulating wars on the big screen is unsurpassed as of yet: The war between the Republic and the CIS-- the war between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. Now, has anyone actually noticed that there is much truth behind Lucas' work than actually realized? "The Force is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy togther"- Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Jedi use this power to maintain peace throughout the galaxy. This seems strangely like the equivalent to the art of Kung Fu or Tai-Chi. Both arts utilize a power known as "Chi". It, like the Force centers one's self, and calms the mind. Now, I'm sure most of you hardcore Star Wars fans have seen the footage of the interview of George Lucas talking about the Force.... On to the more serious matters: *THIS IS WHRE THE U.S. PRESIDENT/WAR COME IN. IF YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE SUPPORTER OF THE PRESIDENT, STEER AWAY FROM THIS THREAD* The United States is at war with Iraq. This war has dragged on for quite some time; as did the Clone Wars. The U.S. has the largest Air Force in the world (according to a book I've read a couple of months ago); and the Republic had an overwhelming Clone Army (eh, bad analogy, but it will do). My point is that the U.S. is almost the equivalent to that of the Republic in the Star Wars trilogy. Chancellor Palpatine had been in office over his regular term, because he had siezed Emergency Powers of the Republic during the Clone Wars(or whatever it was called). George W. Bush isn't exactly "over his term", but he stood in office for the fact that the nation was at war. I wouldn't say that Iraq is exactly like the CIS (Confederacy of Independent Systems), but it is at war with the U.S. (Republic). I like to think that Saddam Hussien (spelling?) was like Count Dooku, and was executed for his crimes. I won't go into deeper subjects such as the head of Al-Qaeda (er... spelling?), or anything else. My general point is this: "What if we (the U.S., being a U.S. citizen myself) are the very evil we are trying to destroy?"-Padme Skywalker. Now I'm not saying that George Bush is a Sith Lord or anything like that, but he insists on sending troops over to Iraq, and a few months ago, he had escalated the troop count in Iraq and Middle-East cities. Chancellor Palpatine refused to give up his powers when General Grievous was captured... And President Bush is fighting a needless war, soldiers dying every other day, families losing a loved one... There are many truths behind Star Wars than originally thought... Now, I'm tired, and I haven't added all of my thoughts yet to this topic. I just want to see what your views are on this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mimartin Posted July 17, 2007 Share Posted July 17, 2007 I would not compare President Bush to the Palpatine. Palpatine was an evil manipulator skillful in diplomacy and building allies. Bush has proven that he is unable to manipulate anyone outside of his inter-circle. After 9/11 when most of the world was on our side, Bush slowly yet skillful drove the world and the American public away from our side. I’d say that is proof that he is terrible at diplomacy or gaining allies. In my opinion President Bush is far from evil. He truly believes with all his heart that he is doing what is right for America and to a lesser extent the rest of the world. Mr. Bush just is under the mistaken idea that just because he was elected President that he has received some type of mandate that he can do anything he deems necessary. He now believes he is above the very laws and freedoms that he has sworn to protect. To me Bush is more like Anakin Skywalker; thrown into moment in time that he is woefully unprepared to handle. He has been seduced with a trust for power and under the impression that he is stronger and more knowledgeable than the others around him. Originally he lived in fear that he would be a one term President much like his father, but today his only fear is he will not live up to the legend he is in his own mind. CIS is too technically advanced to be Iraq. To me the Iraq War is more like the battle of Endor. The planet, like Iraq, was easily conquered, but then with the help of outside forces the under developed inhabitances were able to fight back. I just hope the war in Iraq ends differently. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilentScope001 Posted July 17, 2007 Share Posted July 17, 2007 No, Star Wars is, essentially, a space opera, written by a talented hack, George Lucas, who, while talented, is just basically a hack who borrowed lots of stuff from other peope. In the other thread on the Team Gizka forums, this topic turned into quick George Lucas bashing instead of George Bush bashing. The Force isn't even that unique, just part of Chinese mythology. Prehaps the only unique theme in Star Wars is Kreia and her "Smash The Force!" ideology, but I'm sure her maltheistic thoughts has already been presented thousands of times before much more sympatheitically. And, last but not least, there is indeed a Good and Evil side. The bad news is, that does not transalate well into this society, since, well, how can you tell who's good and who's bad? By what lightsaber they are using (Blue means Good, Red means Bad)? Bah! Oh, and twist it around. What if we're the Empire, but The Empire is actually the good guys and the Republic/Rebels are evil terrorists wanting to bring about a tyrannical religious dictatorship (the Jedi) and unleash lots of evil! Unleash the Death Star on these evil fanatics! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagobahn Eagle Posted July 17, 2007 Share Posted July 17, 2007 The comparison has been brought up before, in the Senate, actually Lucas himself took quite a lot of flak from the Dubyans when he pointed out how incredible the similarities were. I especially like this quote from Padme: So this is how democracy falls - to thunderous applause. Yes, the parallels are there. Free country fights war, is convinced to give up right after right because of said war, eventually crumbles. Not that I think Dubya will cause the downfall of the government and freedom of the USA, but as mentioned, the parallels are there. There are many truths behind Star Wars than originally thought...There are many truths behind a lot of litterature than originally thought. The board game Monopoly was actually to the highest degree political - it was a protest pointing out the dangers of market monopoly. And that's just one example. A lot of messages can be extracted from many games, even Super Mario. This seems strangely like the equivalent to the art of Kung Fu or Tai-Chi. Both arts utilize a power known as "Chi". It, like the Force centers one's self, and calms the mind. Yesh;). What if we're the Empire, but The Empire is actually the good guys and the Republic/Rebels are evil terrorists wanting to bring about a tyrannical religious dictatorship (the Jedi) and unleash lots of evil!The US is definitely the good guys compared to Saddam and Abrahamic fanatics. Not that Bush isn't an Abrahamic fundamentalist, with his opposition of homosexuality, abortion and stem cell research, and his views that modern law is derived from God, but you get my idea. He's not hijacking 737s and running them into skyscrapers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
adamqd Posted July 17, 2007 Share Posted July 17, 2007 Bush isn't an Abrahamic fundamentalist, with his opposition of homosexuality, abortion and stem cell research, and his views that modern law is derived from God, but you get my idea. He's not hijacking 737s and running them into skyscrapers. QFE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nancy Allen`` Posted July 17, 2007 Share Posted July 17, 2007 I wouldn't listen to people who like to compare Bush to Palpatine. Things like Star Wars, V for Vendetta as well even though it is a closer and more deliberate illustration, should be looked at as a warning for what happens were we to go down the primrose path that we are currently on rather than a character study where Sutler is meant to be Bush. To say that it's written with Bush in mind, what you need to remember is that the whole story was thought out in the 70s and 80s and IIRC was done with Vietnam in mind. Could the films have been written with Bush in mind? Perhaps, and if I was to look at anyone on this I would look at Natalie Portman, who not only makes the most poigent political statement but has a habit of playing roles in movies that are either anti establishment or have an important political message. On whether we are the evil we are trying to destroy, the evil we are trying to destroy is setting off a car bomb knowing that it will kill non combatents, people who torture and abuse prisoners of war, those who resort to genocide and totalarist tactics to rule, soldiers who get their yukks from war, those who use religion to permit acts of terror and, yes, a cowboy President who seeks war, yes seeks war and names names of who's next. That, Senator Amidala, is the evil that if we are not fighting against we should be. You could say in some ways that life imitates art, as TPM came out before 9/11 which some claim was orchastrated as an excuse for war (claims that are designed solely for the purpose of bringing down Bush) and AotC was filmed before talk of war on Iraq. However there is another Portman\Padme quote worth raising, "I will not stand idly by while my people suffer", now war on Iraq is wrong, no doubt, but that quote is spot on in reflecting how many people feel about not just their people but those outside their sphere of influence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Source Posted July 18, 2007 Share Posted July 18, 2007 Earlier this afternoon, I heard a radio weird 'o' compare Bush to Hitler. George created the Empire based upon Hitler's ideology. Bush didn't do anything as horrible as Hitler or Palpatine. Unlike the Empire in Star Wars, the United States has plans on leaving Iraq. We have no interest in taking over Iraq. Bush may have some qualities similar to the Roman Empire, but I can honestly say there is no similarity with Star Wars or Hitler. If George Bush ever tried to stay beyond his term, I am 100% sure that there will be an uprising in the US. Unlike other countries who fell victim to leaders hostily taking over their governments, the people of the United States would start an Insurrection. We have constitutional laws that prevent such acts to occur. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jae Onasi Posted July 18, 2007 Share Posted July 18, 2007 If Bush takes over the government, declares martial law over the entire country, and pulls out a red lightsaber, then I'll worry that he might be a bit too much like Palpatine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Source Posted July 18, 2007 Share Posted July 18, 2007 If Bush takes over the government, declares martial law over the entire country, and pulls out a red lightsaber, then I'll worry that he might be a bit too much like Palpatine. Lol... "Wipe them out. All of them", Bush to the Democrats. Democrat response, "Marrages for all. Hey, you can now marry your dog or cat." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PoiuyWired Posted July 18, 2007 Share Posted July 18, 2007 If Bush takes over the government, declares martial law over the entire country, and pulls out a red lightsaber, then I'll worry that he might be a bit too much like Palpatine. Where to I sign up to be Them Emperor's Hands? After all, darkside leads to candies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nancy Allen`` Posted July 18, 2007 Share Posted July 18, 2007 Aw, you just want Mara Jade. Though who doesn't? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jae Onasi Posted July 18, 2007 Share Posted July 18, 2007 Aw, you just want Mara Jade. Though who doesn't? Are you kidding? I want Luke Skywalker, thank you. Han Solo wouldn't be bad, either. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nancy Allen`` Posted July 18, 2007 Share Posted July 18, 2007 Well it all depends on who you prefer, but Han definetly, Indy, or Annakin, pre Vader Annakin. That'll do me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Totenkopf Posted July 18, 2007 Share Posted July 18, 2007 Sure, a force wielding hottie would come in pretty handy in those tight situations (woulda said spots, but that seemed somehow unnecessarily salacious ). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nancy Allen`` Posted July 18, 2007 Share Posted July 18, 2007 With a lot of the characters in Star Wars I want to be a good friend to them, kind of like how Revan or the Exile is to most of them. Such as help Mara with Vader, suggest to her to bring up how he didn't kill Luke when he had the chance, or Piett when he failed to capture him (make Vader lose face), or help out when she struggles over being dark sided. Or something like wax on about human anatomy to Jaina Solo so she knows exactly where to stick her lightsaber into someone who betrays her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corinthian Posted July 18, 2007 Share Posted July 18, 2007 Yeah. And do some...other Jacen. I'm sure anyone who reads Legacy will know what I refer to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Galt Posted July 18, 2007 Share Posted July 18, 2007 I've always thought of Star Wars, at least the new films, as an allegory of the American Civil War, with Palpatine being an evil, twisted version of Abraham Lincoln. THINK ABOUT IT. Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus, as did palpatine. Count Dooku is vaguely analogous to Robert E Lee, as a gentleman and a brilliant strategist who used to be a member of the established government(jedi for dooku, US army for Lee) both the clone army and the Union Army were referred to as the Grand Army of the Republic Both Lincoln and Palpatine had assassination attempts, but Palpatine survived his. there are more of these parallels out there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagobahn Eagle Posted July 18, 2007 Share Posted July 18, 2007 I wouldn't listen to people who like to compare Bush to Palpatine.OK, once and for all, no one is saying Bush is as evil as Palpatine, nor that he has a plan to install dictatorship in the USA or take over the world. There are, however, parallels between the events of the Prequel Trilogy and the real-life events of the 'War on Terror'[TM 2007, GOP]. To say that it's written with Bush in mind, what you need to remember is that the whole story was thought out in the 70s and 80s [...]No one's claiming otherwise. As for the 9/11 conspiracy theory, while the people who support it obviously do not like Bush, I sincerely doubt it was orchestrated to lower support for him. I believe most of the 9/11 truthers, like most conspiracy nutters, actually believe the nonsense they spout. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilentScope001 Posted July 18, 2007 Share Posted July 18, 2007 As for the 9/11 conspiracy theory, while the people who support it obviously do not like Bush, I sincerely doubt it was orchestrated to lower support for him. I believe most of the 9/11 truthers, like most conspiracy nutters, actually believe the nonsense they spout. Uh, to be fair, not ALL conspiracy theories blame Bush. I know of a person that blamed CNN for staging the events to have higher ratings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nancy Allen`` Posted July 18, 2007 Share Posted July 18, 2007 Yeah. And do some...other Jacen. I'm sure anyone who reads Legacy will know what I refer to. Here's a list to get her started. OK, once and for all, no one is saying Bush is as evil as Palpatine, nor that he has a plan to install dictatorship in the USA or take over the world. :whistles:;read=4403&expand=1 Scary that people think like this. Uh, to be fair, not ALL conspiracy theories blame Bush. I know of a person that blamed CNN for staging the events to have higher ratings. No, no, they got it all wrong. Elvis was behind the 9/11 attacks, he faked his death to work for the FBI and he used his magical Roswell alien singing to fly the planes. As you may gather I don't give much stock to these fairy tales. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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