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The Ultimatum


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so, i went and saw "The Bourne Ultimatum" last night at midnight, and i can sum it up into one sentence: this is the best movie of the year.


From the acting to the storyline to the action sequences, this movie is the definitive cream of the crop so far this year. the action sequences are every bit as tense as they are visceral with a lot of up close and personal camera shots. another part that make this movies done so well is the camera style. the way its always moving around a bit and even zooming in on occasion to catch a brief moment, it really helps to immerse you into the movie. the storytelling is excellent, and it really ties into the previous movie, "The Bourne Supremacy", extremely well.


until now, this has been a bad year for trilogy finales (Shrek 3, Pirates 3, and Spiderman 3), but this one ends that trend completely. seriously, if you're looking for something to do tonight, go see this movie. you'll thank yourself later, and you'll more than likely get right back in line at the Box Office.



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Does it have the crazy jerky fight cinematography of the previous two movies? Cuz if it does, I'll remember to take my anti-queasiness pills. Don't get me wrong, I love the Bourne movies, it's just that the fight scenes are so helter skelter they make me dizzy. x_x

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I saw the 12:01 also.


Yes, Greengrass still uses a lot of handheld and quick edits (i.e. "shaky-cam"), so if that threw you off in Supremacy, it isn't any different here.


The writing was good and it tied into the first two movies very well. I think the last few minutes could have been done a little better, but all-in-all, I was very pleased with the movie.


Everyone in the theaters applauded at the

end of the fights sequence with Desh.

I don't think I've ever seen that happen before.

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I'm not a big fan of the movies, but only because this is my favorite book series of all time. The movies have nothing to do with the books outside the loss memories and the names. When I’m able to get over this, the movies are good action flicks and nothing more, but when I can’t I see them ruining Robert Ludlum’s work.

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I'm probably going to pick up my brother tomorrow and hit the theatre for this one. Given what you guys have said, we'll probably like it. :p





edit: siralos, you have an awesome avatar. mandy patinkin is teh man. watched some of 'dead like me' a week ago, mandy was the only really good actor in it... le sigh...

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Yeah, it was awesome. I enjoyed it. I'll agree with stingerhs regarding The Bourne Ultimatum being the best trilogy finale of the year thus far. And it definitely ranks near the top of my favourite movies of the year so far.


And yeah, the fight scenes and the car scene were pretty sweet. Even though, the "shaking-cam" thing kind through me off, but the scenes were still awesome.

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Does it have the crazy jerky fight cinematography of the previous two movies? Cuz if it does, I'll remember to take my anti-queasiness pills. Don't get me wrong, I love the Bourne movies, it's just that the fight scenes are so helter skelter they make me dizzy. x_x


YES! I have epilepsy and the two things that turned by brain to mush were the action sequences of the last Bourne movie, and the camera perpective on that stupid "Bounty Hunter" game on ps2.


As great as this flick sounds, I loathe paying to go watch it for this alone :(



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  • 2 weeks later...

Bourne Ultimatum is the best blockbuster of the summer. And without resorting to CGI and what not too. It just rules and binds the trilogy together perfectly, although you really should see the predecessors first. A testament to good storytelling and a Bourne classic... 9/10

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