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Greek forest fires

Dagobahn Eagle

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For those who have not caught this yet, there are several huge forest fires raging in Greece, and they've claimed at least 60 lives so far. Authorities are starting to hunt for arsonists, stating that the fires were deliberately started. Catching arsonists will earn you a 1 million Euro award.


Myself, I do indeed find it strange that so many major fires should start simultaneously in such a big area. I'm not 'OMG da terrorizts r coming get ur gas masks!!!11!!11'-type of person, but this is eerie. According to BBC:

The fires could have been started as a way of getting around Greek law which forbids development on areas designated as forest land.

Makes you lose faith in humanity.



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I'm quite hot under the coller, pardon the pun, about people who light fires stand back and get their rocks off. These animals should be made to fight the fires they light, risk their lives the same as the real Supermen do to stop the threat they had caused. That or arsonists should be fed right into the flames they created, that's what I'd like to see happen. Realistically it never would but making them fight fires, especally the ones they lit, that should be put into place. They like fires so much they can see them up close.

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Don’t get me wrong Nancy I like your idea, but from a purely psychological point of view I don’t know what the ramifications would be from putting an arsonist around fire. Might be like putting the inmates in charge of the asylum.


Arsonist doing arson for financial gain I can see no problem with putting them to work fighting fires, but those that might have some type of mental illness, I’m not so sure about putting them around fires.


In reading about arsonist I found it weird that an environmental group would resort to arson, but according to Wikipedia they do. Earth Liberation Front

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Makes you lose faith in humanity.


Shouldn't it make you lose faith in fire?


Or at the least, hope for the day when all society gets digtalized and turn into forums? At least then, all that hatred and violence would just be "flame wars" on a online forum, and only people's feelings, not lives or very important property? We won't end hate, but the hate would have no meaning and be utterly useless.


And I'm not okay for conscripting arsonists into Firefighting (however ludcrious the proposer knows it is). Cruel and unusual punishment, plus they are arsonists. A Note: I've talked to a local firefighter who claims that most Firefighters actually like fires, hence why they join Firefighters.

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