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Would a nuke have killed a Force Sensitive?

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By reading this topic title solo, one would think that the answer is quite obvious: Of course a blast of that magnitude would kill any Jedi, Sith and any other Force user on it's area of effect.

But that's not what this is about.


See the Exile: He would be dead on the Mass Shadow Generator event on Malachor V, even being on it's orbit, just because many lives were lost at the same time, at the same place. As we know, he/she only managed to survive by disconnecting him/herself from the Force.


Obi-Wan Kenobi felt dazed when en route to a Alderaan that was no more. And he was very, very far from it when the Death Star blew it into little pieces of rocks.


And there's, of course, Bastila and Revan aboard the Ebon Hawk when fleeing Taris under bombardment. While I'm not sure if this case applies to the others, since the deaths, though numerous, weren't instant. However, they were closer than the Exile and Obi-Wan from the tragedy core, but they didn't felt a thing aside sorrow.


Analyzing the present data, we can conclude that the ones in touch with the Force can't survive those traumatic events. Our most powerful mass destruct weapons are those hydrogen nukes (nuclear bomb). Imagine what would happen to a Force Sensitive near Hiroshima? Or Nagasaki? It sure a large amount of lives lost. Would they have died?

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Depends, for those who are DS and lust for the voices of pain and suffering, that he might survive, ever more twisted and insane by the ordeal. But yes for a Jedi of the lightside such events would be extremely deadly. Probably those who can survive are either really powerful Masters who have such control over their own emotions and understanding to the unifying force and negative voices within it. Either that or really really weak padawans that are not completely opened up to the force.

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Not sure there's any need to mention the examples of genocide that was Hiroshima & Nagasaki. This is an interesting debate (maybe the Rebels should have just nuked the Death Star into oblivion, :lol: ) and it would be hard to imagine anyone surviving an explosion of that magnitude. But, apparently a cockroach can survive a nuclear explosion, so there are ways and means, :lol:

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Depends, for those who are DS and lust for the voices of pain and suffering, that he might survive, ever more twisted and insane by the ordeal.



I think that both lightsided and darksided Force Sensitives would feel similar effects. Even if they have this lust for suffering, it can be compared to hunger: Eat too much, and you'll inevitably get fat. However, when talking about pain, things get much more deadly.

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I don't think they would be overly affected, with the exception of there being more who would fall to the dark side if there was someone like Revan to use the situation to his advantage, i.e. at Malachor V. It's probable that the only person who might have died in such a thing would be the Exile, as she had an unusually powerful connection to all living things, but she survived, obviously, or there wouldn't be a game...:p

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I don't think they would be overly affected, with the exception of there being more who would fall to the dark side if there was someone like Revan to use the situation to his advantage, i.e. at Malachor V. It's probable that the only person who might have died in such a thing would be the Exile, as she had an unusually powerful connection to all living things, but she survived, obviously, or there wouldn't be a game...


Beehon is right. Ben Kenobi was able to hear the death of an entire planet with billions of people (Alderran), but just said, "Eh. Just tons of people screaming. Now, Luke, let go back to training..."


It would only be lethal ONLY if the person is really force-bonded to all those people, like The Exile. The Jedi Council learn not to be attached to other people, and don't Force Bond as much, which can keep them alive (and sane).


Besides, a nuke won't do as much damage relatively speaking, as the two Death Stars, the Star Forge, and prehaps the Mass Shadow Geneator. So, even if you use a conventional nuke, maybe less people would die than they would when exposed to the Star Wars Superweapons, so then those Force Sensitives won't feel the pain as much.

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Does it matter if the force sensitive is the cause of the explosion? Take the assault on the Death Star in SW IV. Luke blew how many 10s of thousands into oblivion (remember that Hiroshima/Nagasaki probably had about as many initial deaths) with that shot, yet w/no apparent affect to himself. So, on the surface, even proximity wouldn't necessarily seem to matter. There'd have to be other conditions.

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Actually, the Death Star had a complete crew of 1,000,000 people. The maximum estimates for total deaths at Hiroshima and Nagasaki are 500,000, and that's long term. So, no, the disturbance from a nuclear weapon would be unlikely to kill a Force Sensitive, even if it were dropped on New York City. Also, there's no evidence to suggest that proximity has anything to do with it.

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Obi-Wan was only fazed briefly from the destruction of Alderaan, which probably killed billions of sentients, not to mention all the other life that was killed.


That if you believe that distance makes no difference.


Back to the Mass Shadow Generator discussion, I think I can provide an answer to that with but one simple catch. Watch closely:


It would only be lethal ONLY if the person is really force-bonded to all those people, like The Exile. The Jedi Council learn not to be attached to other people, and don't Force Bond as much, which can keep them alive (and sane).


True enough. Let's see, Revan ordered the Exile to activate the Mass Shadow Generator. The order was passed to Bao-Dur, or whoever was task with the MSG activation. Whether Revan, the Exile or anybody else knew the side effects (near Force sensitives deaths) of the amount of oblivion the would come is unknown.


MSG is activated and every ship is drawn to Malachor surface. Millions die. Republics die, mandalorians die and the Exile should die as well, though he/she breaks his/her ties unexpectedly. But Revan didn't. And neither Malak, who probably was far from the fighting scene. Both were probably close to those people, as the Exile was, but neither died. Even as the loyalty of these troops were questionable.


So, if distance don't really matters that much, why didn't they died? The only catch I can think of, and the one previous mentioned, was about the troops loyalty.

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