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[WIP] Playable Characters by RedRob41


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will you do female also?

Well, I'd really like to, but it's a little too time consuming. I've been working on the male Tusken for months now, and I think that if I do a female, I'll have to cut back on the amount of work (fewer textures and models). I've also got a lot of other ideas I want to do, so a female Tusken is a little lower on the priority list.


Oh, the complications of having high aspirations, and fitting them in around a full time job, real life, and getting more than 4 hours of sleep a night. :xp:

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Here's an update. I've got the next six textures done for class G (36 out of 45). Now I've got the seven class H and the two class J (I forgot about the star forge armours). I'm getting closer to being done. Here's some screenshots:

wiptuskarmor11im0.th.jpg wiptuskarmor10pr7.th.jpg wiptuskarmor9pp7.th.jpg wiptuskarmor8ae5.th.jpg


The toughest part is getting the gauntlets (both the model and texture) to look the same as the original. It'll be even harder to do the next ones. Can't stop now that I'm so close to the end :D.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i do not believe there should be a quarren

have you guys ever even seen the K1 quarrens?

they were so bad looking i almost took up skinning to try and make an enchance for them

and those ANNOYING midget capes!

just grrrr....

what i think you should do is make a Yoda species mod!

now that is worth waiting for!

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what i think you should do is make a Yoda species mod!

now that is worth waiting for!

Yeah, I'd like to see some Froglings too (I heard George Lucas call them that on a DVD commentary track somewhere). I figure that they'd look great just wearing the top part of an armour, 'cause that'd be the right size. Just the breastplates and arms. I think it'd be hilarious. But, it would be a ton of work, just like the Tusken. I think that after I get him done, I'll stick to some more manageable aliens for a while. Probably some Rattataki or other species that I'd only have to do heads for (maybe a custom clothing as well, who knows).


Lately I needed a break from doing the Tusken. The final armours are a bit harder to do. I think I'll have to make them 768x768 pixels instead of the standard 512x512, just to get more detail from the in-game armour textures. Oh well.


In the meantime, I've done a couple textures to make Carth and the PCs dress like a Republic soldier (just to keep busy). I'll attach a couple screenshots when ImageShack isn't bogged down.

republicpmbc421uz1.th.jpg republicpmbc422vj5.th.jpg republicpmbc423nw7.th.jpg republicpmbc424mn4.th.jpg

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Are you going to include in your tusken mod?

Well, sort of. I'll be making a separate mod that includes Republic coloured clothing for all 3 classes of PC (male & female). The reason why is that my Species Feats mod spawns a new locker on the Endar Spire, and inside it is Clothing Variant 2. This way, all the Clothing Variant 2 textures will be for the Republic. I'll probably also do ones for the other party members, so that everyone can run around as part of the Republic army. I might even do some medium and heavy armours in grey and orange.


The reason why I started it now is that I wanted to do one for the Tusken, and I needed to be a little more familiar with what Trask and the other soldiers wore. So, here is what he'll look like with standard clothing (left) and Republic Combat Suit (right) underneath his brown robe:



As for the rest of the Tusken, I've completed all 7 of the class H armours. All I have left now are the class J (Star Forge) armours. I might re-do the underwears though (screenshot at bottom of post #30). I'm gettin' closer to the finish line :wornout:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I've got all the Tusken models and textures finalized. I had a bit of a problem getting the dark side underwear to show up, so I needed a head model to attach to it. At first I used head #66 (N_DarthRevanH.mdl), but it created a new problem. Any time I put on goggles or masks, it would clip through the Tusken's head and move in a different direction than the Tusken's head. So, to fix it, I edited head #66 and deleted the goggle hook and mask hook. I exported it from Gmax, and converted it to binary using MDLOps. Usually this would cause a head model to explode, but since it's going to be invisible, it doesn't matter if it exploded (I don't know if it did, 'cause I can' see it :)). So far it seems to be working ok. I'll test it all the way through the game to see if any problems come up.


Once I've finished, I'll also finish off another soundset mod so that I'll have a full set of Tusken voices.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, the Tusken is almost done. I'm just doing a playthrough to check for bugs. I'll make a few more screenshots, and it should be done (hopefully this weekend). I can't believe how long its taken for me to do all this, for just one character.


As for my next mod, I'll be doing some nice simple Rattataki. Danyael27 recently posted a mod request for Aurra Sing, and I just happen to already be working on one. So far I've got the head model and textures done, but I'm working on the default clothes. Here are some screen shots:

wipaurra1tz4.th.jpg wipaurra2vp9.th.jpg


I've got to iron out the seam between the head and neck of the scout model (which looks most like Aurra's outfit). As for the soldier, there's still some touching up to do to the arms and gloves. I wanted it to look like she's put the armour on over top of her red jump suit. I haven't started the scoundrel's clothes yet, but it should follow the same idea. I've tried pretty hard to make the head model look similar to the actress (especially around the nose and jaw line). Unfortunately there aren't enough polygons in the ponytail to make it as big as the movie character (if it gets any bigger, it'll be too blocky).


In the end, it'll be a character pack with 2 female & 3 male Rattataki, as well as Aurra Sing. Two of the Characters will be Asajj Ventres and Aidus. Does any one know of any other Rattataki? Each character will have dark side transitions, as well as pale skin colour underwear. I'm going to try to convert Revan's cutscene Star Forge robes into a robe for Asajj. Everyone else will have standard armour and robe models.

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