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Five Twin Suns-esque Outfits For Female PCs

Emperor Devon

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'll have you all know I was coerced into releasing this by Shem! Something about releasing mods of my own if I was to help manage a modding site, completely absurd I tell you.


Download this mod


Anyways, it's rather as the name implies... Five outfits rather like the ones the Twin Suns had that can be worn by female PCs. (Caucasian ones only, though. No Asian or black skins included.) Since DS PCs are also ugly enough even when they are fully clothed, rather than including versions of the skins where it looks like the PC has cancer I simply removed the DS transitions for all the female heads and replaced them with RotS-ish Sith eyes.


The first outfit in the screenshot is changed to the default clothing model so you shouldn't have to cheat to get it. The codes for the other variants are:







Anyways, the rest of the info is in the readme. Clicky clicky the image for the download link.



I must have missed this mod. You get five out of five underwear model stars. :) Great job Devon. ***Downloading Now***

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  • 5 weeks later...
I really like these(and really hate the robes 'cause of that flowy cloak thing), is there any way to make them upgradeable?

This isn't quite an answer to your question, but it should get a similar effect: go into the Kotor Tool's .2da editor, and set the robe slot (whichever one that is), and replace its contents with those in the basic clothing slot for Caucasian females.

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