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(WIP) K2 Armor Fix Metastasis


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I don't know how many of you know of my mod, K2 Armor Fix Plus



I've been working on an update for a little while now, and I thought I'd share some screenshots that I just made with you all. I'm planning on releasing this mod at the same time as the TSLRP so I can ensure compatibility with that mod...and perhaps enhance some of its content in the armor department, if at all possible.


My upcoming mod does a number of things (hence why I've called it Metastasis- it's grown beyond the boundaries of just an armor mod)


Some key features include, from the original mod along with the upcoming update-


- New Portraits for the party member and the bearded Obi-Wan like head

- Additional variations for the Mandalorians, making them looks more unique

- Several new quest-like experiences including bounty hunters on Onderon, hunters on Dxun, and Merchants on Nar Shaddaa.

- Multiple new armors, mostly heavy, strategically placed throughout the game.

- New, TSL style icons for armor classes F, G, and H.

- Rarer items proportionately placed in the game, along with some new ones added.

- Some armor literary tweaks: continuity errors fixed like "Felenar/Fenelar" armor.

- Visas wearing Jedi Robes (her neck looks a little odd, but whatever)

- No more out-of-place Star Forge banners (they now bear the logo of the neo-crusaders)


http://img211.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshoticonswr3.jpg } Icons, new armors


http://img219.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotportraitsvj4.jpg } new portraits


http://img219.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotmandaloriansce6.jpg } new mandalorians



I'll post more in-game screenshots if I ever get KotOR II working on my laptop (arrgh). If not, though, it may be a while before I can do anything else with this mod.


Feel free to post questions, comments, concerns.

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Hmm. I dunno, I'm only hesitant to do that because I think it's already been done. Have you poked around KotORfiles for something like that?


Yeah, I only check that site daily... not that I'm a geek or anything ;) I've never come across it to be honest, always thought it would be a good idea tho :) But, I always think on any mod that takes any ammount of time it should be the modders vision; if I ever get upto a good level of skinning I may attempt it.

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Edit: Is there a chance for a mod like this for KTR 1?


If you're talking about my mod and not Shosey's: maybe. Depending on when TSLRP gets released, I may or may not make a similar KotOR 1 version of my mod.



Here are some more screenshots I've made:


http://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotheavyarmoren4.jpg } the seven new heavy armors I've made for the game. There are a few others, but these are the ones that are pretty much made from scratch, and are the ones I'm most proud of.


http://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotubesepo6.jpg } the Ubese armor, which I've made available for males


http://img295.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotmandsfightwj1.jpg } Mandalorian recruits fighting in the battle circle


http://img412.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotloadid7.jpg } The new loading screen I made for the Mandalorian Camp, which uses my new, correct Mandalorian insignia-bearing banners.


http://img517.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotvisasrobehc8.jpg } Visas with robes


http://img158.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotclotheskh7.jpg } Custom clothes for the PC

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Ok, so I have a question for those of you who are interested in this mod. I've tested everything and after some kinks that've been worked out, it's pretty much ready to be released. However, the one thing I'm waiting on is the TSLRP. I want to make sure this mod is compatible with it.


My question is, should I wait, or just release now? I don't really care either way.

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In any case, it should be up to Team Gizka to ensure compatibility with other mods; So, you could/should release now.


Uh... right. I can already see Team Gizka making TSLRP compatible with every TSL mod out there. Not going to happen, and rightly so. But I agree you should release it.


Anyway, I particularly like those Mandalorian skins. Very neat.

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Uh... right. I can already see Team Gizka making TSLRP compatible with every TSL mod out there. Not going to happen, and rightly so.

While you don't have to for "every TSL mod out there" you do for the popular ones, like USM, etc.


On-Topic: That is some nice work 90SK! :thumbsup:

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While you don't have to for "every TSL mod out there" you do for the popular ones, like USM, etc.


If you make so much changes to the game's scripts, while adding new ones, replacing a whole bunch of modules and correcting dialog, I think it's not reasonable to ask from anyone to make it compatible with certain mods, especially when they use/modify files that are going to be included in TSLRP.


Answering here because this is basically off-topic: I disagree, it is the newer mods responsibilities to support compatibility with older popular mods. -RH


Edit: Agreed, this is off-topic, but let me just say this: I agree with you in every other case where mods conflict, but TSLRP is basically an extension of what the developers wanted, and can be seen as the completion of the game. Most people who still follow the modding community will download this, and most mods after TSLRP will ensure compatibility with TSLRP. Plus, like I said before, USM & TSLRP sometimes modify the same files, and making everything work with each other while still fixing bugs and adding new content would be too much too handle.


You are wrong. Though I do realise you are someone who hasn't made mods for these games, in this community, so I don't really expect you to understand this. -RH

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Look damn good, can't wait to download it and try it out! Some great work in this mod, will be a permanent addition to my KOTOR II


And though I'd love to get into a debate on compatibility with TSLRP, but this isn't the place. Simply said, I agree with Miltiades.

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