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Revan's Private Chambers In The Rakata Tempel

Darth Payne

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I believe there is a door next to the pillar that you find the second Sapith crystal whithin the tempel basement on rakata.


My idea is to use the chamber past the floor puzzle to make Revans private chambers.


I mean, it does not make much sense to me having that big a room for said computer when there is nothing more in it.


Maybe hiding a few very powerfull items in the chamber that Malak did not find in his search of it.


Is this idea possible?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Yup, my thoughts excactly.


Hmmm, would it be possible to actually find this holocron? Revan does remember some of his identity. Wouldn't be able to take it with you, but maybe it could teach you something or increase your forcepoints?


Maybe add FP and increase DS or LS points, depending on wether you choose to do...

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But in K2... they just look like regular ol' people... they don't even look like ghosts... so they wouldn't necessarily be the Rakata or Dodonna or Vandar's transmission forms.


In K2, it's all due to a special [bYTE] in their .utc files labeled Hologram. I dunno if works with K1 or not...So, proceed with caution to tamper with that BYTE.

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