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[WIP] Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge


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w00t! :D Sounds great Silveredge! How long did it take you to play?
Long enough. :p


Now, I've decided to begin auditioning for voice talent a little earlier than I had original planned too, because I can see this process taking quite some time. Below is everything you need to know about this stage of the project. If you are interested in lending your voice to characters within BoS:SR, then read on.


Voice Talent Audition, Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge




Q - What is this process about?

A - This process is about recruiting/hiring people who will lend their voices to characters featured in Brotherhood of Shadow:Solomon's Revenge.


Q - I want to audition for a part, what do I do?

A - First determine what roles you wish to audition for from the list of characters further down the page. Then record the audition dialogue lines (preferably in a quiet place to minimize any unnecessary background noises) and save (.mp3 or .wav will be fine) using the filename YOURNAME_CHARACTERSNAME_NUMBER (Depending on which audition dialogue line it is), then send it me (See below for instructions)


Q - Are there any restrictions on who can audition for a part?

A - The only restriction is that you need to be at the very least, 18 yrs old. It's not that I dislike people below that age, it's just that voice-wise you will most likely not be suitable for any part on offer.


Q - Can I audition for more than a single part?

A - You are more than welcome to audition for as many parts as you wish.


Q - How can I send you my audition?

A - If you are a member of LucasForums, PM me with a link to your audition(s). However, if you are not a member, feel free to send your audition(s) to: {Snip} No posting email addresses, use PM's instead. -RH


Q - Will I be given credit for my role(s)?

A - Voice Actors will be given full credit for their role(s) in the mod's Read-Me.


Character List

Below is a list of all characters who require voice actors in BoS:SR. When a role has already been filled, it will have a line though it, like so.


Each role will be listed using the following template:


Name: The characters name.

Role Size: This is the size of the characters role. Each character will be one of the following categories:


Main - Characters under this category are the roles which have the most lines of dialogue to record, ranging from roles which rival party members for number of lines, to those who are just above the next category. These are lead characters, and thus the most important.


Secondary - Characters under this category are in the middle ground. They aren't roles with only a few lines, yet they aren't roles which lots of voiced lines. These are usually characters who feature in side-quests.


Miscellaneous - Characters under this category are the roles which have the fewest lines of dialogue to voice. These may be characters who are just there to add to the scenery, or characters with only have a small role to play in a quest.


Background: A brief description of the characters in-game history.

Notes: This is basically where I describe what I imagine the character would sound like, and should serve as at least a starting point for the performance.

Screenshot: A screenshot showing what this character will look like in game. If a character doesn't have a screenshot, it's because his appearance can be easily described using text. (Example: Generic Czerka Employee)

Audition Dialogue: If you intend to audition for a character, this is the dialogue you must use in your audition recording. Depending on the character, it may be 1 line, or it may be a few. Also, some lines will come with additional instructions, which indicate how I would like the line to be spoken.


Male Parts


Name: Jedi Master Darius Solomon

Role Size: Main

Background: Darius Solomon is Shadow's (Matilda) former Jedi Master who has seemingly come back from the dead to have his revenge. (Solomon's Revenge)

Notes: Solomon is a proud Jedi Master, and his voice should reflect this.

Screenshot: Click Here, Here and Here.

Audition Dialogue:

1 - At last, amid the battlefields of the Outer Rim... I have found you.


2 - Matilda, conflict and sacrifice serve as the evolution of character. In war, we can find ourselves - or redefine ourselves. But only if we fight with all our heart for a cause that we believe in.


3 - It was in your potential to become my protégé; to become the greatest of Jedi. Yet you became what now stands before me. A shell.

("Shell" should be spoken with disgust)


Name: Kobayashi

Role Size: Main

Background: Kobayashi is a scout hired by Czerka to map out the Korriban Wastes.

Notes: Kobayashi is basically your token cocky, sarcastic Han Solo character.

Screenshot: Click Here

Audition Dialogue:

1 - Living on the Outer Rim teaches you a few things. The first and most important being how look after yourself. Let's just say I learned that lesson the hard way.


2 - Then let's be grateful that the Sith's ideology isn't the ruling one, otherwise we both wouldn't be here having this conversation.


3 - If there is any truth to the rumours I've been hearing, the crazies down there will tear you a new one long before you ever reach the Korriban Wastes. Watch yourself, and watch Sera. She may seem invincible, but take my word for it, she ain't.

(Sera is pronounced SE-RA)


Name: Verbal

Role Size: Main

Background: Verbal is Kobayashi's Protocol Droid partner/assistant.

Notes: Verbal is for all intents and purposes, the complete opposite to C3PO. Whilst C3PO's personality was based on a stereotypical English butler, Verbal's personality is based on a stereotypical English Lord. He is very arrogant, he thinks he is always right, and is often confused on who is the master and who is the droid in his relationship with his maker Kobayashi. Voice wise, I always imagined him sounding like the Protocol Droid on Taris that said something like "I cannot render assistance civilian, move along."

Screenshot: Click Here

Audition Dialogue:

1 - Master, every day you discover new ways to disappoint me.


2 - Master, the Sith is of secondary importance. I am your primary concern. Perform the promised maintenance, I will accept no further excuses.


Name: Mandalore the Ultimate

Role Size: Main

Notes: Mandalore the Ultimate is the leader of the Mandalorians. He fights and is then killed by Revan at the Battle of Malachor V. For more info, visit here

Personality: Mandalore not only needs to look powerful, he needs to sound powerful. His voice should be itself enough to command respect. I always imagined him sounding similar to Canderous.

Screenshot: Click Here

Audition Dialogue:

1 - Welcome to the Battle of Malachor V, Revan. We meet at last.


2 - I may be defeated, but as long as a single Mandalorian lives; as long as a new Mandalore is chosen... we will survive.


3 - Warriors, you continue to fight our enemies with every ounce of strength that remains in your bodies. There is a great honour in your struggle, and in your sacrifice. I commend you for your efforts, for there is no greater death than one found on the field of battle.


Name: Corrupted Messenger

Role Size: Medium

Background: This guy is a just someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He has been "corrupted" by what appears to be the dark side.

Notes: He should sound like your stereotypical drug addict. So he speaks quickly, and sounds like he's constantly on edge.

Screenshot: Click Here

Audition Dialogue:

1 - He spoke to me, the black robed man. Told me you would come here. Told me that the disturbance he created would coax you from your hiding place.


Name: Berloc

Role Size: Medium

Background: Berloc is a concerned Czerka Miner.

Notes: Berloc is as normal as they come.

Screenshot: (N/A), He looks like a generic Czerka employee.

Audition Dialogue:

1 - Thank you for accepting my plea for help. The truth will be difficult to find, but I believe you can succeed.


Name: Czerka Commando

Role Size: Medium

Background: A Czerka Commando who is currently stationed on Dreshdae.

Notes: He's just generally not a very nice person, and seems to dislike anything that isn't human. I always imagined him speaking like a upper-class English man who enjoys hunting things.

Screenshot: Click Here (Guy on the right, between the 2 droids)

Audition Dialogue:

1 - You there! Since you did nothing but watch whilst I skillfully dispatched that savage beast, you will have the luxury of disposing of it's corpse.


Name: Roosh

Role Size: Medium

Background: Roosh is a Bounty Hunter who has fallen on hard times.

Screenshot: (N/A), looks like a generic smuggler, but wearing combat armour.

Audition Dialogue:

1 - A man who doesn't protect himself here is a fool. And I am no fool. This is Korriban, a Sith planet, a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

2 - What? You actually believe you can stop me? Ha! If I were you, I'd stand still, it'll all be over in a heartbeat.


Name: Sith Chastiser

Role Size: Medium

Background: This is the Sith responsible for punishing unproductive employees on the Castigation Level of the Mining Facility. He is a man who takes great pride in what he does, torturing people.

Notes: He is basically as evil they come. So feel free to be creative in how you approach his voice.

Screenshot: Click Here

Audition Dialogue:

1 - Ah, what a pleasant surprise, a Jedi. Have you come here seeking to join the Sith, or to destroy them?


Name: Zeven Etta

Role Size: Medium

Background: Zeven Etta is a Mandalorian who now resides on Dreshdae.

Notes: Like all Mandalorians, he is tough - and so he should sound tough.

Screenshot: Click Here

Audition Dialogue:

1 - Yeah, what do you want? Can't you see I'm trying to train here?


Name: Mythus Hunt

Role Size: Medium

Background: Mythus Hunt is a man of some authority within the Mining Facility on Dreshdae, and is in negotiations with a high-ranking member of the Exchange.

Notes: Jedi Master Darius Solomon

Screenshot: Click Here

Audition Dialogue:

1 - I am very willing to cooperate with you. I have nothing but contempt for the Administration here, and have no qualms about betraying them.


Name: Dark Jedi

Role Size: Medium

Background: This guy is your stereotypical, bad to the bone, Dark Jedi.

Notes: He should speak like every other Dark Jedi in the game (For example, the "Lord Malak was most displeased when he learned you had escaped Taris...)

Screenshot: Click Here (Guy on the left)

Audition Dialogue:

1 - Your simple tricks may work on the weak minded, but not a Sith.


Name: Admiral Magnus Cole

Role Size: Medium

Background: Magnus Cole is a long serving Admiral of the Republic Navy. Currently, he is in command of a Hammerhead-Class Cruiser named the Formidable.

Notes: I always imagined him sounding a little like Grand Moff Tarkin.

Screenshot: Click Here (Guy in the middle)

Audition Dialogue:

1 - Hammerhead-class cruiser Orion, this is Admiral Magnus Cole of the Formidable. Under the jurisdiction and authority granted to me by the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, I hereby place you all under arrest.

2 - Then you leave me with few choices. You have chosen to defy my authority, and so you will suffer the consequences.


Name: Republic Captain

Role Size: Medium

Background: Admiral Cole's second in command.

Notes: This guy is Admiral Cole's protege, so he shouldn't be too dissimilar personality wise.

Screenshot: Click Here (He is identical in appearance to the guys on the left and right.)

Audition Dialogue:

1 - I am not interested in prisoners, we already have enough of them. Tell him to put it back where he found it.


Name: Republic Soldier

Role Size: Miscellaneous

Background: This guy is a Republic soldier.

Notes: He should sound similar to KOTOR's Republic soldiers. Think of Trask, the tutorial guy.

Screenshot: (N/A), looks like a generic Republic soldier.

Audition Dialogue:

1 - We should push the Mandies back whilst we still have the chance!


Name: Czerka Employees

Role Size: Miscellaneous

Background: These guys are just normal Czerka Employees.

Personality: Should sound similar to the Czerka employees on Korriban and Kashyyyk

Screenshot: (N/A), looks like a generic Czerka employee.

Audition Dialogue:

1 - I knew was only a matter of time before something went wrong with the mining operations. If the Sith are to be believed, there are things hidden beneath Korriban's surface that are best left buried.


Name: Czerka Technician

Role Size: Miscellaneous

Background: These guys are like Czerka Employees, except that they focus more on fixing things.

Notes: See "Czerka Employees"

Screenshot: Click Here

Audition Dialogue:

1 - I need to go up to the Main Level more often, I keep hearing something about an incident on the Residential Level.


Name: Czerka Miners

Role Size: Miscellaneous

Background: These are Czerka Employees who spend their days mining the catacombs beneath the surface of Korriban.

Notes: They should sound similar to the Czerka Employees on Korriban and Kashyyyk, but a little more gruff.

Screenshot: Click Here

Audition Dialogue:

1 - I have a few friends who were down in the Residential Level when the incident happened. I hope they are all right.


Name: Drug Addict/Drunk

Role Size: Miscellaneous

Background: He is a spice addict who has had one too many Juma Juices.

Notes: He should pretty drunk.

Screenshot: (N/A), appearance is the same as the Czerka Miners.

Audition Dialogue:

1 - Hey... that's strange... I lost again... that doesn't usually happen... don't have many credits left at all now...


Name: Sith Trooper

Role Size: Miscellaneous

Background: This guy is a Sith Trooper, suprised?

Notes: Use the voices of KOTOR's Sith Troopers as a starting point. Try to match that as accurately as possible.

Screenshot: (N/A), looks like a generic Sith Trooper.

1 - Beyond this door lies a region named the Korriban Wastes. A hostile, barren environment, restricted to all but authorized Sith personnel.


Female Parts


Name: Telana

Role Size: Main

Background: Telana was one of Shadow's (Matilda) childhood friends, and is Solomon's niece. She is a Jedi Knight.

Notes: Like Solomon, she is a proud individual. I always imagined her sounding very much like Bastila.

Screenshot: Click Here, and Here (Ignore the dialogue, it's out of date.).

Audition Dialogue:

1 - What my uncle believes also happens to be what the rest of the Jedi Order believes. War brings out the worst in people... Jedi especially.

("Jedi especially" should be spoken with some sadness. The line refers to the Great Sith War, where many Jedi fell to the dark side)


2 - I have waited for you. The root of all my sorrow.


3 - Yet the gaping hole left by this sacrifice of identity was never replaced with a new one. Instead, I think... you became something else.

(She speaks with remorse, as if she feels sorry for the person she is speaking with.)


Name: Administrator’s Secretary

Role Size: Medium

Background: She is the Administrator's secretary.

Notes: She should sound very corporate, like your average stereotypical secretary.

Screenshot: Click Here

Audition Dialogue:

1 - I'm sorry, but I cannot comment on the details of the incident at the present time. However, I can assure you that Czerka Corporation is actively working to resolve the incident as soon as possible.


2 - Czerka Corporation wishes you a pleasant stay here at Dreshdae.


Name: Republic Soldier

Role Size: Miscellaneous

Background: Just more meat for the grinder.

Notes: Should sound similar to the Republic Soldiers featured in the main game.

Screenshot: (N/A), looks like a generic female Republic soldier.

Audition Dialogue:

1 - The soldiers are giving everything they have and more! But if we're still dug in like this when those reinforcements arrive, we won't survive for much longer!


I'd like to thank everything who auditions for a part in advance. I obviously cannot guarantee 100% that if you audition, you will get a part. But if you are good, then there's a strong chance.


If I feel that you are the right person for a part, I will contact you via PM (Lucasforum Members), or Email (to the email address that you sent me your audition files)

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Q - Are there any restrictions on who can audition for a part?

A - The only restriction is that you need to be at the very least, 18 yrs old. It's not that I dislike people below that age, it's just that voice-wise you will most likely not be suitable for any part on offer.




Ah well, I'm sure whoever does the VO's will be great. :)

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i have a pretty deep voice, are there any characters that you're looking for that in?
It's up to you to determine what roles you believe you are suitable for.


If you're genuinely interested in lending your voice to a character, just follow the instructions in the post further up. If you're any good, then there's a strong chance that you will land a role(s).

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Where can one store WAV or MP3 files on the net?


Might I suggest Mediafire? It does not require you to create an account (although it is free and helps in the long run) and doesn't add counters and speed limits like commercial sites like rapidshare etc... I think sendspace is also free, but I'm sure there are loads.


I think I could have a good voice, but because I´m not english/american I think I can´t vocalice correctly xD

So? It's not like everyone in the Star Wars galaxy speaks 'basic' with a perfect accent or grasp of the language itself, right? The more variation the better, I think, so go for it!

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The reason I know you aren't the real one is because Silveredge9 has more then 3 brain cells, allowing him to hit the caps lock button. A feat that will require years of training on your part.



My mic is broken...

I once recorded some stuff for another mod, but it was never released. Once I get a new microphone, I will post some stuff.


I'm not an English or American citizen, so I'm quit accentless. But If you'd like me to imitate one, I'd be more then happy too! :)

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The reason I know you aren't the real one is because Silveredge9 has more then 3 brain cells, allowing him to hit the caps lock button. A feat that will require years of training on your part.



My mic is broken...

I once recorded some stuff for another mod, but it was never released. Once I get a new microphone, I will post some stuff.


I'm not an English or American citizen, so I'm quit accentless. But If you'd like me to imitate one, I'd be more then happy too! :)


Another reason he is fake is these reasons.

1. No picture like real one

2. it says he has only posted 1 post ever which we all know is not true.

3. the date is Dec. 1, unlike the real one which is september.


oh, and BTW: is this mod going to need more open character spaces for another character?

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The reason I know you aren't the real one is because Silveredge9 has more then 3 brain cells, allowing him to hit the caps lock button. A feat that will require years of training on your part.



My mic is broken...

I once recorded some stuff for another mod, but it was never released. Once I get a new microphone, I will post some stuff.


I'm not an English or American citizen, so I'm quit accentless. But If you'd like me to imitate one, I'd be more then happy too! :)

Whilst the character descriptions should at least serve as guildlines, it doesn't mean that I will disregard an audition if there is some deviation, like for example, with accents. My advice: go for it.


oh, and BTW: is this mod going to need more open character spaces for another character?

There are temporary party members, as mentioned previously in the thread. But none of the original party members are taken away, so you won't lose anyone.


And if anyone would like to impersonate me in future, just send me a cheque with a few 0's on the end and I'll give you my password.


:lol: - RH

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Dude, this is the sequel to the original BOS. Since he's further updated parts of the original though, he's bundling it all together. In any case it's going to be a while before it's out and you are probably going to have a start a fresh game to get everything working properly.

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so Solomon's revenge is going to be the original BOS?

cause i just got my self all the way past the mod to be ready for this one.

Read the FAQ on the first page of this thread. That's what it's there for.


you are probably going to have a start a fresh game to get everything working properly.

There have been a few changes to the original BoS, one of which is that now the entire thing can only be accessed after you have finished the Leviathan. Any save from after that point, even if it's in the Dreshdae module itself, will be fine.


i sent in my submission, but i think something happened. my computer freaked on me. did it go through?

I haven't received any PM or Email auditions recently, so I guess the answer to that question would be no.

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This is just a small progress update.


Progress on the mod continues to run smoothly, and it is now undergoing testing for bugs by beta testers at an undisclosed location in a New Mexico desert. Hopefully, and assuming they aren't too lazy, those beta testers may be able to post some impressions of the mod based on what they have played. :o


Also, here are some screenshots of previously unseen mysterious characters.






Also, I'd like to thank everyone who has taken the time to audition for a voice role. I appreciate it, and you should keep 'em coming. :)

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