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Taris - Black Vulkar Base third level restoration


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I restored the third level of the Black Vulkar Base on Taris (which actually is the second one, and the second one we all know is in-gamewise the third one - are all of you confused now?).


You can reach the file from here (toss it into your modules folder - NOT into your override folder (!)):


EDIT: (Link deleted) Scroll down a bit to get the finished (English) version!


Some things to mention:


I changed as much as necessary, and as little as possible to leave the first level of the base as original as it was (the door, which originally led to a weapons room and now leads to the elevator, must still be broken open, though doors to elevators usually mustn't be broken open for example).


You get some:


- Now you have access to the third level of the Black Vulkar Base on Taris. Though this level is pretty complete by design, there is only 5 to 10 % of a story implemented which obviously has no ending. So don't be disappointed. But look for yourself.


You lose some:


- As the doors have no reference to dialog.tlk I am afraid that some or all doors have german names. As I am a gaming purist this p***es me tremendously. Unfortunately I can't help it through. Reports of players with the non-german version of the game would be helpful.


- As I changed the weapons room to an elevator the PC misses out on the stuff the PC usually gets there. But, no sweat, I noted down what was in the crates and footlockers and want to implement it into the mod for the third level of the Black Vulkar Base eventually.


Beside that everything should be okay.


I hope you enjoy it!

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Great job!!! I'm looking forward to playing with it!


I have a recurring creature in my mods called the Dire Teufelratte, so I don't mind seeing German door labels at all. You could even make the German doors open faster, look better, and last longer than the other doors in the game.

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I am working on the restoration of the dialogues now. I am done with the dialogues of the npcs already. They give away some plot hints which can be used to make a quick and dirty story evolving in this level.


The next step will be the entries in the .git file.


There is also a computer console, and unfortunately I have no knowledge of making a propper dialogue for it (yet).


There is also a computer console which seems to have no entries at all, and makes the game crash. Thats the next thing I have to look up.


Lastly there is a droid which has two or three lines. I absolutely have no idea what to do with it yet.


Thats the state the developers left that level and what can be *restored*. I have two or three ideas to make that level worth playing, and which changes as little as possible, though with a little help this level could get a compelling story all of its own...


Take care

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  Darth Balor said:
Why didn't you just have the elevator that leads to the in-game second level lead to this one, then this lead to the fial level? Either way, great mod.


That is a nice idea. In the first step this just a restoration. I'll give it some thought after I am done and can think about modding.


Take care

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Well, it does not matter if you have the German version or not, Seam had a theory that whatever version you download it for, it will be in your language, even if it was made by a English person.


Nice theory, Seam.


By the way, the restoration is complete, download link:




Thats the kotorfiles.com version of the upload (just includes the Readme).

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Just a few notes:


I tried to make the dialogues to the best of my knowledge and abilities. Because there where some VOs I could follow the talk pathes somewhat, and I think the conversations are *very* close to what was intended. DJ entered the text lines which I translated from my German draft. If you find some dialogues a bit weird blame him and not me, as he screwed it all up :-) . Thanks DJ for the nice colaboration!


An exception to the above rules is the walruss man (I forgot the species name). There was no inkling left what that conversation should have been about, just an empty dialog file and the reactions of the npc. So I made up that conversation totally by myself. In retrospect the lines of that npc could have been more elaborate (as the npcs usually tend to talk a lot). But it stands as it is now. NOTE: I assume a charisma check is made when talking to the walruss man the first time (I did not check on that as it does not matter, but I am sure I am right), so make sure to save before you talk to him, as he might react hostile no matter what you say. If you want the complete dialogue tree you might have to initiate the conversation a few times until the check is passed. If you are to lazy just walz over him as usual :-) .


Enjoy the restoration and take care

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You don't need to edit it. Before you first go into the Vulkar Base, save your game, quit, copy the "dialog" file somewhere temporarily. Put our "dialog" file in the main KOTOR folder, then go back into the game, complete the Vulkar Base, save your game, quit and re-add the first "dialog" file.

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  Zerimar Nyliram said:
Yeah, one little problem: I've already got a modified "dialogue" file in my KOTOR folder from some other mod. How can I merge it with yours? What must I edit?


And remember that this restoration is as close as possible to the status the developers planned it to be!


Take care

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Danyael27 said:
The only thing to do now is an update that puts some items in the empty lockers.


Other than that this mod is perfect.


Darth Balor picked up the ball here. His ideas all sound very promissing and follow the same lines I was invisioning. Stay tuned for an updated version from him. It sounds that it is worth it! (He seems to have plenty of time to work on several projects at the same time :-) .)


Take care

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