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A Threat From Within

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Chapter 22



“Yes Atris, it's me, though I must say I'm rather surprised to see you here, but if Jolee Bindo can tolerate your presence I will as well.”


Atris said nothing and it was Bastila who spoke next “Master Sunrider, we had no idea you were still alive.”


“Well, as you can see, I am very much alive and I am pleased to see the Jedi are alive as well. I feared the Order had been completely exterminated.”


“Very nearly Master,” Bastila said solemnly “If not for Revan, and The Exile..”


“The Exile?” Vima interrupted her “Do you mean Gaven Darkil is alive?”


“Yes, Vima,” Atris replied “not only is your student alive, but he is responsible for keeping the Galaxy in it's present state.”


“I see..I feared he had been killed after the Council so wrongly turned him away.”


“No, he returned from his exile and has been the catalyst for the events that have that have allowed the Jedi to come back to the Republic.”


“So, Kavar was right,” Vima said “Kavar always said that Gavin would return to us when the time was right. It seems I've missed a great deal in my isolation.”


“You bet you have missy.”


Vima turned to face Jolee “and it's good to see you too old man.”


“Hmph, it's about time you showed up.”


“You knew?!” Bastila asked incredulously


“No, I suspected.”


“Typical Jolee Bindo,” Vima stated.


“Vima, are you aware of what has been happening to the Republic?” Atris asked.


“No, the only thing I know is that the dark side of the Force hangs heavy over the galaxy. It was what drove me to leave my isolation.”


“I think you should come with us and we can fill you in, we have very little time, we have friends in grave danger.”


“Then we should move quickly, lead on.”




Atton and Mira followed the admiral out of the hangar where they were joined by a squad of Republic troops that had obviously been standing guard outside the bay. They walked from the docking area through what appeared to be a customs station, down another corridor and through a door into what appeared to be a market area. Merchant stands were set up by both Selkath and other species, and shoppers milled about making their way from stand to stand.


The admiral led them past all of that to a door guarded by two manned heavy blaster mounts and two other soldiers who saluted the admiral.


“There used to be a hotel here,” he said to them “but after a murder occurred the owner sold us the property and we joined it with the old embassy to make one big facility.”


Atton nodded as they passed through the door. Once it closed behind them Admiral Lien turned to their escort.


“Sergeant, thank you and your men for your help. You're dismissed.”


The sergeant saluted and after the admiral had returned the gesture they dispersed. The admiral then focused on the two Jedi.


“You can review the security holos if you like before going to the scene.”


“Let's do that,” Mira suggested “We might see something that was overlooked.”


“You heard the lady admiral,” Atton said “better show us to security.”


“Actually, I have a few things to attend to, but our security officer can show you anything you need to see.”


He pulled a comlink off his belt.


“Admiral Lien to Commander Rall.”


“Yes Sir?”


“The Jedi have arrived and would like to view the footage from the attack.”


“On my way Admiral, Rall out.”


They waited only a couple of minutes before a haggard looking officer walked briskly up to them, and saluted the admiral.


“Commander Rall, Jedi Knights Atton Rand and Mira....” the admiral trailed off not knowing the surname of the female Jedi.”


“Just Mira,” she said filling the silence.


“Alton Rall,” the commander said “Chief of Security. If you'll follow me I'll show you where you can view what we have.”


They followed the commander through the base and he led them into a room that he used a security card to open. Inside were several computer terminals one of which was manned by two soldiers sitting in chairs that didn't look very comfortable to Atton. There was also a table where a pile of debris was laid out which had obviously come from the explosions. The commander turned to face them,


“On that table is the remains of what we believe were the devices used in the attack. None of our demolitions people have been able to figure what they were though. I'll give you a security card that will allow you to view the surveillance we have of the attack sites.”


He handed the card to Atton before continuing “You're free to move about as you please. If you need me I'll be in my office buried in paperwork.”


Rall walked out the door and Atton looked at his partner.


“So? Where do we start?”


“I've seen just about every explosive in the galaxy. If it's from any known planet I can figure out what it is. Why don't you look at the security holos.”


“You got it.”


Atton walked over to one of the computer terminals while Mira positioned herself infront of the debris. She began to sift through the mess, and immediately knew that whoever had built the devices was a master. They had almost completely destroyed themselves when they exploded, and Mira realized she'd be really lucky if she could find something that would identify them. Some of the components looked familiar but most of it was so badly mangled that-wait, what was that? She picked up a piece of debris that she knew all too well. It was Mandalorian, a portion, albeit a small one, of a detonator that the Mandalorian crusaders had used in their mines, and grenades. Mira had built so many of those death dealers that she had the schematics and components memorized.


“Atton, come here.”


Atton paused the security holo he'd been examining and went over to where Mira was standing.


“You see this?” she asked holding up a piece of charred debris.


“Yeah, what about it?”


“It's Mandalorian, a piece of a detonator that they used during the war.”


“How do you know?”


“I built hundreds of mines and grenades, I'd know one of those detonators in my sleep.”


“So are you saying it was a Mandalorian?”


“or someone who knows how to use their technology.”


“great, just what we needed.”


“That's why the Republic demo experts didn't recognize it. They wouldn't know a good detonator if it bit them.”


“Well, now that you've figured that out, why don't you help me look at these holos.”


“Sure, let's get to it.”


The pair went back to work walking over to the monitors where they split up the viewing duties.




Gavin set the courier ship down inside the docking area of the Jedi Enclave, and made his way down the ramp where he was met, somewhat to his surprise, by HK-47.


“Master, it is good to see you again, although I am disappointed that I did not get to blast something.”


Gavin shook his head “HK-47 where is everyone?”


“Answer: they are gone Master, the only one left here is the Iridonian.”


“Bao Dur? Where is he?”


“With the engineers, as always, he is not very good company Master, would you like me to blast him?”


“No, take me to him, now.”


“Disappointed obedience: As you wish Master.”


The droid led Gavin through the enclave, which was looking more and more as he remembered it from his days training there, down into the sublevel where they found Bao Dur directing the Republic work crew. The Force-sensitive zabrak immediately looked up as they approached feeling the presence of his master.


“General, I have to say it is good to see you.”


“Bao Dur, where is everyone?”


“After several highly coincidental events they left for the Jedi Temple.”


“There's no such thing as coincidence. Atris must have led them there for a reason, and we need to go there as well. The work here will have to wait, I have Revan with me but she needs medical attention beyond what I've been able to do for her.”


“I will send the crew back to Khoonda then.”


“Query: Master will I be accompanying you?”


“Yes, we'll seal the enclave and use a Jedi cypher to lock the doors. We have to move quickly, lets go.”


After Bao Dur told the foreman of the repair crew what was happening, the trio settled themselves back aboard the ship.


“Observation: The Master does not look well.” HK-47 stated upon seeing Revan.


“She's not, and she kept thrashing so I had to strap her down. Get yourselves situated, we're leaving.”


Bao Dur sat himself in the co-pilot's chair while HK-47 was content to stand near Revan as Gavin pointed the ship skyward.




The headquarters of Republic Intelligence would be intimidating to most ordinary citizens of the Galactic Republic, but for Brianna it presented no such intimidation. She had seen and been in far worse places. Now, she was observing through a two way mirror as intelligence agents questioned Shailyn Bos. She had to restrain herself as the agents used less than desirable methods in their interrogation, but she had seen enough. Brianna entered the room and grabbed the hand of the agent who was about to strike the woman again.


“That is enough,”


“What the hell do you think your doing?” he asked


“I am taking over this interrogation.”


“Over my dead body,”


Brianna stepped back and ignited her lightsaber “I can arrange that if you wish.”


The sight of the glowing blade clearly had an effect on the man and though Brianna disliked using fear to further her goal she felt that was the only way she'd be able to communicate with a man such as the one who stood before her.


“Fine, you go ahead, talk til your blue in the face for all I care.”


The agent stalked out of the room leaving her alone with the chancellor's would be assassin. Brianna turned and focused on the woman.


“You hear to hit me too Jedi?”


“As I told you, Jedi do not use such methods for interrogation.”


“Whatever you say, you won't get any information from me. I don't give up my employers, it's bad for business.”


“Perhaps, but it seems to me that all you see is your payment. What you fail to see is that had you succeeded in your mission the Republic would be a far worse place for you and everyone else who lives in it.”


“It doesn't matter to me Jedi, I make money no matter who is in power.”


Brianna could see that reason was not going to work on this woman, and she knew that no mere mind trick would get her the information she wanted. There had to be a way without resulting to the foul methods of the intelligence agents. What could possibly give this woman an incentive...perhaps her freedom...not that Brianna wanted to see such a person go free but if it would get her what she wanted maybe it would be worth it.


“What if I could get you released?”


The woman glared at her “Why would you do that?”


“Because the information you might have is worth more than your imprisonment.”


“They'll never let you do that.”


“I won't give them an option.”


“How do I know that you won't leave me with them?”


“You have my word, as a Jedi.”


The woman considered the proposition before leveling her gaze at Brianna.


“I swear Jedi, if you're lying to me, I will see you dead.”


“You have my word.”


“I never saw the guy, his advisor or whatever, found me on Kuat, told me what the job was and offered me more money than I'd ever even thought about. He put me in touch with an informant here on Coruscant.”




“Some Senator..”


“A Republic Senator?”




“Where can I find him?”


“He's hiding, in the gutters, in the anals of Coruscant. There's a bar, called the Capital Tavern, you can find him there most nights.”


“That's everything?”




“Very well, I will get you out of here.”


At that moment the door opened and Davil walked in.


“Good work Jedi.”


“Excuse me?”


“You got the information we needed.”


“And I intend to keep my word to her.”


“Not a chance Jedi, she's never leaving this building.”


“I would disagree.”


Brianna lashed out with the Force and sent Davil crashing into the wall of the interrogation room. Not and ideal way to handle the situation perhaps, but she had given the assassin her word and she intended to keep it. She made sure that he would recover before turning to Shailyn.


“If you want to leave you will follow me and ask no questions.”


Shailyn, to her credit, did exactly as Brianna instructed her. She posed as the Jedi's prisoner as they walked through the intelligence headquarters. It seemed that the worker bees of the place cared little about what was happening around them, but Shailyn could not figure out why this Jedi would put so much at risk simply to find out who her employer was. Perhaps it was the strange sense of justice that all the Jedi that Shailyn ever met seemed to carry with them, but she wasn't sure she really cared. She walked with the Jedi as they made their way to the outside of the building without further incident where she turned to her captor and held up her bound hands. As the Jedi released the binders she asked the question she'd been thinking the entire time.


“Why are you doing this? Why risk the wrath of those animals in there for what I know?”


“Those “animals” do no frighten me, and I am doing this because what they refuse to see is that there are bigger things happening in this galaxy right now than they know. They can't see beyond their own little world whereas my friends and I know that if we cannot stop what is taking place then it will destroy us.”


“That's a little too deep for me Jedi, but I guess I should thank you.”


“I don't need your thanks. Go, disappear, but know that if I ever see you anywhere near Coruscant again I will not hesitate to arrest you and turn you back over to them.”


“Trust me Jedi, you won't see me anywhere near The Core for a very long time.”


Brianna watched the assassin go and eventually disappear from sight and then disappeared herself. She was certain that once Davil came to there would be a great uproar but she had no intention of being around to see it. She had a date with a senator at bar called the Capital Tavern.

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A/N: back to back chapters...I'm on a roll :)



Chapter 23


Mira rewound her holo again and again looking for something, anything that might give them a better idea of who they were dealing with, but time and again she found nothing. Atton was equally as frustrated with the recordings as there just weren't any clues in them that either Jedi could pick out. It was Mira who finally had enough.


“We're not getting anywhere, we need to go to the blast sites.”


Atton nodded “You're right, let's find Commander Rall.”


They left the security room, and asked a soldier for directions to the commander's office where they found him just as he said the would, sitting at his desk with a small stack of data pads in front of him. He looked up as they entered.


“So, did you find anything?”


“Actually, yes,” Mira said causing a look of obvious surprise on his face “Your bombs were Mandalorian, or at least had some Mandalorian parts.”


“Well, that explains why no one knew what they were, we haven't seen any mando bombs in years.”


“Your holos are worthless though,” Atton added “We want to see the bomb sites.”


“Sure, no problem,” Rall replied “I'll get a couple of men to escort you.”


Rall made a call on his comlink and a few minutes later two Republic soldiers arrived at the door to the office.


“Sergeant Perny, will you escort the Jedi to the blast sites, they have total freedom to examine whatever they wish.”


“Yes Sir,” the young sergeant replied “Where do you want to start Sir?” he asked Atton


“Oh I don't know, which one is closest?”


“Probably what used to be the Selkath court. The bomb did a pretty good job of wrecking the place though, just follow us.”


The sergeant led them through the streets until they came to a door that had been blocked off with a forcefield. He stepped up to a remote computer console and punched in a code and the forcefield dropped and the door opened to reveal the devastation of the court. Debris was still everywhere and Atton could see it would be a mess to sift through.


“This is it,” Sergeant Perny said “Good luck.”


Atton looked at Mira “Well, now what?”


Mira bit her lip absentmindedly as she thought. “I'm not sure, let's see if we can find the blast point.”


The two Jedi walked slowly into the debris field and Mira led the way toward the remains of the court room where she began to examine the walls and floor trying to pick out where the bomb had been. Just before the entrance to the room she stopped as the doorway had been collapsed in the blast.


“The blast point must have been inside the court. That's where the heaviest damage seems to be.”


Atton looked around, “I wonder if we could get in there.”


Mira shrugged “I'm sure we could move the debris, but I'm not sure the whole thing wouldn't collapse on us.”


“You're right, probably a bad idea.”


“Let's move on.”


They moved to the next site, the kolto processing facility located in Ahto City. As they entered the area Atton and Mira looked around and Atton noted that the rebuilding had already started with Republic engineers and both human and Selkath workers milling around.


“Damn, we're not gonna find anything here,” Mira said with frustration. “They've already cleaned up the place.”


“Unbelievable, they're so concerned about kolto production they didn't even think to gather any evidence,” said Atton “This investigation is going nowhere, fast.”


“It could be worse,” Sergeant Perny commented “I heard some of the vets talking about when the Selkath ran things...and all the trouble they had with the Sith.”


“Wait,” Atton said “the Sith?”


“Yeah, they had a base here too back in the war...some Jedi tore the place up and shut it down. Turns out they were trying to turn the Selkath youth against the government.”


Atton looked at Mira “Are you thinking what I'm thinking?”


“Yup, let's go get a look at it.”


“If you say so Ma'am, but it's been shutdown for years.”


“Just listen to the lady,” Atton said “Show us the place.”


“Sure, follow me.”


The Sergeant led them away from the Kolto facility and through a couple different sections of the city and then finally down a long corridor that led up to a door where the sergeant stopped short.


“Wait, some thing's not right, there's supposed to be a locking device on this door.”


Atton and Mira exchanged a look, and simultaneously drew their lightsabers.


“We'll take it from here guys, if we're not back in an hour...just wait longer.”


“and you might want to stand back.” Mira added


Atton and Mira moved forward, the door opened, and that's when the shooting started. Two remote blaster turrets opened fire at the Jedi who easily turned the fire back toward the robotic sentries which exploded in a shower of sparks.


“Been shutdown for years huh?” Atton said “Yeah right.”


As the outer door closed behind them they approached the inner door which opened to reveal an elevator.


“Well, down we go.”


The elevator descended into the base and opened into what used to be a reception area. They stepped out and looked around. There was an interface terminal sitting on the desk in front of them that looked like it was operating.


“Let's have a look at this,” Atton said as he walked over to the terminal.


The display didn't look like much but Atton had seen terminals with less information net him more.


“It's part of the old Sith network,” Atton said “if the servers are still up I might be able to tap into the system.”


“Well, don't tell me about it” Mira replied “do it!”


Atton tapped in a few commands, and was able to find the administrator folders, but they were all locked and code restricted.


“It's no good, it would take me hours to break these codes.”


“We'll just have to do this the old fashioned way, let's go.”


Lightsabers in hand they walked through the next door the emptied into a passage that curved to their right.


“Let's follow this, and see what we can find.”


Mira nodded in agreement and they proceeded cautiously forward. As they rounded the corner Atton felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up and he without thinking he pushed Mira back against the wall and jumped back as blaster bolts impacted the ground where they had both been standing. Lightsabers lit the two Jedi exchanged no words, but only a look and then charged forward where they were met by more blaster fire. They deflected the shots back at their source which, they saw, were combat armored battledroids. The droids absorbed the reflected bolts but they were no match for the faster Jedi and their lightsabers which elicited showers of sparks as they carved through the droid bodies.


“These droids are old,” Mira commented “I'd say wartime droids...but they've been repaired recently. There's definitely something, or someone here.”


Atton nodded “Let's pay whoever it is a visit.”


He motioned to the door on the left wall and Mira nodded. The door opened as they approached and much to their surprise they weren't greeted with blaster fire, but another door which they also passed through and then a third door but Atton stopped before they got too close.


“There's something on the other side.”


“Something, or someone?”




“More droids?”




“Well, we have to keep going, we might find what we're looking for here.”




Lightsabers ready, they approached the door and as it opened they found out what Atton has sensed. Standing between them and another door was a very large assault droid. Mira figured it must have been restored like that other droids they'd carved up, and like the others it's blaster cannons were working just fine. They pressed themselves against the wall on either side of the door as the droid opened up on them spewing blaster bolts at the spot where they'd just been standing.


“Now what?” Mira asked


“I'm open to suggestions.”




Brianna drew her cloak around her as she walked through the dilapidated but populated streets of lower Coruscant. She had learned the location of the Capital Tavern from the Republic registry and decided to move quickly to apprehend this senator fearing he might attempt to disappear further now that the assassination attempt on the chancellor had failed.


She was surprised that she hadn't been harassed at all as she approached the bar. A bright sign advertised it's location and she noted two large men standing out front. She approached them with the hood of her cloak drawn up. One of them held out his hand to halt her advance.


“What's your business?”


“I'm looking for someone,” she replied evenly


“Isn't everyone,” he replied “You cause any trouble in there and you won't come out in one piece.”


“I'll be on my best behavior.”


“You'd better, go on.”


He dropped his arm to allow her to pass and she entered the bar and surveyed the scene from the entrance. The bar was filled with patrons, some drunk, some very drunk, and the rest were on their way to being one of those two things. That is, accept for two men who were sitting on the far side of the bar who appeared to be in deep conversation. In a place like the bar they stood out like a pair of wookies. As she walked toward the bar she kept a close eye on the two who seemed too engrossed in their own conversation to pay much attention to their surroundings. Brianna leaned on the bar and the bartender eventually made his way over to her.


“What can I getcha?”


“Those two, in the corner, who are they?”


“You shouldn't be askin too many questions around here, might find trouble in the answers.”


Brianna raised her head and looked him dead in the eye from underneath her hood.


“Unless you want the kind of trouble a Jedi could bring to your...establishment, I would suggest you cooperate.”


The bartender's eyes grew wide as Brianna exposed her lightsaber so that only he could see it.


“I think I see your point, the guy on the left, first time I've ever seen 'im. The one on the right is some senator or something, thinks he owns the damn place.”


“That is all the information I need, thank you.”


Brianna turned from the bar and noted that the two looked like they might be getting ready to leave. As risky as trying to apprehend them in the bar was she didn't see any other choice. She moved away from the bar and elbowed her way quickly through the drunks arriving in front of the table as the unknown man was beginning to rise.


“Please, stay in your seat.”


“Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you are?” he asked with both surprise and anger in his voice.


Brianna lowered her hood and looked down at them.


“I am Jedi Knight Brianna Kae and I am placing you both under the arrest of the Jedi Order.”


The senator's eyes grew wide with her introduction and he started to stammer, but the other man looked coldly at Brianna.


“Jedi or not, you'll never leave here alive.”


“I would warn you not to underestimate my resolve.”


“I think you underestimate me...Jedi.”


The man moved quickly and reached for a blaster strapped to his thigh, but Brianna moved equally as quickly and thrust Force energy at him using the same stasis she had used on the assassin.


“What the hell..I can't move.”


“That is correct,” Brianna replied with a slight smile “It will wear off eventually, and Senator I would recommend you come with me.”


“I-I will do as you say.”


The senator stood up and Brianna followed him out of the bar leaving the other man in the Force stasis. It didn't seem to Brianna the any of the patrons had noticed the exchange, she suspected that they were too inebriated to care even if they had seen it. As she led the senator to the public transportation hub she began to question him.


“Who was your companion?”


“A military adjutant from my home world.”


“Where is your home world?”


“I'm from Axum.”


Axum, that was where the military coup had taken place. Brianna still didn't understand why they would have cause to kill the chancellor but she was definitely going to find out.


“Why was he here, and why are you hiding?”


“I'm not answering that.”


“Perhaps not now, but I assure you Senator, when you are questioned by the Jedi at the temple, you will.”




In the council chamber of the Jedi Temple Bastila, Jolee, Mission, Juhani, Visas and Atris sat silent as Vima Sunrider digested the information they'd spent the better part of an hour imparting on her. The Jedi Master's eyes were closed in quiet contemplation and then she finally opened them and glanced at each person in turn.


“These things you have told me are very disturbing. You are right to have taken on the tasks asked of you by the chancellor. The Republic needs the Jedi as the Jedi need it. This Sith on Corellia and these other events I feel are meant to destabilize what remains of both, but to what end I do not know. I will join you in your fight, and together we will eliminate the threat this Sith poses. She has already killed many, but we will see to it that she kills no more. Go, make whatever preparations you need to make Bastila. I will bow to your leadership here as I do not have all the knowledge I would require to lead such a mission.”


Bastila nodded and motioned to the other Jedi who rose and began to leave the chamber.


“Atris,” Vima said “may I speak with you a moment.”


“Of course.”


The rest of the group continued to file out until it was only Vima and Atris left.


“I wanted to tell you that I am proud of what you have done here.”


“What I have done? It was Bastila-”


“No, true, Bastila has done much in the repair of the Temple and the gathering of the few Jedi that remain in the galaxy, but you took upon yourself the courage to come to these young ones and impart your wisdom. After your fall, you could have taken your own life, or simply stayed locked away from the galaxy but you did not. You brought yourself back, and have done so humbly and without pretense. I sense no evil, no deceit, no hint of the dark side about you. Few could done such a thing willingly.”


“Perhaps it was not done as willingly as you would imagine. Gaven had a great deal to do with my emergence.”


Vima nodded “It seems my old student has had a great deal to do with many things. I also am in full agreement with this council you have proposed. The council, as it was, was insufficient to lead the Jedi properly. I believe these new Jedi will be a beacon for the Republic, and it will begin on Corellia. We should go now, and see if we can help Bastila. She was always strong, but often too much so for her own good.”


Atris nodded in agreement and the two masters exited the chamber to assist with the rescue mission preparations.




Dustil found Colonel Tigh pacing about in the front of the king's residence. She looked up at his approach.


“Dustil, were you able to reach the Jedi?”


“Yes, and Juhani assured me that they were going to send help soon.”


“I hope so, it's only a matter of time until-”


She broke off one of her men came sprinting into the room.


“Corporal, what is it?”


“Trouble Ma'am, sensor contacts, eight of them headed for our location.”


Tigh was instantly concerned, they weren't expecting any company and nor should they have been. No one was supposed to know the location of this place, that was part of the reason it had been built as both a secure place where the king could retreat to and as a contingency plan in the event of things just such as what had happened over the last few days.


“Show me, now!”


The entire group took off at a brisk jog until they arrived at the remote defense post which served as a secondary site to the underground headquarters. Tigh took one look at the sensor scope and knew instantly that they were in very grave danger.


“My gods, they've found us Dustil, I don't know how, but they've found us.”

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 24


Atton looked at Mira again as the assault droid continued to spew blaster fire in their direction.


“Well, what do you think?”


Mira extinguished her lightsaber and fiddled with her wrist rocket launcher.


“I think,” she replied “that I've had just about enough of this. Cover me?”


“You got it.”


Atton stepped back into the line of fire wielding his veridian blade. Calling on the Force and concentrating as Gaven had taught him he deflected the droid's blaster bolts away toward the sides of the room. Mira went low behind him and to his right, raised her arm, and fired two rockets. The rockets trailed toward the droid and struck true blasting holes in the repaired assault droid which began to shower sparks and shudder.


“Down!” Mira yelled.


She yanked Atton downward toward the floor as the droid exploded throwing pieces of itself everywhere including toward the doorway where Atton had been standing. When it was over they pulled themselves off the floor and dusted themselves off as they examined the remains of the droid.


“Nice shot,” Atton commented.


“Thanks, I'm just glad that thing wasn't shielded, or we might be permanent residents here.”


“Yeah, well don't get cocky..c'mon let's go.”


They moved past the remains of the droid and just as Atton was about to use the Force to open the door on the other side it suddenly opened of it's own accord. The two Jedi stepped back on instinct and standing in front of them was a man in jet black combat armor, with no helmet. Whatever it used to be his skin was an unrecognizable shade of grey which made him look to Atton as if he were dead. He looked up at the pair with eyes which the light had faded from long ago.


“I spent a great deal of time repairing those droids Jedi.”


“Yeah, well, next time disarm them if you like them so much,” Atton replied.


“That would seem to defeat their purpose would it not?”


“I don't really care, now how about you tell us who you are and what you're doing here?”


“Are you that ignorant Jedi? Do you not know that I am what you have been seeking since you arrived here?”


“You planted the bombs?” Mira asked


“I did, it was a glorious explosion was it not?”


“Well,” Atton remarked “at least he confessed, now all we have to do is arrest him.”


The newcomer sneered “Do you really believe you'll take me out of here alive Jedi?”


“Hey, I had to try right?”


Atton snapped his lightsaber on and Mira followed suit. The man, whoever he was reached to a sheath on his waist and drew a sword that Mira had to admire. It was beautifully crafted and glinted even in the dim light of the room. Even as she noticed the sword she noticed something else. The man before them looked like a Sith but the dark side of the Force did not surround him.


“Wait,” she said “You're not a Sith, you're throwing your life away.”


“Perhaps, but it will further the ends of my master.”


The man growled and then attacked Mira first who could only defend herself. Her lightsaber clashed with his blade, sparked, and then suddenly extinguished. Mira looked at her weapon in shock as she tried to switch it back on.


“Cortosis,” Atton said


“Very good Jedi..” their enemy remarked as he prepared to strike at Mira again, but the short verbal exchange had given her time to recover and she pushed out with the Force sending him sprawling back ward and the blade clattering to the ground. Mira pulled the blade to her hands and Atton leveled his lightsaber at the fallen man.


“It's over, give it up.”


“You'll find I'm full of surprises,” he said.


In a quick motion he produced a grenade from his belt, pulled the pin, and dropped it next to him.


“Move!” Mira cried.


Atton and Mira turned and ran diving back through the opposite doorway as the grenade exploded shaking the entire complex. Atton and Mira rose from the floor and moved back to the doorway examining the remains which wasn't much.


“Damn,” Atton muttered.


“I wonder who he was,” Mira said


“I don't know, but what worries me more is that he planted those bombs for a reason that we have no lead to now. C'mon, we better go and report back to Bastila.”




Suddenly from somewhere else in the base there was a loud boom, and the whole installation began to shake and shudder.


“Oh hell,” Atton said “he must have set more explosives on a timer...we gotta get out of here, now!”


The two Jedi took off at a sprint as beams in the ceiling began to fall. They dodged debris and made their way back to the lift that had brought them down. They dashed inside and the lift started to rise and then suddenly shuddered and stopped.


“Must've knocked out the power,” Atton observed He drew his lightsaber and plunged it into the ceiling of the lift cutting a square and allowing the metal to drop at their feet.


“Up now!”


They both leaped up onto the roof of the lift began to hoist themselves using the lift cables as a climbing rope. As they reached the top Atton used one hand to ignite his lightsaber and cut them an escape. They crawled out and as Atton pulled Mira through the entire lift collapsed and the shaft filled with rubble.


“Well, looks no one's going back in there period.” Atton said


“I'm just glad we made it out,” Mira said “thanks to you.”


“Let's just say it's not the first time I've been caught in the middle of an explosion.”


The two Republic soldiers they left outside the perimeter of the based rushed in at that moment.


“What in the name of the Force happened down there?” the sergeant asked


“We found the bomber,” Atton said “he won't be bombing anything again, ever. I think we need to get back to our ship.”


“The admiral is going to want to know what happened.”


“Tell him we'll file a report later, we need to get back to Coruscant.”




On the bridge of the Republic heavy cruiser Telos Admiral Carth Onasi paced incessantly. He knew that an attack such as they were about to make took time to plan but at the same time he wanted to get moving as fast as possible. Still he knew he had to wait for the ships from the outer rim to start moving before he could head for Corellia. If his half of the fleet arrived too soon they would tip their hand to the rebels and stand less of a chance of rescuing Dustil before they got to him. He turned to one of the junior officers


“Any sign of the Ebon Hawk yet Lieutenant?”


“No Sir, none.”


Carth sighed out loud, he could think of no one he'd rather have in a fight than the Jedi Knights, but sometimes they were a little bit too deliberate in their actions.


“Communications, get me the Jedi Temple.”


“Aye Admiral, coming right up.”


After a few seconds the image of Atris, the fallen Jedi Master, appeared on the viewer. He'd expected Bastila to answer, but he supposed she was busy.


“Yes Admiral Onasi, what can I do for you?”


“I need to speak with Bastila, Atris, is she available?”


“No, she's actually on her way to join you.”


“Thank you, that's all I need to know, Onasi out.”




“I'm picking up the Ebon Hawk's ID signature Sir. She's approaching off our port side.”


“Good, now maybe we can finally get this party started.”




The automated air defense batteries around the mansion began firing on the approaching ships as soon as they were within range. Colonel Tigh secured the king in the underground control center guarded by the remnants of Unit One along with her best men. Their orders were to ensure the king's survival at all costs and to fight to the last man if the situation came to that.


Above ground the loyal soldiers of Corellia were placed to defend the mansion with the heaviest concentrations of troops at the two entrances. Colonel Tigh led one detachment, and at the main entrance stood Dustil Onasi. He glanced over the men in his charge and noted that as the enemy ships drew closer they seemed more and more tense. Having not really been in combat before Dustil really had no idea what they were going through, but he also knew they were trained for this. Dustil on the other hand was not. True, Jolee, and Aeris had done everything they could to prepare Dustil in the event he was ever in battle and true, Dustil had made it into the Sith academy during the war which was no easy feat. At the same time though he still had some doubts that he would be able to lead them into battle.


He surveyed the approaching attack force and noted that the air defense guns had taken down three of the eight approaching ships but that still left five assault craft which probably held twenty men each if they were fully loaded. That meant that they would be outnumbered by almost three to one. His final thought as the ships began to set down was that he hoped the Republic's rescue mission arrived soon. Then the assault craft opened up and the insurgent troops began to pour out. Dustil turned to the men with him


“Hold your fire, let the snipers do their work.”


As if on cue shots began to ring out from carefully concealed positions on the roof of the mansion as well as from upper floor windows as the four best rifle shots Colonel Tigh could muster began to do their deadly job. It was odd, but at that moment Dustil had a flash back of sorts, to something that Yuthura Ban had once told him.


“If you exude confidence when leading others, they will follow you even when you yourself doubt your ability.”


Dustil realized that statement applied more now than it ever had in anything he'd ever done in his life. The men here with him didn't know him, hadn't trained with him, and they had no idea whether he would lead them to victory or to their deaths. He needed to do something that would give them a reason to have faith in him, and he had another thought then as well.


“Onasi to Tigh,” he said into his comlink


“Go ahead,”


“These troops aren't veteran soldiers, they are under the influence of the Sith who isn't with them, and they're not very well organized. Maybe, just maybe, if we punish them with our defense they will break.”


“How can we do that?”


“Concentrated fire from behind our defenses. Don't stick move or retreat inside unless we have to.”


“Okay, I'll direct things from my end, Tigh out.”


Dustil turned to the man beside him.




“Me Sir?” He asked “It's corporal.”


“Not anymore it's not. As of right now, you're a lieutenant. When the fighting starts I want you to direct things here.”


“Where will you be Sir?”


“Don't worry about me, I just need someone to hold things together. Can you do it?”


He saluted “Yes Sir.”


Then Dustil had another thought, when the Republic did arrive they wouldn't know how to find the retreat. He needed to do something to remedy that,


“Onasi to command center.”


“Yes Sir?”


“I want you start a broadcast on all frequencies, they already know where we are so a continuous transmission shouldn't make a difference. Send this: to any Republic forces in range, this is Jedi Knight Dustil Onasi, I am with the rightful king of Corellia, and under attack at the following coordinates. Then give them our location.”


“You got it Sir, I'll start it right away.”


Good, that was taken care of and right on time too. The sniper fire was being suppressed by the barrage of the attackers, and they were starting to move forward dividing their forces to attack the two entrances. Dustil turned to his men,


“Open fire!”


They let loose with their own barrage of blaster fire and Dustil knew that it was time. He leapt over the desk they were using to form their barricade, ignited his lightsaber, and charged.




Brianna led the senator off the transport after it arrived at the Senate building. She prodded him out of the lift as they arrived on the floor where the chancellor kept her office, and led him straight to the door of the inner office where the chancellor's assistant was sitting behind her desk. As she looked up Brianna thought the young woman might have a heart attack when she spotted the senator.


“We would like to see the chancellor please.”


“Of-of course, go ahead.”


Brianna marched the senator past the desk and into the office where the chancellor was standing near a window on the opposite side of the room. She turned around as the pair entered and the look on her face nearly matched the one her assistant had just given.


“Jedi Kae, I see you have found Senator Merus.”


“Yes Madame Chancellor, I thought you might want to confront the man who tried to have you killed.”


Organa's eyes narrowed “You Merus? You sent the assassin after me? Why?”


“Madame Chancellor, I-it wasn't me...it was”


“Who? Who Senator?” Organa said her voice beginning to rise.


“I can't, he'll kill me!”


“If you don't tell me I'll have you shipped off Sleheyron and let the Hutts have at you!,”


The senator was obviously very much afraid of Chancellor Organa and Brianna could tell that he took her at her word.


“It was General Cirrus, he, he has ambitions...”


“I'm sure he does, and I'm guessing he had President Rix killed as well. What else can you tell me Merus? What is Cirrus up to? What are his plans?”


“I don't know!”


“Now is not the time to play dumb with me Merus,” Organa said sternly “Tell me what you know now!”


“I swear, I don't know!”


“I believe he is being truthful,” Brianna said interrupting the interrogation “He does not know the general's plans.”


Organa glared at the former senator “Be thankful that I value the Jedi's insight Merus.” She walked over to her desk and pressed a button.


“Chancellor Organa to security.”


“Yes Ma'am?”


“I have a traitor in my office, come take him away.”


“Immediately Ma'am.”


The security detachment was there in minutes and took Merus into custody.


“Take the senator, lock him up, and lose the code to his cell.” she ordered the men


“Yes ma'am.” one of them responded and then put binders on the senator's hands and led him out of the room.


Organa turned to Brianna “One mystery solved and another one appears it seems.”

“Indeed, perhaps I should return to the temple and begin trying to unravel it.”


“Of course, and Jedi Kae, thank you.”


Brianna bowed “You're welcome, please let me know if you need anything.”


Brianna made her way from the office to the public transport which passed closest to the Temple convincing the pilot to let her off on the landing platform. As she exited she got a strange feeling, she should have sensed Bastila, Juhani, and the other Jedi but instead she felt only Atris, and Visas. Brianna approached the Temple at a trot and was nearly out of breath when she located Atris in the Council Chamber.


“It's about time you returned,” Atris greeted her


“Where is everyone?”


“They've gone to join Admiral Onasi's fleet, for the rescue mission to Corellia.”


“Corellia? Nobody tried to contact me?”


“They did, but you must have been out of range.”


Sithspit! Brianna thought, borrowing the expression that Atton used so frequently. The others had launched a dangerous mission one blade short thanks to her single mindedness. She should have checked in with Bastila after she received the information from the assassin. She supposed it was too late now, she would just have to do as she promised the chancellor and research this General Cirrus.


“I am truly sorry, I have failed my friends.”


“Perhaps not,” Atris replied “Did you find anything?”


“I found out who ordered the attempt on chancellor Organa's life.”


“Who was it?”


“A senator from Axum, though he claims that a general from his homeworld actually ordered the attack.”


“What did you do with him?”


“I turned him over to Chancellor Organa.”


“Then you have gained information that we otherwise would not have possessed had you simply returned here after the interrogation. So, in that regard you have not failed.”


“But they now go into battle without me.”


“Perhaps, but do not worry, they are in good company.”


“I don't understand.”


“Much has taken place in your absence, come, let me fill you in.”


Atris sat down in one of the chairs and Brianna joined her and listened intently as she began to speak.

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I joined this site well after this story had been established, but in all that time, I never really took to this fiction. I did go through it more properly and disregarded some of the aspects I didn't really agree with (A lot due to genders and Atris and really trivial things)


As I went through and compared the first chapters to the later ones, I realized that it had a dynamic quality that came from large-scale fictions. There is a kind of life that goes into the early chapters that develops into more complex or deeper meaning as the fiction 'matures' for lack of a better word. When you say you expect an ending, I can see that you mean it. Some just write and do so as long as they like it and others say they like it, but fictions such as this... I can almost see when you write for leisure and when you do it to get to the next point in the plot.


The presence of feedback is an important thing I looked at as well. When multiple individuals said how much they appreciated the work, the next update was soon to follow. As it progressed, more time elapsed between updates, but the quality improved with each new chapter. I must say that when I went through this, it had a deeper meaning to me.


As for the content... like that's not enough... I found that there was a lot more dialog than I'm used to. That's good as long as the wording matches the characters... which it mostly does. You clearly took into consideration the personalities of the characters when you did this. That's not something everyone can do... I had difficulty with this as well.


In terms of the plot, I think that a long intro with an occasional flash to Gaven and Revan keeps the intro from becoming monotonous. There has to be an occasional splash of conflict to disrupt peace or keep the reader from getting bored. There was one thing that I really would have liked to see, but wasn't mandatory: original characters. Few original characters took centerstage for very long and didn't allow that much for development. The official characters were excellent, but I might have liked a classic KOTOR-style of meeting and working with original characters.


I regret not reading this story through earlier, but I will keep track of updates from this point on. I hope that a late feedback is better than one that never shows at all. Keep this up and I'll be watching.

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Thank you very much for your input! I really do appreciate the fact that you chose to read completely through what I've written thus far even though you disagreed with some of the content.


The lack of original characters was somewhat intentional. I wanted to tell the story of the two crews of the Ebon Hawk and of course the Exile and Revan. Characters such as the Corellian Colonel Tigh and the Jedi Knight Aeris Ta'Nil were developed as central to their part in the story, to have little impact on the original characters. Aeris actually has her own backstory that I had planned on telling at another time.


I would be happy to answer any questions you had regarding my choices for some of the characters if you ever want to discuss them. Thank you again for your feedback and most certainly better late than never :)


Oh and I am working on another update currently, and hope to have it finished sooner than my last few.

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*A/N: I'm a little unsure about the flow of this chapter and perhaps even the content as well. I would love to hear some opinions if anyone has the inkling to do so.

Chapter 25


Dustil ran forward, yellow lightsaber blade dancing in front of him and deflected blaster fire back toward its point of origin. He waded into the oncoming attackers and set upon the nearest group. His lightsaber sliced through weapons and flesh alike devastating anything that came into contact with it. He knew that he couldn’t beat them back by himself, but he could certainly give them something to think about. It seemed to be working too; the attack had lost some momentum as Dustil continued to cut down soldier after soldier, none of them were any match for a Jedi. As he sliced into another group he made an observation, they were beginning to unload heavy blasters from the transports. That was not good; he couldn’t let them bring their blistering fire to bear on the defenders.


Dustil leapt over the group of insurgents in front of him and focused his attention on the heavy blaster crews as he sprinted forward. He reached the first crew and used his weapon to disable the gun with the barrel falling to the ground. Dustil then pushed out with the Force and the gun crew was collectively knocked off its feet and sent sprawling. He shifted gears and ran toward the second crew and was met with blaster fire as they made an attempt to defend their gun mount. Dustil deflected the incoming bolts with his lightsaber and took town two of the three crew members. The third watched his companions fall and ran away leaving Dustil to disable the second gun the same way he’d disabled the first.


Dustil looked toward the third gun and realized that the other three guns had begun firing on the defenders. To their credit Colonel Tigh’s men were keeping their heads down and trying to return fire, but against the withering fire from the heavy guns they were not having much success. The rebel fighters were pressing them now and if it lasted much longer they would have no choice but to retreat inside the mansion. He couldn’t worry about that though, he had to take out the guns, and so he went back to work


The next gun crew went down easily as they were focused on firing their gun and were paying no attention to anything else. Dustil dispatched the crew first and then the weapon before moving on. He took another survey of the field and saw that the loyal Corellian troops were beginning to retreat. Dustil knew if they didn’t get help soon this battle would be over.




A war council, to some, is never a good thing. To others, there is nothing that gets their adrenaline pumping more. To a Jedi it is something that is never undertaken until all other options have been exhausted. In the conference room of the Telos stood two Jedi who knew that battle was their only choice but didn’t mean they had to like it. Bastila and Vima Sunrider stood silently as the other officers made idle chatter amongst themselves waiting for Carth to arrive. The Ebon Hawk was docked with the Telos and the rest of the Jedi contingent waited onboard the ship waiting for the two more senior Jedi to return.


Bastila knew that this mission was not going to be easy. From the information Juhani had gathered from Dustil this sith had already killed one Jedi Knight, and was capable of influencing others to follow her will and even betray their own king. The Jedi could not allow this sith to have Corellia in her grip any more than the Republic could allow the uprising to continue unchecked. So, once more the Jedi would battle beside the Republic to restore the proper order to the galaxy. Bastila was beginning to wish that Revan were here, she had always been so calm in these situations and Bastila had always felt calmer when she was around. She shook her head as if to clear it as Carth entered the room.


“Admiral on deck!” one of the other officers announced and the Republic soldiers came to attention


“As you were,” Carth said “Please be seated.”


The entire congregation sat down in the chairs at the conference table and Carth started the briefing.


“First I’d like to thank our Jedi allies for joining us, without them we would have never found out about the situation on Corellia. Our plan ladies and gentlemen is simple: We will take the five ships we have here and depart for Corellia within the hour. The second half of our fleet has been on the move for two days and will arrive in Corellian space approximately one hour after we do. Once we’re assembled we will have to move quickly to suppress any rebel forces in the space above Corellia and then launch our drop ships to rescue the survivors of the attack on the palace including Corellia’s rightful king. The Jedi have been tasked with dispatching the sith that initiated the rebellion as well as leading our soldiers into battle. Jedi Knight Bastila Shan will coordinate this.”


“Thank you Carth,” Bastila said rising “As of now, we have six Jedi as well as one on the ground on Corellia. I will lead the attack on the palace along with Master Sunrider to my left and Visas Marr. Jolee Bindo, Mission Vao, and Juhani will participate in the rescue of the survivors. The plan is for the Ebon Hawk to precede the drop ships and drop my team off at the palace and then proceed to the site of the rescue.”


“Okay,” Carth said taking over again “We all have a job to do people, let’s get moving. Dismissed.”


Bastila and Vima hung back as the other Republic officers filed out of the conference room leaving them alone with Carth.


“So Bastila,” Carth said “Who’s your friend?”


“Admiral Carth Onasi, Master Vima Sunrider.”


“Pleased to meet you Admiral,” Vima said extending her hand.


Carth took it and was immediately impressed by the Jedi Master’s strong handshake.


“No offense,” he said “but where did you come from?”


“No offense taken Admiral, it’s an honest question. When the Jedi were being hunted down by what we eventually found out was Darth Nihlus, I went into isolation on Yavin IV. The Force was strong enough there to mask my presence and evidently the planet was unknown to Nihlus otherwise he surely would have come for it. When I felt the dark side begin to hang over the galaxy again, I returned and found Bastila and her companions at the temple.”


“Well, I’m glad you’re here. We’re gonna need all the help we can get.”


“We should return to the Ebon Hawk,” Bastila said. “We need to undock and prepare for the hyperspace jump.”


Carth nodded, and Bastila left the room with Vima behind her.




Forty five minutes later the Ebon Hawk shot into hyperspace along with the rest of the Republic fleet. It would take them several hours to arrive at Corellia, and Bastila’s greatest hope was that they would arrive in time. She checked that the autopilot was set correctly to alert her when they drew close to Corellia and then she settled back in the pilot’s chair and closed her eyes.


The other passengers of the Hawk were engaged in various activities to pass the time, and Vima Sunrider was no different. In the Hawk’s starboard dormitory the Jedi Master closed her eyes and immersed herself in the Force. As she did so she drowned out the presences of the other Jedi on the ship so as to center herself, but there was something that she couldn’t get rid of. It wasn’t a person, but a presence, a ripple in the Force. She opened her eyes and focused on the presence so that she could track it down. Vima left the dormitory and began to walk the corridors of the ship. Entering the central compartment she closed her eyes again to get her bearings. Then she turned and began to walk again following the Force until she reached the ripple’s strongest point which led her to the starboard dorm where the young Twi’lek, Mission Vao, was relaxing on a bed.


“Excuse me,” Vima said gently


“Master Sunrider, what’s up? Do you need something?”


“Perhaps, I felt a ripple in the Force, and even in my meditation I was unable to clear it from my mind. It is coming from this ship and this room.”


“Here? Me?”


“I do not believe it is you, I can sense you in the Force as I can any other Jedi, but when I meditate I am normally able to suppress all of the other presences around me. I believe it is something else.”


The young Twi’lek glanced around the room and began to wonder if Vima was nuts. She didn’t seem crazy but sometimes it was hard for to tell the crazy ones from the normal ones, whatever normal was.


“Nope,” Mission said “Just me.”


“May I see your lightsaber?”


“Sure,” Mission replied. The girl called the weapon to her hand with the Force and extended it toward Vima.


Vima took it, and ignited the blade. It extended glowing a red orange color that reminded Vima of a beautiful sunset and one she had only ever seen one other time in a holo vid in the Jedi Archives.


“Tell me Mission, did your master, did Revan tell you anything about this crystal when she gave it to you?”


“Nope, just that she found it when we were looking for the Star Forge, is there something wrong with it?”


“No, nothing wrong with it at all. Do you know that in all of my travels with the Jedi I have never seen a lightsaber such as this? I had heard rumors that this crystal existed, but it was said to be lost to the years.”


“Is there something special about it?”


“Special is not quite the word I would use, but yes, there is. The crystal that Revan ‘found’ is known as the Heart of the Guardian. From what I know of it, the crystal emits its own presence in the Force and is rumored to enhance the combat abilities of its bearer.”




“Yes it is said that the crystal is infused with Force energy and may very well amplify your own abilities when you wield your blade creating a fast weapon that is devastating to your enemies. So little is known about it that I can’t say for sure, but I do know that you would do well to keep that weapon by your side. I am curious though as to why Revan would bestow it on you rather than take it herself.”


“Maybe she didn’t know what it was.”


“Perhaps, I shall have to ask her when she returns.”


“You think she’s coming back?”


“I believe Revan will be back, if anyone could find her, it would my former student Gaven Darkill. I will allow you to return to your rest, there is something else I must attend to before we arrive at Corellia.”


“Okay,” the girl replied easily.


Vima left the dormitory and made her way to the cockpit where Bastila was sitting in the pilot’s chair with Jolee Bindo in the co-pilot’s seat. Both Jedi were resting, eyes closed, and Vima hated to wake either one, but she needed to speak with Bastila. She came up behind Bastila and the younger Jedi’s eyes fluttered open at her approach.


“Master, what is it?”


“Bastila, may I speak with you in private?”


“Yes, of course.”


Vima led her away from the cockpit and into the starboard dormitory where she turned to face Bastila.


“Tell me, were you aware that Revan gave Mission a very unique lightsaber crystal?”


“No, I was not, is there something wrong?”


“Wrong, no, but I would like to alter our battle plan slightly.”




“I would like Mission to accompany you and I against the sith.”


“Absolutely not, Mission has very little experience in combat and even less as a Jedi.”


“Bastila, Mission carries the Heart of the Guardian.”


“What? That crystal is merely a prophecy.”


“No, I have examined Mission’s lightsaber and I have felt the crystal’s presence in the Force. She wields the Heart, and may be key to stopping the Sith.”


“If she dies, Revan will never forgive me.”


“She will not die the Heart and you and I will protect her.”


Bastila was conflicted. She trusted Master Sunrider’s wisdom, and if Vima said that Mission carried the Heart of the Guardian then it was likely that she did. What would Revan say? Would she want Mission in an intense battle against a Sith of unknown power? If she carried the Heart then the answer was probably yes. On the other hand Bastila did not want to be responsible for the girl’s death. In the end she overrode her better judgment in favor of Master Sunrider.


“Very well, I will tell Visas that she will accompany Jolee and Juhani.”


Vima nodded and Bastila walked away and found Visas meditating in the cargo hold. She looked up as Bastila entered.


“Bastila, is something wrong?”


“No, I came to tell you that you will be accompanying Jolee to rescue the king and Dustil. Mission will join Master Sunrider and me at the palace.”


“I would assume there would be a reason for this?”


“There is, Master Sunrider believes Mission wields the Heart of the Guardian.”


“The Heart of the Guardian? I have heard of it, but I believed it to only be a myth. Is she certain?"


“She seems to be. If Revan gave Mission the Heart there must be a reason for it, and Master Sunrider believes that she needs to be with us.”


“Very well, I will go with Jolee and Juhani.”


Bastila nodded and returned to the cockpit still very unsure of whether or not she was making a horrible mistake.




Brianna looked around the cavernous Jedi Archive as she sat down at one of the terminals. She typed in the name of General Cirrus and examined the file that came up. Cirrus had an exemplary record in the Republic fleet and rose to the rank of captain prior to being recalled to his homeworld to accept a promotion and the title of chief military advisor to the president of Axum. What Brianna found curious is that there was no background on Cirrus prior to his joining the Republic fleet. There was no place of birth listed, no parent’s names, nothing that indicated Cirrus had been even existed prior to his arrival at the Republic military academy on Carida. Typically the Republic was very thorough in examining the background of their military officers, but on Cirrus there was nothing, it was very strange. Brianna concluded that perhaps a trip to Axum may be in order.


She downloaded Cirrus military record to her datapad and cleared the terminal. She left the archive and headed back toward the training room. She was planning on running through her custom training program and then approaching Atris about travelling to Axum. She was aware that her former mistress may dislike being left alone at the Temple, but someone needed to investigate this general and Mira and Atton had not yet returned from Manaan. As she passed through the main atrium on her way to the training room she felt a presence in the Force that she thought she would never feel again. It was him! He was back! Brianna took off at a run headed for the temple hangar faster than she had ever run in her life. She thought that she would never see him again! She arrived at the door to the hangar and had to stop to catch her breath before she entered. As she walked in the ramp on the courier ship was descending. Down the ramp first came Bao Dur followed by HK-47 and then finally, Gaven. Brianna ran to him intending to jump in his arms until she saw that he was carrying someone.


“I thought I was never going to see you again!”


“Well,” he said with a soft smile “here I am.”


Brianna nearly melted at the sound of his voice. It was what she needed to hear to assure herself that this was real. Once she realized she wasn’t dreaming she turned her attention to the raven haired female in his arms.


“Who is she?


“This is Revan.”


“Is she alright?”


“No, she’s been unconscious since I found her. Her vital signs are stable, but it’s as if she’s in a trance or a coma. I haven’t been able to rouse her.”


Brianna extracted her commlink from her belt.


“Jedi Kae to Doctor Geera.”


“Yes, I am here.”


“I need a medical gurney in the hangar bay immediately.”


“I’ll be right there, Geera out.”


Brianna turned back to the man she loved who had a perplexed look on his face.


“You have a doctor?”


“He’s on loan from the Republic, Bastila told me that he volunteered for the position when she first returned here.”


“Speaking of here,” Gaven said “You don’t seem to follow instructions very well.”


“There is a lot that has happened, Atris and I can fill you in later.”


At that very moment the former Jedi master strode into the hangar followed very closely by Doctor Geera who was pushing a medical gurney. The look on Atris face was one of both surprise and Brianna suspected relief.


“I see you found what you were searching for Gaven. What has happened to Revan?”


Gaven shook his head “I’m not sure, she was unconscious when I found her, but I can’t find anything wrong with her either.”


“Well then we better get her on this bed,” Doctor Geera said.


Gaven laid Revan’s motionless form on the gurney and the doctor turned it around and began to push it out of the hangar, and the group that was gathered began following him out.


“Brianna, where is everyone?”


“It’s a long story, I will tell you everything as soon as we get Revan to the infirmary. You look exhausted, would you like something to eat?”


“No, I just want to know what in the name of the Force is going on.”

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If you are interested in some feedback that I've had problems with (still do) It's past/present tense. There are a number of times where you switch tense and that's just a minor thing that may have significant impact on a potential reader. Spelling is an issue that people really look to since most have a spell checker.


When going through, try to write as if each event had already taken place and you just imagine that you're watching and keeping a journal or something. This may be difficult as there are many times where you have to distinctly identify that an event took place in the past and another was in the present. Future tense is complicated, but you could rewrite using thoughts or for preparations. "Expecting that Aeris would die, JediAnthros made sure not to make her a very lovable character." Could replace something like. "JediAnthros is not going to make Aeris a lovable character so she could be killed off." This is just some random sentence... just an example... no opinions at all.


Also, to avoid repetitions and excessive 'wordiness,' try not to restate the same thing to the reader by having a character tell another again. Bastila told Vima the same thing she spoke about with Mission. Mission spoke to another of Freyar's death after the reader already knew that from a previous conversation. I would advise to try and structure conversations so that you could avoid repetitious pieces like this. The story's plot is by no means the same thing over and over again, but at the level of a chapter, there are a number of times when I see this.


These ARE suggestions, as I sometimes violate the English language, myself. Just my feedback on improving the grammar.


As for the plot... I don't see a great deviation from the story already written. I am interested to see where this goes... just one thing: I would think Bastila would not want Mission with the HotG crystal. It would make her a target and she isn't a fully-trained jedi. Just my thought.

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I do agree with your assessment of my tense changes and wordiness. I have been accused of both before :) I try to read over each chapter after I finish writing them, after I've spell checked them, before and then after I post them. I guess perhaps I need to slow down and be a bit more thorough to catch such things.


Bastila does have some mixed feelings about Mission, but she's also a bit hesitant to contradict Vima despite her better judgement.

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Chapter 26


The infirmary in the temple was not large but it included five patient beds, five kolto tanks, a triage area, and an operating room for more severe injuries. Gaven, Brianna, Bao Dur, and Atris stood in a loose circle around the medical bed that now held Revan. They watched as Doctor Geera scanned her with various medical devices, but each time he ran a scan over her the doctor shook his head in disbelief. He finally turned to the formation, and sighed heavily before addressing them.


“If you’re waiting for my medical diagnosis the answer is that I don’t know.”


“What do you mean you don’t know?” Gaven asked


“Just what I said, I don’t know. I’ve been a doctor for almost fifteen years, I’ve treated every species from here to the Outer Rim, and I’ve never seen anything like this before.”


“Like what?” Brianna said


“She’s perfectly healthy by every medical standard I can think of. Her blood pressure is normal, she doesn’t have a fever, her heart rate is a little low but not dangerously, she’s got some minor cuts and bruises but otherwise she’s fine.”


“Then why is she still unconscious?”


The doctor looked frustrated “I already told you, I don’t know. I’d say I’d try to revive her, but I don’t want to use any drugs on an otherwise healthy person.”


The group exchanged glances amongst themselves before Gaven finally responded.


“Thank you Doctor, we’ll check on her again later.”


The doctor nodded and they began to file out of the infirmary leaving the doctor and the patient alone. They walked to one of the smaller conference rooms in the temple as it was closer to the infirmary than the council chamber. The room held a round table and several chairs, its original purpose had been for mission briefings, once they were inside Gaven looked to Brianna and Atris:


“Now will one of you please tell me what is going on around here?”


“It started shortly after you left,” Brianna began “Bastila, Jolee Bindo, and Carth Onasi turned up on Dantooine looking for you and hoping that you could lead them to Revan.”


“Why me?”


“They believed you might hold some clue to her whereabouts,” Brianna responded before continuing “After their arrival, Atris showed up and along with Bastila’s group we determined that if we found either you or Revan we would most likely find the other. Then Admiral Onasi received a message asking him to return to Coruscant and we agreed to return here with Bastila and Jolee.”


“That explains how you got here, but I told you specifically not to look for me and I know Revan did the same.”


Brianna started to answer but Atris cut her off “Did you really expect them to simply stand by and do nothing after you disappeared with not so much as a clue to where you were going or when you might be back?”


“No, I suppose I didn’t,” Gaven admitted “but part of me hoped they would follow my instructions. There was no telling what I was going to find where I was headed and I didn’t want to expose them to any danger.”


“Where else would you expect that I would want to be if not by your side?” Brianna asked


“That’s exactly why I didn’t want you to follow me,” he said looking into her eyes “I couldn’t stand it if you or any of the others had gotten killed in a battle that was meant for Revan and I alone.”


“You left me with little choice anyway,” Brianna replied “Bastila was going to continue her search for Revan with or without us and your instructions were to help rebuild the Jedi Order. It made much more sense to work on that task from here than isolated on Dantooine.”




“But several events have taken place that required our full attention. The planet of Axum has apparently fallen under martial law, and its ruler tried to have the chancellor assassinated, terrorist bombs have crippled Manaan’s justice system and kolto facilities, and there is at least one Sith that has incited a revolt on Corellia which is why the temple is deserted.”


“A Sith? Is this Sith behind all of these events?”


“We are unsure, we believe the events are related but we don’t know how.”


“I was attacked by a Sith on the world where I found Revan, he reminded me of Darth Sion, but was much more powerful and attacked with more hatred than I have ever felt from one individual before.”


“Do you believe there is a connection?” Atris asked him


“I don’t know, without knowing what Revan found there I don’t have any way of connecting the events.”


“Then we will have to wait for Bastila and the other Jedi to return from Corellia.”


“Corellia? They’re taking on the Sith?”


“Yes,” Brianna replied “The Republic has sent a fleet to Corellia along with the Ebon Hawk to restore order, and Bastila is planning on attacking the Sith.”


“Who is with her?”


“Jolee Bindo, Visas, Juhani, Mission Vao, and Vima Sunrider.”


Gaven did a double take at hearing the name of his former master “Vima? Mater Sunrider is alive?”


“Yes,” Atris said “When the council cast you out, Vima was one of the masters who defended you. Then, when we chose to abandon the temple she went into her own exile on Yavin IV. No one knew what had happened to her until she showed up here.”


“If Master Sunrider is with them then they are in good hands. Hopefully Revan will come out of whatever state she is in and be able to tell us something soon. It doesn’t seem like there is anything else that we can do for now.”


“Actually,” Brianna said “before you arrived I was reviewing the records of the general who led the coup on Axum. His background is non-existent in Republic records, in fact there is nothing recorded prior to his arrival at the academy on Carida.”


“That’s strange,” Gaven observed “there should be something, planet of birth, parents, siblings…something.”


“Exactly, it was my intention to take a ship to Axum and see what I could find out.”


Gaven frowned “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I think we should wait until Bastila returns with everyone else and then deal with this general. If he was able to take over an entire planet the man is clearly dangerous. Any investigation we would make could result in more trouble than we can handle right now.”


Atris nodded in agreement “Yes, we definitely need our full complement of Jedi before we attempt anything further.”


“I think that’s the first time you’ve agreed with me in years,” Gaven said with a smile.


“I would like to talk to you about that sometime,” Atris said in reply.


“I’ll take you up on that,” he said “but now I would like to get some rest if that’s possible.”


“I’ll show you and Bao Dur to rooms where you can rest,” Brianna said


“Lead on.”




The five ship spearhead of the Republic fleet dropped out of hyperspace within view of Corellia. Carth examined the planet from the bridge of the Telos, and noted that from space you wouldn’t know that anything was amiss. Corellia looked to him like a perfect jewel against the blackness, but he knew that it was what was happening under the surface of that jewel that had brought them here.


“Status report.” He demanded of his bridge crew.


“All ships arrived safely and report ready Admiral,” the operations officer stated “they’re awaiting your orders.”


“Sensors show no military space activity Sir,” tactical reported “if the rebels do have any space ships they’re keeping them hidden.”


Carth acknowledged the reports with a nod “Order the fleet into formation Omega, and proceed toward Corellia at full speed. Make sure the fighters are standing by and ready to launch.”


“Admiral,” the ensign at communications said “I’m picking up a transmission from Corellia.”


“What is it?”


“It’s a distress call Sir.”


“On speaker,”


“Yes Sir.”


The young man manipulated the ship’s comm. system and after a second the message filtered into the bridge speakers.


“To any Republic forces within range this is Jedi Knight Dustil Onasi I am with the rightful king of Corellia and under attack at the following coordinates: latitude four-three longitude one-one-zero.”


The speakers fell silent and Carth turned to the ensign “Is there any more?”


“No Sir, the message repeats, it appears to be automated.”


“Put me through to the Ebon Hawk.”


“Aye Sir.”


When Bastila’s image appeared in front of Carth he began speaking.


“Bastila we just received a message from Corellia, it’s from Dustil.”


“We picked it up as well Carth, I think we should change our initial plan.”


“I agree, we need to rescue those people first, and then we can deal with the Sith. We’ll secure the space above the planet and then launch our fighters to escort the drop ships down. The rest of the fleet will be here in an hour and they can provide backup if we need it.”


“Understood, we’ll wait for your signal, Ebon Hawk out.”


Bastila’s image faded and Carth addressed his officers again.


“Lieutenant, send my orders to the rest of the fleet.”


“Aye Sir.”


“Admiral,” the tactical officer said “I’m picking up incoming vessels, two dozen ships Sir mostly fighters and small patrol vessels but there are two Corellian cruisers with them.”


“Looks like they know we’re here. Raise our shields and charge our weapons. Comm, open a channel.”


“You’re on Admiral.”


“Approaching vessels this is Admiral Carth Onasi of the Republic fleet. You are ordered to stand down immediately or you will be fired on. I repeat do not approach or we will open fire.”


“They’re responding Sir.” The comm. officer reported


“Admiral Onasi, this is Captain Blaise of the CDF cruiser Coronet, you’re a sight for sore eyes Sir.”




“We’ve been hoping for days that the Republic was sending help Admiral. When those damn rebels attacked the king all hell broke loose. Most of our fighters are out of commission for maintenance Sir, we had no way to respond, and the damn people above me are too busy arguing with each other to do anything. We need your help Sir.”


“Alright Captain, fall into formation with my ships. We’re preparing to launch a strike to retrieve the king and take back the palace.”


“You got it Admiral, but Sir, if I might ask is this it?”


“No, the other half of my fleet will arrive shortly. Captain, are the rebels in control of any starships?”


“No Sir, but they have some patrol ships and fighters flying cover around the palace and the rest of the capital.”


“Alright Captain, your fighters can join ours when we launch the attack, Onasi out.”


Carth once more addressed his crew “Get us into position, and give the fighters their five minute warning.”


A chorus of ‘yes sir’ came back to him and Carth clasped his hands behind his back. With any luck he would be reunited with his son in a few hours. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing Dustil again. Their relationship was still rocky and he knew that Dustil still directed some anger at him over the loss of his mother but the Jedi were helping him get over that. All he could do now was let his people do their work, and hope that the Force was watching over all of them.




Aboard the Ebon Hawk, the Jedi gathered around the central computer as Bastila had T3 pull up a map of Corellia.


“T3,” she said “Please highlight the coordinates in Dustil’s message.”


The droid beep compliantly and he rotated the map and put a glowing dot on the specified coordinates.


“These are the coordinates that Dustil relayed in the distress call,” Bastila began “We will follow the fleet’s fighters in and proceed to the battlefield. Once we arrive T3 will take over control of the Ebon Hawk which will allow all of us to enter the battle to the end of rescuing Dustil, and the king. T3 will take the Hawk to a safe distance and will retrieve us when the battle is over. Then we will engage the Sith at the palace.”


“Do we know how many troops we are facing?” Juhani asked


“No, we don’t. We are going in largely blind, but I am confident we can handle whatever we will face. We will also have Republic troops to back us up; we are not going into this fight alone.”


The computer began beeping an alert signal and Bastila checked the interface.


“That’s the signal from Carth, it’s time to go. May the Force be with us all.”


The group broke up and Bastila and Jolee returned to the cockpit with T3M4 who went to the security station where he could interface with the ship’s computer when Bastila gave the command.


“I’m breaking formation,” Bastila said “The ships are launching their fighters, Jolee can you put us on their frequency?”


“Coming up.”


“Fighter group leader this is the Ebon Hawk, we are proceeding to the coordinates of the battlefield.”


“Ebon Hawk this is Green Leader in command of the fighter group, I’ve detailed four ships to provide cover for you while we deal with their fighters around the city. May the Force be with you, Green Leader out.”


Bastila engaged the Ebon Hawk’s main drive and raised the ship’s shields before pressing the ship’s intercom.


“This is it,” she announced “I’m taking us in.”


The fighter group along with the Ebon Hawk trailed away from the five Republic capital ships and approached Corellia at full speed entering the planet’s upper atmosphere. As they passed into the skies above Coronet the main fighter group broke off from the Ebon Hawk and Bastila turned the ship toward the coordinates in Dustil’s message, as she passed over downtown Coronet another group of ships appeared on her scope.


“Ebon Hawk to escort, do you see what I see?”


“We see them Ebon Hawk, continue to your destination we’ll keep em off you.”


Bastila pushed the Ebon Hawk to full throttle as the blaster shots began to bounce off the ship’s shields. She juked and rolled the ship firing a few shots from the Hawk’s own quad laser cannons to ward off the incoming fighters. They were coming up quickly on the location Dustil provided and Bastila called to T3.


“T3, she’s all yours, take us the rest of the way.”


The little astromech droid extended his interface arm and plugged in to the jack on the Ebon Hawk’s computer ordering the ship to maintain course and speed. Bastila and Jolee left their seats and proceeded to the area near the ship’s loading ramp where the rest of the Jedi were already gathered.


“T3 has control of the ship,” she said “we’re almost there.”


After another minute T3’s bleeping voice came through Bastila’s comm. link.


“Go ahead T3,” she replied “lower the ramp.”


The Ebon Hawk roared over the battlefield then pulled up and hovered as the ship’s cargo ramp lowered. Bastila moved to the base of the ramp followed by Vima Sunrider, and Juhani, she paused for a second, took a deep breath, and jumped.




On the Telos, Carth listened to the progress of the battle for control of Coronet’s skies. It was going well; the Republic fighters outnumbered the rebels and were chasing them down quickly. Then in the same instant Carth received two reports


“Admiral,” said the tactical officer “ships coming in from hyperspace Sir. It’s the rest of the fleet.”


“Green Leader reports they’ve secured the skies above Coronet Sir,” the ops officer stated.


“Ops, have Captain Corino deploy his ships in formation and launch their fighters to provide space superiority. Any ships attempting to leave Corellia are to be intercepted, they are authorized to use force if necessary. Also, launch our drop ships; it’s time to end this.”


“Yes Sir.”




Dustil’s lightsaber deflected more blaster bolts in a shower back toward the rebel troops who now had the same advantage as the defenders of firing from cover. As Dustil had finished eliminating their heavy guns they had finally pushed Colonel Tigh and the rest of the loyal soldiers back into the mansion and they were now backed up toward the elevator that led to the underground bunker. Before the battle Colonel Tigh had her men drag furniture and anything else that could be used as a barricade into the hallway leading to the elevator. She had assumed that the fighting would eventually make its way into the house and it turned out she had been correct.


Dustil took cover for a moment behind a pillar and assessed their situation. Out of the original group that had left the palace they were down to perhaps fifteen men plus the five below with the king. They were holding up only because they were able to concentrate their fire down the hallway making it difficult for the attackers to advance. He noticed that the blaster fire seemed to have died off and he looked over at Colonel Tigh who shrugged her shoulders, and then a voice came from the enemy line.


“You’re outnumbered and outgunned surrender and we’ll allow you to live.”


“Go to hell!” Colonel Tigh shouted back toward them


“We only want the king,” the voice shouted back “you don’t have to die.”


“You’ll get the king,” she replied “when you pry my blaster from my cold dead fingers!”


Dustil heard the roar of the starship engines and knew instantly that help had arrived. His connection to the Force gave him information that no one else could know. He knew that it was Bastila and the rest of the Jedi, and that the ship could only be the Ebon Hawk. He smiled to himself before addressing their attackers.


“I think that your assumption that we’re outnumbered may be in error.”




Bastila and the other Jedi used the Force to guide themselves safely to the ground before assessing the situation. As she took stake of the battlefield she could see the bodies of soldiers everywhere, and noted that fighting must have been intense. She looked toward the heavy blaster mounts, saw that they were all in pieces, and realized that Dustil must have done that. She also noted that the fighting had moved inside the mansion.


“Looks like they were pushed back inside the house.” She stated


“We should be cautious, we do not know the entire scope of the situation,” Juhani said “For all we know Dustil and the other defenders are dead and it is the attackers lying in wait for us.”


“No,” Jolee said “Dustil is alive, and he’s in there.”


“Then that’s where we go, we’ll split up and take both entrances-


“Onasi to Shan,” Carth’s voice coming out of her communicator stopped Bastila mid sentence.


“Go ahead Carth,” she replied


“The drop ships are on their way, the rest of the fleet has arrived.”


“Understood, Shan out.”


Even as she said those words the roar of the drop ship engines could be heard as the first of them entered the skies of Corellia. The Jedi covered their faces as they touched down on either side of the open field kicking up dust and grass as they did so. Once down the doors of the craft slammed open and Republic troops began to pour out, and move into formation. An officer, a colonel by rank, approached Bastila.


“General Shan?”


“I am Bastila Shan yes,”


“Colonel Harrken Ma’am.” He replied saluting.


“Colonel, our people are in that house, there are two entrances that I can see, but I want the area around it secure, nothing in or out without our say so. Beyond that, give me twenty men, ten behind myself and another ten behind Juhani.”


“Yes Ma’am.”


The colonel turned and started barking orders to his men as Bastila addressed the Jedi.


“Juhani, take Visas and Jolee with you and take the side entrance. Master Sunrider, Mission and I will take the front.”


Juhani nodded and Jolee took the opportunity to poke at Bastila


“You got it ‘general.’”


“Oh be quiet,” she said with a smile “Let’s go.” She turned to the Colonel “Let’s go Colonel, our people are waiting.”


The colonel nodded “Soldiers, move out!”


The Republic troops moved forward behind their Jedi commanders. Bastila had never really though of herself as a general but she supposed that for the purpose of this mission she could accept the title. Somebody had to be in command, and she had planned on letting Master Sunrider do so, but the Jedi master seemed to be content to allow her to lead.


It didn’t take them long to cover the ground to the mansion’s entrances while Colonel Harrken and the remaining troops covered their advance and surrounded the house. As they approached Bastila lit her lightsaber and led the advance into the mansion. The Republic troops followed behind her and secured the entrance while the others began clearing the various rooms. They advanced unopposed without so much as a single shot and Bastila was beginning to wonder if everyone inside was dead. Finally, they came upon a long hallway where a disheveled Dustil was waiting for them.


“Took you long enough,” he greeted them with a smile


Bastila shot him a stern look “That is not funny Dustil, your message said you were under attack.”


“We were,” he explained “They surrendered when they heard the drop ships arrive, follow me.”


Dustil turned around and led them down the hallway past improvised furniture barricades to an elevator with rooms on either side. In each room were the rebel soldiers guarded by what Bastila realized were soldiers loyal to the king. A dark haired woman in a dirty uniform that had several rips in it approached them.


“Colonel Carissa Tigh,” she said by way of introduction “welcome to Corellia.”


“Jedi Knight Bastila Shan, do you have wounded Colonel?”


“We have a few, many died during the battle.”


“Juhani,” Bastila said “go back outside and tell Colonel Harrken it’s safe to send the medics in. Tell them we have wounded.”


Juhani nodded, turned and departed at a jog. Bastila turned back to the Colonel, “Where is the king?”


“Safe,” she replied “in a military bunker below us, I wanted to be sure it was actually Republic troops before I told the men guarding him it was safe.”


“I assure you Colonel it is indeed safe,” Bastila said “Do you know how many men hold the palace?”


“No, but one of these bastards might,” she replied turning to the prisoners “Who is in command here?”


When they showed no signs of speaking up the colonel addressed them in harsher terms


“All of you are guilty of treason against the crown, if you cooperate you may not be executed for your crimes, but make no mistake I am not making an empty threat. Now I will ask again, who is in command here?”


A man in a CDF uniform stood up slowly clearly afraid of the enraged colonel.


“I am, Major Callan.”


Bastila stepped forward to face him “How many men hold the palace with the Sith Major? Do not even think of lying, there are seven Jedi here and we will know if you lie.”


The major swallowed hard before answering “I don’t know exact numbers, maybe a hundred or a hundred and fifty.”


“What about weapons, what do they have?”


“Blaster rifles, and a few heavy blasters.”


“Thank you major.”


“Sit back down,” Tigh ordered him.


As the man returned to his place among the captives Juhani returned with the medics, who set to work immediately, and Colonel Harrken who introduced himself to Colonel Tigh.


“Colonel Harrken, 1st Republic Infantry.”


“Colonel Carissa Tigh, Corellian Royal Guard.”


“Pleased to meet you Colonel, how is His Majesty?”


“I’m just fine,” a voice from said as the elevator doors parted revealing the king along with his five armored escorts.


“That’s good hear Your Highness,” Bastila said “I am Jedi Knight Bastila Shan.”


“Welcome, do I have you to thank for our rescue?”


“Actually Your Highness you have Jedi Onasi to thank. He was able to get a message through to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant informing us of your situation.”


“Well, then thank you,” he said to Dustil “I will see to it you are honored by the people of Corellia.”


“This isn’t over yet,” Bastila said “Dustil, I want you to stay here, and help in any way you can. We are going after the Sith. Colonel Harrken, I will need fifty of your men.”


“Yes Ma’am, I’ll take care of it immediately.”


The colonel walked off and Bastila turned to the group.


“Our fight is just beginning, this Sith is an unknown, but we cannot allow her to escape.” She pulled her commlink out “T3, bring the Ebon Hawk in please.”


The droid bleeped an affirmative “Very well,” Bastila said to the group “Let’s go.”

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Chapter 27


Revan’s mind swirled, she didn’t know what the sith she’d been fighting had done to her, but whatever it was seemed to have unlocked something. She could see everything; everything the Jedi Council had erased was there. All the people she’d killed, the worlds she’d liberated, the Trayus Academy on Malachor, the war on the Republic…all of it was accessible to her. All the images of her, of Malak, of the other Jedi that joined her cause and helped her turn on the Republic. It was more than her conscious mind could process, and she did the only logical thing that she could do…she screamed.




“So did Atris say where Bastila was?” Mira asked Atton as he lifted the Solar Wind off the deck of the hanger and out into the skies above Ahto City.


“No, just that she was away and we should return to the Temple immediately.”


“No reason?”


“Not that she was willing to give up over an open channel I’d guess.”


“Makes me wonder what’s wrong.”


“Yeah, me too, I’m getting another one of those feelings.”


“Just don’t say it,” Mira replied with a smile “maybe if you don’t say it it will be nothing.”


“It’s never nothing. I’m going to get us back to Coruscant as fast as this bucket of bolts can go. I know a few hyperspace shortcuts.”


“Great, just try not to get us killed.”




Arix Cirrus stood next to Admiral Perth on the bridge of the battle cruiser Decimator and looked out at Axum, his new Axum, and the fleet now orbiting it.


“It’s a glorious sight is it not Admiral?”


“Yes Sir,” Perth replied “So many powerful warships in one place is quite a sight indeed.”

“The time has come to use them Admiral.”




“I have a target list for you Admiral. The time has come to strike at the Republic and end their oppression forever.”


Cirrus pulled up a galaxy map and highlighted the first strike he wanted the fleet to carry out.


“I want you to strike Caamas first. The Caamasi represent all of the arrogant, hypocritical morality that the Republic preaches. Take your fleet, orbit the planet and bomb their cities. This will send a message to the Republic that we will not stand for their tyranny. From their you will move on to Arkania, and your target there will be the old Jedi training facility to show the Republic that their Jedi can no longer protect them. Finally, we will strike at Coruscant itself. The heart of the Republic and it’s seat of power.”


“That is destruction on a grand scale Sir.”


“Indeed it is Admiral, all necessary to bring the Republic to its knees. Their fleet is crippled, and the Jedi no longer exist, there will be no one to oppose us.”


“When do you want me to begin your campaign Sir?”


“Immediately Admiral, I will return to the surface and you may begin when you are ready.”




Bastila stood just outside the ramp of the Ebon Hawk and watched as the Republic troops she had requested boarded their assault craft for the trip to the palace. As the last to them were loading she was approached by Colonel Tigh.


“Excuse me Master Jedi”


“Yes Colonel, what can I do for you?”


“My men and I would like to accompany you back to the palace.”


“Surely it would be better for you to stay here and rest, you must be exhausted.”


“Maybe,” the colonel admitted “but…have you ever lost anything that you were assigned to protect?”


Bastila thought about the colonel’s question for a moment, before replying “No.”


“Well, we have, defending the palace was our job and we failed. We want payback, we want to be there when you take it back from that Sith scum.”


Bastila could see the fire in the colonel’s eyes and knew that no answer but yes would be accepted. This woman was a warrior in all respects and Bastila doubted that even a Jedi could stop her now.


“Very well Colonel, climb aboard the Ebon Hawk with your men.”


“Thank you”


She turned to go but a thought Bastila had at that moment caused her to stop her.


“Colonel Tigh,”




“Perhaps in return for the lift you can help us out.”


“What do you need?”


“The best way to assault the palace that will produce the fewest casualties for us and allow us to take back the palace quickly.”


Tigh thought for a moment before responding “I'm not an expert on the palace layout, but if you want to eliminate all the resistance you're probably going to have to go in through the front door.”


“I was afraid you would say that.” Bastila replied before turning and walking up the Ebon Hawk's boarding ramp. As she entered the ship she was confronted by the Miraluka Visas.


“Bastila, may I speak with you?”


Bastila sighed heavily “Yes?”


“It's about Mission's crystal, if she does carry the Heart of the Guardian she may be in danger.”


“Danger? What kind of danger?”


“The Sith have their own legends about the Heart, if this Sith we are going against is aware of them and detects the presence of the Heart...”


“Mission would become an instant target,” Bastila finished for her.


“Yes, that is what I am afraid of.”


“I will speak to Master Sunrider, but we may not have too many options.”


Bastila went looking for the Jedi Master and found her in the dormitory where they had spoken on the trip to Corellia.


“Master, do you have a moment?”


“Yes Bastila, what is it?”


“About Mission...Visas told me that the Sith have prophecies about the Heart as well and that Mission would be a target simply by carrying it.”

“It is true, the Sith have legends as we do, but I believe that Mission will be safe.”


“How can you be so sure, she's young and inexperienced.”


“So were you once Bastila.”


“but I had the benefit of years of training under Master Vandar, Master Zhar, and Master Vrook. Mission has had only Revan, and her experiences on Kashyyyk.”


“You don't believe that is enough?”


“No, I do not.”


The red haired Jedi smiled softly. “Mission will be fine Bastila, you must trust in the Force.”


“Perhaps..but the Force may not be enough to keep her alive.”


Bastila ended the conversation and headed for the flight deck where Jolee was prepping the Hawk for launch.


“Is she ready Jolee?”


“Ready when you are.”


“As soon as Colonel Tigh and her men are aboard we'll take off. Can you put me through to Carth?”


“You got it.”


After a few moments Carth's image appeared “Bastila how's it going down there?”


“The king is secure Carth, and the rebel troops have surrendered.”


“What about Dustil?”


“Dustil is fine. I'm leaving him here with Colonel Harrken and his men. We'll come back for him after we've taken the palace.”


“Okay, our fighters are in control of the skies, you should be unimpeded in your approach. Onasi out.”


At that moment Colonel Tigh poked her head in. “We're aboard Jedi Shan.”


Bastila nodded and turned to Jolee “Shall we?”


“We're not getting anything done sitting here are we?”


Moments later the Ebon Hawk followed by two of the Republic assault craft lifted off and shot skyward in the direction of the palace. As they entered the airspace they were flanked by fighters from the fleet that traveled with them. As they approached the structure the fighters broke off and made several strafing runs on the main landing platforms clearing them of the rebel soldiers that had gathered there. The Ebon Hawk set down first, and Bastila cut the engines and lowered the ramp. Colonel Tigh and her men filed out and secured the platform which immediately came under fire from the defenders. The Jedi followed the Corellian troops out and Bastila took stock of the situation from behind cover.


“Into the frey?” she asked Jolee


“I'm too old for this.” he replied noncommittally


Bastila took that for a yes and lit her lightsaber. As the assault craft were setting down on adjacent platforms the entire complement of Jedi charged forward into the battle. They pushed the defenders back as the Republic troops exited their transports and began firing as well. The two groups of attackers met where the platforms joined and began advancing down the approach to the palace. Bastila looked over toward Mission who was finishing off a rebel soldier with her lightsaber as the blaster fire began to intensify.


“Heavy blaster mounts!” Juhani yelled over the fire


“Can you take care of them?” Bastila asked


“I”m on it.”


With that response Juhani suddenly vanished from sight as she used the Force to conceal her presence. Seconds later Juhani reappeared behind the blaster mounts and her lightsaber went to work as she cut down the gun crews and disabled their mounts.


The battle raged on but the rebel defenders were over matched by the better trained, better equipped, and better organized Republic soldiers and their Jedi leaders. Lightsabers flashed and sparked as the Jedi led by Bastila's whirling twin yellow blades pushed the rebels back until they had nowhere to go but into the palace itself. As they entered the palace Bastila turned to Colonel Tigh who was firing her blaster down the main passage at the rebels.


“Colonel, detail some men to guard this door.” She shouted over the din of the battle


“You got it,” she shouted back


The blaster fire intensified as the full complement of Republic troops entered the palace. With each passing minute the rebels were being backed up toward the throne room. Bastila could feel the dark side growing stronger and knew the Sith was close. The thought of facing a Sith again made Bastila a little uneasy. She had not been exposed to the dark side since Revan turned her away from Malak, but she knew that Corellia would not safe until this one was defeated.




As the door to the guest quarters closed Gaven turned around and pulled Brianna to him. He kissed her tenderly on the lips and held her out at arms length.


“I'm sorry. I had to find her.”


“I know,” Brianna replied “but that doesn't mean I have to like the way you did it.”


“I suppose not,” he replied “but you have to understand that I couldn't put you or the others at further risk.”


“I'm just glad you're back.”


They kissed again, but Gaven's commlink interrupted their embrace.


“Doctor Geera to Jedi Darkill.”


“Yes Doctor, what is it?”


“I need to speak with you, immediately.”


“I'm on my way.”


Gaven pulled Brianna into a hug “I have to go.”


“I know, I should do some more research on the General Cirrus.”


They broke their embrace and left the quarters together. Gaven made his way back to the infirmary

where Doctor Geera was examining Revan again.


“You summoned me Doctor?”


“Yes, she screamed.”


“'Screamed? Did she wake up?”


“No, but it was a scream that sounded like it came from a tormented mind.”


“Do you think she's gone insane?”


“I don't know, after it happened all of her activity went back to the way it was.”


“Nothing else? Did she say anything?”


“No, not that I heard.”


Gaven looked over at Revan's still form. “What did you find,” he thought to himself “and what did that Sith do to you.”


“Let me know if anything else happens Doctor.”

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So Revan did give the heart of the guardian to Mission, knowing what it meant.


Comment: I think that when Revan remembered all her... (how would you react if someone used 'his'?) ...when all those memories returned, I think that it could have been described in greater detail. Although I approved of her being in panic and screaming, I just think that it could have been greatly extended and maybe some details that truly disturbed her.


Liked the action sequence.

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Chapter 28


The rebel defenders of the Corellian royal palace had their backs against the wall. The Jedi and the Republic troops overwhelmed their perimeter and pushed them deep inside the palace. The battle wasn't what they'd signed on for. All they wanted to see was change for the better, not death and destruction, and so they surrendered. Slowly the blaster fire died down, and one by one they raised their hands over their heads and emerged from their cover. One by one they laid down their weapons in front of the Republic troops. Bastila observed the action with satisfaction and turned to face Colonel Tigh.


“Colonel, I trust you can handle things here?”


“I think it's under control, do what you have to do, and may the Force be with you.”


Bastila nodded and turned to the other Jedi who had now gathered behind her.


“It's time, let's go.”


The Jedi made their way to the throne room and Bastila called on the Force to open the sealed doors. They entered the dimly lit room to find it empty except for a solitary figure in the center of the room. The group encircled her, and Bastila thought for a moment there was perhaps a chance she wouldn't try to fight all of them. The hooded figure stood as they entered and pushed back her hood revealing raven black hair, bloodshot eyes, and a mouth that twisted into a hideous smile as they looked on.


“So, it has come to this has it,” she said in calm voice.


“Stand down Sith,” Bastila ordered her “The Force fights with us, you cannot hope to defeat us all.”


The woman cackled maliciously. “You Jedi never change, you serve the Force, but I the make the Force my servant!”


With that she blasted out a wave of Force energy that radiated to all sides and knocked the entire group back toward the outer boundaries of the throne room. Bastila was up quickly and ignited her lightsaber with the other Jedi joining her in short order. They closed on the woman again, and she drew back her hands forming a ball of lightning energy that she hurled toward Juhani. The Cathar thrust her lightsaber forward to absorb the blast but it knocked her off her feet anyway and she hit the floor hard with a grunt. The Sith laughed again


“Come Jedi, come to the slaughter.”


The Sith's focus shifted as she seemed to notice something, and Bastila's fears about Mission came true.


“One of you carries the Heart....” she said trailing off and her gaze locked in on Mission “you, girl, give me that lightsaber!”


The Sith reached out her hand attempting to draw Mission's weapon from her hands, but the Twilek fought back using the Force to counter the Sith and pushed back at her.


“Foolish girl, if you will not surrender the Heart to me I will take it from your dead hands!”


She unleashed a powerful push directed solely at Mission and knocked the girl back. Then she began to close on the fallen Twilek lightning sparking as she prepared to unleash the dark side energy on Mission. The Sith drew back to strike and Bastila moved to help, but there was a blur from behind her and Vima Sunrider positioned herself between the Sith and Mission. Vima put her hands up and began to absorb the Force lightning and push it back toward the Sith. Finally there was a flash and both combatants were blown back. Bastila ran to Vima who was laying near motionless on the ground by Mission.


“Master Sunrider, are you okay?”


“I-I'm fine,” Vima croaked “Finish her Bastila, finish her now while she's weakened.”


Bastila turned back toward the fallen Sith and leapt in the air to close the distance between them. She ignited her lightsaber and moved to impale the Sith with her twin blades, but suddenly the woman reacted bringing a crimson blade up to block Bastila's strike. Bastila spun backward her blade whirling in her hands as she was joined by Jolee, Visas and Juhani who had recovered from her rough landing.


“What about you girl..” The Sith said to Bastila as she rose “I can feel the presence of the Dark Side within you, join me Jedi and we will destroy all of these fools.”


“You will not bait me Sith,” Bastila nearly spat with contempt in her voice “I am a Jedi, and the Force fights with me.”


Bastila attacked, wielding her dual blades like a master swordsman and the other Jedi engaged the Sith as well. Bastila could see the woman was struggling to fight them all back and yelled encouragement to her comrades.


“Press her! The Force is with us!”


The sparks from the lightsabers brought more light to the dim room and the beginning of the end for the Sith came from Visas. The Miraluka tapped into something that Bastila had never seen before infusing her lightsaber with raw Force energy and attacked the Sith with a fierce blow that blasted her lightsaber from her hand. It echoed as it clattered across the floor, but Bastila paid no mind as she moved to land a fatal blow. Her lightsaber slashed the sith woman across her chest and then Bastila thrust it forward impaling her enemy. She drew back and the Sith fell to the ground, very dead.


Bastila immediately turned her attention back to the two fallen Jedi. Mission was beginning to stir, but Vima was still laying motionless on the floor of the throne room. Bastila ran to her followed by Jolee while Juhani went to check on Mission. Jolee knelt down by the Jedi Master and looked her over.


“I think she's gone into a trance.” he said


“A healing trance?”


Jolee nodded “Looks like it.”


“Will she be alright?”


“She's strong in the Force, if anyone can recover after what she did, it's Vima.”


Bastila strode over to where Mission was beginning to sit up groggily.


“ooh my head,” she groaned


“Juhani?” Bastila said


“She'll be fine,” the Cathar said “She'll have a headache for awhile though.”


Bastila nodded noting that the lightsaber was still grasped in Mission's right hand.




“Yeah?” she said with a wince


“You did well, Revan would be proud of you.”


The girl managed a weak smile and a soft “thank you,” escaped her lips.


Bastila then walked over toward Visas who was standing against the throne room wall. As she approached the blind woman she could see that Visas was shaking and she was immediately concerned.


“Visas, are you alright?”


“I-I am fine.”


“No, you’re anything but fine, you’re shaking.”


“It is…it is a result of..”


“Of what you did back there? What exactly did you do?”


“I…I attacked the sith with the very thing she sought to harness. I used the dark side energy to…to strengthen my blade.”


Bastila looked at the woman who had watched her entire planet consumed by a sith and asked the only logical question “Why did you do that?”


“I..I could feel something..terrible within her. Something I’ve never felt from any of the dark side beings I’ve ever been around…something worse than my Sith Master. She had to be stopped.”


“We would have stopped her…you did not have to do that to yourself.”


Visas shook her head “No, she was baiting us, biding her time…”


“For what?”


“I do not know, but I know she was far more powerful than we realize, I will be fine. I just need to meditate and center myself again.”


Bastila nodded and strode out of the throne room where she found Colonel Tigh waiting.


“It’s done Colonel, but Master Sunrider will need a medical gurney, she’s been injured.”


The colonel nodded and turned around “Medic!” she yelled. A young soldier came running up and saluted.


“Yes Ma’am?”


“We need a gurney in the throne room, one of the Jedi has been injured.”


“Yes Ma’am.”


The soldier saluted again, turned, and ran off. Colonel Tigh turned back to face Bastila


“Anything else?”


“No, the palace is yours Colonel. I will contact Admiral Onasi and inform him that we will be returning to the Jedi Temple.”


“Thank you Bastila, for everything you’ve done. When we get this sorted out, you will all be honored.”


“You’re the one who deserves the honor Colonel. Did you by chance come across the body of Aeris Ta’Nil in the fighting?”


“Yes, would you like it transferred to you?”


“Please, so that we can give her a proper Jedi funeral.”


“I’ll have it placed in stasis for transport, and loaded on the Ebon Hawk.”


“Thank you.”


Bastila walked toward the front entrance of the palace surveying the damage as she did. It would take the Corellians months to restore the palace to its former beauty, but the threat to their way of life was gone for now. As she reached the main entrance she pulled her comlink from her belt.


“Shan to Onasi.”


“I’m here Bastila,” came Carth’s voice


“It’s over Carth, the Sith is dead and the palace is under our control.”


“Is everyone okay?”


“Master Sunrider has been injured, but otherwise I believe so.”


“That’s good to hear, will you be leaving now?”


“Soon, there is still the matter of Axum to deal with.”


“Can I speak with Dustil before you go?”


“Yes, I will dock the Ebon Hawk with the Telos before we leave the system, Shan out.”


As she placed the communicator on her belt T3M4 came rolling up bleeping and tooting wildly.


“T3, slow down, what is it?”


The droid issued several bleeps and whistles and through the Force Bastila got the gist of what he was trying to communicate.


“You have a message? From Atris?”


He beeped in agreement.


“Can you play it?”


The droid beeped again and then activated his holoprojector which displayed an image of Atris.


“Bastila, I don’t know when you’ll get this but I thought that you should know what happened after you left. The Exile, Gaven has returned, and he has brought Revan with him. She is afflicted by something we cannot identify that has rendered her unconscious. Please return as soon as you can.”


With those words the image faded and T3 let out a slow wail “dwooooo.”


“My thoughts exactly,” Bastila replied.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

*Wow..a month and a half since I updated...to those that care, I apologize once again, but here is the next chapter and hopefully it won't be so long until the next one.*



Chapter 29



The fleet from Axum dropped out of hyperspace in the Caamas system. The assembly of ships hung above the planet and Admiral Perth gazed out of the main view port of his flagship at his target.


“Operations, order the fleet into position. Once all ships are in place we will begin firing.”


“Aye Sir.”


“Admiral,” the tactical officer said “there are ships approaching, Republic, Hammerhead class, they're hailing us Sir.”


“Destroy them.”




“Don't question my orders ensign, destroy them!”


“Yes Sir.”


The guns of the Decimator opened up on the helpless Republic ships who were caught completely unaware. They were not prepared for battle and had only been trying to ascertain the identity of the fleet and where it had come from. The blasts ripped the two hammerhead cruisers to shreds, but the captain of one of the ships, as his last act, managed to push a distress call out just before his ship's reactor went critical.




Bastila waited until everyone was aboard the Ebon Hawk before she gathered them in the common area to relay the message that T3 had received from Atris.


“So, what's this about Bastila?” Jolee asked


“T3 received a message from Atris while we were battling for the palace. It seems that Gaven Darkill has returned to the temple on Coruscant, and he brought Revan with him.”


“That's great!” Mission said excitedly, but the look on Bastila's face stopped her celebration “or is it?” she asked


“Unfortunately Revan has been incapacitated by some unknown affliction. She is unconscious and laying in the temple infirmary.”


“Is she alright? Will she recover?” Dustil asked


“I don't know Dustil, Atris did not include many details in her message. She simply conveyed the facts and not much more. Carth has requested that I dock the Ebon Hawk with the Telos prior to our leaving the system. He would like to speak with you Dustil.”


Dustil nodded “I want to see him as well.”


Bastila leveled her gaze at him “You must not tell him about Revan.”


“What? Why not?”


“If you tell your father about Revan, he will want to return with us to the temple. He needs to be here, in command of protecting Corellia. It will keep his mind off of her, and when she recovers, or we ascertain what has put her in her current state, then we can tell him of her return.”


Dustil studied Bastila for a moment. She had always seemed stuck up, and arrogant to him, but he had to admit that she did have a point. His dad was in love with Revan, and it would only distract him if he knew that she was in some sort of trouble. He had been desolate for weeks after she left, and if being out here, in command, helped him not to think about her then perhaps it would be best to do as Bastila asked.


“Okay,” he finally agreed “I won't say anything to him.”


“Thank you. There is one more thing, I want to tell everyone how proud I am of you all. We went into an unknown situation with very little intelligence and we were able to accomplish our mission. Thank you for everything, but I would advise that you get your rest, because I fear this won't be our last battle, but for now it's time to leave Corellia.”


The gathering broke up and the Jedi, battle weary, returned to the various parts of the Ebon Hawk. Bastila made one more stop before going to the cockpit. She walked to the medical bay where Master Sunrider was laying on one of the beds still deep in her healing trance. Bastila stood over the wounded Jedi Master and addressed her


“Master, I don't know if you can hear me, but you must recover. We need you, I need you.”


“Maybe not as much as you'd think,” came a familiar voice behind her


Bastila whirled around “Jolee!”


“Bastila, what you did down there, the way you led both assaults without fear, that was what a leader does. That is what the Jedi need Bastila, and you proved that you have it in you. Don't sell yourself short missy. Now let's get this ship off the ground.”


Bastila looked at Jolee and wondered where he kept the wisdom under his cantankerous exterior.




The guns of the Axum fleet unleashed their fury on the surface of Caamas. The caamasi citizens ran in fear for cover as the the destruction rained down upon them. The capital building burned along with many of the smaller buildings around it as Admiral Perth's fleet showed no mercy.


“Their cities are in flames Admiral...the casualties on the surface of been great.” the operations officer reported.


Perth clasped his hands behind his back, he contemplated continuing the attack, but he believed he had accomplished his directive from his president.


“Order all ships to cease fire. Navigation, plot a course for Arkania.”


“Aye Admiral.”


Perth smiled, this was just the beginning, soon Axum would rule the Republic itself.




The Ebon Hawk's docking clamps disengaged and Bastila pulled the ship away from the Telos. Once she was clear of the fleet she engaged the ship's hyperdrive, sat back in the pilot's chair and let exhaustion claim her. She didn't wake up until Jolee gently shook her shoulder, and she could hear the Ebon Hawk's computer chiming their impending arrival at Coruscant.


“Bastila, we're here.”


Bastila sat up and wiped the sleep from her eyes.


“I see that,” she replied as she took the controls “Disengaging hyperdrive.”


The Ebon Hawk returned to real space and Coruscant filled the ship's viewport along with the merchant traffic and the remainder of the Republic fleet guarding the seat of its power.


“Coruscant spaceport control, this is the Ebon Hawk requesting clearance to the Jedi Temple.”


“Negative Ebon Hawk, hold station and standby for a message from Chancellor Organa.”


Bastila glanced over at Jolee and they exchanged a confused look. In a few seconds the holographic avatar of Chancellor Organa appeared in front of them.


“Bastila, first of all congratulations on your victory at Corellia. Unfortunately matters have gotten worse in your absence. We've received a disturbing distress call from one of the ships that was in the Caamas system. The captain reported an unknown fleet of ships had opened fire on his ship and the other ship with him. We fear the worst.”


“What would you have us do Chancellor?”


“I'm ordering Carth to take half his fleet and proceed to Caamas. I would like a contingent of Jedi to meet him there.”


“With all do respect Chancellor, we have wounded aboard and need to put in at the Temple. There have been other developments as well that I would prefer not to discuss over an open channel.”


“I see...very well, take care of your wounded Bastila, and contact me as soon as possible.”


“Understood Ebon Hawk out.”


Bastila said nothing else, but engaged the Ebon Hawk's main drive and guided the ship through the space lanes above Coruscant. The ship entered the atmosphere and Bastila fixed her course on the Jedi Temple. As she approached the hangar she engaged the ship's maneuvering thrusters and set her down in the main hangar. She lowered the ship's ramp and rose from her chair with Jolee behind her. The rest of the Jedi were beginning to emerge as Bastila walked down the ramp, waiting in the hangar were Atris and Gaven Darkill.


“Bastila, welcome back,” Atris greeted her.


“Thank you,” she replied “how is Revan?”


Gaven shook his head “physically, she's fine, but she's still unconscious.”


“Perhaps I could be of some help..Revan and I share a very strong bond.”


“Perhaps,” Atris replied “but from the looks of you, you need rest yourself.”


“I am tired, the battle for Corellia was taxing, but the Sith is defeated and the king has been restored to power.”


“That is good news,” Gaven said


“Yes, but it was not without sacrifices. Master Sunrider has been badly injured, and we need to get her to the infirmary.”


Atris nodded and extracted her commlink “Atris to infirmary.”


“Doctor Geera here.”


“We need a gurney in the hangar doctor.”




“I'm afraid so.”


There was an audible sigh from the doctor “I will be there shortly, Geera out.”


The remaining Jedi began filing off of the Ebon Hawk. Visas stepped down the ramp and went straight to Gaven.


“Master it is good to see you again.”


“You thought you wouldn't?”


“I was not sure you were coming back, no.”


“Well, I'm glad you were wrong.”


“As am I.”


At that moment the doctor entered pushing the same gurney that he'd transported Revan on earlier.


“Who and where?” he asked gruffly


“Master Sunrider, she is in the medical bay of the ship.”


“A little help?” the doctor asked


“Of course,” Bastila said “Jolee, Juhani, would you assist the doctor please?”


They accompanied him up the ramp and disappeared inside the Ebon Hawk returning a couple of minutes later helping him push the gurney down the ramp.


“I can take her from here.” the doctor said as they reached the bottom.


“Please keep me posted on her status Doctor.”


“You got it.” he replied as he walked off.


Bastila addressed Gaven and Atris “Did you get the same message from the chancellor that we did when we arrived in the system?”


Atris nodded “Yes we did, I can't imagine who would attack Caamas. The Caamasi are a peaceful people and always have been.”


“We can talk about it in a little while,” Gaven said “All of you look exhausted, take some time to change and refresh yourselves and we can meet in the council chamber in an hour.”


The gathering broke up and Bastila made her way to the infirmary instead of to her quarters. The doctor had transferred Master Sunrider to a bed and hardly glanced her way as she walked in. Bastila went to the bed that held Revan and gazed down on her unconscious friend.


“She's been that way ever since he brought her in.” Doctor Geera said coming up behind her.


“No sign of anything?”


“She did scream once, but that was it.”


“I see.”


Bastila got closer to Revan, and as she had down once before she placed her hand on the unconscious Jedi and closed her eyes. In her mind and through the Force she attempted to reach her friend.


“Revan, I know you can hear me, I can feel our bond now that we are together again. We need you Revan, the galaxy needs you, I need you. Please, come back to us.”


Bastila opened her eyes and walked out of the infirmary this time headed for her quarters.


Half an hour later the Jedi gathered in the council chamber. For the first time in weeks the entire ensemble was present minus the unconscious Revan. Bastila arrived last having donned a fresh set of clothes after her brief visit with Revan. All eyes in the room turned to her as she entered, even Gaven's who realized that Bastila knew more about what was going on right now than he did. Bastila proceeded to an empty chair and sat down examining her audience.


“As you all know, Chancellor Organa has requested that a contingent of Jedi meet Admiral Onasi's fleet in the Caamas system to attempt to determine the origin of the unknown fleet which attacked the Caamasi capital. We also have the matter of this General Cirrus on Axum to deal with. He claims to be the military ruler of the planet, and that the planet stands on its own and is no longer a member of the Republic. Based on what we know about the president of the Axum's untimely demise and the other events that have taken place on Corellia and Manaan I would bet my lightsaber that the Sith are behind this.”


“Do you think they're behind the attack on Caamas?” Mira asked


“I can't say for certain, but I would guess that they are.”


“So how do we proceed?” Gaven asked


“I will take the Ebon Hawk, along with Atton, Mira, Dustil, and Jolee, and meet up with Admiral Onasi's fleet. Gaven, I would like you to take Brianna, Juhani, and Visas and try land covertly on Axum. We need more information about what is going on there.”


“What about me?” Mission asked


Before Bastila could answer she was overcome by a ripple in the Force, and she stood up and turned toward the door already knowing what she would see. At that moment the door opened and Revan walked gingerly through it.

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This is a very in-depth well thought out fic, JediAthos! :thmbup1:


I like that you have been able to incorporate so many characters and have them interact with eachother so well. You even make me like Bastila which in and of itself is an accomplishment. :p Excellent work - I love all the conspiracies going on to take down the republic - multiple plots, the way it would be. Keep up the fantastic work!


Revan is back!!



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Chapter 30


As Revan stepped through the door Bastila noted that it looked as if it was all she could do just to make it into the room. The two closest Jedi to the door, Juhani and Mission, rushed to assist her, but she shrugged them off.


“Thank you, but I don’t need help.”


“Right,” Mission responded “like a Wookie doesn’t need a comb.”


She took one of Revan’s arms and draped it over her shoulders as Juhani did the same on the other side. Revan to her credit allowed their help this time and they assisted her to what had been Mission’s seat in the room. Bastila waited until Revan was seated before she spoke to her.


“What in the world are you doing out of the clinic?” she admonished Revan “You can barely stand!”


“It’s good to see you too Bastila,” Revan said with a smirk “besides you will need my help if you want to defeat the Sith you are dealing with.”


“How could you possibly know about that?” Bastila asked


“I know more than you might think Bastila. I’m still not sure what happened to me on that planet, but before the Sith I was fighting did whatever he did I was inside their temple. I accessed their computer system, I saw what they are planning to do. They’ve been planning this ever since I left their worlds with Malak. They’ve slowly integrated themselves into the Republic on various planets to undermine the balance from within. What you’re seeing now is only the beginning.”


There was an almost stunned silence in the room. Bastila took in what Revan was saying and could hardly believe it. Subtlety was not a trait the Sith had ever exhibited, they had always been overt, and aggressive. Bastila voiced what she was thinking


“That is not like the Sith, they have always opposed the Jedi and the Republic openly.”


Revan nodded “I know, I didn’t understand it either, but these Sith are different, and more powerful than anything you and I have ever dealt with. I think you should know that there was another side effect of my journey, and what happened to me. While I was unconscious I..remembered.”


“What do you mean?” Atris asked speaking for the first time


“I remember everything, everything the Council repressed. All of my memories up to and including facing you Bastila, on that ship, I remember it all.”


“That’s impossible,” Atris said “your memory wipe was supposed to have been permanent.”


“I assure you Atris, it was not. I remember the wars, the planets we saved, the Mandalorians we killed, the battle at Malachor. I remember finding the first Star Map with Malak. I remember journeying across the planets with him, putting the pieces together and covering our tracks. I remember leading the Sith fleet, I remember facing off with Bastila moments before Malak betrayed me, and I remember waking up on the Endar Spire. It’s all here.” She finished pointing to her head.


Bastila sat back in her chair, and tried to take it all in. All of Revan’s memories returned, but she seemed no different than the last time Bastila had seen her. Could it have been that the Council had been wrong? Had Revan been as dangerous and beyond rehabilitation as they claimed or was she simply not strong enough to fight them now? Bastila realized she should have known better than to think such thoughts with Revan in the room.


“I can still sense your feelings you know,” Revan said to her with a smile “Believe me when I say that I am still your friend and I am still a Jedi. I am not proud of the things I have done in my past, but I will not betray you now.”


“How can we be so sure?” Mira asked suddenly “You betrayed the Jedi once, how do we know you won’t do it again?”


“Mira!” Gaven said starting to admonish her, but Revan put up a hand.


“Mira is it? Tell me, if I was going to turn on you, why would I be sitting here now? Why wouldn’t I have simply made my way to the hangar, stolen a ship and escaped?”


“Maybe you’re too weak”


“Maybe I am,” she responded “but if I was the all powerful Dark Lady of the Sith couldn’t I have simply healed myself? I can understand why you would doubt me, but do you really believe I could lie to a room full of Jedi, especially when one of them can sense and feel what I’m thinking and feeling?”


Mira did not respond, she knew that Revan was right, and she had been wrong to speak up in the first place. Revan must have seen the look on her face because she addressed her again.


“It’s okay Mira,” she said “As I said, I understand why you might doubt me. You’ve never fought by my side, and do not know me as some of the others in this room do, but I have done enough talking for now. There are other, more pressing things we should deal with, Bastila I believe you were giving a briefing?”


“Yes, I was, but I would like your opinion on the action plan.”


“Tell me what is going on.”


Bastila quickly summarized for Revan the activities of the last few weeks up to and including the plan she had developed to deal with the general on Axum and the mysterious fleet. When she finished Revan was silent for a long moment before she spoke.


“You say this General on Axum claims the planet has withdrawn from the Republic?”


“Yes,” Bastila replied “the task force that Admiral Dodonna sent spoke with some Admiral from the planetary defense force who claimed they were no longer a member of the Republic. The task force also reported almost 30 ships around the planet.”


“Thirty? Bastila I think you've just found the source of our mystery fleet.”


“Why would the general leave the planet undefended?” Atton asked


“My guess would be because he doesn't expect to be discovered until it's too late,” Revan replied “I don't think the chancellor should send Carth's fleet chasing after them. I have a feeling if we pull them back to Coruscant the mystery fleet will come to us.”


“What makes you think they would be so bold as to attack the seat of the Republic?” Brianna asked


“They are Sith,” Revan replied “When they strike, it's usually bold, aggressive, and grandiose. Even though these Sith have used far more subtlety than we've seen before the teachings they follow have some of the same elements that Malak and I first encountered after the Mandalorian War. The Caamasi have always been an example of the Republic's virtues of peace, and order, that is why they were attacked. The Sith were sending us a message. They are attacking the Republic itself, not just the Jedi, trust me, they will attack Coruscant.”


“Then if we pull Carth's fleet back won't we tip them off?” Gaven asked


Revan thought about what he said for a moment before replying.


“You have a point, perhaps if we pull them back and hide them behind the fourth moon....they would be well out of sensor range and we could lead the Sith to believe they have caught us completely unprepared.”


“Exactly,” Gaven said “Let them deploy and start their attack, and then close the trap on them.”


“Simple, but effective,” Revan said “I like it, now I remember why I promoted you.” she said with a smile.


“I have another surprise for the Sith” Gaven said


“Such as?” Revan asked


“A mutual friend I believe.” he replied


Revan's confused look made Gaven smile “I'll explain later.”


“What about General Cirrus?” Bastila asked interrupting the exchange


“What about him? Gaven and I will deal with the good general,” Revan said


“Then who will command the fleet?” Atris asked


“Bastila will.”


“Me?” Bastila asked astonished


“Yes you, how is your battle meditation these days?” Revan asked her


“I haven't had cause to use it, but it is not something one forgets how to do.”


“Good, that is why I want you to lead the fleet. Carth will do the actual commanding, but it will be up to you to break the will of our enemies.”


She nodded slowly “The trap, my battle meditation, they won't stand a chance.”


“That would be the point,” Revan replied “Speaking of Admiral Onasi, does...does he know I'm here?”


“No,” Bastila replied “I thought it best not to tell him.”


Revan nodded “I can see the logic in that...I think we should speak with the chancellor, and then I will handle Carth.”


“Agreed,” Bastila said “I'm surprised she hasn't contacted us yet.”


“I'm sorry,” Brianna said “but what are the rest of us to do during the coming fight?”


Revan shrugged slightly “Gaven and I will take two with us to Axum in case we meet heavy resistance, but everyone else...wait.”


“Wait?” Mission asked


“If we fail, it will be up to the rest of you to stop the Sith.”


The assembled Jedi exchanged glances with each other. The prospect of Revan's plan failing was not something any of them wanted to face, but as they had found out time and again no plan was without flaws. Even if it was conceived by one of the most brilliant military minds, not to mention one of the most powerful Jedi, to have ever lived.


“There is another thing,” Revan said “Mission, may I see your lightsaber?”


Mission looked a little confused but she unclipped the blade from her belt and Revan called it to her hand. She ignited the blade and and twirled the lightsaber several times before shutting it off.


“I assume the by now most of you know what this is?” Revan asked the assembly.


“Is that...the Heart?” Atris asked astonished


“Yes,” Revan replied “It is the Heart of the Guardian. When I gave this to you Mission, I suspected what it was and knew that we might need it in time. It is also why I must take it from you now.”


“I'm not sure I understand,” Mission said


“This is how I intend to deal with the Sith. The Heart will give me an advantage, and its presence will likely enrage the Sith as well. In return I offer you my own lightsaber, just in case you need it.”


Mission still wasn't sure she understood what Revan meant, but she reached out and Revan's lightsaber floated into her hand gracefully and she clipped it on her belt.


“Now, I am going to change clothes, and Bastila I will meet you and Gaven shortly and we can proceed to the chancellor's office.”


Revan went back to the quarters Bastila had provided for her and tried to decide what kind of gear she wanted to don for the coming fight. She had thought about having the computer generate a set of her old robes for the intimidation factor alone, but she discarded that idea as a remnant of her past and not who she was now. She used the terminal in the room to tinker with her old robe design modifying colors and such and finally settled for a much shorter version of the old design that included a black cloak, a tunic, pants, a light breast plate, shoulder armor, and gauntlets along with black boots.


While the computer was working on that Revan examined the lightsaber she'd taken from Mission again. It was remarkably well constructed for having been done by someone who'd never built one before, but as she looked it over she noted a few things that she wanted to adjust. She lit it and checked the balance and determined that she wanted to adjust that as well. She set it on the desk and made a mental note to take of it before they left Coruscant. As she did so the annunciator on her door chimed.


“Come,” she said aloud


The door opened and Jolee Bindo stepped through.


“Jolee, it's good to see you old man, to what do I owe the visit?”


“I came to see how you were doing.”


“I'm still a little quivery, but it's getting better.”


“Good, because we weren't sure you were going to wake up a few days ago. The doctor couldn't even figure out what was wrong with you, and now you're up and ready to run off and fight the Sith.”


“You think I shouldn't be?”


“Did I say that? I don't recall saying that, I just wanted to see how you were doing.”


Revan smiled slightly, but she knew better. Jolee Bindo didn't pay personal visits without something else in mind. She knew her old friend was doing more than simply checking up on her.


“Did you now? Or maybe you came to make sure I wasn't getting ready to destroy the temple.”


“You think you know everything don't you,” he said with a twinkle in his eye “there are a lot of young Jedi out there who expect you to lead them, and a couple of old ones as well.”


So that was it, Jolee wanted to make sure she was capable of doing what she claimed.


“So there are,” she replied “and I intend to follow through on everything I said.”


“You better, or you, me, and a whole lot of other folks are going to have a very bad day.”


“Don't worry old man...I'm ready.”


Jolee didn't say anything else, he only nodded and left the room leaving Revan alone again. She retrieved the clothing items she'd requested from the dispenser compartment and began to put them on. As she was pulling on the jumpsuit a voice startled her.


“Ready are you Revan?”


She whirled, called the lightsaber to her and snapped it on, but there was no one there.


“Put your weapon away Revan, you cannot kill what is already dead.”


Revan extinguished the lightsaber and set it down and slowly an apparition began to appear before her, a hooded ghost that Revan remembered all too well from her past.


“Master Kreia, or should I say Darth Traya?”


“You may call me whatever you wish,” the apparition replied “I have no need of either of those names now.”


“Why are you here, I certainly didn't summon you, and I have no need of your counsel any longer.”


“I have come to warn you Revan,”


“Warn me? Warn me of what?”


“This Sith threat is much bigger than you know. Do not think that killing Cirrus will be the end of them.”


“Perhaps not, but it will be a start, and it will stabilize the Republic and give them time to rebuild.”


“Your concern for the Republic is touching,” she said with disdain “do you not realize the power you wield? You could reshape the Republic just like you always wished to do and take the Jedi with you as well. Have you forgotten what they did to you?”


“You always were the manipulator, weren't you Kreia?” Revan replied as she fastened the armor plates around her tunic. “The Jedi did what they believed was necessary to an enemy they believed was beyond recovery. Perhaps it was wrong, but I have come to terms with that and absolved them of their mistake. As I declared to the Sith out there, and to my friends here, I am a Jedi Knight now, and forever. You can no longer influence me Kreia, and I have better things to do than chat with you.”


“My being here has already influenced you Revan, you will see.”


“I said be gone witch,” Revan nearly spat with contempt in her voice.


“As you wish.” was the simple reply and just as suddenly as she had come the apparition of Kreia vanished.


Revan finished dressing with her last acts being to clip the lightsaber to her belt and fasten the hooded cloak around her shoulders. As she did so she wondered about what Kreia had said. Revan certainly knew that Cirrus would not be the end of the Sith, but Kreia seemed certain about something. There was no time to deal with it now, Revan decided, now it was time to have a chat with the chancellor.


Bastila and Gaven chatted idly while waiting for Revan in the temple hangar. Mostly they discussed Revan and what the mysterious Sith could have done to her to have her memories suddenly become available to her. The distinct sound of boots on the floor of the hangar interrupted their conversation. Both looked to see Revan, in her newly adorned armored robes, coming toward them.


“Are we ready,” she asked as she reached them


“I believe so,” Bastila replied “That is an…interesting choice of clothing.”


“Perhaps, but we’re going into battle are we not? I believe this suits that purpose well.”


“Where did you find that?” Gaven asked her


“I had the computer generate them. It’s actually a variation on my old robes..shortened and armored…and without the mask.” She said with a soft smile. “Now, if you’re done gawking at my outfit I suggest we get moving.”


The trio boarded a small speeder and Bastila pulled it out of the hangar and into the busy traffic lanes of the galactic capital. It took only a few short minutes for her to guide the speeder to the Senate building where she pulled the speeder up to a platform. The Jedi exited and made their way into the building. The group received more than their share of looks as they walked. Aides, politicians, and even guards stopped and stared at Revan as she walked with her companions. When the lift door closed and began to carry them up to the chancellor’s office Bastila spoke.


“Well, that was interesting.”


“Wasn’t it?” Revan replied “They act as if they’ve never seen a Jedi before.”


“I’m pretty sure it’s because no one expected to see you…ever.” Gaven said


“That's what I hear, but I'm here so they might as well get used to it.”


The lift doors opened and they walked to the chancellor’s office. The door to the outer atrium was open and Bastila led the group to the chancellor’s assistant.


“Jedi Shan to see Chancellor Organa.” She said to the young woman.


“She’s expecting you, you can go in.”


Bastila nodded and they walked past the desk and the doors to the office opened in front of them. Chancellor Organa was seated behind her desk and looked up as they entered. Then, she saw Revan and her eyes widened and she stood straight up from her chair.


“Where the hell did you come from?!” Organa asked with shock evident in her voice


“It’s good to see you too Madam Chancellor,” Revan replied.


“Bastila, you failed to mention that Revan had magically appeared on Coruscant.”


“I’m sorry Madam Chancellor, but it happened while I was on Corellia, and she was not conscious when she was brought to the temple. We weren’t sure if she would ever come out of it, or what was wrong with her.”


“She looks fine to me.” Organa replied


“I feel okay,” Revan replied “but more importantly I have a plan to beat back these Sith.”


“You think this General Cirrus is a Sith?” Organa said


“I do, and I believe the fleet that attacked Caamas is under his direction. I also believe they will attack Coruscant.”


“They would be insane to attack us here.”


“The Sith rarely do things that are logical Chancellor. I want you to pull Carth’s ships away from Corellia and position them behind Coruscant’s fourth moon. Bastila will join the fleet, and when this Sith’s fleet attacks Carth will move in and along with Bastila’s battle meditation will dismantle them.”


“What about you?” Organa asked


“Gaven and I are going to Axum. We will take two other Jedi with us, and we will eliminate this Cirrus.”


Chancellor Organa stared at Revan and tried to read the famed Jedi. She wasn’t sure if she could trust her or not. She’d already gone from hero to conqueror once before, would she do it again? If the Senate knew that she was here they would demand she appear before them, but if what Revan was saying now was true and there was an attack coming. Carth’s ships were the bulk of the Republic’s depleted fleet, and Revan’s plan made sense to her. She decided there was one other person she wanted to bring in, and activated her intercom.


“Tess, find Admiral Dodonna and get her up here.”


“Yes Ma’am,” came the response and Organa turned to Revan.


“If Admiral Dodonna approves, you can do what you plan.”


Revan nodded and they waited saying nothing for several minutes until finally the door to the office opened and Forn Dodonna strode in.


“You wanted to see me Madam..” Dodonna caught her first glimpse of Revan and her voice trailed off. Her surprise was as evident on her face as the chancellor’s had been.


“Hello Forn,” Revan said in greeting.


“It’s good to see you alive,” Dodonna said after several seconds


“A little bird told me they wanted you to hunt me down.”


Dodonna nodded “Yes, but we’ve had more pressing matters to deal with.”


“So I heard, and I believe I have a solution to them.”


“Any help is good help,” Dodonna replied “let’s hear it.”


Revan briefly explained her plan to the Republic’s top admiral who listened intently and then closed her eyes in thought for a moment. Finally, she opened her eyes, and looked at the chancellor


“Ma’am, Revan has more experience in battle than almost all the officers in the fleet, if she says this is what we should do, then I agree.”


“What about her erased memory?” Organa asked


“That’s not exactly a problem anymore,” Revan said


“What do you mean?”


“I remember…I fought a Sith out there, he did something to me and now I remember everything.”




“Yes, I remember everything I’ve done in my life, and I am not proud of most of it, but if you will let me, I will defeat these Sith, and prove where my loyalties lie.”


Organa nodded “You have my approval…General.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 31


“There is one more thing I have to do before I go. I need to speak with Carth personally.” Revan said to the assembly


“You can use my office,” Dodonna said


“Thank you Admiral.”


They followed the admiral to her office and Revan turned to Bastila and Gaven. I will be along shortly, I'm sure Admiral Dodonna can find someone to bring me back to the temple. Bastila nodded and she and Gaven walked away leaving Revan and Admiral Dodonna alone.


“I will put the call through to Carth,” Dodonna said “Corellia isn't that far but it will still take a few minutes to get a live transmission.”


Revan nodded and followed Dodonna into the office. The Admiral went to her communications console, punched in a few commands and turned to Revan,


“I'll leave you alone.”


“Thank you Admiral, I'll come outside when I'm finished.”


Dodonna nodded and stepped out of the office leaving Revan to her conversation.


On board his flagship, the Telos, Carth had been waiting patiently for Admiral Dodonna's orders for well over four hours. When he heard there was a call coming from Dodonna's office he immediately had it forwarded to his quarters. The image that appeared in front of him was the last image he ever expected to see.


“Hello Carth,”


Carth just stared at the holographic image of Revan for a long second before he responded.


“I..was expecting Admiral Dodonna.”


“I know, but you got me instead..is that a bad thing?”


“No...but I didn't expect to ever see you again.”


“Well..here I am..Gaven found me..brought me back to the temple, I was unconscious until earlier today.”


“And now you're doing what?”


“Joining the fight against the Sith.”


“You're going to fight? You were unconscious until today and you're going to fight?!”


“Yes Carth, I'm a Jedi, it's what I do. Besides I have a plan to trap the fleet that attacked Caamas.”


“How are you going to do that, we don't even know where they came from.”


“I believe they came from Axum, and I also believe they'll attack Coruscant at their earliest opportunity. I want you to pull your ships back to Coruscant and position them behind the fourth moon. Bastila will join you when you arrive, and between your fleet and her battle meditation they won't stand a chance.”


“You're giving orders now?”


“With the Chancellor's approval,” Revan replied and she could tell that Carth wasn't happy


“Where will you be?”


“I'm going to Axum to dispose of this General Cirrus.”


“You're not taking command of the fleet?”


“No Carth, it's your fleet, you are more than capable. This Sith Cirrus is powerful, and has twisted the loyalties of the soldiers of Axum.”


“But, what if you get hurt? What if you're killed? I love you.”


“I love you too Carth...but I have to do this, the Republic, the Jedi are counting on me.”


“And after Cirrus is defeated..then what?”


“I don't know, but I promise I will see you before I do anything else.”


Carth nodded “No disappearing without telling me where you're going?”


“I promise.”


“Alright, we'll do it your way, Onasi out.”


Carth terminated the transmission on his end, and Revan closed her eyes for a moment. She had expected a little more emotion from Carth, but she also understood that her appearance was sudden and probably had thrown an otherwise reserved man slightly off balance. She decided she would just take it in stride for now, there were things to accomplish before she could deal with her relationship with Carth. She stepped outside the office where Admiral Dodonna was still waiting.


“How'd it go?” she asked


“As well as could be expected,”


“He didn't take it well?”


“I'm not sure,” Revan said softly “He's hard to read when you're not face to face with him.”


Dodonna put a hand on her shoulder “He does love you, but he thought he'd lost you. He went head to head with the chancellor you know.”


“Carth? The loyal soldier?”


“Told her you were a hero, that he knew you wouldn't turn on us again.”


“She thought I would?”


“No, it was the Senate...the chancellor was trying to appease them.”


“I see...well I suppose I will have to thank him when I see him.”


“So you're planning on sticking around for awhile?”


“I don't know what the future holds Admiral”


“I guess none of us does.”


“I couldn't agree more.”


“Well, I have an aide waiting to take you back to the temple.”


“Thank you Forn,”


“May the Force be with you...General.”


Revan smiled as she walked away, it had been a long time since anyone had addressed her as general. It almost felt good to be in command again even if she wasn't going to be as hands on as she had been in the Wars. Back then as now she had led out of necessity, and she knew that everything was at stake just as it had been then. She was different now though, and the galaxy was different. Revan pushed the distracting thoughts away as she boarded the speeder.


“Where to Ma'am?” the young officer asked


“The Jedi Temple.”


“Yes Ma'am.”




The guns of Admiral Perth’s fleet rained their destruction down on the second target on General Cirrus list. Perth watched out the Decimator’s viewport with almost no expression on his face. His thoughts had already turned to his assault on the Republic capital of Coruscant. His battle plan was set, and he was certain his ships were ready. He did think it was curious that they hadn’t been challenged yet especially since it was likely the Republic was at least aware of their actions.


“Admiral, the destruction of the temple is complete.”


“And the Arkanians?”


“They've sent out distress calls Sir, but they aren't offering any resistance.”


Perth smiled, they had accomplished two thirds of their mission, but he knew the fight over Coruscant would be hell in space. The Republic would not simply abandon the center of their government, and he knew they would throw everything they had at his fleet. He believed his men, and his ships could take whatever the Republic could dish out and then some, and was certain that Axum would be victorious.


“Navigation, set your course for Coruscant.”




“If we pass beyond this door, we can never go back...”


“How wrong you were Alek,” Revan murmured quietly to herself. “There is always a path back, if you wish to find it.”


She opened her eyes and ended the meditation session with the retort to what had once been her best friend. After her return to the temple she had spent nearly an hour meditating on the things she had done in her life and the things she was about to do. She had sought the Sith, and she had found them, and now once again it was up to her to save all she cared about from destruction. Part of her wondered if she could do it again, was she truly Revan? Was she truly “Savior, conqueror, hero, villain” as Malak had said to her at the end? The people around her believed it, but if she didn't it meant nothing. That was why she'd chosen to meditate, she needed to set her focus and steel herself for what she was about to do. Now she was sure she was ready, she was steadfast and strong in the Force and her resolve...it was time. She extracted the comlink from her belt:


“Revan to Darkill..”


“I'm here Revan,”


“Are you ready?”


“Yes, I'm ready to go.”


“Okay, grab Juhani, and Brianna, and meet me in the hangar.”


“On my way, Darkil out.”


Revan nodded to herself as she placed the comlink back on her belt. She had battled beside many in her years as a Jedi and as a Sith, and she could think of almost none better than Gaven Darkill. His mind rivaled her own as did his skill with the Force, and with a lightsaber. She smiled, these Sith had no idea the storm they'd brought upon themselves.




Carth paced the length of his office aboard the Telos. Revan was back, and he could scarcely believe it. He had almost completely broken down when her image had appeared instead of Forn Dodonna's. He also couldn't believe that Bastila hadn't told him that Revan was at the temple. On the other hand it wasn't the first time that Bastila had kept information from him. He sighed out loud, he would simply have to do what he'd always done, deal with it.


“Bridge to Admiral Onasi.”


The disembodied voice from the comm interrupted his thoughts.


“Onasi, go ahead bridge.”


“Sir, Bastila Shan is aboard and has requested to see you.”


“Send her to my office, Onasi out.”


Carth seated himself behind the desk and tended to a couple of minute paperwork items as he waited for Bastila. After several minutes the doors parted and Bastila entered wearing her typical Jedi robe with her double-bladed lightsaber swinging from her belt.


“Hello Carth.”


“Bastila, welcome aboard the Telos.”


“Right, now that we're passed the formalities I want to tell you how sorry I am that I didn't tell you about Revan. I didn't know if she would even recover from the condition she was in when Gaven brought her to the temple, or what had caused it. I didn't want to distract you from commanding the fleet.”


Carth stood up to look Bastila in the eye “That wasn't your decision to make Bastila. You should have at least told me she was alive.”


Bastila bowed her head “I truly am sorry Carth, but I didn't want to risk jeopardizing our victory.”


“Do you really believe I would allow myself to be distracted?”


“I...I wasn't sure, love does things to people that no one can explain. Can you honestly tell me you know it wouldn't have affected you?”


Carth was silent for a moment. He knew that Bastila was right, and that he couldn't possibly say for sure how having knowledge of Revan's return would have made him fell. It may very well have filled his mind, and he probably would have insisted on returning to Coruscant to see her conscious or not.


“No..no I can't. You did what you thought was best, and you were probably right. So, are you ready? Do you think Revan's plan will work?”


“It had better,” Bastila replied grimly “It's all we've got.”


“What do you need from me?”


“I only need a space where I can maintain absolute concentration without interruption. It is vital that no one attempt to communicate with me while I am meditating. Any distraction would prove disastrous.”


Carth nodded “I understand, you can use this office, no one will bother you here and I will leave armed guards outside to ensure no one comes in.”


“That should be sufficient, now what?”


“Now, we wait.”

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