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Indiana Jones & The Kingdom of the Crystal Thread! (SPOILERS)

The Tingler

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Has anyone read that Vanity Fair article? Y'know, the one that Jason posted about recently? If not, you can read it right here.


So what's there to discuss? Well, some little things that have drastically altered my perceptions somewhat, that's all. Like:


And then (spoiler warning) Lucas gets a little more (spoiler alert) specific: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull will apparently nudge our hero away from his usual milieu of spooky archaeology and into the realm of (spoiler Code Red) science fiction. “What it is that made it perfect was the fact that the MacGuffin I wanted to use and the idea that Harrison would be 20 years older would fit,” Lucas says. “So that put it in the mid-50s, and the MacGuffin I was looking at was perfect for the mid-50s. I looked around and I said, ‘Well, maybe we shouldn’t do a 30s serial, because now we’re in the 50s. What is the same kind of cheesy-entertainment action movie, what was the secret B movie, of the 50s?’ So instead of doing a 30s Republic serial, we’re doing a B science-fiction movie from the 50s. The ones I’m talking about are, like, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Blob, The Thing. So by putting it in that context, it gave me a way of approaching the whole thing.”


Does this shock anyone? Because it sure as hell does me! I've had pretty much total faith in these guys since the film was finally announced. Even the silly over-long title (which I've now got used to) didn't shake me. This does. What was the biggest criticism of the story of both of the last two Indy games? It went too supernatural.


Still, it might just be simple 'hints' of aliens etc, the same way the Lost Ark's power was only hinted at until the very end. Is the Wrath of God anymore silly than the Chariots of the Gods?


What's your opinion? Bad idea, good idea, too soon to tell?


What about this then?


Shia LeBeouf as the new Indy for a new trilogy of films? Only theory, but damn does that quote from Spielberg about Frank Darabont's script sound like a slip-up!

I quite liked Frank’s script, but George and I had a disagreement over it, and George and I have always agreed to agree. So when we take each other’s temperatures, if I really am passionate about something, George will give in to me, and if George is really passionate about something, I’ll pretty much go his way. And in this case George was passionate that this was not the story he wanted to tell at this point in the Indiana Jones saga.


I don't think it will happen without Indy though - that IS his name in the title. And as much as I like Shia LeBeouf, the only man who could take the reigns of Harrison Ford as Indy is this man right here.


And finally, Cate Blanchett. Wow!

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I don't have an opinion on this because I'm avoiding spoilers -- but I will watch the trailer, which I'm really looking forward to. (Sometime in February: hopefully at the start of the month rather than the end)


And that picture is odd! But it still looks really cool -- and I don't suppose it'll look like that in the finished film anyway.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can´t wait since a few years to see the 4. Indy movie!

Indy has a son, now. :eek:


That´s very interesting. Trivia:

-Harrison Ford will be 66 when the movie comes in the cinemas, nevertheless makes the film no secret of the fact. Indy 4 plays 19 years after the third part, the same time between 3 and 4.

-Sean Connery was invited, but declined with thanks.

-It took nearly forever, until Spielberg, Ford and Lucas on a screenplay a few. One Idea was that Indy searches Atlantis!

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When was the last time you saw him in a film? LXG was so incredibly bad, and such an apparently miserable film to make, that Connery retired.


He said once that the only film that could persuade him out of that retirement was Indy IV, but unfortunately he found he enjoyed retirement too much.

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Connery said he didn't understand movies anymore. Like he got scripts for LOTR, The Matrix and LXG, and he didn't 'get' any of them. So he just followed his agent's advice, did LXG, and it bombed and he didn't know why. So, unable to know which scripts were 'good' and which were not, he just retired.


That's what I read somewhere anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

INTERESTING. Apparently there's been some quick touching-up in one scene of the trailer. Presumably someone got squeamish about the idea of Indy having American soldiers point their guns at him, and so censored the trailer!


Check these out:






In the second one, you can actually see the shadow of the gun that's supposed to be there!


And also this scene from the trailer shows how hastily it was done. Look at the guard on the left behind Ray Winstone - look at his hips in particular:



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Y'know, out of the entire trailer that American flag bit is the only bit I disliked - far too cheesy.


HA! I've just been through Jason's link to The Sun's homepage where they have the International Trailer - and what's that picture they're using to advertise it? (scroll down the page) Why, it's only the exact shot the MPAA screwed with - and with the guns back in!


See the uncensored version there now, albeit in crappy quality.

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I wouldn't call the American flag cheesy, but it seem a little simplistic. It comes right after the Nazis and the Swastikas as if to say that America is the polar opposite of Nazism. It's not, because Americans and Nazis are both humans.


I also don't think that Indiana Jones is a big American cultural object. Though he does have a nationality it's really only a background. He's not doing things "for" America.

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