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I don't want to come off sounding like a jerk, but you guys have some serious problems there in the US. I mean, there are a lot of college killing spree suicides lately, aren't there? What is it that drives college students there to take their own lives and a lot more innocent ones in the process? :(

This is sad, sad news.

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I don't want to come off sounding like a jerk, but you guys have some serious problems there in the US. I mean, there are a lot of college killing spree suicides lately, aren't there? What is it that drives college students there to take their own lives and a lot more innocent ones in the process? :(

This is sad, sad news.


Short answer? No, there arent.

Long answer? This was the first one to happen since the Viriginia Tech one. How do I know this? Because as totenkopf said "if it bleeds it leads". In other words if there had been a lot of school shootings lately. Everyone and their hamster would have heard about it. Repeatedly.


And the stupid thing about this one is that this college is one of those moronic "gun free" schools, just like the Viriginia one. Really good policy there genious! So good of a policy that the security guards arent even allowed to have guns to protect those they are supposed to be securing!


As cold and heartless as this sounds, its the fault of those school board in Illinois that made this possible to happen. When law-abiding citizens arent forbidden from owning guns, then only the criminals will own them.

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Short answer? No, there arent.

another short answer: yes there are. even if we're 'only' talking about this one and virginia tech, that's a hell of a lot more than any other first world country, no? and there have been others i'm pretty sure.


haha, oops. can i have these merged please...

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I already stated that one is too many. But by saying "theres lots of shootings" that exaggerates the situation. It would be better to post actual numbers... "A couple of shootings recently" of course that lacks the dramatic effect of "OMG theres lots of shootings lately! You Americans are nuts!"


Several major wars? O,o Im so not going off into that tangent...


And you can merge and delte your own posts. Just go into advanced, youll see the options up there.

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Short answer? No, there arent.

Long answer? This was the first one to happen since the Viriginia Tech one.

Well, I'm not saying they happen on a weekly basis, but I guess it depends what each person considers as "a lot recently". The Virginia Tech massacre wasn't that long ago and I know there have been others before that one that span back into the nineties. I remember an old case where some guy went to his college with a machine gun and killed a lot of students there and when they arrested him and asked why he did it he said he wanted to do things like Duke Nukem. Now, I'm not trying to put blame on video games, or guns or anything but the people who committed those acts, all I'm saying is that there are a lot of idiots out there and it's sad that now that kind of idiocy has become sort of a suicide trend.

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Yeah I can agree with you there. Alot recently, when you look at it over a period of several years. Then yes, I agree. There have been. Since you can have a lot of shootings, but not have frequent shootings. :)


I never heard of the one about the retard that wanted to do stuff like duke nukem, when was that?

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Odds of being murdered: 18,000 to 1

Odds of being killed sometime in the next year in any sort of transportation accident: 77 to 1


Guns don't kill people, cars do :xp:


@Arc: Come to Norway we have low crime, oil to keep everyone healthy and wealthy, and enough atheists/agnostics to keep you bussy for the rest of your life doing god's work. :D


That's just like saying the bullet killed them, not the guy who pulled the trigger.

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That's just like saying the bullet killed them, not the guy who pulled the trigger.


Hmmm... what people have a problem with is that they are making the gun out out to be some evil demon that needs to be exorcised. Its not the guns fault that it caused someones death anymore than its the bullets fault.


I think a more appropriate comment would be:


Guns dont kill people, stupid people with guns kill people.

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I never heard of the one about the retard that wanted to do stuff like duke nukem, when was that?

Well, I can't remember the exact year, but it was back in the nineties, maybe ninety six, or seven. Back when the Duke was ultra popular (not that he isn't popular today).

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And this is one of the greatest problems with American society today. No one listens or uses a little effort in putting the pieces together. I'm pretty sure they teach you this in school, before it gets shot up, as critical thinking.


There is a hell of a lot that can be done to prevent things like this from happening, just like there are things that can prevent a large majority of suicide cases from happening. And despite beliefs one way or another there are in many times understandable reasons/justifications for actions like these to be taken. Not that I condone the harming of others, it's that people cast out their cries of irrationality without even knowing why this happened in the first place.


This goes for suicides and massacres/mass-shootings alike.

Yes, I know exatctly what you are saying. I also agree with what you are saying. But, you would think after so many school shooting, people would make some changes. But, as far as I can tell there really hasn't been that much change. There are many things that could be used to prevent things like this. Metal detectors, a ton on security guards at every school, thourough searches of backpacks, ect. But, you would think that after so many deaths, and school shootings people would change things.

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This was the first one to happen since the Viriginia Tech one.


Granted most shootings are blown out of proportion and posted/printed everywhere, however not every single case finds it's way to print. In some cases it's simply that there's no real story to print. Random student found dead after pointing a gun at another student then shooting themselves won't always makes it's way to the headlines. There have been many simple suicides on campuses around the country that could have ended in homicide-suicide, but the person simply took their own life.


And it's not just the US, I'm guessing the reason some non-US papers/news outlets don't have all their shootings,etc. printed is because they have issues that are a little more impacting upon society. I'm not some major source for this information, but it's not exactly difficult to think that maybe bad **** happens all the time, at any given moment, in any given place.


The US may have a seemingly high count of school shootings when compared to other places that doesn't mean it has a monopoly in tragedy striking the younger side of the global population. Suicide is a pretty huge thing in Asia, if they had a slight change in societal standards they probably wouldn't be any different than the US as far as teenage/young-adult tragedy. We'd probably be hearing about schools throughout Japan being shot up by students.


Point is, this all comes down to severe psychological issues and their phsyical manifestations. In the case of these college campuses these people are taking their issues out on not only themselves, but others. Any blame being put solely on the influence of objects in society is futile, it's society at large that is to blame. So before anyone starts casting judgements on any country or even person, maybe you should take a look at a few of the things that you might be doing to further the cause of the problem.

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Thats the point. They aren't thinking. They are going with their emotions and once they actually do kill someone they finally think of the consequences and kill themselves

Agreed. As are the people who relentlessly harass, bully and basically piss on the gunman until he loses it and starts killing people.


This sh** happens for a reason. And it's not just because the gunmen are crazy.

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