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[tsl] KOTOR: Revenge of Revan


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Manipulate/ control (DS)

Empower/ encourage (LS)


Only the last two will give you light side and dark side points.

It's great! I mean, getting the LS/DS points was always much of a weird thing to me. There were very few choice por the PC, either help the guy in need and give him some cash, or whatever and get the LS points, or kill the guy for the DS points. Your perspective on the matter sounds way better. Especially when you consider Kreia's words:

" It is far a greater victory to make an enemy see through your eyes, than to close theirs forever"

I believe that it's a more "fair" distribution of the LS/DS points, and it fits better with the information provided by other examples of light and darksiders.

Keep up the good work logan ;)

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It's great! I mean, getting the LS/DS points was always much of a weird thing to me. There were very few choice por the PC, either help the guy in need and give him some cash, or whatever and get the LS points, or kill the guy for the DS points. Your perspective on the matter sounds way better. Especially when you consider Kreia's words:

" It is far a greater victory to make an enemy see through your eyes, than to close theirs forever"

I believe that it's a more "fair" distribution of the LS/DS points, and it fits better with the information provided by other examples of light and darksiders.

Keep up the good work logan


I agree. One of the complaints I heard from players about kotor2 and many other games with similar dlg tree structure is that the player can not plot and think ahead/plan. This was brought up since if a Jedi or Dark Jedi can sense the Force and the future of their choices/action then they can try to purposely to manipulate like Kreia did in kotor2. Or you can also set things in motion to help encourage a person/alien to gain the strength to confront their own issues.


To do this i plan to have party members give and open up plan/plots to manipulate/ or encourage dlg tree options during certain quests.


Ex. you talk to Cain who has more of the end justifies the means outlook would give you an option in a quest npc dlg that allows you to follow his suggestion or your own created from discussing it with him. This will be also true with other party members. Not all party members will give ideas on the quests. It depends on the quest and who would have an opinion.


There should also be a normal option like: "I'm afraid I can't help you" or something like that...


The normal options like the one you mentioned will be there for sidequests. I feel that sidequest should be used to help level up a player and also give them opportunity to gain Trust with party members or lose Trust. I will not be forcing you to do all the side quests in the game. Meaning there might be some different events due to you choosing to not complete a quest or even take it on.


I feel that what ever choice you make from taking the quest and be DS or take a quest and be LS or even to not take a quest...each of these should give a reward in the form of story elements. How big and often i can do this and the scope will come down to the size of the team and the amount of content we can create and put in the game.


There are no wrong choices only the consequences of each decision/action/choice.


When the Demo is released you will get a taste of these new features and how they will help define the story for your PC.






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hey everyone,


What ever Exile head you have in kotor2 as your PC can be used as the head for the Exile in RoR.


Ex. if my kotor2 PC head is the guy with the beard, then in RoR you have the option to choose that head as the Exile for RoR.


I know some of you are wondering how....trust me i have it worked out. :-)



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Ex. if my kotor2 PC head is the guy with the beard, then in RoR you have the option to choose that head as the Exile for RoR.


That's one of the reasons why I made so many 'new' playable heads. None of the 'Exile' heads will be available to play as during the new character creation screen. They will be unmodified, so that they can be used only to represent the Exile.

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And will Revan and the Exile be voiced?


There's a lot of info about voice overs in earlier posts. You might want to start with page 14 (right at the top) since Logan already has an answer to one of your questions. :)

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This might have been mentioned earlier in the thread, but it would be cool if Revan kinda sounded machine-like like Vader or Malak. You know that mask of his might filter his voice or something...


I have learned a method of creating this effect, so now, whoever voices Revan would send the recordings to me, I'll then filter the voice to make it sound as though it's through a mask.

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That is quite an interesting idea, as long as it doesn't sound similar to Vader or Malak and doesn't sound bad or too mechanical (there is still just a person under a mask, not a machine making the voice after all) I would be all for that.


That being said, it is of course, completely up to logan whether or not he wants to put that kind of element into his mod, since it would mean more work, even if only a little.

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It would actually have to be exactly the same as the Mandalorians, since Revan is wearing a Mandalorian mask...


Plus, it really isn't that much more work, and considering that he has put the time and effort into creating K3, going that little extra inch for immersion's sake doesn't seem like something he'd skimp on.

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Well, I haven't posted any artwork in a while, so I thought I'd better put something in here.


Corellian King. He is a man of the people, so he doesn't wear overly dressy clothes. His style is very similar to his subjects, but with a little bit of gold mixed in.



Player Underwear. It has mesh areas for ventilation/perspiration. I still need to re-model the female's shoulders, so that there isn't a raised edge. I picked white with dark maroon edges so that it works well with all the different skin colours.

k200031.th.jpg k200030.th.jpg


Builder Droid (Party member). I had to make it much more high-res. It's still a WIP at this point:

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I hope you enjoy looking at 'em :D

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Corellian King.[/Quote]


He looks truly unique.


Player Underwear. It has mesh areas for ventilation/perspiration.[/Quote]


Under Armour of Star Wars? :p


Builder Droid (Party member). I had to make it much more high-res. It's still a WIP at this point[/Quote]


Huge improvement over the original. Awesome work, what's new....


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Something must be wrong with my computer because I can't see the Builder Droid Picture at all in the spoiler box.


They are saved in my RoR album here on LucasForums. AFAIK, you need to be logged in to see them. I'll check and make sure that they aren't set to private.


The others are hosted on ImageShack, so they'll always show as links.

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