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Who are the deepest Star Wars characters?

Serpentine Cougar

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I'd have to say Mara Jade when Palpatine first dies, when she joins Talon's group you can't tell who she's working for and what her motives are...But Palpatine is also a pretty deep character...And I'd agree with Yar-El Boba Fett is also a pretty complex character...but not as complex as Mara or Palpy...:D

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one of the keys of a "Deep Character" is having the character transplanted to another universe, or setting and knowing what the character would do without missing a beat


The core group of Luke, Liea, and Han would be easy. Mara Jade is another well developed character


Sarlacc... we all know what its going to do, wherever it is...


So even a mousedroid would be a "deep character" then according to our definition... We all know its going to run around in a bee-line and beep.

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Anakin Skywalker for sure... hence having six movies based mostly around him.
I have allways felt that episodes 4, 5, and 6 were about Luke, Leia, Han, and the Rebels. I never thought them to be about Anakin. A New Hope was about Luke setting out on his own, and the Rebels' fight against the Empire. Empire Strikes Back was about Luke discovering his past, and the Empire finally catching up with the Rebels. Return of the Jedi was about Luke facing his past, and the Rebels' final push to destroy the Empire. Anakin's story was never really in the foreground for me. I guess its all about perception.
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Kreia definitely. But she has been mentioned a million times already. I think Thrawn is a deep character as well, but we need more books about him. A lot of potential there. Revan, and not just because he is my favorite character. Anakin Solo definitely. A total waste that they killed him off. And Jacen is deep, but his character development has always been poorly done IMO. So I don't think he really counts.

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