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R2-D2 look for T3-M4

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  Master of the Saber said:
Hey all, I want to ask would it be possible to make a model of R2-D2 instead of T3-M4? Or maybe change the models of all astromech droids? So is it possible.


I know you can import new droids. But it would be hard to find a proper modeler to do this. But T3-m4's body is very different from R2-D2's so you might have to reanimate it which would be near impossible

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  RakataDark said:
I know you can import new droids. But it would be hard to find a proper modeler to do this. But T3-m4's body is very different from R2-D2's so you might have to reanimate it which would be near impossible


Animations are not impossible, they just take a long time.

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  sithspecter said:
Animations are not impossible, they just take a long time.


Animations with the Skin-modifier are still somewhat impossible, I don't think MDlops has the code to compile it.


Regular animations like those for the doors and containers are indeed possible, like you've proved SS... unless you're on to something ;)


Anyway like SS said, animations are hard and an art-form in itself.

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I did a astromech droid prototype mod that had a R2 skin and a new body for T3. It wasn't the greatest of models but it was a change. The only thing is if I recall the prototype astromech body was only for K2 even though the skins can be used in K1 & K2.

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