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[W.I.P.] [K1] URM (Ultimate Ranged Mod)


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I was playing around with emiters yesterday, and I made a rocket that has smoke and explodes. That's not to say that I'm going to be doing anything major on this project yet...


Rockets with smoke...


...that explode.



And yes, I am holding two ion rifles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oooohh, flashy effects :p


Looks like SS is steam-rolling through his projects :lol:



Hmmzz, I'll be poked by GM again about using emitters, which I'm NOT doing :xp:

Well one of these days I will, but not yet now...


Because there seems to be an influx of posters who cannot seem to grasp that posts bumping this thread asking if it is still being made is considered off-topic spam here, and as such this thread will be closed if it is resurrected needlessly again.


Only Sithspecter may post an 'update' here to get this thread started again, all other posts will result in this threads closure.


Posts asking if it is still being made or other pleas for him to continue the mod need to be done via the PM (Private Message) system instead.


I have also placed this warning in the OP for this thread. -RH

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  • 11 months later...

Well, good news for this project, I've resumed work!


I've got a few models that I'm considering, but today I'm going to showcase the new Rocket Launcher. It's one of my best models thus far, and I have created (in my opinion) my best texture ever.






I don't have any pictures of it in-game, but it looks excellent, and I've modeled a rocket as well. I am very pleased with the smoke emitter which is trailing smoke instead of just spewing it.

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A rocket launcher! WOW! Suprised no-one's ever made one before, but I suppose you're one of the first to change weapon effects. Will it have a large area of effect, or just the target?


Anyway, good to see this mod's alive again!

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Wow, glad to see you've resumed work on this SS!


Anyway... damn, that Rocket Launcher looks sweet just makes me want to take it and start using it in-game.... I hate WIP threads, always has this effect on me...


Anyway, nice model and nice texture... and, about the model, how many polys made their way into it?

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Hey SS, have you thought about adding Star Trek Phaser rifles to this mod?


Not a big Star Trek fan, but I can look into it.


Will it have a large area of effect, or just the target?


Just the target due to engine restrictions.


Anyway, nice model and nice texture... and, about the model, how many polys made their way into it?


About 900, I think.


Here are pictures of it in-game.





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There's only one Star Trek rifle that I could imagine looking at home in both universes. That would be TR-116 as featured in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Besides having an interesting concept behind the weapon, it plain just looks cool. See link below for numerous reference photos.




Of course, "cool" is in eye in the beholder, I suppose.


Added bonus: it isn't a "phaser" but a projectile weapon.

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