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[W.I.P.] [K1] URM (Ultimate Ranged Mod)


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That is very true.


However, the E-11 by orsan could be done a bit better by SS at this point.


And the DL-44 you pointed to is in fact for TSL.


What i would really like to see is an improved version of the E-11 as well as a K1 version of the DL-44.


Edit: Ah, just remembered that Mono_Giganto might be thinking about making a K1 version of his TSL mod 'Law Enforcement Blasters' mod which contains a very good E-11.

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I might do some more Star Wars weapons later, but this mod focuses more on animations and ammo types. Here's a render of the minigun.



It needs a little texture work, but I'm just getting started in Photoshop.


Edit: Ulgh. That render was horrible. Here's a better one.

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This looks frickin awesome! could you make a bullet model and replace the entire blaster bolt model? And that minigun would have to be like 1 energy damage per bullet otherwise it would be a frickin goditem! I can't wait till you get this all done! killer mod! :)

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Would each bullet do individual damage? or would it just have bullet textures and only hit, say, twice? BTW, you should make a whole weapon set of like RPG's and modern day weaponry and also some springfields and things like that. I would totally worship you if you got all that done!

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This looks frickin awesome! could you make a bullet model and replace the entire blaster bolt model? And that minigun would have to be like 1 energy damage per bullet otherwise it would be a frickin goditem! I can't wait till you get this all done! killer mod! :)



Actually, a minigun only shoots one bullet at a time. The six barrels prevent it from overheating from the high rate of fire. There would only be one bullet at a time. I could easily make a bullet that replaces all the bullet models, but I'm just adding a lot more.


Wow, my posts are so outdated.

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Actually, a minigun only shoots one bullet at a time. The six barrels prevent it from overheating from the high rate of fire. There would only be one bullet at a time. I could easily make a bullet that replaces all the bullet models, but I'm just adding a lot more.


Wow, my posts are so outdated.

I know, but the barrels spin continusously (I can't spell today) dont they? or would your gun just be like a blaster rifle and shoot like one?
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One term hit me when i saw that render.


Spray And Pray.


Very nice work as always SS.

Yes, that is one badass-looking gun! Malak is no match for modern weaponry! Muhahahahaha! :lol:


EDIT: Muhahahahahahahahahahaha! Just thought that was needed! :lol:

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It looks like a complete copy! I can't model worth ****! Sure i can make a pencil, big flippin' deal! And actually, the Predator even might have a hard time! once again, kickass mod! By the time the whole Star Wars galaxy finds this in the hands of a dead US Soldier, it will have become the eighth wonder of the unknown world! Muhahaha! Not even kidding. :explode: seriously though, that model is a really good render!

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Thanks for all the comments. And, our favorite Mandalorian will have his own personal minigun, instead of that crappy repeating blaster he has now.


YAY! I was hoping you would say that! :D


Also, you said a few days ago that you would try and make this compatible with WoTOR, ans since WoTOR gives Candy The Mandy his own personal Blaster, you could make it compatible by making two character inventory (p_cand.utc?) files that contain your Vulcan (Tracer Rounds with Fire Damage! ;) ) Minigun and WoTOR's Blaster. One file could make Canderous wield the Minigun while having the Blaster in his inventory, while the other file is vice-versa. That way, you have a choice between Awesome and Awesome. :D

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