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[W.I.P.] [K1] URM (Ultimate Ranged Mod)


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Like I said, I'm gonna work on it. I'm exporting it again right now. I think I just must've done something idiotic, because I deleted the barrels (1,600 polys) and it still wouldn't work. I've had models that were larger poly count than that and worked. MDLOps 5 is really slow, but I'll reply soon. (Crossing fingers and praying)

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Well thank god it isn't the model. It would be sweet if you found out without having to go through all of the files or whatver.


P.S.: I think I have ADD. I am constantly refreshing to see if anyone's replied. I refresh about 30 times a minute. :lol:

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The left hand ISN'T holding anything. It looks not as good when you're shooting it, but it looks better when you just walk, not run. It is a replica model of the M134 A2 Piper Vulcan minigun, and I didn't pay any attention to where the hands are on the front grip. Just the back one. But, it's a minor issue, and I assure you, the benefits FAR outweigh that little problem. Benefits include: Fear and LOTS of bullets.

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It's alright. I've already replaced my keyboard four times. But, I think I'm going to take a small break. You guys have no idea what I went through making this. I spent a WEEKEND UV mapping it. And, I beat myself in the head several times before it was done. I'm probably going to release this as a teaser for URM sometime this week.

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It's alright. I've already replaced my keyboard four times. But, I think I'm going to take a small break. You guys have no idea what I went through making this. I spent a WEEKEND UV mapping it. And, I beat myself in the head several times before it was done. I'm probably going to release this as a teaser for URM sometime this week.


You sure do deserve a break bud, keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to seeing what else you come up with :).



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No, not too bright. It would give lots of people seizures if you had a bir bright muzzleflash about 7-8 times per round. At least not one like a flash grenade explosion.

That would be awesome!

*Imagines playing it, sniping down Sith Assassins, getting a seizure from killing Darth Sion*

(In TSL)

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