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[WIP] Canyon Workshops K1 and TSL total converstion mods.


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For some of you, you've heard about this and some of you will be thinking "What the hell is this?!".




A mod project needs members and boy do we have 'em!


Leader and uti expert-Ulmont


Vice Leader, Merchant maker and Scripter-DarthRevan243


Vice Vice Leader and Website Skinner-Spartan0728


Vice Leader and Skinner-WraithPrince




Module builder-Ferc Kast


We need another:


1 New Area Builder/Modeler


More help but not compulsery.


Our websites can be found here:








-The Canyon Workshops Team

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I see. A few more questions, if you'll indulge:


1. How can you fight Nihilus on Malachor? He's dead, as I recall.

2. What has collecting Spice got to do with the Sith assault on Taris? And why would a jedi ask for it?

3. How can Malak possibly survive the explosion on the Star Forge?

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Righteo! Question Time!


1. Because Nihilus IS the Exile, he has a 'bond' with the exile that allowed him to survive that battle on the ravager.


2. Uh...the Jedi hides the real reason which is to get rid of me. Does that work?


3. I said up on my post that his fore engergy (Soal) was preserved by his holocron. If he WAS flesh and blood at the time he would have died for sure.

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Not to impose on your story writing, I know how frustrating it can be to be told what you are doing doesn't work. However, it seems that if you were to do a few things here, you could avoid some of these problems. For example, you could always do the EU thing and have there be a lifeless cloned body of Malak for his spirit to enter. Or you can have him enter another person's body, sort of a possession thing.


Just a few suggestions. I too wish you the best with the mod.



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  • 1 month later...

A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away...


There was a modder, Ulmont, who wanted to create the Ultimate Team/Mod! So he posted around, looking for members:


First to join was DarthRevan243 (Me! :p) who was a talented dialoge maker. He became the Vice Admin.


Secondly came WraithPrince, a great skinner. He then became the Head Skinner.


Next Ferc Kast, who was good at making modules and skinning. He became a Module Maker.


After Jake Dakari arrived! He became a General Modder.


And then Spartan0728 arrived. He was a beginner modeler. He made Logos, wepons ect. He became Vice Vice Admin


Next Narrkatou joined. He could do pretty good skins. He then became a skinner.


After him Bindo245 joined. He was a member of Team Wraid before it 'Broke'. He became a NPC Placer


Then another member of 'Broken' Team Wraid joined: LordRevan999! He became the Vice Head Skinner .


Finally DarthDingDong/Marius Fett joined. He became a General Modder.


So with 10 members, the Team Was florishing! But there was one thing that the needed:




So we need somebody that really can mod as well as more modders: Quanon, SithSpecter, Doc Valantine ect.


Now we DO have something to tempt you with: Canyon Workshops T-Shirts, Stickers and Mugs! As well as the warn feeling you get when you help.


So do you want to join? You can by registering at:


Canyon Workshops Official Site



Here is what we intend to do:


Knights of the Old Republic



Project001: Masks & Dialog:


This mod will be adding some new items e.g full head gear, armour ect. There will be 2 merchants to sell these items, a Selcath on Manaan and a Wookiee on Kashyyyk.


Part One: Mandalorians Unite


We are going to be adding some

Mandalorian Masks, armour, wepons and belts to sell in the mod. There will be a big mandalorian raid on korriban in the valley of the dark lords. You'll pick op additional items on their corpses.


Part Two: Mercenaries


We'll be adding a Mercenary Enclave on mannan and (possibly) a side quest. There will be some mercenary armour to recive if you help them out and Jedi armour if you kill them.




None yet!


Project002: Armor & .mod Files


This project will be adding some stuff to Dantooine and somewhere else...


Part One: Sith Assault Armor E.O.D Varient


Some of you may have seen and or downloaded the sith assault armour by Ulmont. Well we're going to make an E.O.D Varient for the mod. I can assure you It will look better than the original SAA.




None yet!


Part Two: Dantoine - Trade Outpost


There will be a small quest here where you aid the Jawa traders to do some lovely maths for a BIG ammount of....homework!!! MU HA HA HA HA! and a million credits




None yet!



Project003: The True Sith


This is the mod that we've been focusing on lately. It's a continuation of K1 where after you kill Darth Malak his ghost (Force Energy) is preserved by his holocron on the Alien and republic outpost on Jambiim. Once you see that he's not dead you set off to Jambiim to stop malak from whatever he's up to. On the way you see a vision of Malak being revived by 'The True Sith'


Part One: Relics on Jambiim


You'll arrive on Jambiim to the republic outpost to find out that Malak's plan is to convert every living thing in the galaxy to the dark side and make every world look like Malachor V! You can either save the remaining republic soldiers and get a lift in the sister hawk or kill everyone and save a mandalorian captive and he'll take you to the next planet in the mod: Raxus Prime.



Part Two: Battle at Raxus Prime


After you battle with Malak on Jambiim, he and his holocron go round the galaxy converting, taris, dantooine, korriban until you canfornt his army at Raxus Prime, twin planet to Genosis. You fight wave after wave of his armada before you destroy malaks holocron turning the remaining corrupted people back to normal. You thought this would kill malak but you realise the true sith have revived him!...


Part Three: The Undead of Dantoine


Malak journeys to dantoine and finds Darth Bandon, dead, he uses the force Harvester (Picked it up while you were chasing him around the Galaxy) to bring him back to life. When you get there you must fight the true sith and a Stronger Malak and Bandon! You win but the true sith get away! You set off to find them. <Mod Finished and credits roll>




None Yet!


Project004: Endar Spire add-on


This mod will add 2 new ships to the battle over taris at the beginning of KotOR 1. You'll et to meet new enemies, NPC's and recruit a new Party Member!


The names of the ships are:


The Mora Sharp

The Taun Shock


The Mora sharp will have some Aliens, Rep Soldiers and Jedi. You'll do a small side quest where you'll be asked by a jedi to put on a space suit because you're the only one who'll fit in it, go out the airlock to fetch spice from the most evil villan of all time....ME! You'll fight me and when you kill me you'll find the spice on my corpse.(Reccomended after lightsaber trainig) Your reward is free access to the merchant who will sell you free yes you heard me, free items! The main quest is you'll be asked by the captain to go to the Taun Shock to save an important character...


When you board the taun shock you'll figh through sith after sith until you reach the Dark Lord of the sith, no not malak, Darth Venom, bandons apprentice. He has the character that you'll later recruit...Krat Shan! He's Basila's brother. When you kill Venom you'll recive his lightsaber and his belt that will make you look like him.


You'll travel back to the Mora Sharp and find that Bastila's crashed on Taris. The captain sends you, Krat and Carth Down to taris to rescue her...




None Yet!


Knights of the Old Republic: TSL


Project 001: Warp Band


We'll be doing another TSL wrp and cheat band but this one does not cheat, it spawns sith lords and jedi masters, warps you around the galaxy (Well, thats sort of cheating), fight an oppostie allignment of yourself and spawn corpses. More features coming soon...






Project002: The expanded story of Revan.


We'll be adding Revan for you to meet in TSL, you can find him on the ravager and in the secret tomb (We're going to change him so he's not hostile)




None Yet!


Project003: Random Gizka


Everyone loves gizkass, you just want to squish them and blow them up. Well we're going to put them on the Ebon Hawk so you can squish away!




None yet!


Project004: Consumed by Hunger


This is a small mod which will change the giant storm beast to nihilus without the mask. You'll fight him and find the real truth about him...




None Yet!



Thanks for joining!


-The Canyon Wokshops Team



Mod note: Threads merged. Please don't create more than one thread about the same topic. ~M

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I don't mean to discredit you but you haven't produced work of your own and seem to have just rushed a team together, you have only been around a month and I guess your little shown experience is off-putting. Its kinda like advertising with nothing to advertise with. People generally like to see some previous examples of work before they consider joining teams.


Also, the fact that you need a team suggests that you intend to work on a large mod and many people don't have a lot of time free for things.

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I mean no offense by this, but I think you guys better get a bit more prepared before asking for more people


Just a few comments:


If your going to make a modding team, try to stick to one project. Since you don't have that many people working on it, try to avoid huge projects, you'll just get confusion, and you mod won't turn out exactly the way you want it.




Mandalorian Masks, armour, wepons and belts to sell in the mod. There will be a big mandalorian raid on korriban in the valley of the dark lords. You'll pick op additional items on their corpses.


Just a little hitch to this part. The Mandelorians just got out of a massive galaxy wide war, that they lost. A big raid on a planet with nothing on it might not be the greatest thing for them at the moment. Why not try making a big war between something else, like, I don't know, War bots, or something like that. Just try to avoid using the whole "Cliche" "True Sith." If I'm not mistaken, a certain guy in a certain mask is pretty much the only "True" sith left, and you kill him in TSL.


A slightly cooler idea, if you want to go with the whole sith theme, would be something like, "What was Nihilus up to during the Mandelorian/Jedi War?"


Just my suggestion




Some of you may have seen and or downloaded the sith assault armour by Ulmont. Well we're going to make an E.O.D Varient for the mod. I can assure you It will look better than the original SAA.


Honestly, I've never heard of "Ulmonts Sith Assult Armor," but, would this have anything to do with the Halo 3 E.O.D armor?


But also, try to avoid comments like:


.....It will look better than the original SAA....




...who was a talented dialoge maker...


Try to avoid these kind of comments, they just get people fired up, and create bad publicity for yourselves.


And lastly, Doc Valentine is working on his/her own conversion, I can't speak for him, but I doubt that he/her will join


Anyway, have fun :)

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