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What would happen?

What would happen if Revan was in the GSC? (Galactic Civil War.)  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. What would happen if Revan was in the GSC? (Galactic Civil War.)

    • Vader and the Emperor wouldn't know what hit them.
    • He'd be too old to fight.
    • It's impossible.

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I have a new story, there's a lot more info in this one. It will be a one chapter per upload, since there's a lot of info in it. I'm currently working more info into it.


I'm just curious on your opinion, this is an open poll. So please state your reasons. The story includes Revan in the GCW. Please comment. I'll upload the story eventually.

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I don't think it's possible.


Presuming some kind of time travel, and not just Revan as a force ghost or really old jedi, I think when Revan first came on the scene, he'd probably have the advantage as a better tactician. Once Vader and Palpatine realized they were fighing a historical figure and knew something of his methods, they'd then have the advantage. I'm presuming that knowing where to lay the ambush in both cases would trump any power advantages had by one side or the other.


I like the quote. Whoever it's attributed to is probably a good bit more honest with themselves than either jedi or sith.

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interesting quote, more logical to my mind than the Jedi or Sith Codes. Where did you get it, PR?


I had it put in, before it was edited by the staff. I got it from a story by Rangermike, on Fanfiction.net. It's a code taught by Revan and his children going through a war with the True Sith. Or Pure Sith as Rangermike calls them.


It's a Grey Jedi Code.


I don't think it's possible.


Presuming some kind of time travel, and not just Revan as a force ghost or really old jedi, I think when Revan first came on the scene, he'd probably have the advantage as a better tactician. Once Vader and Palpatine realized they were fighing a historical figure and knew something of his methods, they'd then have the advantage. I'm presuming that knowing where to lay the ambush in both cases would trump any power advantages had by one side or the other.


I've explained the Code.


Well, remember the Jedi that lived for a thousand years? What if Revan learnt the same thing, but lived for much longer and kept his good looks?


In my story, Revan is a Grey Jedi. Trained in both sides of the force and a master of all Lightsaber forms.


Don't forget What Kreia says on Korriban.


If you were to face an Ancient Jedi or Sith in combat, you would find that we are Children compared to them.


So, he'd probably have a chance. Sorry for the originally posted by Kreia part. It was the only way I could get Kreia's name into the quote.

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I don't think it's possible.


I think when Revan first came on the scene, he'd probably have the advantage as a better tactician. Once Vader and Palpatine realized they were fighing a historical figure and knew something of his methods, they'd then have the advantage. I'm presuming that knowing where to lay the ambush in both cases would trump any power advantages had by one side or the other.


The advantage Revan would have over either Anakin or Palpatine is the older Jedi spent four years fighting against equal tacticians, and had to become a better strategist as well. It would be like pitting a modern Admiral against the likes of Yi Soon Shin or Lord Nelson. Both made their names by stepping outside the box and ignoring the book. As a tactician Anakin (Vader) might have a chance on the one on one level, but Palpatine's entire tactic was to keep the Jedi off balance.


Put it this way, I had figured out what Palpatine was planning before the 2nd movie was over. If I could a brilliant stategist would have worked it out that much sooner.

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I'm agreeing with mach on this one. Also, adding to his argument for Revan's quick pickup on what's going on in the GCW, the Jedi of the Republic immediately before the rise of the Empire were lulled into a false sense of security due to the extreme patience of the Sith. They believed the Sith were extinct and therefore would not have put much effort into keeping themselves alert for Sith threats.


Revan on the other hand had been both Jedi and Sith at different points in time, in a time frame where the Sith were still training in masses. If anyone you met could be allied with the Sith, you'd have to be very aware of the intentions of those around you. This heightened alertness coupled with the keen tactical senses Revan had would definitely provide him significant edge against the Emperor and Vader.

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Here's some info on the story.


Well, he joins the Rebels at Hoth. Han Solo picks him up from Kashyyyk. He'd moved into Jolee's old home and started to train. He picked up an Exiled Wookiee and trained him in combat not the Force. When I upload it here, it will be the first time it will be uploaded off my computer. You get first pickings of it.


He's going to train Leia and later Luke in the Grey Jedi ways. He's going to slay Yoda, when Yoda annoys him. Expect to see some old friends from the original KOTOR too, but not till much later than the GSC.


Including so far:


Story's Author's comment: This info is highly classified.


Expect some enemies too from KOTOR.




Story's Author's comment: This info is highly classified also.


Posters comment: OI I wanted to say.


Author: Tough luck.


Well it seems that I can't tell you yet.


Author: Tell them the Pairings.


The Pairings are: Revan/Leia, Han/OC, Luke/Mara, Lando/Classified. OC's will be with other OC's.

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MWAHAHAHA! Time Warps/Force Immortality/Unexplained Theory Of Fan Fiction, it seems. Oh yes! :D


But don't you think it's a little bit dark when he slays Yoda just because Yoda annoyed him? I mean, I'd expect him to mostly argue with Yoda about the flaws of the Jedi, but not outright kill him. :confused:

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I personally do not think Revan can take Vader. If you think about their origins, Vader was created by the midiclorian (sp?). Vader has a connection to the force, which Revan could not match on his/her best day. Revan had a biological mother and father. Vader was implanted into a human female host by the force. Otherwords, Vader represents a gathering of the force, which had built up to the point in which life was formed. Think about how much power surges through him. He is an unstable entity in which the force moves freely. Since hatred and anger makes the force even more powerful, Vader's abilities could be almost unlimited.


Revan's personality is based upon a military leader who depends on others. Vader is more likely to go rouge, kill everyone in a quest for power, and then develop a communist government. Reven according to canon is a light sider. Vader prefers to go one on one, and Revan needs others to help.


If you add Palpatine to the equation, goodbye universe as we know it. Luke couldn't defeat Palpatine alone. Only through the help of his father, Palpatine was able to be overthrown. Vader could have killed Palpatine without thinking. That is why Palpatine wanted Vader on his side.


Vader could kill Palpatine with a snap of a fingure, and then use a Force fart to kill Revan.

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I personally do not think Revan can take Vader. If you think about their origins, Vader was created by the midiclorian (sp?). Vader has a connection to the force, which Revan could not match on his/her best day. Revan had a biological mother and father. Vader was implanted into a human female host by the force. Otherwords, Vader represents a gathering of the force, which had built up to the point in which life was formed. Think about how much power surges through him. He is an unstable entity in which the force moves freely. Since hatred and anger makes the force even more powerful, Vader's abilities could be almost unlimited.


Revan's personality is based upon a military leader who depends on others. Vader is more likely to go rouge, kill everyone in a quest for power, and then develop a communist government. Reven according to canon is a light sider. Vader prefers to go one on one, and Revan needs others to help.


If you add Palpatine to the equation, goodbye universe as we know it. Luke couldn't defeat Palpatine alone. Only through the help of his father, Palpatine was able to be overthrown. Vader could have killed Palpatine without thinking. That is why Palpatine wanted Vader on his side.


Vader could kill Palpatine with a snap of a fingure, and then use a Force fart to kill Revan.


I agree; although I'm unsure if Vader could take Palpatine; if he could, why hadn't Vader killed him?


But with regards the poll; I can't vote for my option; which would be if Revan came in at the GCW time; Revan would loose to both Vader and Sidious in single combat (let alone them togeather); but more importantly where would he get any army to lead?

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I personally do not think Revan can take Vader. If you think about their origins, Vader was created by the midiclorian (sp?). Vader has a connection to the force, which Revan could not match on his/her best day. Revan had a biological mother and father. Vader was implanted into a human female host by the force. Otherwords, Vader represents a gathering of the force, which had built up to the point in which life was formed. Think about how much power surges through him. He is an unstable entity in which the force moves freely. Since hatred and anger makes the force even more powerful, Vader's abilities could be almost unlimited.


Revan's personality is based upon a military leader who depends on others. Vader is more likely to go rouge, kill everyone in a quest for power, and then develop a communist government. Reven according to canon is a light sider. Vader prefers to go one on one, and Revan needs others to help.


If you add Palpatine to the equation, goodbye universe as we know it. Luke couldn't defeat Palpatine alone. Only through the help of his father, Palpatine was able to be overthrown. Vader could have killed Palpatine without thinking. That is why Palpatine wanted Vader on his side.


Vader could kill Palpatine with a snap of a fingure, and then use a Force fart to kill Revan.


Lucas said it himself - if vader had not been put in his suit, he would be 200% of Palpatine's power by Episode four - as it is, he had 80% of palpatines power by then.


The fact thta Vader fell into lava practically destroyed his force potential, while Revan is still a hurricane of the force.

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Well, also, when we look at what Revan has seen and done.


Revan, at least when I play, always learns the dark side of the force (Even though I play LS) as well as the buff-type force powers. Then, he has bested a Taranatek (Sp?) in combat, hell even two at the same time! Stolen Naga Sadow's Poison Blade; and, to top that off, he defeated Malak.


I generally thought of Malak as the Vader to Revan's Palpatine. Malak was more prone to give in to his anger and lash out a people for the simplest of mistakes, much like Vader. (See Ep. 5) Whereas Revan seemed to be more reasonable, more calculating. Every action Revan took, in my mind, was calculated to reach a single goal.


So, either Revan would totally destroy Vader and Palpatine, or he would just say "Screw it, this isn't my war!"


Revan would be able to totally destroy Vader in the same type of way that Palpatine lured Luke out in Ep. 6, with veiled threats and other slanders. Eventually he'd be able to get Vader to lash out in his anger and attack him in his fury, and Revan would be able to just act calmly and kill Vader easily.


After all, when you're mad, you don't exactly think things all the way through, do you?


Then, the Emperor would be the tricky bit. Revan would be able to dispatch him in one of two ways. Either by destroying whatever craft; building; or planet he is currently in, or, if the Emperor realizes who Revan is and tries to get him to become his apprentice, Revan could then work his way close and kill him there.


That, or the most oft overlooked way, overwhelming firepower.


Anybody here played JK2:JO? In it you had the Imperial Heavy Repeater, which its only use really was to overwhelm your Jedi Opponents, who had Lightsabers, with blaster/metal bolts. Apply this concept with an even higher rate of fire and more bang. The Emperor wouldn't know what hit him!


That or an Orbital Strike could just kill him, after all, not much survives being pounded by Turbolasers at less than 200 miles.


So, through conventional or non-conventional means, Revan is going to be able to kill both Vader and the Emperor easily. That or just leave and live like Jolee did.

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Light or Dark: Which is stronger?


I have noticed a penchant for our younger member to assume the dark is automatically stronger. The problem is, as Yoda tells Luke, ‘Not stronger, just more ready to come‘.


Was Yoda lying? Who protected the Galaxy for 25,000 years? The Sith?


Another member of our boards likened Anakin/Vader to Jesus since his father was the Force. But unlimited power doesn’t mean anything. There have been a lot of times in history where the powerful were laid low by the ‘weak’. For example, in historical just off the top of my head:


The tale of Gideon in the Bible, the Invasion of Greece by Darius and his Son Xerxes. The Greeks against the Maccabeus, The Spanish Armada, Midway, all four Arab Israeli wars, Vietnam and Afghanistan. In each case looking at the forces, the winners should have lost.


In all but three, there were advantages the smaller side had, but those others were force on force with no way the enemy should have lost. The Greek invasions ran into a group of people who had been fighting each other their entire history, and therefore were the more efficient. The Greek under Antiochus divided their force and were defeated in detail. The Armada ran into a difference in ship design that made the British ships more efficient and weatherly. All four of the Arab Israeli wars had a small more motivated (Originally) and trained (Lats three) where it wasn’t power but application of it. Vietnam had the ‘smaller’ supplied by two of the largest Communist countries, against a badly run and micromanaged American military.


But three of them were situations that defy easy analysis. As an example, the Battle of Midway was a stunning victory, and the battle became a war game for students in Naval Academies around the world, yet no one as the Americans has ever succeeded in winning except in the Pyrrhic sense since. The battle described in the Bible was supposedly set up by ‘god’ to assure that no one would believe the Israelis of that could have done it without divine assistance.


The one I know you will argue against of course is Afghanistan. The US and Saudis were spending between 50 million and 2 billion a year supplying the Afghans. But while rattling of the numbers sounds great consider this; except for 30,000 ‘foreign volunteers’, the Afghans fought that war with what was given to them and nothing else. There were no SAS or Green Beret Teams helping, no aircraft, tanks, armored vehicles. Just about 2 million Afghans armed with what an infantry man could carry against an Army we had feared for over 30 years, armed with everything a modern army can field, and they won.


Hell, during full combat operations in the Gulf war and Iraqi Freedom the US was spending a billion a day.


After all, this ‘superior being was beaten by Dooku, Obi Wan Kenobi, and Luke, and you can’t even use the ‘dark’ side as the reason if you intend to add Kenobi to that.


Others look at the ‘more ready to come in a fight’ argument and think, ‘the dark side uses their emotions so they will win‘. Again a specious argument. Raw fury and power does not guarantee victory.


To paraphrase David Weber, if raw fury was the be all and end all, the wolverine would be the dominant life form on planet Earth.


Comparing the dark side of the force to the light side is like comparing a berserker of legend to a Samurai. Both are exceedingly deadly, but at the same time, if it were these two facing each other, the Samurai would win primarily because his discipline would keep him going compared to the raw energy of the enemy.

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Yes! Somebody's quoting Weber!!!


Well, to your thing about the Beserker to the Samurai...


I can't say I agree with that comparison, look at the Jedi of the 'Light'.


Going from the movies, they're a bunch of superstitious people who are too cautious... That and they won't call evil 'evil' even if it ran up and bit them in the rear! "Only the Sith deal in absolutes" ~Obi-Wan. (Revenge)


But, yeah, I see your point. Though, looking at KotOR, the Engine is set up so that the Dark Side has an immense advantage.

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But, yeah, I see your point. Though, looking at KotOR, the Engine is set up so that the Dark Side has an immense advantage.


The thing is I have played the game dark twice. All I have to do is the opposite of what is helpful and I win as the dark sider.


Being the good guy is hard work.


As for the council, I see them as hamstrung by their own beliefs. In one thing I wrote in the Reference center I commented that the Jedi had tied themselves too tightly to the Senate, allowing that body to hamstring them. What do you do as a Council member when someone claims the 'neutral' Jedi are taking sides?


And why is it odd to quote Mr. Weber? He's an excellent military Sci-fi writer.

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Well, I'm not exactly using canon in my story. Characters: Yes. Story: Some. Revan's power: huge and not canon.


My Revan draws on both sides of the force, and is the Equivalant to LV 50.

Well since you said this, I guess that it would be an okay idea. Logically, I don't think that it would/could happen, so I chose the impossible. Feel free to write the fic though. Not like anyone is holding you back. ;)

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