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Revan's Flowing Cape & Belt (K1 & TSL)

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Well, I got an email earlier that it would be wise to wait to try out this out when it's more completed and I never got the chance to reply and then I got another one with the work so far.


Then I tested it and learned that Sithspecter still has a lot of work to do before I make a promotional video of the project.


Here are the results from my end when testing it.





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Man you must be excited working on this SS :D, the updates just keep coming fast and furious. You and Settoken have created quite the buzz.


That screenshot of Revan meditating looks great. I thought when you win a swoop race, the PC pumps his\her fist in the air?


As for other people working on similar models, I'm sure a tutorial would send modders on a virtual stampede. I know that I'd like to fix the Jedi robes so that the back flap doesn't look like a trap door swinging on its hinges :lol:. There are a few other models that people might like to see fixed (Bastila & Juhani have flaps), but it would be wrong of us to assume that SS has the time to do it all himself.


Keep up the good work :thumbsup:

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lol, it looks like he's growing tentacles of doom...good ol nwmax...

He's being chased by flying dark side ribbons! :xp:


I thought when you win a swoop race, the PC pumps his\her fist in the air?

On Manaan, it alternates between the fist pump and the bow, if I recall correctly.


Oh, and everything looks great. Keep up the good work. :D

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Yeah, I'm really excited. Everyone else is probably pretty excited too, from the responses I'm getting. In the swoop races, I've seen the bow animation, the victory animation, and a salute. But mainly the bow and the salute on Tatooine and Manaan.


I'll work on a tutorial after we finish this. But things like the flaps on the back of the Jedi robes will be more complicated to fix, if they're fixable at all. They don't have specific bones, and you'd have to create them and do a bunch on stuff with the skin. But Bastila's flaps would be exactly like Revan's cape. Except while I'm making a full body model, you'd have to do a supermodel that controls that so we could see Bastila's head. The unfortunate thing however, is that I haven't been successful in editing a supermodel. Well, I say editing. I tried to add the bones from Revan's cape, but the did absolutely nothing. But this may have been because I edited the wrong one.


Well, it was just a screwed up export, and things are all normal now. Shem, I'm sending the *fixed* files as soon as they'll upload, and then you can play around with it.


If I drank coffee, you have no idea how much I would've consumed by now. I think that modders are machines that can convert coffee into ideas and scripts and models...

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modders are machines that can convert coffee into ideas and scripts and models...


Amen :D


Damn you, don't you ever sleep ? Man !


Concerning editing suprmodels it's not very necessary...you're are creating one actually.

If you take any average body and head, place all helpers, import all anims in it and then delete the skins, well, you have a supermodel. You'll have weird things to repare, sounds events missing, scale issues etc...but if you rename it S_female02, the game will use it as its standard male supermodel.

But if it's for adding new bones, then I don't understand why it doesn't work for you.

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Amen :D


Damn you, don't you ever sleep ? Man !


Not really. (groans) Where I live, it's 2:07. AM


Concerning editing suprmodels it's not very necessary...you're are creating one actually.

If you take any average body and head, place all helpers, import all anims in it and then delete the skins, well, you have a supermodel. You'll have weird things to repare, sounds events missing, scale issues etc...but if you rename it S_female02, the game will use it as its standard male supermodel.

But if it's for adding new bones, then I don't understand why it doesn't work for you.


That's right. This will still work with Bastila, at least for the front flap, because I think it uses the same bone names, but right now I'm too tired to look it up.

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Thanks for posting the vid.


It realy looks good when running. We'll just have to wait for the other animations for you to finish. But if they're of the some quality as the running one, I have no doubt this'll be one hell of a quality mod! :D

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If I drank coffee, you have no idea how much I would've consumed by now. I think that modders are machines that can convert coffee into ideas and scripts and models...

You should try tea and crumpets. Works wonders for a man.

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Not yet. What I'm planning to do now is to finish the animations currently. But, the supermodel that I imported is missing 600 frames of combat animations. They were located in another supermodel, but I think I can only import a set of animations from one model (I'll ask settoken about it). Well, anyway, once I get done with the animations, I can import them into a supermodel, and set the Revan model to use that supermodel, and that already has the sound things. That way, I can edit the other one too, and it'll all work out, I hope. But I have to animate the whole thing before I do the supermodel. But then, I can import the animations into the regular supermodel, and do a hood fix. The easiest way to fix the hood, though, may be to just edit it to be a little bigger, because I really can't see the clipping in Max.

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The video looked great SS!! Oh btw, not that it matters but Bastila uses the bow anim on Dantooine when talking to the Jedi Council. Actually come to think of it, the PC and Bastila use it when training to be a Jedi too. At least I think so...

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I know you mentioned it before, but how are you going to implement Revan's flourish again, the one he does on his flagship just before Malak fires?


Is it going to be his normal flourish? Or worked into his combat animations somehow? And for his other combat animations, are you doing anything else unique or just leave them the way they are with a working cape?


One last thing, an idea I had... if you do use this for his normal flourish:




This would make a nice flourish when he holds 2 sabers:




And that one would probably be relatively simple to animate too. Just suggestions though, I'm sure you'll make good judgements on the whole thing :)

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Yeah, that's the one. I don't think it'll be too hard, but I'm going to finish the whole thing, then go back and do that. It's coming along nicely, and I'm almost done with all the dialog animations, and then I'll start on the... um... utility? animations. Like set mine, and activate sheild, and that kinda thing. The set mine animation always annoyed me the most.

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Hrm, question, kind of confused here... are you going to use that as his actual flourish animation? Or will that be his normal stance when he activates his saber, with the flourish being the standard one ingame already? Either way would be awesome if done right I'm sure.

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I'm going to use that animation as the flourish. It would be possible to make it his combat stance, but that would take a lot longer, and there's also the fact that if it's not done painstakingly so that the sabers touch, it would look pretty bad.

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Yeah, true... its probably better as a flourish anyhow... I'm trying to imagine what it will look like, but I guess we'll find out soon enough!


If its anything like the game, I guess it will resemble the normal flourish but follow with him holding the saber up for an extra second. Thats why I was saying it might work the other way... he could do the regular flourish, and have that as his normal stance while holding the saber. But then it would probably look awkward in combat, and you'd have to alter every single combat animation to start from that pose, which would take forever I imagine.

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