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Star Wars: Infiltrator

Gears of War-like open space shooter. You are an Imperial master spy sent to infiltrate into the rebel military. Location of the Tantive 5? Your work. Hoth? Your work. But nearing operation Endor, you're having second thoughts...

Yeah, I've thought about a stealth game too (assuming it is stealth on your idea), but about the second thoughts part... I dunno. Must every character we play with that starts as part of the Empire turn good later and redeem themselves?

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2 ideas. Both very similar. A Metal Gear Solid style Tactical Espionage game with a young Jedi trying to infiltrate a Yuuzhan Vong stronghold, then the 3 sequels would be him trying to solve some biotech crisis. The second idea is another MGS style 4 game arc, following a young recruit of the Rebellion in their early days, following him through his career up to the Battle of Endor or somewhere around there.

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