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Obama's Connection to ACORN?

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Posts on ACORN were moved from the Bank bailout bill to this thread which Yar-El had originally started (other posts got inserted ahead of it due to them being posted earlier than Yar-El's initial post in this thread). Some of the conversation may sound a bit disjointed in the first few posts as a result--the system merges posts by time of post, not by what thread they were moved from. --Jae


Not sure if anyone else has posted this but the Democrats tried to sneak a bunch of funds for Acorn into the bailout bill.


Acorn is a leftwing activist organization, that has gotten in trouble for voter fraud.


Oh and Barack Obama was not only their lawyer, but also served in a leadership role.


Because obviously giving funds to a group that helps out low income families is so much worse than say...getting money for a bridge and not building it....while keeping the money.

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Because obviously giving funds to a group that helps out low income families is so much worse than say...getting money for a bridge and not building it....while keeping the money.


Problem is that's not what they do, they in reality register people that don't even exist to vote and then flood polling places with phony votes for Democrats.


And Senator Obama has extremely close ties to Acorn.


Thing is if the Democrats hadn't blocked legislation recommended by Bush in 2003, or legislation that McCain supported twice once in 2005-06 and once in 2007, we wouldn't be in this mess.


But the Dems didn't want to lose their kickbacks from Fanny/Freddie. (sp?)

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Obama's Connection to ACORN?

It sounded like a second topic, so I opened up a new thread. Who is ACORN and what is Obama's connection.


The National Review: Inside Obama’s Acorn


Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Barack Obama's Closet:

But back in Chicago, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) is more important than Iraq or Washington. ACORN and its associated Midwest Academy, both founded in the 1970s, continue to train and mobilize activists throughout the country, often using them to manipulate public opinion through "direct action." It's sometimes a code for illegal activities.


Wall Street Journal: Democratic Ally Mobilizes In Housing Crunch


I'm reading up on ACORN now. Another poster had made a connection between Obama, the $700 billion dollar bail out, and a radical group called ACORN. Who are they? Where is the connection? What do they have to do with the bail out?


Original post:

Not sure if anyone else has posted this but the Democrats tried to sneak a bunch of funds for Acorn into the bailout bill.


Acorn is a leftwing activist organization, that has gotten in trouble for voter fraud.


Oh and Barack Obama was not only their lawyer, but also served in a leadership role.

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Problem is that's not what they do, they in reality register people that don't even exist to vote and then flood polling places with phony votes for Democrats.

Not that this is particularly unique to the Democrats.


And Senator Obama has extremely close ties to Acorn.

Considering it's a major political origination in his home town, that's hardly surprising.


Thing is if the Democrats hadn't blocked legislation recommended by Bush in 2003, or legislation that McCain supported twice once in 2005-06 and once in 2007, we wouldn't be in this mess.

"this mess" has been a long time building. And it's blame lies with everyone from the average american to the federal reserve. Democrats and Republicans alike. Also, in case you didn't notice, in 2003, Republicans controlled Congress.


Is the solution "give them more money"? Not really. Will it help? probably for a while. But the inherent problems remain in the market with bad lending policies and little oversight.


But the Dems didn't want to lose their kickbacks from Fanny/Freddie. (sp?)

And neither do the Republicans.

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How often is "sometimes"? What does the writer consider an "illegal activity"? Is it one defined by a clear law, such as breaking and entering, or is it protesting without a permit? Boycotting some goods or something?


"Dateline DC" seems to just put things next to each other and then presume that they have something in common. Because the disappearance of some guy is right next to where he's talking about other things, we are left with the conclusion they are related, which in reality they have nothing in common.


And lets be fair, if big business lobbyists can get money from congress to do stuff that is beneficial to the Senators, such as giving massive money to oil companies while they're making windfall profits, it's hardly unbelievable to think the other side might give money to people who support it. If the housing crash is kicking people out of their homes, then to avoid them living off our taxes and in the streets, we need to get them a home. Government-created projects are what helped bring us out of the Great Depression, it worked, and so it can again.

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You aren't denying that ACORN is involved in Voter Fraud? Strange. I don't know anything about ACORN or it's connections to Obama, but the fact that you're so blithe about the fact that Obama is connected to an organization accused of Voter Fraud concerns me.


I'm not denying or attesting to it, I'm saying IF it's true, it's not entirely unbelievable. I haven't found a lot of information one way or the other so I'm not sure.

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I'm not denying or attesting to it, I'm saying IF it's true, it's not entirely unbelievable. I haven't found a lot of information one way or the other so I'm not sure.


It was beyond merely involved, he was a lawyer for them and helped train their activists. That was his "Community Organizing" experience.

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Registering convicted Felons, dead people, illegal aliens, people that don't even exist, and people's pets to vote is illegal activity putting it mildly.


And Obama was not only their lawyer, but he helped train their activists, what do you think his "Community Organizing" experience was?

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Registering convicted Felons, dead people, illegal aliens, people that don't even exist, and people's pets to vote is illegal activity putting it mildly.

A lot of groups do that on all sides. How the hell do you think Ross Perot got so many votes in '92?


And Obama was not only their lawyer, but he helped train their activists, what do you think his "Community Organizing" experience was?

I don't see how him representing someone legally makes him "one of them". Also, we know his community organizing records and what he did as an organizer.



Besides, George Bush used to do coke, drive his car and drink a beer at the same time.


We still elected him.

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Acorn workers have been implicated in voter fraud in WI in 2004 and again in recent months--it's a pretty big issue here.


That does not mean Obama even knew about voter fraud in Chicago.


Then again, I take that back--everyone knows there's voter fraud in Chicago. However, whether Obama was involved in it or not is another issue.

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Acorn workers have been implicated in voter fraud in WI in 2004 and again in recent months--it's a pretty big issue here.


That does not mean Obama even knew about voter fraud in Chicago.


Then again, I take that back--everyone knows there's voter fraud in Chicago. However, whether Obama was involved in it or not is another issue.


Ah but he was their lawyer and helped train their people in Chicago back when he was a Community Organizer.

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Ah but he was their lawyer and helped train their people in Chicago back when he was a Community Organizer.


no, he didn't. He represented their people in legal situations. His records as community orginizer do not include "training activists". Unless you've got some links to back you up?

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Ah but he was their lawyer and helped train their people in Chicago back when he was a Community Organizer.

Do you have a source beyond Fox News, Rush Limbaugh or any other bias entertainment source? Is this a similar type of attack as the Swift Boat attacks on John Kerry or Jerry Killian attacks on President Bush’s military record?

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Ah but he was their lawyer and helped train their people in Chicago back when he was a Community Organizer.


Again, simply being legal counsel in court hearings does not provide one privileged information to all acts that take place, simply what happens when he represents them and what he's representing them for.


And just because they're known vote frauders doesn't mean his association is something negative. Thousands of non-douchebags join PETA despite it mainly being pretentious douchebags.

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Ah but he was their lawyer and helped train their people in Chicago back when he was a Community Organizer.


That doesn't mean he trained them to commit fraud, or that he even knew that some people were committing this fraud. When I became a deputy registrar in Ohio and was registering voters, I was carefully informed by the staff about the law regarding those registrations, and what to do and not do (e.g. don't register dead people, etc.). In fact, if he knew about fraud and didn't do something to stop it, he'd have been disbarred and likely brought up on charges for violating election law.

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I dunno Jae, a lot of people get away with a lot of stuff. I'm not saying he's guilty of any wrongdoing, just pointing out that with Chicago being what it is, it is pretty suspicious.


Of course I had a friend who was a defense lawyer. He defended several people that were pretty well guilty. He didn't want to know if they had really done it or not, instead he always started with the assumption that the accusations were false.

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He was more than merely a lawyer for them:



This also ties into the bailout, but the two are interrelated


From article

In the "agreement in principle," there is the effect of a major "earmark" which commits money from future "profits" to be given to nonprofits organizations like ACORN, National Council of La Raza and potentially the National Urban League. This agreement clearly evidences that the Government expects to benefit in the future from the bailout when the values of property rises and mortgages or properties are then sold by the Federal government. The agreement --
"Directs a certain percentage of future profits to the Affordable Housing Fund and the Capital Magnet Fund to meet America's housing needs."

In the proposed bailout agreement, Sen. Christopher Dodd, the Senate Banking Committee and other Democrats desire to pre-direct that future funds (profits) not be returned to the taxpayers via the treasury but that they be used to underwrite potential questionable (maybe even illegal activities) of certain nonprofits which have had a hand in promoting and expanding access to "no money down" loans for minorities, illegal voter registrations and extensive lobbying activities.


The article goes on to say:

ACORN is the agency where Sen. Barack Obama worked as a trainer for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform (ACORN), whose affiliate, Project Vote, is known for voter fraud. It is this same organization from which a large part of the mortgage mess has grown. After Harvard Law School, Obama provided legal representation for ACORN. Obama sat on the boards of the philanthropic Woods Foundation and the Joyce Foundation which both funneled millions of dollars to ACORN.


I think it's more than just a legally representing them in a court case.

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What does this article have to do with Obama training ACORN in how to perform illegal acts?

In those years' date=' he also conducted leadership-training seminars for ACORN's up-and-coming organizers. That is, Obama was training the army of ACORN organizers who participated in Madeline Talbott's drive against Chicago's banks.[/Quote']

Oh my God, he conducted leadership-training seminars. Well I’m in trouble too, because I have done the same thing within my company and the community. Again, what does that have to do with voter fraud?


What was Obama connection to illegal activity with ACORN? The only thing I see illegal about ACORN is voter fraud, so what is Obama connection to voter fraud? Saying he trained members has nothing to do with it, unless he trained them in how to commit voters fraud.

I think it's more than just a legally representing them in a court case.
Yes, but there is nothing illegal or unethical about being associated with them unless he was involved in illegal activity or knew about the activity.


I helped train a group of accountants to play volleyball as a team for the company picnic, by the end of the next year their firm was out of business due to fraud which involved members of the team. I also had donated money to a charity drive conducted by their company. I’m I guilty by association?


People committing illegal activities usually don’t advertise that they are involved in illegal activity. So unless there is proof that Obama was involved in the illegal activity or proof that he has spider sense I will hold him blameless.

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Quoting the Article again:

ACORN is the agency where Sen. Barack Obama worked as a trainer for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform (ACORN), whose affiliate, Project Vote, is known for voter fraud. It is this same organization from which a large part of the mortgage mess has grown. After Harvard Law School, Obama provided legal representation for ACORN. Obama sat on the boards of the philanthropic Woods Foundation and the Joyce Foundation which both funneled millions of dollars to ACORN.


Also I need to find the source again, but on at least one of those foundations, Obama was in charge of finances and that was his "executive experience."

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Again, what is illegal about this?


ACORN is not a drug cartel or a prostitution ring. Working for them does not make Obama a criminal, no more than working for Enron or Arthur Anderson made my friends criminals.


So what proof do you have that Obama was involved with voter fraud? Do you have proof of any other illegal activity performed by ACORN? If so, where is the proof of Obama’s involvement or knowledge?


Just because the author of the article used illegal sounding terms like funneled, does not make it illegal.

Obama sat on the boards of the philanthropic Woods Foundation and the Joyce Foundation which both contributed millions of dollars to ACORN[/Quote] Fixed! Feel better?
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Again, what is illegal about this?


Aside from him being involved in forcing banks to make the loans that caused this mess, and potentially being involved in voter fraud. At very least he needs to be investigated.


ACORN is not a drug cartel or a prostitution ring. Working for them does not make Obama a criminal, no more than working for Enron or Arthur Anderson made my friends criminals.


No, they just violate federal law and try to hijack the election process to get radicals elected into office.


So what proof do you have that Obama was involved with voter fraud? Do you have proof of any other illegal activity performed by ACORN? If so, where is the proof of Obama’s involvement or knowledge?


There is enough there to demand further investigation.


Just because the author of the article used illegal sounding terms like funneled, does not make it illegal. Fixed! Feel better?


Actually I don't feel any better, because you're distorting the article, those two foundations were supposed to be funding education, and instead they are funding a left-wing radical organization and Ayers' pet projects.

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I trained a gal to do preliminary tests at one of the offices I worked at. A few weeks later we discovered she was involved in some cash missing from the cash drawer (which mysteriously 'reappeared' under a printer when she was confronted with the discrepency). We also discovered right around the time she quit that some peoples' personal items also had gone missing while she was around, and the theft problem went away when she quit.


I trained her. The office manager trained her on correct handling of the store's money and cash register. We followed policy, but this girl was just a thief (alleged of course). We were not guilty of her theft, and in fact trained her on appropriate company policy. However, we couldn't make her follow it. It also doesn't make us thieves because she was one--you're implying that Obama a. knew and b. condoned the illegal behavior, and we just don't know if either is true.


Sure, people can investigate if there was any evidence of Obama telling people to register voters fraudulently, and if legitimate evidence is found, it should be brought to light. However, I don't think we'd ever find that kind of evidence, because I don't think Obama had much to do with the day-to-day activities of the registrars themselves.

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I trained a gal to do preliminary tests at one of the offices I worked at. A few weeks later we discovered she was involved in some cash missing from the cash drawer (which mysteriously 'reappeared' under a printer when she was confronted with the discrepency). We also discovered right around the time she quit that some peoples' personal items also had gone missing while she was around, and the theft problem went away when she quit.


I trained her. The office manager trained her on correct handling of the store's money and cash register. We followed policy, but this girl was just a thief (alleged of course). We were not guilty of her theft, and in fact trained her on appropriate company policy. However, we couldn't make her follow it. It also doesn't make us thieves because she was one--you're implying that Obama a. knew and b. condoned the illegal behavior, and we just don't know if either is true.


Sure, people can investigate if there was any evidence of Obama telling people to register voters fraudulently, and if legitimate evidence is found, it should be brought to light. However, I don't think we'd ever find that kind of evidence, because I don't think Obama had much to do with the day-to-day activities of the registrars themselves.


Difference between you and Senator Obama, you haven't taken steps to hide your associations. You were honest and upfront about it, he was trying to hide it.

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Difference between you and Senator Obama, you haven't taken steps to hide your associations. You were honest and upfront about it, he was trying to hide it.


In order to "hide" something, you have to have done it in the first place. Since he hasn't done anything, he's not hiding anything. See the logic here?

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