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(For Lack of a Better Name) Canderous' Mandalorian Stuff


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I was playing through TSL the other day, and the idea occured to me that Canderous doesn't have any Mandalorian items in KotOR at all. So, I decided to give him some. First of all, I modeled him a helmet that is loosely based around Mandalore's helmet from TSL. You might have seen it in my Strange Model Problem thread. ;)



I'm planning on doing an armor reskin to match the helmet, plus glove and belt items.


Also, I've made a fully animated chain-gun for him to carry. It's one that is usually mounted in a fixed position, however, Canderous has made some modifications to allow it to be shouldered. It has a shorter barrel, and a built in power supply to crank the barrels. Plus, it has a nice, cast iron sheild on it. I gave it good stats, like a +5 defense bonus, but it has a -3 dexterity penalty because it has to be heavy to lug around.





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That's looking pretty awesome!


I have a question, though. Is it possible that you could model something to cover the neck? So the helmet looks connected to the armour...


You could make the neck armour wider to avoid clipping issues with armour's with neck armour.


May I also add that I loved that you balanced the weapons and made them realistic with their stats. I wouldn't feel like I was cheating if I downloaded that :p

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I have a question, though. Is it possible that you could model something to cover the neck? So the helmet looks connected to the armour...

Well, I have thought about it, and if I did model something, it would have to be pretty big to handle the head movements so not to clip with the neck, and I think it would look better all over if I just didn't. But, the armor variant that I selected does have a fairly large neck, so I don't think it should be much of a problem.


May I also add that I loved that you balanced the weapons and made them realistic with their stats. I wouldn't feel like I was cheating if I downloaded that :p

Yeah, I think it adds a sense of realism to it all, not just the uber-gun that kills everything in one hit. I did make it to where it shoots more bullets as well, but the dexterity penalty makes it pretty inaccurate.

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Well, I have thought about it, and if I did model something, it would have to be pretty big to handle the head movements so not to clip with the neck, and I think it would look better all over if I just didn't. But, the armor variant that I selected does have a fairly large neck, so I don't think it should be much of a problem.


Hmm... would it be possible to do something like you're doing with Revan's cape? Or is that too much work?


Yeah, I think it adds a sense of realism to it all, not just the uber-gun that kills everything in one hit. I did make it to where it shoots more bullets as well, but the dexterity penalty makes it pretty inaccurate.


That's actually really cool O.o

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lol you finally removed the weird texture problem? the multi-colored, position-changing texture prob of annoyance

don't mean to be rude, but the helmet looks kinda retarded by itself. Sweet gun, though. Reminds me of the AK-47 on Army of Two with the shield.

Kinda off subject, but when is your URM going to be released? I'm looking forward to your gizka gun and grenade launchers :D

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don't mean to be rude, but the helmet looks kinda retarded by itself.

I'm not quite sure what your talking about, but that helmet is awesome. To me, it looks almost like an almost perfect replica of Mandalore's helmet from TSL. And the texturing job on it is equally awesome.

Kinda off subject, but when is your URM going to be released? I'm looking forward to your gizka gun and grenade launchers :D

Its on hold, considering he has a lot of other projects he wants to get done, like Sleyheron, the Flowing Cape and Belt, this one, ect..

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I'm not quite sure what your talking about, but that helmet is awesome. To me, it looks almost like an almost perfect replica of Mandalore's helmet from TSL. And the texturing job on it is equally awesome.

Thanks for the compliments. I worked quite a bit on the texture, but it's really not that much of a replica of Mandalore's helmet, I just looked at the texture for a reference.


The gun looks a bit... 'cartoony' though. (For want of a better word.)

It's kinda supposed to be overexaggerated a bit, because the Mandalorians didn't have much on subtley.

Actually, the gun kinda looks like the chaingun from Halo 3.

I personally haven't seen the chaingun from Halo 3, but I based the gun on the GAU 19, which is a three barrel Gatling-type. I added the armor plate, which was inspired from a gun from Army of Two.

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